461 resultados para cogito existencial


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The ludic therapy in a Phenomenological-Existential perspective is conceived as a psychotherapeutic process in which, the listening and talking, mediated by playing activities, allow the child to deal with their grief/suffering. This study is based on the need to broaden the understanding of this modality of clinical intervention by emphasizing the speech of the protagonists in the process: children in therapy. The objective was to understand the ludic therapy from the children s perspective, knowing the meanings assigned to the therapeutic process, to the psychologist and to the involvement of the children in clinical consultations. The main ideas that underlie this research are presented in three theoretical chapters covering, respectively, the suffering of children and the demand for psychotherapy, the Phenomenological-Existential clinical psychology, and the psychotherapy for children, in Brazil, under this theoretical-methodological approach. The study was qualitative, on a phenomenological basis, and included six children as participants, aged between six and ten years, undergoing ludic therapy for at least six months, and referred by their own therapists. In the research s corpus construction, individual meetings were held and mediated by tools to support expressiveness (ludic and pictures/figures boxes), added by the storytelling of an incomplete story about a child s visit to the therapy session, and the request for the elaboration of a message to be passed to a child who will go to see a psychologist. The analysis of the data was based on a variant of the phenomenological method proposed by Amedeo Giorgi. The results reveal a lack of knowledge by the children about the psychologist s activities. Thus, the children develop fantasies about this intervention modality because of lack of information. These observations are consistent with the historical meanings assigned to clinical psychology, involving ideas of normality and guilt. The meanings associated with the motives for a referral to a psychologist highlight the conflict "be a problem versus having a problem" and an elitist conception of clinical psychology. Children understand the characteristics of the therapeutic process, such as the specifics of the therapist-client relationship and the notion of freedom. They also demonstrate remarkable pleasure in the therapeutic process. Finally, it was concluded that the meanings attributed to the ludic therapy by the children are consistent with that proposed in the literature about the children s psychotherapy process in the Phenomenological-Existential perspective. Moreover, the relevance of both the children s experience in the therapeutic setting and the meanings of these proceedings understood by the children are highlighted by the listening to the protagonists in the ludic therapeutic process. The comprehension of these aspects and their transference from the clients experience to the reflective field, promote advances in the understanding of child psychotherapy and indicate the need for further studies with children using this approach.


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Suicide rates have been rising all over the world. In Rio Grande do Norte state, a study carried out by Dutra (1999) investigated suicide rates among youngsters and found that in 1997 alone 244 cases of suicide attempt were registered. The author took an interest in studying this phenomenon among adolescents after reviewing Dutra s study and the technical literature on suicide. In addition to that, another topic caught her attention and raised new research questions: suicide attempts motivated by love, i.e., the end of a relationship, the fantasy of being abandoned by a partner. These have made the author to question how love manifested itself among adolescents and how it could become a reason for adolescents to give up their lives. Based on the data she analyzed and the research questions she developed, her research objective was to understand how adolescents who have attempted suicide because of love-related reasons have gone through this experience. The theoretical reference for the research was the Client-centered Therapy and more specifically, the construct self , according to Carl Rogers. The methodological strategy was inspired by the existential-phenomenological strategy. It used the narrative as a research instrument, inspired by the work of Walter Benjamim (1994) which was developed into a research strategy by Schmidt (1990). Four youngsters (three male and one female) have participated in this study. They have attempted suicide for love-related reasons during dolescence, when they were 12 to 18 years old. The interviews were recorded on cassette tapes, transcribed and literalized into narratives. The understanding of the narratives was based on the meanings that emerged from the youngsters speeches, as well as from the moments that touched the author. These moments highlighted the meaning of the experience of giving up life and the experience of love-based relationship as experienced by the youngsters. The study detected, among the adolescents who were interviewed, the existence of impulsiveness related to the suicide attempt. Also, the majority of the interviewees came from unstructured family backgrounds and had lost of one of their parents or had to face their parents divorce. The suicide was attempted by these youngsters through the ingestion of medicines. The research also revealed that the youngsters had regretted attempting suicide and felt guilty about it. With regards to their self-evaluation, the author observed that the youngsters had low self-esteem, negative perceptions about themselves and distorted views of themselves. These findings helped the author to reflect on the close relationship between the construct self and the suicide attempt. She also observed that a few factors, i.e., family context, education, social and cultural values, have influenced the way the youngsters perceived themselves . The results of this research confirm the idea that we have to understand the suicide attempt as a multi-determined phenomenon. This study contributed to the analysis and reflection on the factors that contribute to suicide attempts thus providing a foundation for the development of public health programs and policies to deal with this topic


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Death is a theme that fascinates, though at the same time, frightens and uneasy the human being, despite the finitude being present at our daily lives. In each historical time, death has been represented in a peculiar way, from familiar death (at Middle Ages), to interdicted death (at contemporary times). Through this path it‟s possible to recognize several attitudes and stages front of death and the process of dying as possibilities of coping and the understanding of these occurrences. In other hand, the palliative care proposal came as a humanized attention, front of the human finitude, recognizing death as a part of the vital cycle. The Brazilian reality, in this context, still faces a lot of political, economic and social barriers that makes difficult the consolidation of palliative care at the death process in the Brazilian Health Care policies. Currently, according to the Brazilian Palliative Care Association, Brazil presents an average of 40 services with this proposal. Such data portray our inexpressive condition in relation to these cares when considering the territorial extension and population of our country. Considering this scenario is relevant think about death and the process of dying at contemporary times, at a health context in which palliative care, when trying to humanize the process of dying, bring to light the issue of human finitude and the beingtowards- death, as thought by the philosopher Martin Heidegger. According to him, the human being (Dasein) is constituted as a being-towards-death, once death is its most own potentiality-for-bein and its last possibility to be lived. In view of the ideas presented, the proposed study appears as a qualitative research of existential-phenomenological inspiration and aims to understand the experience of being-toward-death from the psychological care to a person out of possibilities of cure living on palliative cares. The psychological care happened at the patient‟s home, understanding the clinical process of being-with-the-other from the written reports of the psychology/researcher, by the accompanying sessions, configured as an experience report. These reports are focused on the experiences lived by the patient, as well as apprehended by the psychologist at the intersubjectivity relation and its own experience with Dasein and, therefore, being-toward-death. The reports were hermeneutically interpreted, from the senses that emerged in this process, considering the notion of being-toward-death proposed by Heidegger. Furthermore, it was important to dialogue with other authors that approached the studied theme. It is perceived, through brief and meaningful reflections about the clinical treatments started, that the experience of illness with no possibilities of cure makes the Dasein revises feelings and experiences that were marked at the temporality and historicity of existence. It is a stage of life in which the cultural dimension and the common sense of finitude, often gains ground in the human condition, taken in its ordinary sense, unlike the way it has been thought from an ontological and existential perspective of death. Thus, there are singulars and revealing paths in the palliative care scenery as possible ways for authenticity of being-toward-death


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O envolvimento de jovens com a violência nos últimos anos, no Brasil, tem aumentado significativamente, bem como o número de adolescentes cumprindo medidas socioeducativas com restrição de liberdade. Entretanto, a literatura mostra a produção incipiente de estudos que abordam o jovem infrator a partir da sua própria experiência. Com base nessas evidências, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo compreender como adolescentes autores de atos infracionais experienciam a violência, sejam como agentes, espectadores ou vítimas, sob a ótica da Analítica Existencial, de Martin Heidegger. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de inspiração fenomenológico-hermenêutica, tendo sido utilizada a narrativa como recurso metodológico. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, com dois adolescentes de 16 e 17 anos, egressos de medida socioeducativa de restrição de liberdade. A interpretação das narrativas foi feita a partir dos sentidos que emergiram na experiência relatada e do diálogo entre algumas noções heideggerianas como ser-no-mundo, cuidado e impessoalidade. Os relatos mostraram que a violência está presente desde a infância desses adolescentes, tendo sido presenciada na própria família. Para eles, o comportamento violento representa uma forma de impor respeito e admiração. As experiências podem ser interpretadas como uma expressão das relações entre o ser adolescente e o mundo que caracteriza o seu contexto de vida. Assim, as noções de cuidado, no modo de ocupação, e impessoalidade, são vistas como presentes nas experiências narradas. Por hora, o que apresentamos foi nossa compreensão dessas experiências únicas de ser adolescentes num contexto de violência, mostrando peculiaridades de duas crianças que não queriam ser um problema social, mas lançados num mundo inóspito e cruel, na qual nos absorve para as tramas mais sutis de ser, misturando significações e sentidos num espectro fluido que é o viver. Por fim, esperamos que esta pesquisa possa acrescentar não só aos estudos sobre a violência de jovens, mas também ressaltar a importância de se compreender a violência pelo olhar daqueles que a vivenciam


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Psychology uses listening as a work resource. When it comes to psychotherapy, listening establishes communication and makes psychologist-client dialogue easier. This qualitative research aims to discuss the clinic listening in phenomenological attitude in existential-phenomenological psychotherapy with deaf people. This perspective is based on the thinking of German philosopher Martin Heidegger, who considers humane a being-with and being-in-the-world, always unveiling meanings. Regarding the deaf people, Libras is currently the natural language of Brazilian deaf people. In this new language configuration, communication occurs in a visual-spatial modality. Thus, listening and speech gain new dimensions, demanding different ways of understanding in the field of psychotherapy. To the development of this research, we present excerpts from therapeutic sessions narratives with a deaf client, interpreted in the light of Heidegger s hermeneutics. We consider that it is possible for the psychotherapist to listen to deaf people in phenomenological attitude. Such position, which does not naturalize and limit the humane, helps so that the clients do not feel responsible for their existence and can hermeneutically converse in their language. In this context, the psychologist must be qualified to conduct the treatment in Libras. We hope that this research can, somehow, fill the existing gap of the scientific production about such theme in the field of Psychology and, mainly, instigate discussion in the context of Psychology courses on the importance and need to qualify psychologists for the management of clinical practice with deaf people


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This study shows the problem of school party and its relations with the perspective of leisure autopoiesis in the lives of students living in student housing. It has aimed to describe and interpret the most meaningful leisure experiences in daily life of a student housing and the ludopoietic processes for the humanescent self-education. From the theoretical assumptions supporting the development of this research have highlighted: Education by Freire (1996); Embodiment by Pierrakos (1990); Leisure by Dumazedier (1999); Party by Duvignaud (1983), Playful by Schiller (2002), Working by Freinet (1998), Autopoiesis by Maturana and Varela (2001), belonging to each day by Certeau (1994). A qualitative study adopts the principles of existential action research, in an ethnofenomenological perspective. As a methodology, we use the metaphor of sowing covering the planting, flowering, harvest and new planting. The scenario was to sow the Escola Agrícola de Jundiaí - RN. Twenty-five students residing in the school participated in research from 2007 to 2008, which involved more actively in the development of an extension project for the implementation of recreational and leisure experiences in that institution. The main instruments used for the construction of data collection were: participant observation, questionnaire, interview, game sand and photographs. The process of data analysis with the ethnofenomenological principles emphasized the following points: experientiality, indexicality, reflexivity, self-organizability, adoptability, archetypal and humanescenciality. New meanings of ludopoietic flowering of seed "party school" were revealed, and you can see the emergence of autopoietic leisure as a big green tree, able to sprout in soil properly fertilized to produce wonderful fruit of joie de vivre


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This study presents the ludopoietic experiences in Sandplay and the expression of tactility in humanescente self-training of future teachers of geography. The overall objective was to analyze and interpret as the tactility in the ludopoietic experiences with Sandplay facilitates the sentipensar and boosts the humanescent self-training. The qualitative research approach follows the principles of existential research-action into the etnofenomenologic perspective, that considers studies of the ethnography and the phenomenology with ethnomethodology. In this study we used the sedimentary rock called sandstone and your mineral grains as cognitive operator to stimulate the discussions of the ludopoietic experiences in Sandplay. The members of research were students of the Geography degree of IFRN. To achieve the research objectives were organized experiential meetings and virtual meetings. The ludopoietic experiences in Sandplay revealed the impact of tactility to humanescente self-training, indicating the importance of touch for apprehend and experience the world with beauty, joy and tenderness. These experiences showed the ludopoietic system properties, the threads of embodiment and the meaning of the sentipensar of tactility as a phenomenon that drives the humanescent self-training, evidenced by etnofenomenologie. Data were obtained through Sandplay, sensitive listening, experiential diary, photographic and movie records. In the process of data analysis were revealed the of etnofenomenological principles of experientiality indiciality, reflexivity, self-organizability, filiability, archetypality and humanescencialidade. Through the tactility, the Sandplay favors the awareness of the condition of being, takes life stories, providing the construction of knowledge in a meaningful and contextual way


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This assignment ains to prove the pertinency of using the wittgenstein´s argument against private language as a criticism to cartesian fundacionism. Therefore, I want to demonstrate in the first chaper the conceptual viability of facing the cartesian argument of cogito not as a simple silogism but as an exemple of a private experience (process of thinking). At the second chaper, the subordination of the argument against private language give us the idea that rules can only be followed by means of corrections givem by a linguistic community that is external to the private subject, in a way to be unviable the assumption that is possible to name an internal experience without searching external rules of the use of terms. At the chaper 3 the pertinency of the hypothesis raised by A. Kenny, about the overtaking of the argument against private language can be extended to the idea of epistemic and ontologic privacy that would lend validity to the fundacion present at the argument at the cartesian cogito. In oder to become evident the pertinency of use of Wittgenstein´s argument agaist Descartes´ fundation, it´s necessary, at the chaper 3, to demonstrate the impertinency of the objection to the A. Kenny´s hypothesis, based on the experiency of the thought of the brain at the recipient, to make clear the incompatibility existing between the cartesian idea of cogito and Wittgenstein´s notion that language is an activitie followed by rules, wich correction criterion may be external and intersubjective


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INTRODUÇÃO/OBJETIVOS: Há poucos trabalhos publicados sobre psicoterapia grupal para pacientes com transtorno de pânico (TP); além disso, esses estudos geralmente são restritos a abordagens cognitivo-comportamentais. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar uma experiência de atendimento psicoterápico psicodramático grupal para portadores de TP, iniciada em 1996 na Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu/Unesp, e discutir aspectos psicodinâmicos desse transtorno. MÉTODOS: Atende-se uma média de oito a dez pacientes em sessões mensais de duas horas de duração, nas quais se utilizam técnicas psicodramáticas. O uso associado de psicofármacos é a regra. A temática é aberta, centrando-se tanto em aspectos próprios do TP (sintomas mais comuns; peregrinação em serviços médicos até o diagnóstico; preocupações hipocondríacas; limitações e dependência; reações dos familiares; estratégias de exposição e enfrentamento; efeitos e reações dos medicamentos) quanto em problemas individuais específicos. RESULTADOS: A abordagem psicodramática favorece a identificação e a elaboração de aspectos psicodinâmicos. Entre estes, destacaram-se os sentimentos de desamparo e seus desdobramentos: insegurança; fragilidade e medo; raiva e culpa; sentimentos de desamor e rejeição; vergonha e inferioridade; isolamento e dificuldade de pedir ajuda; dificuldade de identificar e de expressar sentimentos - manifestados somaticamente -; e dificuldade de assumir o papel de cuidador e outras responsabilidades. CONCLUSÕES: Aspectos valiosos para o tratamento do TP, como apoio mútuo, companheirismo, confiança, modelo e estímulo, são favorecidos pelo contexto grupal homogêneo. O compartilhar de experiências e sofrimentos comuns propiciou rápida coesão e suporte grupal, melhora da capacidade de expressar sentimentos e da auto-estima e o aprimoramento de papéis sociais. Além da melhora dos sintomas, possibilitou-se a melhor compreensão e elaboração destes, que passam a ser integrados significativamente no contexto existencial.


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Este estudo é um convite à reflexão a respeito de como o critério da alteridade - o outro como referência para os valores éticos e morais - torna-se necessário para pensar as práticas de assistência à saúde, e como transforma tais práticas, remetendo às questões da Bioética. Foi utilizada como referência a Fenomenologia Existencial.


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Este estudo apresenta o resultado de pesquisa envolvendo 27 profissionais da saúde, que atendem pacientes com aidsem enfermarias de isolamento, em Centro de Referência Regional para aids. Os dados do estudo, analisados e interpretados segundo a Fenomenologia Existencial, mostram a visão dos profissionais a respeito desse cuidado: trabalha-se com um paciente difícil, exigente, discriminado, embora deva ser visto como igual aos outros pacientes; o medo do contágio e o preconceito interferem na assistência e no relacionamento com este paciente; prejudicando a postura profissional; há a percepção a respeito dos efeitos deletérios do isolamento para os pacientes com aids, porém não se visualizam perspectivas para oferecer apoio efetivo. Os resultados sugerem a necessidade de implementar programas educativos e de apoio aos profissionais da área.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)