952 resultados para driving simulator


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This thesis reports on the creation and analysis of many-body states of interacting fermionic atoms in optical lattices. The realized system can be described by the Fermi-Hubbard hamiltonian, which is an important model for correlated electrons in modern condensed matter physics. In this way, ultra-cold atoms can be utilized as a quantum simulator to study solid state phenomena. The use of a Feshbach resonance in combination with a blue-detuned optical lattice and a red-detuned dipole trap enables an independent control over all relevant parameters in the many-body hamiltonian. By measuring the in-situ density distribution and doublon fraction it has been possible to identify both metallic and insulating phases in the repulsive Hubbard model, including the experimental observation of the fermionic Mott insulator. In the attractive case, the appearance of strong correlations has been detected via an anomalous expansion of the cloud that is caused by the formation of non-condensed pairs. By monitoring the in-situ density distribution of initially localized atoms during the free expansion in a homogeneous optical lattice, a strong influence of interactions on the out-of-equilibrium dynamics within the Hubbard model has been found. The reported experiments pave the way for future studies on magnetic order and fermionic superfluidity in a clean and well-controlled experimental system.


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Nel panorama motoristico ed automobilistico moderno lo sviluppo di motori a combustione interna e veicoli è fortemente influenzato da diverse esigenze che spesso sono in contrasto le une con le altre. Infatti gli obiettivi di economicità e riduzione dei costi riguardanti la produzione e la commercializzazione dei prodotti sono in contrasto con gli sforzi che devono essere operati dalle case produttrici per soddisfare le sempre più stringenti normative riguardanti le emissioni inquinanti ed i consumi di carburante dei veicoli. Fra le numerose soluzioni presenti i veicoli ibridi rappresentano una alternativa che allo stato attuale è già presente sul mercato in varie forme, a seconda della tipologie di energie accoppiate. In letteratura è possibile trovare numerosi studi che trattano l’ottimizzazione dei componenti o delle strategie di controllo di queste tipologie di veicoli: in moltissimi casi l’obiettivo è quello di minimizzare consumi ed emissioni inquinanti. Normalmente non viene posta particolare attenzione agli effetti che l’aggiunta delle macchine elettriche e dei componenti necessari per il funzionamento delle stesse hanno sulla dinamica del veicolo. Il presente lavoro di tesi è incentrato su questi aspetti: si è considerata la tipologia di veicoli ibridi termici-elettrici di tipo parallelo andando ad analizzare come cambiasse il comportamento dinamico del veicolo in funzione del tipo di installazione considerato per la parte elettrica del powertrain. In primo luogo è stato quindi necessario costruire ed implementare un modello dinamico di veicolo che permettesse di applicare coppie alle quattro ruote in maniera indipendente per considerare diverse tipologie di powertrain. In seguito si sono analizzate le differenze di comportamento dinamico fra il veicolo considerato e l’equivalente versione ibrida e i possibili utilizzi delle macchine elettriche per correggere eventuali deterioramenti o cambiamenti indesiderati nelle prestazioni del veicolo.


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Damage tolerance analysis is a quite new methodology based on prescribed inspections. The load spectra used to derive results of these analysis strongly influence the final defined inspections programs that for this reason must be as much as possible representative of load acting on the considered structural component and at the same time, obtained reducing both cost and time. The principal purpose of our work is in improving the actual condition developing a complete numerical Damage Tolerance analysis, able to prescribe inspection programs on typical aircraft critical components, respecting DT regulations, starting from much more specific load spectrum then those actually used today. In particular, these more specific load spectrum to design against fatigue have been obtained through an appositively derived flight simulator developed in a Matlab/Simulink environment. This dynamic model has been designed so that it can be used to simulate typical missions performing manually (joystick inputs) or completely automatic (reference trajectory need to be provided) flights. Once these flights have been simulated, model’s outputs are used to generate load spectrum that are then processed to get information (peaks, valleys) to perform statistical and/or comparison consideration with other load spectrum. However, also much more useful information (loads amplitude) have been extracted from these generated load spectrum to perform the previously mentioned predictions (Rainflow counting method is applied for this purpose). The entire developed methodology works in a complete automatic way, so that, once some specified input parameters have been introduced and different typical flights have been simulated both, manually or automatically, it is able to relate the effects of these simulated flights with the reduction of residual strength of the considered component.


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The thesis work is developed under the European Student Earth Orbiter (ESEO) project supported by the European Space Agency (ESA) in order to help prepare a well-qualified space-engineering workforce for Europe's future. In the following chapters we are going to analyse how to simulate some ESEO subsystem. First of all, the Thermal Subsystem that evaluates the temperature evolution of on-board instruments. For this purpose, simulating also the orbital and attitude dynamics of the spacecraft, it is necessary in order to evaluate external environmental fluxes. The Power Subsystem will be the following step and it models the ability of a spacecraft to produce and store electrical energy. Finally, we will integrate in our software a block capable of simulating the communication link between the satellite and the Ground Station (GS). This last step is designed and validated during the thesis preparation.


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La simulazione è definita come la rappresentazione del comportamento di un sistema o di un processo per mezzo del funzionamento di un altro o, alternativamente, dall'etimologia del verbo “simulare”, come la riproduzione di qualcosa di fittizio, irreale, come se in realtà, lo fosse. La simulazione ci permette di modellare la realtà ed esplorare soluzioni differenti e valutare sistemi che non possono essere realizzati per varie ragioni e, inoltre, effettuare differenti valutazioni, dinamiche per quanto concerne la variabilità delle condizioni. I modelli di simulazione possono raggiungere un grado di espressività estremamente elevato, difficilmente un solo calcolatore potrà soddisfare in tempi accettabili i risultati attesi. Una possibile soluzione, viste le tendenze tecnologiche dei nostri giorni, è incrementare la capacità computazionale tramite un’architettura distribuita (sfruttando, ad esempio, le possibilità offerte dal cloud computing). Questa tesi si concentrerà su questo ambito, correlandolo ad un altro argomento che sta guadagnando, giorno dopo giorno, sempre più rilevanza: l’anonimato online. I recenti fatti di cronaca hanno dimostrato quanto una rete pubblica, intrinsecamente insicura come l’attuale Internet, non sia adatta a mantenere il rispetto di confidenzialità, integrità ed, in alcuni, disponibilità degli asset da noi utilizzati: nell’ambito della distribuzione di risorse computazionali interagenti tra loro, non possiamo ignorare i concreti e molteplici rischi; in alcuni sensibili contesti di simulazione (e.g., simulazione militare, ricerca scientifica, etc.) non possiamo permetterci la diffusione non controllata dei nostri dati o, ancor peggio, la possibilità di subire un attacco alla disponibilità delle risorse coinvolte. Essere anonimi implica un aspetto estremamente rilevante: essere meno attaccabili, in quanto non identificabili.


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Patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) have an ongoing risk of sudden incapacitation that might cause harm to others while driving a car. Driving restrictions vary across different countries in Europe. The most recent recommendations for driving of ICD patients in Europe were published in 1997 and focused mainly on patients implanted for secondary prevention. In recent years there has been a vast increase in the number of patients with an ICD and in the percentage of patients implanted for primary prevention. The EHRA task force on ICD and driving was formed to reassess the risk of driving for ICD patients based on the literature available. The recommendations are summarized in the following table and are further explained in the document, (Table see text). Driving restrictions are perceived as difficult for patients and their families, and have an immediate consequence for their lifestyle. To increase the adherence to the driving restrictions, adequate discharge of education and follow-up of patients and family are pivotal. The task force members hope this document may serve as an instrument for European and national regulatory authorities to formulate uniform driving regulations.


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In Switzerland, approximately 350,000 people aged 70 years or older own a valid driving license. By law, these drivers are medically assessed every other year, most commonly by their general practitioner, to exclude that a medical condition is interfering with their driving skills. A prerequisite for driving is the integration of high-level cognitive functions with perception and motor function. Ageing, per se, does not necessarily impair driving or increase the crash risk. However, medical conditions, such as cognitive impairment and dementia, become more prevalent with advancing age and may contribute to poor driving and an increased crash risk. The extent to which driving skills are impaired depends on the cause of dementia, disease severity, other co-morbidities and individual compensation strategies. Dementia often remains undiagnosed and therefore general practitioners (GPs) can find themselves in the difficult situation to disclose a suspicion about cognitive impairment and queries about medical fitness to drive, at the same time. In addition, the literature suggests that cognitive screening tests, most commonly used by GPs, have a limited role in judging whether an older person remains fit to drive. Further specialist assessment, for example in a memory clinic or on the road testing (ORT), may be helpful when the diagnosis or its implication for driving remain unclear. Here, we review the literature about cognition and driving, for GPs who advise older drivers who wish to continue driving.


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Daytime sleepiness is a complaint of about 5-10% in a normal population. The consequences, such as impaired performance and accidents at the workplace and while driving, have major impact on the affected and on society. According to Swiss federal statistics only 1-3% of all motor vehicle accidents are due to excessive daytime sleepiness, which is in great contrast to a figure of 10 to 20% of all accidents derived from scientific studies. Due to the inadequate statistical representation of the problem, insufficient countermeasures have been realized, and the state of drivers breaching traffic regulations is not adequately investigated in this respect. The most prevalent cause of microsleep induced accidents is certainly lack of sleep due to social or professional reasons. A treating physician must also consider sedating drugs and various diseases. The typical characteristics of accidents due to falling asleep at the wheel and the risk factors involved are well established, so that informing the general public, taking prophylactic countermeasures and a targeted investigation in this respect of drivers who have breached the law are all feasible. Since symptoms of sleepiness can be recognized well before any impairment of performance occurs, the most important countermeasure is information of the drivers on the risk factors and on efficient countermeasures against sleepiness at the wheel. Besides correct diagnosis and treatment, the primary goal of physicians treating patients with pathological daytime sleepiness is to inform them at an early stage about the risks of sleepiness and the large responsibility they bear while driving. This information should be written down in the patients' records. Professional drivers suffering from daytime sleepiness, drivers who have already had an accident due to microsleep and unreasonable drivers should be referred to a centre of sleep disorders for objective measurements of sleepiness.


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Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) during flight is challenging and has to be sustained for long periods. In this setting a mechanical-resuscitation-device (MRD) might improve performance. In this study we compared the quality of resuscitation of trained flight attendants practicing either standard basic life support (BLS) or using a MRD in a cabin-simulator.


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We evaluated the concurrent and predictive validity of a novel robotic surgery simulator in a prospective, randomized study.


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We evaluated the face, content and construct validity of the novel da Vinci® Skills Simulator™ using the da Vinci Si™ Surgeon Console as the surgeon interface.