851 resultados para drama sound theatre
Multisensory interactions have been documented within low-level, even primary, cortices and at early post-stimulus latencies. These effects are in turn linked to behavioral and perceptual modulations. In humans, visual cortex excitability, as measured by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) induced phosphenes, can be reliably enhanced by the co-presentation of sounds. This enhancement occurs at pre-perceptual stages and is selective for different types of complex sounds. However, the source(s) of auditory inputs effectuating these excitability changes in primary visual cortex remain disputed. The present study sought to determine if direct connections between low-level auditory cortices and primary visual cortex are mediating these kinds of effects by varying the pitch and bandwidth of the sounds co-presented with single-pulse TMS over the occipital pole. Our results from 10 healthy young adults indicate that both the central frequency and bandwidth of a sound independently affect the excitability of visual cortex during processing stages as early as 30 msec post-sound onset. Such findings are consistent with direct connections mediating early-latency, low-level multisensory interactions within visual cortices.
Cocktail parties, busy streets, and other noisy environments pose a difficult challenge to the auditory system: how to focus attention on selected sounds while ignoring others? Neurons of primary auditory cortex, many of which are sharply tuned to sound frequency, could help solve this problem by filtering selected sound information based on frequency-content. To investigate whether this occurs, we used high-resolution fMRI at 7 tesla to map the fine-scale frequency-tuning (1.5 mm isotropic resolution) of primary auditory areas A1 and R in six human participants. Then, in a selective attention experiment, participants heard low (250 Hz)- and high (4000 Hz)-frequency streams of tones presented at the same time (dual-stream) and were instructed to focus attention onto one stream versus the other, switching back and forth every 30 s. Attention to low-frequency tones enhanced neural responses within low-frequency-tuned voxels relative to high, and when attention switched the pattern quickly reversed. Thus, like a radio, human primary auditory cortex is able to tune into attended frequency channels and can switch channels on demand.
Report on a special investigation of the University of Northern Iowa International Dance Theatre for the period December 1, 2005 through February 28, 2014
Excitation-continuous music instrument control patterns are often not explicitly represented in current sound synthesis techniques when applied to automatic performance. Both physical model-based and sample-based synthesis paradigmswould benefit from a flexible and accurate instrument control model, enabling the improvement of naturalness and realism. Wepresent a framework for modeling bowing control parameters inviolin performance. Nearly non-intrusive sensing techniques allow for accurate acquisition of relevant timbre-related bowing control parameter signals.We model the temporal contour of bow velocity, bow pressing force, and bow-bridge distance as sequences of short Bézier cubic curve segments. Considering different articulations, dynamics, and performance contexts, a number of note classes are defined. Contours of bowing parameters in a performance database are analyzed at note-level by following a predefined grammar that dictates characteristics of curve segment sequences for each of the classes in consideration. As a result, contour analysis of bowing parameters of each note yields an optimal representation vector that is sufficient for reconstructing original contours with significant fidelity. From the resulting representation vectors, we construct a statistical model based on Gaussian mixtures suitable for both the analysis and synthesis of bowing parameter contours. By using the estimated models, synthetic contours can be generated through a bow planning algorithm able to reproduce possible constraints caused by the finite length of the bow. Rendered contours are successfully used in two preliminary synthesis frameworks: digital waveguide-based bowed stringphysical modeling and sample-based spectral-domain synthesis.
This paper presents a framework in which samples of bowing gesture parameters are retrieved and concatenated from a database of violin performances by attending to an annotated input score. Resulting bowing parameter signals are then used to synthesize sound by means of both a digital waveguide violin physical model, and an spectral-domainadditive synthesizer.
For the recognition of sounds to benefit perception and action, their neural representations should also encode their current spatial position and their changes in position over time. The dual-stream model of auditory processing postulates separate (albeit interacting) processing streams for sound meaning and for sound location. Using a repetition priming paradigm in conjunction with distributed source modeling of auditory evoked potentials, we determined how individual sound objects are represented within these streams. Changes in perceived location were induced by interaural intensity differences, and sound location was either held constant or shifted across initial and repeated presentations (from one hemispace to the other in the main experiment or between locations within the right hemispace in a follow-up experiment). Location-linked representations were characterized by differences in priming effects between pairs presented to the same vs. different simulated lateralizations. These effects were significant at 20-39 ms post-stimulus onset within a cluster on the posterior part of the left superior and middle temporal gyri; and at 143-162 ms within a cluster on the left inferior and middle frontal gyri. Location-independent representations were characterized by a difference between initial and repeated presentations, independently of whether or not their simulated lateralization was held constant across repetitions. This effect was significant at 42-63 ms within three clusters on the right temporo-frontal region; and at 165-215 ms in a large cluster on the left temporo-parietal convexity. Our results reveal two varieties of representations of sound objects within the ventral/What stream: one location-independent, as initially postulated in the dual-stream model, and the other location-linked.
El llibre gira entorn de l’origen del drama com a espectacle. Fa una recerca de les arrels del gènere dramàtic tant a Egipte com a Grècia per observar-ne el context d’origen. Es constata que la música, el teatre i la dansa es vinculaven directament amb els primers drames sacres. Les experiències escèniques egípcies són comparades amb les incipients experiències teatrals gregues, que desembocarien en el naixement de la tragèdia. En aquest bressol, les figures d’Osiris i Dionís fonamenten el relat mític de les primeres representacions teatrals, on es produeix una connexió entre les pràctiques rituals, l'ús del mite com a expressió d'una conducta i la codificació dels seus continguts en un llenguatge escènic. També s’aborden les circumstàncies que van portar les experiències teatrals d'aquestes dues civilitzacions per camins diferents i van permetre assentar les bases del teatre occidental.
El objetivo principal de este proyecto es desarrollar más a fondo y consolidar los objetivos formativos y competencias del grado en Estudios Ingleses a través de un trabajo de escritura creativa, en concreto, la creación de una obra teatral original. Este trabajo consiste en, por un lado, una introducción al Naturalismo, como género literario en un marco cultural y metodológico, y por otro lado, la creación personal de una obra naturalista que incluye la primera parte del manuscrito. Este proyecto incluye un proceso completo de creatividad justificado gracias a las principales teorías de algunos escritores naturalistas, como: Émile Zola – como precursor del Naturalismo – y August Strindberg como uno de los mayores mentores de este género literario. Los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo son: la creación de una obra teatral original, una especialización en el movimiento Naturalista aplicado al teatro contemporáneo, y un profundo conocimiento de la lengua inglesa a través de la perspectiva de un dramaturgo.
L'assumpte d'aquest treball és el tractament que fa Belbel de les relacions familiars i, en concret, dels conflictes de comunicació, o d'absència de comunicació, i, consegüentment, esbrinar l'interès de l'autor a retratar uns tipus de personatges i famílies i de relacions familiars.
Teatteri-ilmaisun ohjaaja (AMK) on suhteellisen uusi ja tuntematon ammattinimike. Harvat tietävät, mitä teatteri-ilmaisun ohjaaja tekee ja mitä hänen erityisosaamisensa on. Avaan teatteri-ilmaisun ohjaajan työtä soveltavan draaman ohjaajana. Lähestyn aihetta sekä osallistujan että ohjaajan näkökulmista. Soveltava teatteri pitää sisällään erilaisia muotoja ja työtapoja. Osallistava teatteri, jossa yleisöä nimensä mukaisesti osallistetaan, on yksi soveltavan teatterin muodoista. Soveltavasta teatterista puhuttaessa usein käytetään lyhyesti sanaa draama. Draaman tarkoituksena on kysyä, etsiä ja tutkia. Pyrkimyksenä on oppia kollektiivisesti ja pyrkiä dialogiseen teeman pohtimiseen. Draamallisessa työskentelyssä toimitaan kokonaisvaltaisesti emotionaalisella sekä rationaalisella tasolla. Fiktiiviset tapahtumat ja henkilöt rohkaisevat mm. projisointiin, eli osallistujan omien tunteiden ja ajatusten sijoittamista draamaan. Nähdyn ja koetun sanallinen purkaminen saattaa auttaa osallistujia tulemaan tietoiseksi alitajuisista ja esitietoisista prosesseistaan. Näin draama voi kertoa osallistujalle jotakin oleellista hänen arvoistaan ja ajatuksistaan. Parhaimmillaan draama voimaannuttaa, opettaa uutta ja edistää luovuutta. Draaman aihe ja tavoitteet ovat aina yleisiä, eikä tarkoitus ole keskittyä kenenkään henkilökohtaiseen prosessiin. Draamallinen työskentely ei ole terapiaa, vaikka sen vaikutus saattaakin olla terapeuttinen. Draaman ohjaaminen on monipuolista osaamista vaativaa työtä. Ohjaaja tarvitsee ymmärrystä usealta kentältä, soveltavan draaman periaatteiden hallinnan lisäksi. Hänen on esimerkiksi hyvä ymmärtää ryhmädynaamisia ilmiöitä, omata pedagogisia valmiuksia sekä taiteellista lahjakkuutta. Teatteri-ilmaisun ohjaajan ammattitaitoa on liikkua siellä, missä yhden alan rajat loppuvat ja toisen alkavat. Hänet voidaan nähdä ikään kuin siltana eri alojen välillä. Yhteiskuntaamme luonnehditaan materialisoituvaksi ja tuottavuutta kunnioittavaksi. Draama kuitenkin vastaa ihmisen ikuiseen tarpeeseen tulla nähdyksi ja kuulluksi. Fiktiivisen maailman lumous ei ole vielä kadonnut, eikä tuskin koskaan katoakaan. Teatteri-ilmaisun ohjaaja vie ihmisen iäti tärkeiden asioiden äärelle. Siksi uskon, etteivät työt tule häneltä loppumaan.
Environmental sounds are highly complex stimuli whose recognition depends on the interaction of top-down and bottom-up processes in the brain. Their semantic representations were shown to yield repetition suppression effects, i. e. a decrease in activity during exposure to a sound that is perceived as belonging to the same source as a preceding sound. Making use of the high spatial resolution of 7T fMRI we have investigated the representations of sound objects within early-stage auditory areas on the supratemporal plane. The primary auditory cortex was identified by means of tonotopic mapping and the non-primary areas by comparison with previous histological studies. Repeated presentations of different exemplars of the same sound source, as compared to the presentation of different sound sources, yielded significant repetition suppression effects within a subset of early-stage areas. This effect was found within the right hemisphere in primary areas A1 and R as well as two non-primary areas on the antero-medial part of the planum temporale, and within the left hemisphere in A1 and a non-primary area on the medial part of Heschl's gyrus. Thus, several, but not all early-stage auditory areas encode the meaning of environmental sounds.