773 resultados para engaging stakeholders
The hospitality industry in Canada is growing. With that growth is a demand for qualified workers to fill available positions within all facets of the hospitality industry, one ofthem being cooks. To meet this labour shortage, community colleges offering culinary arts programs are ramping up to meet the needs of industry to produce workplace-ready graduates. Industry, students, and community colleges are but three of the several stakeholders in culinary arts education. The purpose of this research project was to bring together a cross-section of stakeholders in culinary arts education in Ontario and qualitatively examine the stakeholders' perceptions of how culinary arts programs and the current curriculum are taught at community colleges as mandated by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) in the Culinary Program Standard. A literature review was conducted in support of the research undertaking. Ten stakeholders were interviewed in preliminary and follow-up sessions, after which the data were analyzed using a grounded theory research design. The findings confirmed the existence of a disconnect amongst stakeholders in culinary arts education. Parallel to that was the discovery of the need for balance in several facets of culinary arts education. The discussions, as found in Chapter 5 of this study, addressed the themes of Becoming a Chef, Basics, Entrenchment, Disconnect, and Balance. The 8 recommendations, also found in Chapter 5, which are founded on the research results of this study, will be of interest to stakeholders in culinary education, particularly in the province of Ontario.
The purpose of this project is to provide social service practitioners with tools and perspectives to engage young people in a process of developing and connecting with their own personal narratives, and storytelling with others. This project extensively reviews the literature to explore Why Story, What Is Story, Future Directions of Story, and Challenges of Story. Anchoring this exploration is Freire’s (1970/2000) intentional uncovering and decoding. Taking a phenomenological approach, I draw additionally on Brookfield’s (1995) critical reflection; Delgado (1989) and McLaren (1998) for subversive narrative; and Robin (2008) and Sadik (2008) for digital storytelling. The recommendations provided within this project include a practical model built upon Baxter Magolda and King’s (2004) process towards self-authorship for engaging an exercise of storytelling that is accessible to practitioners and young people alike. A personal narrative that aims to help connect lived experience with the theoretical content underscores this project. I call for social service practitioners to engage their own personal narratives in an inclusive and purposeful storytelling method that enhances their ability to help the young people they serve develop and share their stories.
Reading is becoming nearly inseparable from life in the 21st century. Moore, Bean, Birdyshaw, and Rycik (1999) suggest that “adolescents entering the adult world in the 21st century will read and write printed text or alphabetical text more than at any other time in human history” (p. 99). However, engaging with text and reading activities is unappealing to many students in today’s classrooms. This major research paper analyzed contemporary research on reading reluctance and the factors that contribute to this reluctance. Additionally, the study examined previous research to better understand the characteristics of students reluctant to read in grades 4-6. This information has provided the foundation for a handbook designed to help educators identify and engage students who experience a reluctance to read.
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures En vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit Option recherche (LL.M)"
Au moment où les territoires périurbains se transforment rapidement sous l’impulsion des stratégies de développement de l’industrie immobilière, les préoccupations sociales en matière de qualité des paysages et des cadres de vie se font de plus en plus grandes. Devant ces enjeux, les actions aménagistes privilégient le plus souvent des solutions à partir d’un regard « expert » généralement étranger aux demandes sociales en présence. Devant l’insuffisance des connaissances des regards citoyens, il y a une urgence à développer des méthodes originales aptes à révéler ce savoir local. Une enquête menée à l’automne 2009 à Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, sur la Rive-Sud de Montréal, révèle la pertinence d’une approche anthropologique sous-utilisée et novatrice en particulier pour les recherches en aménagement : celle du « récit-parcours ». Permettant un accès privilégié aux récits ancrés aux lieux de vies, cette méthode a permis de susciter des discours singuliers et collectifs sur le territoire, de révéler des propos sur les imaginaires portés sur la ville et d’offrir un espace d’expression des préoccupations, des valorisations et des aspirations des résidants. Les résultats de l’enquête à cet effet sont concluants : ce que nous révèlent les résidants de par leurs expériences vécues des lieux et leurs cheminements spatiaux est incontestablement riche et pertinent pour la compréhension des enjeux collectifs d’un milieu. Les logiques existantes derrière les transformations de ces territoires bénéficieraient grandement de ce savoir localisé, complexe et ingénieux dont dispose les résidants de la géographie, de l’environnement, de l’urbanisation et des caractéristiques sociales de leur ville. Ce faisant, le territoire change alors de statut : d’un objet d’évaluation experte, il devient une mise en scène dynamique où s’inscrivent des fragments significatifs d’histoires faisant référence à l’expérience du vécu quotidien, mais aussi, à la potentialité des lieux. Par le biais d’une telle démarche et en conjonction avec des méthodes participatives, il devient possible d’engager une véritable réflexion plurielle envers l’avenir des territoires périurbains, en résonance avec les aspirations locales.
Grâce aux nanotechnologies, l’être humain peut maîtriser la matière à l’échelle du nanomètre — soit au niveau des atomes et des molécules. Les matériaux obtenus suite à ces manipulations présentent des propriétés nouvelles qui les rendent très intéressants pour nombre d’applications techniques, et ce dans tous les domaines technoscientifiques. Ainsi, les nanotechnologies sont souvent considérées comme les prémisses d’une profonde révolution technologique et sociale. Toutefois, si les nanotechnologies intéressent investisseurs, gouvernement, entreprises et universités, elles soulèvent aussi des questions éthiques, notamment au sujet de leur toxicité, de leurs retombées et de la modification de l’être humain. À ces questions s’ajoutent plusieurs interrogations sur la gouvernance des nanotechnologies : comment, en effet, encadrer en amont le développement de celles-ci pour éviter d’éventuelles conséquences néfastes en aval? Parmi ces interrogations, le rôle des médias dans les relations entre les développeurs de nanotechnologies et le public est souvent mentionné. Certains voient dans les médias un acteur auquel les chercheurs pourraient recourir pour établir un dialogue avec le public afin d’assurer un développement harmonieux des nanotechnologies. Si cette recommandation semble très pertinente, il n’existe, à notre connaissance, aucune étude empirique pour en vérifier la faisabilité auprès des acteurs concernés (chercheurs, médias, etc.). Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons donc voulu examiner et analyser les perceptions des chercheurs et des journalistes québécois envers des initiatives médiatiques pour baliser le développement des nanotechnologies. Pour ce faire, nous avons procédé à une étude qualitative auprès de vingt (20) chercheurs en nanobiotechnologies/nanomédecine et dix (10) journalistes spécialisés en vulgarisation scientifique. L’analyse des entretiens avec les répondants a révélé que si les acteurs rencontrés sont favorables envers de telles initiatives, il existe plusieurs contraintes pouvant gêner une telle entreprise. Suite à l’examen de ces contraintes, nous avons suggéré des initiatives concrètes que les chercheurs québécois pourraient mettre en place pour mieux baliser le développement des nanotechnologies à l’aide d’un dialogue avec le public. Ces suggestions consistent notamment à créer des médias privés pour les chercheurs, à recourir aux médias indépendants et à investir le web. De telles initiatives, cependant, ne peuvent s’obtenir qu’au prix d’un remaniement des priorités des chercheurs.
Compte-rendu / Review
Since 1999, with the adoption of expansion policy in higher education by the Chinese government, enrollment and graduate numbers have been increasing at an unprecedented speed. Accustomed to a system in which university graduates were placed, many students are not trained in “selling themselves”, which exacerbates the situation leading to a skyrocketing unemployment rate among new graduates. The idea of emphasizing career services comes with increasing employment pressure among university graduates in recent years. The 1998 “Higher Education Act” made it a legislative requirement. Thereafter, the Ministry of Education issued a series of documents in order to promote the development of career services. All higher education institutions are required to set up special career service centers and to set a ratio of 1:500 between career staff and the total number of students. Related career management courses, especially career planning classes, are required to be clearly included as specific modules into the teaching plan with a requirement of no less than 38 sessions in one semester at all universities. Developing career services in higher education has thus become a hot issue. One of the more notable trends in higher education in recent years has been the transformation of university career service centers from merely being the coordinators of on-campus placement into full service centers for international career development. The traditional core of career services in higher education had been built around guidance, information and placements (Watts, 1997). This core was still in place, but the role of higher education career services has changed considerably in recent years and the nature of each part is being transformed (Watts, 1997). Most services are undertaking a range of additional activities, and the career guidance issue is emphasized much more than before. Career management courses, especially career planning classes, are given special focus in developing career services in the Chinese case. This links career services clearly and directly with the course provision function. In China, most career service centers are engaging in the transformation period from a “management-oriented” organization to a “service-oriented” organization. Besides guidance services, information services and placement activities, there is a need to blend them together with the new additional teaching function, which follows the general trend as regulated by the government. The role of career services has been expanding and this has brought more challenges to its development in Chinese higher education. Chinese universities still remain in the period of exploration and establishment in developing their own career services. In the face of the new situation, it is very important and meaningful to explore and establish a comprehensive career services system to address student needs in the universities. A key part in developing this system is the introduction of career courses and delivering related career management skills to the students. So there is the need to restructure the career service sectors within the Chinese universities in general. The career service centers will operate as a hub and function as a spoke in the wheel of this model system, providing support and information to staff located in individual teaching departments who are responsible for the delivery of career education, information, advice and guidance. The career service centers will also provide training and career planning classes. The purpose of establishing a comprehensive career services system is to provide a strong base for student career development. The students can prepare themselves well in psychology, ideology and ability before employment with the assistance of effective career services. To conclude, according to the different characteristics and needs of students, there will be appropriate services and guidance in different stages and different ways. In other words, related career services and career guidance activities would be started for newly enrolled freshmen and continue throughout their whole university process. For the operation of a comprehensive services system, there is a need for strong support by the government in the form of macro-control and policy guarantee, but support by the government in the form of macro-control and policy guarantee, but also a need for close cooperation with the academic administration and faculties to be actively involved in career planning and employment programs. As an integral function within the universities, career services must develop and maintain productive relationships with relevant campus offices and key stakeholders both within the universities and externally.
Water is the very essential livelihood for mankind. The United Nations suggest that each person needs 20-50 litres of water a day to ensure basic needs of drinking, cooking and cleaning. It was also endorsed by the Indian National Water Policy 2002, with the provision that adequate safe drinking water facilities should be provided to the entire population both in urban and in rural areas. About 1.42 million rural habitations in India are affected by chemical contamination. The provision of clean drinking water has been given priority in the Constitution of India, in Article 47 conferring the duty of providing clean drinking water and improving public health standards to the State. Excessive dependence of ground water results in depletion of ground water, water contamination and water borne diseases. Thus, access to safe and reliable water supply is one of the serious concerns in rural water supply programme. Though government takes certain serious steps in addressing the drinking water issues in rural areas, still there is a huge gap between demand and supply. The Draft National Water Policy 2012 also states that Water quality and quantity are interlinked and need to be managed in an integrated manner and with Stakeholder participation. Water Resources Management aims at optimizing the available natural water flows, including surface water and groundwater, to satisfy competing needs. The World Bank also emphasizes on managing water resources, strengthening institutions, identifying and implementing measures of improving water governance and increasing the efficiency of water use. Therefore stakeholders’ participation is viewed important in managing water resources at different levels and range. This paper attempts to reflect up on portray the drinking water issues in rural India, and highlights the significance of Integrated Water Resource Management as the significant part of Millennium Development Goals, and Stakeholders’ participation in water resources management.
En la última década del siglo XX se comenzó a notar en el mundo cómo los valores y virtudes de la sociedad se veían opacados por el actuar de algunas compañías. Era normal escuchar cada semana noticias que hacían referencia a comportamientos antiéticos cometidos por los directivos de algunas prestigiosas empresas. Ante esta situación, el mundo empezó a despertar la necesidad de retomar los valores una vez más y a hacerlos parte no sólo de la enseñanza familiar sino también de la académica e incluso de la laboral. Surgieron seminarios en los cuales uno de los temas principales era la responsabilidad social empresarial y la relación con los stakeholders y el bien común. Sin embargo, estos temas no son nuevos; son conceptos utilizados en la literatura sobre administración para explicar el comportamiento de las organizaciones. Las teorías que tratan de fundamentar la responsabilidad social de las empresas se encuentran entre dos polos opuestos: aquel que reduce dicha responsabilidad a la consecución de beneficios para sus propietarios, y aquel que extiende la responsabilidad de las empresas para incluir a una amplia gama de actores que tienen intereses en ella. Aun cuando la teoría de los stakeholders es más atractiva, desde el punto de vista ético, carece de fundamentos sólidos que la hagan aceptable para diversas escuelas de pensamiento.
¿Cómo pueden las organizaciones llevar prosperidad a los que aún no la han alcanzado? De acuerdo con Cardona (1962), identificar los intereses comunes de empresas e instituciones sociales es el camino para generar bien común para la sociedad. Y ese bien común será mayor cuando las organizaciones trabajan en colaboración con los individuos y grupos con los cuales tienen una relación recíproca que cuando actúan solas. ¿Cuál es la relación entre bien común, responsabilidad social y stakeholders? Crosby y Bryson (2005) dicen que bien común es el régimen actual o potencial de mutuo beneficio producido a través del cuidadoso análisis de los stakeholders. Pocos autores han estudiado la relación entre empresa y bien común (Ardangoña, 1998; Montushi, 2007); sus trabajos se encaminan a mostrar cómo el bien común impuesto por el Estado es la base de la teoría de los stakeholders. En este artículo se muestra cómo más allá de dicha teoría y de la responsabilidad social, las empresas, al ser parte de un contexto social, contribuyen a la conformación de un bien común con sus stakeholders, de manera conjunta, lo que les permite interactuar con la sociedad con la cual cohabitan.
This guide will help you prepare for effective listening and note-taking in lectures, as well as giving hints and tips on how to get the most from seminars.
This is a presentation that introduces the envisioning (set up) stage of a project or case study. it sets envisioning in a framework of software engineering and agile methodologies. The presentation also covers techniques for engaging with stakeholders in the domain of the project: building a co-designing team; information gathering; and the ethics of engagement. There is a short section on sprint planning and managing the project backlog (agile using a burndown chart.
First of a two part set of lectureson Agile Envisioning. The lectures describe the process of starting up a project: building a shared understanding of the customer through Stakeholder Analysis and Personas