906 resultados para distribution network


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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No Pará, quase 21% de sua população, não tem acesso ao uso da energia elétrica na sua residência. Neste universo está o público alvo deste trabalho que são as comunidades isoladas. Dado a extensão territorial e a extensa bacia hidrográfica do Estado do Pará, estas comunidades dificilmente serão atendidas por extensão da rede de distribuição. A proposta deste trabalho consiste na sugestão de uso do caroço de Açaí como biomassa para um gaseificador indiano de 1 Kg/hora, co-corrente e topo aberto, adaptado e adequado às especificidades da região; o sistema de gaseificação é acoplado a um gerador de 2 KVA (Diesel ou Gasolina), para suprir com energia elétrica as comunidades isoladas, onde já existe a biomassa como resultado do processamento do Açaí e que vem sendo tratada como lixo. Neste contexto, foram pesquisados os programas governamentais que podem respaldar esta proposta, utilizando-a como uma das muitas opções de atendimento de energia elétrica através das fontes alternativas.


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Avalia sob a ótica do usuário, o sistema de abastecimento de água da Companhia de Saneamento do Pará, em funcionamento no Residencial Beija-Flor, no Município de Marituba-Pará. Dividiu-se o estudo nas etapas de levantamento de informações do sistema de abastecimento, de pesquisa de campo e de tratamento dos dados, em função da dimensão socioeconômica do consumidor, impressões sobre os serviços da concessionária, formas de uso, sentimento econômico e avaliação das inter-relações entre as variáveis estudadas. Constata que o Residencial é um conjunto habitacional horizontal unifamiliar. Demonstra através de análise dos fatores relacionados a desperdícios e vazamentos de água, que são consideráveis as chances dos hidrômetros residenciais estarem defeituosos. Afere o serviço prestado pela COSANPA como de má qualidade em função do entendimento de que a água fornecida é de má qualidade. Juga-se o preço da água da COSANPA em função da qualidade da água fornecida, aferindo-a como de custo elevado. Detectou-se grande chance de comprometimento ambiental do lençol freático e do solo, assim como de se adquirir doenças transmissíveis pela água, através da rede de distribuição, a quando de ocorrência de falta d’água. Avalia que entre as fragilidades da gestão da Companhia de Saneamento, destaca-se a deficiente comunicação da empresa com os seus usuários e como principal potencialidade detectada na gestão do sistema de abastecimento, se sobressai à rara ocorrência de falta d’água e o fato de haver um significativo índice de hidrometração. Constata que “ouvir” o usuário é uma importante ferramenta de auxilio ao aperfeiçoamento a gestão dos serviços de abastecimento de água.


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In an ever more competitive environment, power distribution companies must satisfy two conflicting objectives: minimizing investment costs and the satisfaction of reliability targets. The network reconfiguration of a distribution system is a technique that well adapts to this new deregulated environment for it allows improvement of reliability indices only opening and closing switches, without the onus involved in acquiring new equipment. Due to combinatorial explosion problem characteristic, in the solution are employed metaheuristics methods, which converge to optimal or quasi-optimal solutions, but with a high computational effort. As the main objective of this work is to find the best configuration(s) of the distribution system with the best levels of reliability, the objective function used in the metaheuristics is to minimize the LOLC - Loss Of Load Cost, which is associated with both, number and duration of electric power interruptions. Several metaheuristics techniques are tested, and the tabu search has proven to be most appropriate to solve the proposed problem. To characterize computationally the problem of the switches reconfiguring was developed a vector model (with integers) of the representation of the switches, where each normally open switch is associated with a group of normally closed switches. In this model simplifications have been introduced to reduce computational time and restrictions were made to exclude solutions that do not supply energy to any load point of the system. To check violation of the voltage and loading criteria a study of power flow for the ten best solutions is performed. Also for the ten best solutions a reliability evaluation using Monte Carlo sequential simulation is performed, where it is possible to obtain the probability distributions of the indices and thus calculate the risk of paying penalty due to not meeting the goals. Finally, the methodology is applied in a real Brazilian distribution network, and the results are discussed.


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The paper describes the preliminary studies of University of Minho on the use of Electric Impedance/Resistance Tomography to assess masonry structures. The study is focused on the analysis of values of current and voltage resulting from the use of an electrical source with voltage and frequency values from a distribution network. The analysis is made from results obtained through computer simulations, using a three-dimensional model of the idealized masonry structures. A finite element program was used for the simulations. Three types of electrodes were used in simulations, and the analysis of the results led to significant conclusions. Later masonry specimens were built and a series of preliminary tests were carried out in the laboratory. The comparative analysis of simulated and experimental results allowed identifying the factors that have influence on the physical results.


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In this study was shown the historical uses of compressed air by humanity, the general scenario of its uses and the most important steps of a project to set up an industrial network of compressed air, from the selection of a suitable compressor to the design of a distribution network, discussing all the possibilities and their characteristics as well as the feasibility of them. A case study was conducted in a food company where was implemented an industrial compressed air network. Information was collected regarding the consumers points of compressed air, as well as the layout of the new facility, necessary for the development of the distribution system. Two methods were used, analytical and nomogram, which complemented each other to the definition of appropriated tubing, both financially and physically


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Distribution networks are formed by long lines that carry electricity substations to homes and industries. These lines have associated impedance and depending on operating conditions of the network these impedances may vary. This paper provides a detailed analysis of the effects observed in studies of voltage drop, short circuit and electrical losses, when considered the drivers sequence impedances used in primary distribution network at different temperatures. Therefore, it is initially presented a calculation methodology and details the factors that influence the final values. The methodology presented tackles in a practical way the main factors that directly or indirectly influence the values of the impedances as an emblematic example and will be properly dealt with throughout the paper is the effect of temperature on the values of the sequence impedances. More specifically is dealt with the case of XLPE cables protected, by having a higher maximum operating temperature than the operating temperature of the network. The effects observed in the power flow generated when considering the impedance values at both temperatures were analyzed. The impedance drivers tend to increase with increasing temperature. Thus the impedance of the conductor XLPE protected will tend to be greater for the maximum operating temperature for which the operating temperature of the network, resulting in greater voltage drop and higher electrical losses


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Maintaining the levels of fluoride ion in public water supply within the parameters of adequacy it becomes essential so the measure carries a greater impact on caries prevention and control, without increasing the prevalence of dental fluorosis. Thus, it is necessary a rigorous control of the process, avoiding the undesired effects at levels above recommended levels, as well as avoiding levels below the recommended that do not offer the highest benefit. The aim of this study was to analyze the content of fluoride in public water supply in the city of Birigui, SP, with different sources of supply, checking if the fluoride levels are within the recommended. The samples were collected monthly from points previously established, with the knowledge of the distribution network of water and identifying the amount and location of supply sources and water treatment plant. Analyses were performed in duplicate in the period from January to December of 2009, in the laboratory - NEPESCO - of the Dental School of Araçatuba, Univ Estadual Paulista – UNESP, using an ion analyzer coupled to a specific electrode for fluoride. Of the total samples (n = 512), 44% (n = 224) had adequate levels and 56% (n = 288) inadequate levels, 10% (n = 49) lower levels and 46% (n = 239) showed levels above the recommended. There were differences in results when comparing the analysis of different sources. The fluoride concentration in the majority of the samples from deep wells was classified as inadequate not offering the desired benefit, or exposing the population to the risk of dental fluorosis.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)