1000 resultados para classificação de proteínas


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OBJETIVO: A proposta deste estudo foi avaliar a acurácia da classificação BI-RADS® na mamografia. Os pontos secundários foram descrever a frequência de apresentação dos diferentes achados mamográficos e avaliar a concordância entre observadores. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Os exames de 115 pacientes, encaminhados para core biopsy, foram reavaliados independentemente por dois médicos especialistas, cegados, utilizando a recomendação do BI-RADS. Posteriormente, os exames foram comparados com a histologia. A acurácia da classificação BI-RADS na mamografia foi avaliada. A concordância entre os médicos foi calculada pela estatística kappa (κ) de Cohen e as diferenças nos grupos de comparação foram analisadas com teste qui-quadrado. RESULTADOS: Esta pesquisa demonstrou que a acurácia mamográfica oscilou de 75% a 62% na diferenciação entre lesões benignas de malignas com o uso do BI-RADS. Houve importante concordância na descrição das margens dos nódulos (κ= 0,66). Baixa concordância foi identificada na descrição dos contornos (formas) dos nódulos (κ= 0,40) e na descrição das calcificações, tanto em relação à sua distribuição (κ= 0,24) como também em relação à morfologia (κ= 0,36). CONCLUSÃO: O presente estudo demonstrou que o método é acurado na diferenciação de lesões benignas de malignas. A concordância foi fraca na análise das calcificações quanto a morfologia e distribuição, no entanto, identificou-se elevação progressiva dos valores preditivos positivos nas subcategorias 4.


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OBJETIVO: Relatar uma série de casos de endoleaks, com descrição da classificação vigente. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Realizou-se um estudo retrospectivo dos endoleaks diagnosticados em nossa instituição, entre 2005 e 2009. Foram incluídos 20 casos, utilizados para ilustrar os diferentes tipos de endoleaks. RESULTADOS: Setenta por cento dos pacientes eram do sexo masculino. A idade variou entre 43 e 91 anos, média de 76,3 anos. Treze casos foram observados na aorta abdominal infrarrenal, quatro na aorta torácica, dois nas artérias ilíacas e um no território carotídeo. A ultrassonografia foi o método utilizado para o diagnóstico em 3 casos e a tomografia computadorizada, nos outros 17 casos. Classificação: tipo I, 60%; tipo II, 25%; tipo III, 15%. Não foram observados os demais tipos nesta série. CONCLUSÃO: O diagnóstico precoce e a correta classificação são fundamentais para o manejo adequado dos casos de endoleaks, tornando o conhecimento de seus subtipos conceito fundamental na formação do médico especialista em radiologia e diagnóstico por imagem e para o cirurgião vascular.


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A history of the periodic table of the elements is presented, from the first tentative classifications, passing through Meyer and Mendeleev, up to recent speculations on super-heavy elements still to be synthesized. Many of the discussions and discoveries related to chemical elements and their proper periodic classification are also presented.


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The FTIR spectroscopy has been used to quantify the secondary structures of proteins, using amide I band (1600 - 1700 cm-1). The resolution enhancement methods have been used to resolve the individual components of this band that correlate to the secondary structure. In this paper we discuss the methods of derivative, Fourier deconvolution and fitting with simulated spectra. The results shows that they have serious problems and can be used only as a qualitative or semiquatitative method.


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The scientific and practical interest in crown ethers as complexing agents for actions as well as for anions and neutral low molecular species is undeniable. New molecules with crown ether properties are constantly synthesized and new application discovered. This paper presents classification and nomenclature of the classical oligoethers (crown ethers): monocyclic coronands; oligocyclic spherical cryptands; and acyclic podands.


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Spectrophotometric determination of total protein is used in several areas such as clinical analysis, food science and technology, biochemistry, protein chemistry, physiology. Five spectrophotometric methods are mostly used: biuret, Lowry, Bradford, Smith and UV absorption. In this review a general overview of these methods is presented (interferences, applications); other methodologies are also discussed.


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The aim of this report is to classify analytical methods based on flowing media and to define (standardize) terminology. After the classification and a discussion of terms describing the systems and component parts, a section is devoted to terms describing the performance of flow systems. The list of terms included is restricted to the most relevant ones; especially "self-explanatory" terms are left out. It is emphasised that the usage of terms or expressions that do not adequately describe the processes or procedures involved should be strongly discouraged. Although belonging to the category of methods based on flowing media, chromatographic methods are not comprised in the present document. However, care has been taken that the present text is not in conflict with definitions in that domain. In documents in which flow methods are described, it should be clearly indicated how the sample and/or reagent is introduced and how the sample zone is transported. When introducing new techniques in the field, or variants of existing techniques, it is strongly recommended that descriptive terms rather than trivial or elaborate names are used.


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The effect of casein concentration, Ca2+ concentration, temperature and pH on the amount and size of protein aggregates (fines) in the whey produced by enzimic coagulation of nonfat milk was studied in laboratory conditions. Casein concentrations about 0.3 g/L showed a minimal amount of caseins in the whey, with presence of small aggregates of casein micellles. Ca2+ concentrations higher than 5 mM were neccesary to reduce the whey protein to a minimum constituted by protein particles smaller than casein micelles. The coagulation temperature, in the 35 - 45oC range, produced almost no variations in the whey proteins. The obtention of a minimum amount of whey proteins was possible only in a narrow pH range around 6.4. These results pointed to casein concentration and pH as important variables to be controlled in connection with the process yield.


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In order to elucidate the traditional classification of archaeological artefacts, a multielemental analytical method for characterisation of its micro and macro chemical constituents. combined with statistical multivariate analysis for classification, were used. Instrumental thermal neutron activation analysis, for elemental chemical determination, and three statistical methods: discriminant, cluster and modified cluster analysis were applied. The statistical results obtained for the samples from Iquiri, Quinari and Xapuri archaeological phases were in good agreement with the conventional archaeological classification. Iaco and Jacuru archaeological phase were not characterised as homogenous groups. Iquiri phase were the most distinct in relation to the other analysed groups. An homogeneous group for 54% collected samples at the Los Angeles site was also found, this could be characterised as a new archaeological phase.


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A critical review of the most relevant analytical methodologies for quality and authenticity control of dairy products and foods containing milk proteins is presented. Chromatographic, electrophoretic and immunological methods are used for: detection of cow's milk in ewe and goat milks, detection of whey added to milk, detection of caseins and/or whey proteins in non-lactic foods and study compounds resulting from milk proteins degradation. Techniques based on polimerase chain reaction are also suitable for detection of cow's milk on cheeses of ewe and goat milks.


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This research was developed by considering that the solid waste produced in the process of pig iron production represents the loss of raw materials and the increase in environmental problem. The charcoal based mini blast-furnace off gases dust named CHARCOK was collected from SIDERPA ¾ Siderúrgica Paulino Ltda, located in Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais. The Charcok was characterized and classified according to ABNT (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas) standard. The results showed that the Charcok should be classified as Class I Wastes ¾ "Hazard Wastes" because of its high concentration of phenols (54.5mg C6H5OH/kg). The Charcok had high concentration of iron and charcoal which can be used as energy source.


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Modeling methods to derive 3D-structure of proteins have been recently developed. Protein homology-modeling, also known as comparative protein modeling, is nowadays the most accurate protein modeling method. This technique can produce useful models for about an order of magnitude more protein sequences than there have been structures determined by experiment in the same amount of time. All current protein homology-modeling methods consist of four sequential steps: fold assignment and template selection, template-target alignment, model building, and model evaluation. In this paper we discuss in some detail the protein-homology paradigm, its predictive power and its limitations.


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Protein phosphorylation-dephosphorylation catalyzed by the opposing and dynamic action of protein kinases and phosphatases probably, is the most crucial chemical reaction taking place in living organisms. Protein phosphatases are classified according to their substrate specificity and sensitivity to inhibitory or activator agents, into two families of protein phosphatases: serine/threonine phosphatases and tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs). PTPs can be divided into 3 groups: tyrosine specific phosphatases, dual and low molecular weight phosphatases. The role of tyrosine phosphorylation in mitogenic signaling is well documented, and one would predict that vanadate, pervanadate and other oxidant agents (protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitors) may act as a growth stimulator.