968 resultados para dissipation-managed soliton
No-till management limits the incorporation of crop residue and fertilizer with soil resulting in wetter, colder soils and the accumulation of organic matter, phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) near the soil surface. Banding of P and K could be more effective than broadcast fertilization by counteracting stratification, applying nutrients in the root zone (starter effect), and minimizing reactions with the soil that may reduce their availability to plants. Therefore, this long-term study was established in 1994 to evaluate P and K fertilizer placement methods and grain yield of corn-soybean rotations managed with notill and chisel-plow/disk tillage.
In SW Ethiopia, the moist evergreen Afromontane forest has become extremely fragmented and most of the remnants are intensively managed for coffee cultivation (Coffea arabica), with considerable impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Because epiphytic orchids are potential indicators for forest quality and a proxy for overall forest biodiversity, we assessed the effect of forest management and forest fragmentation on epiphytic orchid diversity. We selected managed forest sites from both large and small forest remnants and compared their epiphytic orchid diversity with the diversity of natural unfragmented forest. We surveyed 339 canopy trees using rope climbing techniques. Orchid richness decreased and community composition changed, from the natural unfragmented forest, over the large managed forest fragments to the small managed forest fragments. This indicates that both forest management and fragmentation contribute to the loss of epiphytic orchids. Both the removal of large canopy trees typical for coffee management, and the occurrence of edge effects accompanying forest fragmentation are likely responsible for species loss and community composition changes. Even though some endangered orchid species persist even in the smallest fragments, large managed forest fragments are better options for the conservation of epiphytic orchids than small managed forests. Our results ultimately show that even though shade coffee cultivation is considered as a close-to-nature practice and is promoted as biodiversity conservation friendly, it cannot compete with the epiphytic orchid conservation benefit generated by unmanaged moist evergreen Afromontane forests.
GEOMAR's autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV Abyss REMUS 6000) was deployed within the framework of a multi-platform experiment in June 2012 with R/V Maria S. Merian cruise MSM21/1b at about 180 km downstream of Denmark Strait. The scientific payload included a pumped Seabird 49 FastCAT CTD system, a paroscientific pressure sensor, and shear and temperature microstructure profiler from Rockland Scientific Inc.. In total, six of eight AUV dives were carried out successfully. Aborts on three dives were caused by strong counter currents the AUV experienced in the Denmark Strait Overflow plume, which made the AUV fail to reach its waypoints on schedule. During all missions the AUV was programmed to dive at constant depth levels along? straight legs approximately parallel to chosen isobaths with a constant speed of 1.6 m s-1 through the water.
This paper shows that today’s modelling of electrical noise as coming from noisy resistances is a non sense one contradicting their nature as systems bearing an electrical noise. We present a new model for electrical noise that including Johnson and Nyquist work also agrees with the Quantum Mechanical description of noisy systems done by Callen and Welton, where electrical energy fluctuates and is dissipated with time. By the two currents the Admittance function links in frequency domain with their common voltage, this new model shows the connection Cause-Effect that exists between Fluctuation and Dissipation of energy in time domain. In spite of its radical departure from today’s belief on electrical noise in resistors, this Complex model for electrical noise is obtained from Nyquist result by basic concepts of Circuit Theory and Thermo- dynamics that also apply to capacitors and inductors.
La demanda de contenidos de vídeo ha aumentado rápidamente en los últimos años como resultado del gran despliegue de la TV sobre IP (IPTV) y la variedad de servicios ofrecidos por los operadores de red. Uno de los servicios que se ha vuelto especialmente atractivo para los clientes es el vídeo bajo demanda (VoD) en tiempo real, ya que ofrece una transmisión (streaming) inmediata de gran variedad de contenidos de vídeo. El precio que los operadores tienen que pagar por este servicio es el aumento del tráfico en las redes, que están cada vez más congestionadas debido a la mayor demanda de contenidos de VoD y al aumento de la calidad de los propios contenidos de vídeo. Así, uno de los principales objetivos de esta tesis es encontrar soluciones que reduzcan el tráfico en el núcleo de la red, manteniendo la calidad del servicio en el nivel adecuado y reduciendo el coste del tráfico. La tesis propone un sistema jerárquico de servidores de streaming en el que se ejecuta un algoritmo para la ubicación óptima de los contenidos de acuerdo con el comportamiento de los usuarios y el estado de la red. Debido a que cualquier algoritmo óptimo de distribución de contenidos alcanza un límite en el que no se puede llegar a nuevas mejoras, la inclusión de los propios clientes del servicio (los peers) en el proceso de streaming puede reducir aún más el tráfico de red. Este proceso se logra aprovechando el control que el operador tiene en las redes de gestión privada sobre los equipos receptores (Set-Top Box) ubicados en las instalaciones de los clientes. El operador se reserva cierta capacidad de almacenamiento y streaming de los peers para almacenar los contenidos de vídeo y para transmitirlos a otros clientes con el fin de aliviar a los servidores de streaming. Debido a la incapacidad de los peers para sustituir completamente a los servidores de streaming, la tesis propone un sistema de streaming asistido por peers. Algunas de las cuestiones importantes que se abordan en la tesis son saber cómo los parámetros del sistema y las distintas distribuciones de los contenidos de vídeo en los peers afectan al rendimiento general del sistema. Para dar respuesta a estas preguntas, la tesis propone un modelo estocástico preciso y flexible que tiene en cuenta parámetros como las capacidades de enlace de subida y de almacenamiento de los peers, el número de peers, el tamaño de la biblioteca de contenidos de vídeo, el tamaño de los contenidos y el esquema de distribución de contenidos para estimar los beneficios del streaming asistido por los peers. El trabajo también propone una versión extendida del modelo matemático mediante la inclusión de la probabilidad de fallo de los peers y su tiempo de recuperación en el conjunto de parámetros del modelo. Estos modelos se utilizan como una herramienta para la realización de exhaustivos análisis del sistema de streaming de VoD asistido por los peers para la amplia gama de parámetros definidos en los modelos. Abstract The demand of video contents has rapidly increased in the past years as a result of the wide deployment of IPTV and the variety of services offered by the network operators. One of the services that has especially become attractive to the customers is real-time Video on Demand (VoD) because it offers an immediate streaming of a large variety of video contents. The price that the operators have to pay for this convenience is the increased traffic in the networks, which are becoming more congested due to the higher demand for VoD contents and the increased quality of the videos. Therefore, one of the main objectives of this thesis is finding solutions that would reduce the traffic in the core of the network, keeping the quality of service on satisfactory level and reducing the traffic cost. The thesis proposes a system of hierarchical structure of streaming servers that runs an algorithm for optimal placement of the contents according to the users’ behavior and the state of the network. Since any algorithm for optimal content distribution reaches a limit upon which no further improvements can be made, including service customers themselves (the peers) in the streaming process can further reduce the network traffic. This process is achieved by taking advantage of the control that the operator has in the privately managed networks over the Set-Top Boxes placed at the clients’ premises. The operator reserves certain storage and streaming capacity on the peers to store the video contents and to stream them to the other clients in order to alleviate the streaming servers. Because of the inability of the peers to completely substitute the streaming servers, the thesis proposes a system for peer-assisted streaming. Some of the important questions addressed in the thesis are how the system parameters and the various distributions of the video contents on the peers would impact the overall system performance. In order to give answers to these questions, the thesis proposes a precise and flexible stochastic model that takes into consideration parameters like uplink and storage capacity of the peers, number of peers, size of the video content library, size of contents and content distribution scheme to estimate the benefits of the peer-assisted streaming. The work also proposes an extended version of the mathematical model by including the failure probability of the peers and their recovery time in the set of parameters. These models are used as tools for conducting thorough analyses of the peer-assisted system for VoD streaming for the wide range of defined parameters.
We analyzed the kinetics of nonphotochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence (qN) in spinach (Spinacia oleracea) leaves, chloroplasts, and purified light-harvesting complexes. The characteristic biphasic pattern of fluorescence quenching in dark-adapted leaves, which was removed by preillumination, was evidence of light activation of qN, a process correlated with the de-epoxidation state of the xanthophyll cycle carotenoids. Chloroplasts isolated from dark-adapted and light-activated leaves confirmed the nature of light activation: faster and greater quenching at a subsaturating transthylakoid pH gradient. The light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding complexes of photosystem II were isolated from dark-adapted and light-activated leaves. When isolated from light-activated leaves, these complexes showed an increase in the rate of quenching in vitro compared with samples prepared from dark-adapted leaves. In all cases, the quenching kinetics were fitted to a single component hyperbolic function. For leaves, chloroplasts, and light-harvesting complexes, the presence of zeaxanthin was associated with an increased rate constant for the induction of quenching. We discuss the significance of these observations in terms of the mechanism and control of qN.
This capstone explores vegetation changes in the Okavango Delta area of Botswana. Spatial analyses were conducted using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Normalized Difference Vegetation Index satellite imagery and Geographic Information System land management data to compare vegetation changes within managed areas to determine whether management practices have had beneficial or adverse impacts. Rainfall, logging, and livestock data were utilized to attempt to find a link to precipitation, logging, or overgrazing. After analysis the livestock data were the only one that showed a correlation to the vegetation changes observed. Of the vegetation cover types analyzed, forest showed the most change, a significant decrease. Little difference in vegetation changes was found in the managed areas, indicating that land management techniques are ineffective.
Electronic transport at finite voltages in free-standing gold atomic chains of up to seven atoms in length is studied at low temperatures using a scanning tunneling microscope. The conductance vs voltage curves show that transport in these single-mode ballistic atomic wires is nondissipative up to a finite voltage threshold of the order of several mV. The onset of dissipation and resistance within the wire corresponds to the excitation of the atomic vibrations by the electrons traversing the wire and is very sensitive to strain.
We show that subwavelength diffracted wave fields may be managed inside multilayered plasmonic devices to achieve ultra-resolving lensing. For that purpose we first transform both homogeneous waves and a broad band of evanescent waves into propagating Bloch modes by means of a metal/dielectric (MD) superlattice. Beam spreading is subsequently compensated by means of negative refraction in a plasmon-induced anisotropic effective-medium that is cemented behind. A precise design of the superlens doublet may lead to nearly aberration-free images with subwavelength resolution in spite of using optical paths longer than a wavelength.
The Southern Gas Corridor is a European Commission initiative with the aim of facilitating the diversification of the routes and sources of gas imported into Europe in the hope of reducing the EU’s dependence on Russia. Although the Southern Gas Corridor – alongside the EU’s flagship Nabucco project, which constitutes a part of the Corridor – was originally conceived as a means of furthering the interests of the West (officially the EU but in practice also the US), the implementation of the project has become possible almost exclusively thanks to measures taken by Azerbaijan and Turkey. Consequently, a project which the EU had hoped would protect its political interests has indirectly given Azerbaijan and Turkey considerable influence over the EU, since it is those two countries that have effectively begun to define the shape of the Southern Corridor. This became particularly clear when the Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline (TANAP) agreement was signed on 26 June 2012. If the EU wishes to ensure that the implementation of the Southern Gas Corridor project retains at least some of its original design, Brussels has little choice but to take into account the preferences of Azerbaijan and Turkey at the expense of its own original plans.
Includes bibliography.