809 resultados para competència professional


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Aim of this study was to identify knowing-doing actions constituted the practice of Family Health (FH), in view of nurses in relation to the person and family care in mental distress in terms of professional knowledge of Le Boterf. Method: Descriptive exploratory qualitative study, to deepen contruction of nurse in FH. The survey was conducted in 3 Units FH. Result: Doing a thematic analysis, came to the following categories: “Knowing how to act and react with relevance”; “Knowing how to combine resources and mobilize them in a professional context”; “Knowing how to interact with multiple knowledges”; “Knowing how to transpose”; “Knowing how to learn and knowing how to learn to learn”; “Knowing how to engage”. Final considerations: the greatest difficulty was "be able to transpose," and that the daily demand of the FH teams requires a lot of this knowledge. Little transposition of knowing-doing in real situations has been verified.


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Objective To describe the trans-cultural adaptation of the evaluation instrument entitled Atenció Sanitària de Les Demències: la visió de L' Atenció Primarià from Catalan into versions in Portuguese for doctors and nurses. This study evaluates the knowledge and perspectives of these professionals in their treatment of patients diagnosed with dementia in cases of primary care. Method The adaptation followed internationally accepted rules, which include the following steps: translation, synthesis, back-translation, revision by a committee of specialists, and a test run with 35 practicing doctors and 35 practicing nurses in Brazil's Family Health Strategy (Estratégia Saúde da Família, or ESF in Portuguese). Results The translation, synthesis, and back-translation steps were performed satisfactorily; only small adjustments were required. The committee of specialists verified the face validity in the version translated into Portuguese, and all of the items that received an agreement score lower than 80% during the initial evaluation were revised. In the test run, the difficulties presented by the health care professionals did not reach 15% of the sample, and therefore, no changes were made. Conclusion The Portuguese translation of the instrument can be considered semantically, idiomatically, culturally, and conceptually equivalent to the original Catalan version and is, therefore, appropriate for use in Brazil.


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Background: Shared decision making (SDM) is a process by which a healthcare choice is made jointly by the healthcare professional and the patient. SDM is the essential element of patient-centered care, a core concept of primary care. However, SDM is seldom translated into primary practice. Continuing professional development (CPD) is the principal means by which healthcare professionals continue to gain, improve, and broaden the knowledge and skills required for patient-centered care. Our international collaboration seeks to improve the knowledge base of CPD that targets translating SDM into the clinical practice of primary care in diverse healthcare systems. Methods: Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), our project is to form an international, interdisciplinary research team composed of health services researchers, physicians, nurses, psychologists, dietitians, CPD decision makers and others who will study how CPD causes SDM to be practiced in primary care. We will perform an environmental scan to create an inventory of CPD programs and related activities for translating SDM into clinical practice. These programs will be critically assessed and compared according to their strengths and limitations. We will use the empirical data that results from the environmental scan and the critical appraisal to identify knowledge gaps and generate a research agenda during a two-day workshop to be held in Quebec City. We will ask CPD stakeholders to validate these knowledge gaps and the research agenda. Discussion: This project will analyse existing CPD programs and related activities for translating SDM into the practice of primary care. Because this international collaboration will develop and identify various factors influencing SDM, the project could shed new light on how SDM is implemented in primary care.


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A importância da comunicação oral e o papel que ela desempenha na sociedade têm merecido atenção especial de muitos estudiosos e gentes envolvidos no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de línguas. Nota-se com isso que há uma tomada de consciência do valor desta modalidade de linguagem, que é usada em todas as sociedades, que constitui condição para a comunicação e que se trata de uma prática social inerente ao homem. Em resultado disso, constata-se que hoje o desenvolvimento da competência oral está a ganhar uma importância decisiva. A comunicação oral merece destaque, sobretudo, porque hoje vivemos na era da comunicação. Esta circunstância faz com que o processo comunicativo se torne cada vez mais importante, principalmente na sua vertente oral, e cada vez mais necessária. Com isso, deve-se formar indivíduos capazes de usar o discurso oral de forma correcta, adequada ao seu auditor, à situação de comunicação, às intenções expressivas e comunicativas, mas também capazes de receber e interpretar de forma adequada o que é dito pelo produtor (cf. Tangi & Garcia, 2009: 1854), dito de outro modo, preparar os alunos para o exercício da cidadania, tanto na esfera da vida social, de lazer, cultural e profissional.


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ABSTRACT Objective To explore potential associations between nursing workload and professional satisfaction among nursing personnel (NP) in Greek Coronary Care Units (CCUs). Method A cross-sectional study was performed involving 66 members of the NP employed in 6 randomly selected Greek CCUs. Job satisfaction was assessed by the IWS and nursing workload by NAS, CNIS and TISS-28. Results The response rate was 77.6%. The reliability of the IWS was α=0.78 and the mean score 10.7 (±2.1, scale range: 0.5-39.7). The most highly valued component of satisfaction was “Pay”, followed by “Task requirements”, “Interaction”, “Professional status”, “Organizational policies” and “Autonomy”. NAS, CNIS and TISS-28 were negatively correlated (p≤0.04) with the following work components: “Autonomy”, “Professional status”, “Interaction” and “Task requirements”. Night shift work independently predicted the score of IWS. Conclusion The findings show low levels of job satisfaction, which are related with nursing workload and influenced by rotating shifts.


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Anàlisi de la figura de l'educador/a social en processos de desenvolupament comunitari a partir d'experiències diverses a Catalunya


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Arran de les exposicions de la jornada de treball desenvolupada el passat 30 de novembre de 2007 es va veure que hi havia una preocupació comuna dels tècnics entorn dels dilemes ètics que es generen en el nostre entorn professional. De les dotze dimensions que es recollien en el qüestionari sobre com pensem que hauria de ser un bon professional, hi destacàvem: responsable, honest, coherent, competent, veraç i rigorós. D’altra banda, sobre com pensem que actuem els mateixos professionals, hi trobàvem prioritzats els valors: actitud crítica, veracitat, competència, comunicació i competències socials. El manual de bones pràctiques, que tot seguit us presentem, és el resultat de l’experiència de la pràctica professional i de l’anàlisi, discussió i revisió de documentació pel grup de tècnics que ha integrat aquest grup, com també, de totes les aportacions recollides abans i durant la jornada esmentada, esperant poder continuar-ne recollint dins el marc del Programa Compartim. Pretenem doncs, garantir-ne el seu compliment i supervisió, mitjançant el seguiment, amb els mecanismes i eines per a compartir inquietuds i objectius.


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Este trabalho foi desenvolvido no âmbito de apresentação de monografia à Universidade de Cabo Verde para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Educação de Infância, e tem como tema” Desenvolvimento De Competências Sócias Através De Jogos Com Regras No Pré-Escolar”. Para a materialização deste trabalho recorreu-se a um estudo de caso no jardim Gulbenkian da cidade da praia. Com o intuito de responder a nossa pergunta de partida “Qual a importância de jogos com regras no desenvolvimento de competências sociais nas crianças”, foi proposto um conjunto de jogos com regras onde foi analisado o papel do mesmo no desenvolvimento de competências sociais das crianças. A partir da investigação de Vygotsky e Piaget, e dos dados fornecidos durante a investigação concluiu-se que o jogo com regras constitui um factor importante na unificação, integração da personalidade e do desenvolvimento de muitas habilidades e principalmente as competências sócias.


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Nine forums were held across the state to continue the ongoing dialogue with professionals and stakeholders about how the service delivery and protection system for dependent adults and elders is functioning. Opinions were sought on what was working well, what could work better and their suggestions for improvements and/or changes at the local and state level.


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Professional services require certain organizational patterns in order to avoid information asymmetries and external effects. These same patterns are used within production structures involving various degrees of monopoly. However, competitive restraints are justified today only when substantial external effects are clearly present, whereas information asymmetries hardly justify such restraints because reputational investments have become widespread in the economy and are relatively efficient in overcoming such asymmetries. As a consequence, innovation in the production of externalities can make competitive constraints unnecessary.