275 resultados para epiphany sealer
This study examined origins of possible selves and the role of Epiphanies. Specifically, of interest was whether there are demographic or self-regulatory differences in possible selves derived from different origins. The sample consisted of 411 participants, with age ranging from 17 – 95. The data was taken from two previous research studies on possible selves. The first research question examined the origins of possible selves. Results indicate that possible selves are derived from Epiphany experiences along with internal and external influences, such as another person, or a particular event. The second research question determined whether there were any demographic, ethnic, or cultural differences in the origins of possible selves. Results showed age, cohort, and socioeconomic status had effects. The final research question addressed whether there were differences in the domains of possible selves derived from various origins. Results indicated differences in domains however there were no clear patterns. The first hypothesis was that possible selves derived from an Epiphany would be considered more important than those derived from other origins. This hypothesis was not supported. The second hypothesis was that hoped-for possible selves were more likely to be derived from an Epiphany experience than feared selves. This hypothesis was supported. The second hypothesis also stated that possible selves derived from an Epiphany were more likely to be balanced than selves derived from other origins and this was supported for feared selves only. Finally, the third hypothesis stated that there would be self-regulatory differences between selves derived from Epiphanies compared to other origins but this was not supported. Taken together these findings show that the origins of possible selves are important and especially those derived from epiphany. The role of an Epiphany on the formation and implementation of possible selves paves the way for important prevention programs aimed at promoting healthy development and promoting an individual’s well being.
Processes of social flourishing and their liminal collapse: elements to a genealogy of globalization
This article aims at exploring a long-term historical perspective on which contemporary globalization can be more meaningfully situated. A central problem with established approaches to globalization is that they are even more presentist than the literature on modernization was. Presentism not only means the ignoring of history, but also the unreflective application to history of concepts taken from the study of the modern world. In contrast, it is argued that contemporary globalization is not a unique development, but rather is a concrete case of a historical type. Taking as its point of departure the spirit, rather than the word, of Max Weber, this article extends the scope of sociological investigation into archaeological evidence. Having a genealogical design and introducing the concept of ‘liminality’, the article approaches the modern process of globalization through reconstructing the internal dynamics of another type of historical change called ‘social flourishing’. Taking up the Weberian approach continued by Eisenstadt in his writings on ‘axial age’, it moves away from situations of crisis as reference point, shifting attention to periods of revival by introducing the term ‘epiphany’. Through the case of early Mesopotamia, it shows how social flourishing can be transmogrified into globalizing growth, gaining a new perspective concerning the kind of ‘animating spirit’ that might have driven the shift from Renaissance to Reformation, the rise of modern colonialism, or contemporary globalization. More generally, it will retrieve the long-term historical background of the axial age and demonstrate the usefulness and importance of archaeological evidence for sociology.
El prólogo del De rerum natura de Lucrecio (1.1-148) parece ser un tema gastado: ha sido tratado decenas de veces tanto por su excelente calidad como por los problemas que plantea. Pero esperamos poder dar un nuevo sentido y solución a ambos aspectos. En primer lugar, el himno a Venus no es una mera convención, sino que respira sentimiento religioso; Venus no personifica a la naturaleza, sino al placer y la felicidad y ni la hegemonía que se dice ejerce Venus, ni las plegarias que contiene el himno contradicen la teología epicúrea. Todavía más, nos parece que el himno constituye una auténtica epifanía religiosa muy propia de la teología epicúrea. En segundo lugar, suponiendo que el autor ha tomado como tema compartido los schemata o grados de dificultad de la intellectio retórica en el texto de 1.50-148, se intentan solucionar las dificultades de coherencia del texto.
Introdução: Ao longo do tempo o Tratamento Endodôntico Não Cirúrgico tem sido das áreas da Medicina Dentária que mais tem evoluído. Todos os passos do tratamento têm sido revistos de forma a aumentar a taxa de sucesso. O controlo microbiológico é crucial para que o tratamento seja um sucesso a curto, médio e longo prazo. A assepsia deve ser mantida em todas as fases deste tratamento para que este seja um sucesso. Objetivo: Ao longo do meu percurso académico pude concluir que a fase da descontaminação dos cones, aquando a obturação (fase final do Tratamento Endodôntico Não Cirúrgico) era desvalorizada, o que me levou a efetuar uma revisão bibliográfica de modo a poder melhorar os meus conhecimentos e técnica. Material e Métodos: Para a elaboração deste trabalho foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica recorrendo aos seguintes motores de busca: B-on, PubMed, Scielo e ScienceDirect, com as seguintes palavras-chave: “decontamination in endodontics”;” disinfection in endodontics”; “root canal irrigants”; “endodontics microbiology”; “Candida albicans“; “Enterococcus faecalis”; “sodium hypochlorite ”; “alcohol”; “contamination during Obturation”; “clorohexidine”; “filling materials endodontics”; “termoplastic gutta-percha”; “obturation material”; “Mineral Trioxide Aggregate”; “resilon”; “resin cement”; “resin material for root canal obturation”; “resin sealer”; “root canal”; “root canal sealing”; “root canal filling materials”; “condensation in endodontics”; “lateral condensation”; “gutta-percha”; “microlekeage”; “system B”; “fluid filtration model”;“dye penetration”. Como critério de inclusão estabeleceu-se que os artigos deveriam ser em Português, Inglês ou Espanhol e publicados entre 1995 e 2015. Dos resultados apresentados foram utilizados 110 artigos, pesquisados entre Maio de 2015 e 20 de Outubro de 2015. Foram ainda consultados livros de referência nestes mesmos locais. Conclusão: a presença de bactérias e os seus subprodutos no sistema tridimensional de canais está diretamente implicado com o insucesso do Tratamento Endodôntico. A descontaminação dos cones de guta-percha, é, portanto, um processo importante no Tratamento Endodôntico pois impede que os cones sejam colocados nos canais radiculares, estando contaminados por microorganismos que inviabilizam o tratamento efetuado. A submersão dos cones durante um minuto em clorohexidina a 2% ou hipoclorito a 5,25% está indicado e comprovado como um processo eficiente de desinfeção dos cones.
El Museo de la Arepa es un restaurante que estará ubicado en la localidad de La Candelaria en la ciudad de Bogotá, con un enfoque de autoservicio que ofrece arepas típicas colombianas en cinco variedades distintas, cada una de las cuales representa una región del país. Sera constituida a través de la Sociedad por Acciones Simplificada S.A.S. El proyecto nace de la iniciativa de dos familias y de sus gustos gastronómicos y tradiciones familiares. Queremos crear un espacio de ocio dedicado a la cultura y a la cocina y que resalte uno de los productos insignias, símbolo de nuestra identidad colombiana e icono de nuestra gastronomía: la arepa. Queremos convertirnos en la mejor opción para comer arepas en Bogotá y ofrecerle a nuestros comensales, además de un producto delicioso y de la mejor calidad, un lugar de esparcimiento diferente en el que se encuentren con el arte local de esta zona por medio de exposiciones de artistas urbanos, presentaciones musicales y de danza y una conceptualización tipo museo del lugar. Nos encontramos en una etapa de consolidación y se espera realizar la apertura del restaurante en enero de 2017. Actualmente, se está realizando la búsqueda del establecimiento donde nos ubicaremos en La Candelaria entre los barrios La Catedral y la Concordia.