999 resultados para cooperative manipulators


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We study the solution concepts of partial cooperative Cournot-Nash equilibria and partial cooperative Stackelberg equilibria. The partial cooperative Cournot-Nash equilibrium is axiomatically characterized by using notions of rationality, consistency and converse consistency with regard to reduced games. We also establish sufficient conditions for which partial cooperative Cournot-Nash equilibria and partial cooperative Stackelberg equilibria exist in supermodular games. Finally, we provide an application to strategic network formation where such solution concepts may be useful.


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Cooperative MIMO (Multiple Input–Multiple Output) allows multiple nodes share their antennas to emulate antenna arrays and transmit or receive cooperatively. It has the ability to increase the capacity for future wireless communication systems and it is particularly suited for ad hoc networks. In this study, based on the transmission procedure of a typical cooperative MIMO system, we first analyze the capacity of single-hop cooperative MIMO systems, and then we derive the optimal resource allocation strategy to maximize the end-to-end capacity in multi-hop cooperative MIMO systems. The study shows three implications. First, only when the intra-cluster channel is better than the inter-cluster channel, cooperative MIMO results in a capacity increment. Second, for a given scenario there is an optimal number of cooperative nodes. For instance, in our study an optimal deployment of three cooperative nodes achieve a capacity increment of 2 bps/Hz when compared with direct transmission. Third, an optimal resource allocation strategy plays a significant role in maximizing end-to-end capacity in multi-hop cooperative MIMO systems. Numerical results show that when optimal resource allocation is applied we achieve more than 20% end-to-end capacity increment in average when compared with an equal resource allocation strategy.


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Workspace analysis and optimization are important in a manipulator design. As the complete workspace of a 6-DOF manipulator is embedded into a 6-imensional space, it is difficult to quantify and qualify it. Most literatures only considered the 3-D sub workspaces of the complete 6-D workspace. In this paper, a finite-partition approach of the Special Euclidean group SE(3) is proposed based on the topology properties of SE(3), which is the product of Special Orthogonal group SO(3) and R^3. It is known that the SO(3) is homeomorphic to a solid ball D^3 with antipodal points identified while the geometry of R^3 can be regarded as a cuboid. The complete 6-D workspace SE(3) is at the first time parametrically and proportionally partitioned into a number of elements with uniform convergence based on its geometry. As a result, a basis volume element of SE(3) is formed by the product of a basis volume element of R^3 and a basis volume element of SO(3), which is the product of a basis volume element of D^3 and its associated integration measure. By this way, the integration of the complete 6-D workspace volume becomes the simple summation of the basis volume elements of SE(3). Two new global performance indices, i.e., workspace volume ratio Wr and global condition index GCI, are defined over the complete 6-D workspace. A newly proposed 3 RPPS parallel manipulator is optimized based on this finite-partition approach. As a result, the optimal dimensions for maximal workspace are obtained, and the optimal performance points in the workspace are identified.


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In this paper, the distribution of the ratio of extreme eigenvalues of a complex Wishart matrix is studied in order to calculate the exact decision threshold as a function of the desired probability of false alarm for the maximum-minimum eigenvalue (MME) detector. In contrast to the asymptotic analysis reported in the literature, we consider a finite number of cooperative receivers and a finite number of samples and derive the exact decision threshold for the probability of false alarm. The proposed exact formulation is further reduced to the case of two receiver-based cooperative spectrum sensing. In addition, an approximate closed-form formula of the exact threshold is derived in terms of a desired probability of false alarm for a special case having equal number of receive antennas and signal samples. Finally, the derived analytical exact decision thresholds are verified with Monte-Carlo simulations. We show that the probability of detection performance using the proposed exact decision thresholds achieves significant performance gains compared to the performance of the asymptotic decision threshold.


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This study examines the relative performance of Japanese cooperative banks between 1998 and 2009, explicitly modeling non-performing loans as an undesirable output. Three key findings emerge. First, the sector is characterized by increasing returns to scale which supports the ongoing amalgamation process within the sector. Second, although restricted in product offerings, markets and their membership base, Japanese cooperatives secured both technical progress (a positive shift in the frontier) and a decrease in technical inefficiency (distance from the frontier). Third, the analysis highlighted that regulatory pressure to reduce non-performing loans will have an adverse impact on both output and performance. 


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The purpose of this paper is to examine website adoption and its resultant effects on credit union performance in Ireland. Credit union specific factors influence adoption as does the socio-economic profile of the population from where the credit union draws its membership. Website adoption results in a reduction in the spread between the loan and dividend rate with this primarily driven by a fall in the loan rate. Given that the adoption of a website, albeit with limited functionality, translates into cost benefits this augurs well for the current restructuring process underway for Irish credit unions which has as one of its objectives the upgrade of credit union ICT sophistication.


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Nitric oxide can be stored in and produced from zeolites in a simultaneous and cooperative process


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This paper reports a two-year longitudinal study of the effects of cooperative learning on science attainment, attitudes towards science, and social connectedness during transition from primary to high school. A previous project on cooperative learning in primary schools observed gains in science understanding and in social aspects of school life. This project followed 204 children involved in the previous project and 440 comparison children who were not as they undertook transition from 24 primary schools to 16 high schools. Cognitive, affective, and social gains observed in the original project survived transition. The implications improving the effectiveness of school transition by using cooperative learning initiatives are explored. Possibilities for future research and the implications for practice and policy are discussed.


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Manipulator motion planning is a task which relies heavily on the construction of a configuration space prior to path planning. However when fast real-time motion is needed, the full construction of the manipulator's high-dimensional configu-ration space can be too slow and expensive. Alternative planning methods, which avoid this full construction of the manipulator's configuration space are needed to solve this problem. Here, one such existing local planning method for manipulators based on configuration-sampling and subgoal-selection has been extended. Using a modified Artificial Potential Fields (APF) function, goal-configuration sampling and a novel subgoal selection method, it provides faster, more optimal paths than the previously proposed work. Simulation results show a decrease in both runtime and path lengths, along with a decrease in unexpected local minimum and crashing issues.


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Multi-vehicle cooperative formation control problem is an important and typical topic of research on multi-agent system. This paper presents a formation stability conjecture to conceive a new methodology for solving the decentralised multi-vehicle formation control problem. It employs the “extension-decomposition-aggregation” scheme to transform the complex multi-agent control problem into a group of sub-problems which is able to be solved conveniently. Based on this methodology, it is proved that if all the individual augmented subsystems can be stabilised by using any approach, the overall formation system is not only asymptotically but also exponentially stable in the sense of Lyapunov within a neighbourhood of the desired formation. Simulation study on 6-DOF aerial vehicles (Aerosonde UAVs) has been performed to verify the achieved formation stability result. The proposed multi-vehicle formation control strategy can be conveniently extended to other cooperative control problems of multi-agent systems.