953 resultados para family control
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
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Proteins of the p120 family have been implicated in the regulation of cadherin-based cell adhesion, but their relative importance in this process and their mechanism of action have remained less clear. Three papers in this issue suggest that p120 plays a key role in maintaining normal levels of cadherin in mammalian cells, and that it may do so by regulating cadherin trafficking.
Recent findings relating to SOX transcription factors indicate that defects in organogenesis can be caused not only by impairment of the biochemical properties of transcription factors but also, in some cases, by deficient nuclear import. In addition, experimentally interfering with the nuclear export signals of some SOX factors has now been found to cause developmental defects. Controlling the balance of nuclear import and export might be a common means by which transcription factor activity can be regulated during development, and defects in these processes might underlie a broader spectrum of inherited developmental disorders.
We tested a social-cognitive intervention to influence contraceptive practices among men living in rural communes in Vietnam. It was predicted that participants who received a stage-targeted program based on the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) would report positive movement in their stage of motivational readiness for their wife to use an intrauterine device (IUD) compared to those in a control condition. A quasi-experimental design was used, where the primary unit for allocation was villages. Villages were allocated randomly to a control condition or to two rounds of intervention with stage-targeted letters and interpersonal counseling. There were 651 eligible married men in the 12 villages chosen. A significant positive movement in men's stage of readiness for IUD use by their wife occurred in the intervention group, with a decrease in the proportions in the precontemplation stage from 28.6 to 20.2% and an increase in action/maintenance from 59.8 to 74.4% (P < 0.05). There were no significant changes in the control group. Compared to the control group, the intervention group showed higher pros, lower cons and higher self-efficacy for IUD use by their wife as a contraceptive method (P < 0.05). Interventions based on social-cognitive theory can increase men's involvement in IUD use in rural Vietnam and should assist in reducing future rates of unwanted pregnancy.
Objective: To adapt the Family Wellbeing empowerment program, which was initially designed to support adults to take greater control and responsibility for their decisions and lives, to the needs of Indigenous school children living in remote communities. Method. At the request of two schools in remote Indigenous communities in far north Queensland, a pilot personal development and empowerment program based on the adult Family Wellbeing principles was developed, conducted and evaluated in the schools. The main aims of the program were to build personal identity and to encourage students to recognise their future potential and be more aware of their place in the community and wider society. Results: Participation in the program resulted in significant social and emotional growth for the students. Outcomes described by participating students and teachers included increased analytical and reflective skills, greater ability to think for oneself and set goals, less teasing and bullying in the school environment, and an enhanced sense of identity, friendship and,social relatedness'. Conclusion: This pilot implementation of the Family Wellbeing Program adapted for schools demonstrated the program's potential to enhance Indigenous young people's personal growth and development. Challenges remain in increasing parental/ family involvement and ensuring the program's sustainability and transferability. The team has been working with relevant stakeholders to further develop and package the School-based Family Wellbeing program for Education Queensland's New Basics curriculum framework.
Genetic control of adventitious rooting was characterised in two unrelated Pinus elliottii x P. caribaea families, an outbred F-1 (n = 287) and an inbred F-2 ( n = 357). Rooting percentage was assessed in three settings and root biomass was measured on a sub-set of clones ( n = 50) from each family in the third setting. On average, clones in the outbred F-1 had a higher rooting percentage (mean +/- SE; 59 +/- 1.9%) and biomass (mean +/- SD; 0.41 +/- 0.24 g) than clones in the inbred F-2 family ( mean +/- SE; 48 +/- 1.8% and mean +/- SD; 0.19 +/- 0.13 g). Genetic determination for rooting percentage was strong in both families, as indicated by high individual setting clonal repeatabilities ( e. g. Setting 3; outbred F-1 0.62 +/- 0.03 and inbred F-2 0.68 +/- 0.02 (H-2 +/- SE)) and the moderate-to-high genetic correlations amongst the three settings. For root biomass, clonal repeatabilities for both families were lower (outbred F-1 0.35 +/- 0.09 and inbred F-2 0.44 +/- 0.10 (H-2 +/- SE)). Weak positive genetic correlations between rooting percentage and root biomass in both families suggested a concomitant gain in root biomass would be insignificant when selecting solely on the more easily assessable rooting percentage.
Mothers are often alienated from their children when child abuse is suspected or confirmed, whether she is the primary abuser of the child or not. An abusive or violent partner often initiates the process of maternal alienation from children as a control mechanism. When the co-occurrence of maternal and child abuse is not recognised, nurses and health professionals risk further alienating a mother from her children, which can have detrimental effects in both the short and long term. Evidence shows that when mothers are supported and have the necessary resources there is a reduction in the violence and abuse she and her children experience; this occurs even in situations where the mother is the primary abuser of her children. The family-centred care philosophy, which is widely accepted as the best approach to nursing care for children and their families, creates tension for nurses caring for children who are the victims of abuse as this care generally occurs away from the context of the family. This fragmented approach to caring for abused children can inadvertently undermine the mother-child relationship and further contribute to maternal alienation. This paper discusses the complexity of family violence for nurses negotiating the 'tight rope' between the prime concern for the safety of children and further contributing to maternal alienation, within a New Zealand context. The premise that restoration of the mother-child relationship is paramount for the long-term wellbeing of both the children and the mother provides the basis for discussing implications for nursing practice.
Understanding the client's perspective is essential for good practitioner care in rehabilitation after stroke, and nothing is more relevant than enquiring directly about our clients' quality of life to inform our management. Relatively little is known about how older people with aphasia consider the quality of their current lives, and this article seeks to explore this issue. Four women's accounts of their life quality are presented, as well as their husbands' or daughter's accounts of their lives. Their stories share some common elements. Who you love or share your life with; where you live; feeling independent and/or in control; and engaging in satisfying activities mattered to these women's life quality. The impact of aphasia varies across the cases, and the need to accept change for successful living is illustrated in all accounts.
1, During embryonic development, a diverse array of neurons and glia are generated at specific positions along the dorsoventral and rostro-caudal axes of the spinal cord from a common pool of precursor cells. 2. This cell type diversity can be distinguished by the spatially and temporally coordinated expression of several transcription factors that are also linked to cell type specification at a very early stage of spinal cord development. 3, Recent studies have started to uncover that the generation of cell type diversity in the developing spinal cord. Moreover, distinct cell types in the spinal cord appear to be determined by the spatially and temporally coordinated expression of transcription factors. 4. The expression of these factors also appears to be controlled by gradients of factors expressed by ventral and dorsal midline cells, namely Sonic hedgehog and members of the transforming growth factor-beta family. 5, Changes in the competence of precursor cells and local cell interactions may also play important roles in cell type specification within the developing spinal cord.
The study examined the effects of conducting observations as part of a broader assessment of families participating in behavior family intervention (BFI). It was designed to investigate whether the observations improve intervention outcomes. Families were randomly assigned to different levels of BFI or a waitlist control condition and subsequently randomly assigned to either observation or no-observation conditions. This study demonstrated significant intervention and observation effects. Mothers in more intensive BFI reported more improvement in their child’s behavior and their own parenting. Observed mothers reported lower intensity of child behavior problems and more effective parenting styles. There was also a trend for less anger among mothers who were observed and evidence of an observation-intervention interaction for parental anger, with observed mothers in more intensive intervention reporting less anger compared to those not observed. Implications for clinical and research intervention contexts are discussed.
This thesis concerns the mechanism through which enteral delivery of glucose results in a larger insulin response than an equivalent parenteral glucose load. Preliminary studies in which mice received a glucose solution either intragastrically or intraperitoneally confirmed this phenomenon. An important regulatory system in this respect is the entero-insular axis, through which insulin secretion is influenced by neural and endocrine communication between the gastrointestinal tract and the pancreatic islets of Langerhans. Using an in vitro system involving static incubation of isolated (by collagenase digestion) islets of Langerhans, the effect of a variety of gastrointestinal peptides on the secretion of the four main islet hormones, namely insulin, glucagon, somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide, was studied. The gastrointestinal peptides investigated in this study were the secretin family, comprising secretin, glucagon, gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), peptide histidine isoleucine (PHI) and growth hormone releasing factor (GRF). Gastrin releasing peptide (GRP) was also studied. The results showed that insulin release was stimulated by all peptides studied except PHI, glucagon release was stimulated by all peptides tested, except GRF which suppressed glucagon release, somatostatin release was stimulated by GIP and GRF but suppressed by VIP, PHI, glucagon and secretin, and PP release was stimulated by GIP and GRF, but suppressed by PHI. The insulinotropic effect of GRP was investigated further. A perifusion system was used to examine the time-course of insulin release from isolated islets after stimulation with GRP. GRP was shown to be insulinotropic only in the presence of physiologically elevated glucose concentrations and both first and second phases of insulin release were augmented. There was no effect at substimulatory or very high glucose concentrations. Studies using a cultured insulin-secreting islet cell line, the RINm5F cell line, were undertaken to elucidate the intracellular mechanism of action of GRP. This peptide did not enhance insulin release via an augmentation of glucose metabolism, or via the adenylate cyclase/cyclic AMP secondary messenger system. The pattern of changes of cytosolic free calcium in response to GRP, which involved both mobilization of intracellular stores and an influx of extracellular calcium, suggested the involvement of phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate breakdown as a mediator of the effect of GRP on insulin secretion.
This study examined psychological mechanisms that underpin the relationships between perceived organizational family support (POFS) and a family-supportive supervisor (FSS) on employee work behaviors. Based on data from employed parents and their supervisors (N = 230) in 12 South Korean organizations, structural equation modeling results revealed three salient findings: (1) POFS and FSS are indirectly related to contextual performance through control over work time, (2) FSS is indirectly related to both contextual performance and work withdrawal through organization-based self-esteem (OBSE), and (3) control over work time is indirectly related to the two work outcomes through OBSE. The authors interpret these findings as indicating support for the focus on informal workplace family support and the need for research to examine the psychological resources they engender if we are to understand why these forms of support have their demonstrated outcomes. © The Author(s) 2012.
Fiatal felnőttek nagyarányú jelenléte a szülői háztartásokban nemcsak Magyarországon és Európában jellemző, de a fejlett ipari országokban általánosan megfigyelhető jelenség. Az Európai Unióban élő 18–34 év közötti fiatalok 46%-a él együtt legalább egyik szülőjével, a magyar fiatalok esetében hasonló az arány. A fiatalok kitolódó felnőtté válása azt is jelenti, hogy a szülők egyre későbbi időponttól kezdve rendelkeznek szabadabban idejükkel és anyagi forrásaikkal, a fiatal felnőttek döntései pedig részben szüleik részvételével történik. Jelen cikk arra keresi a választ, hogy a szülői fészekben élő vagy a szüleiktől részben függő fiatalok milyen döntési mintákkal rendelkeznek, illetve vásárlási döntéseikben mennyire önállóak. A kérdés vizsgálatát a szülői háztól függő egyetemista fiatalok körében végzett kérdőíves megkérdezés segítségével a szerzők elemezték, és arra is lehetőségük volt, hogy a családtagok által írt rövid esszék segítségével a kérdést több oldalról vizsgálják meg. Eredményeik szerint a szülői háztól függő fiatal felnőttek önálló döntésre képes, sok esetben szakértő fogyasztók, döntéseik önállóságát azonban a termékkategória, a családdal való kapcsolattartás gyakorisága, a családforma és a nemi szerepek is befolyásolják. ____ High ratio of adult children is still living in their parents’ home. This is a significant phenomenon that can be observed in Hungary and throughout Europe, while influences living trends globally. In the EU, 46% of youth between 18-34 years live with at least one of their parents and this same statistic holds true in the case of Hungary. This postponement of adulthood allows parents to enjoy more free time and have higher disposable income from later in life. The young adults, however, in the household make their consumer decisions under parental control. The purpose of this study is to explore the decisionmaking styles of young adults and their independence from their parents in shopping-related decision-making through a literature review and primary study. The survey focused on university students who are dependent on their parental home and short essays were also collected from family members of the target group in order to gain a more complex view on this phenomenon. According to the results the following conclusion can be made: young adults living in their parents’ home are competent consumers with individual decisions, in addition, they are consumer experts within the family in many cases. However, their independent shopping-related decision-making is influenced by product category, frequency of connection to the family home, family form and also sex role orientations.