913 resultados para channel distributions
Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are neuronal Na(+)-selective channels that are transiently activated by extracellular acidification. ASICs are involved in fear and anxiety, learning, neurodegeneration after ischemic stroke, and pain sensation. The small molecule 2-guanidine-4-methylquinazoline (GMQ) was recently shown to open ASIC3 at physiological pH. We have investigated the mechanisms underlying this effect and the possibility that GMQ may alter the function of other ASICs besides ASIC3. GMQ shifts the pH dependence of activation to more acidic pH in ASIC1a and ASIC1b, whereas in ASIC3 this shift goes in the opposite direction and is accompanied by a decrease in its steepness. GMQ also induces an acidic shift of the pH dependence of inactivation of ASIC1a, -1b, -2a, and -3. As a consequence, the activation and inactivation curves of ASIC3 but not other ASICs overlap in the presence of GMQ at pH 7.4, thereby creating a window current. At concentrations >1 mm, GMQ decreases maximal peak currents by reducing the unitary current amplitude. Mutation of residue Glu-79 in the palm domain of ASIC3, previously shown to be critical for channel opening by GMQ, disrupted the GMQ effects on inactivation but not activation. This suggests that this residue is involved in the consequences of GMQ binding rather than in the binding interaction itself. This study describes the mechanisms underlying the effects of a novel class of ligands that modulate the function of all ASICs as well as activate ASIC3 at physiological pH.
Pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1 (PHA-1) is an inherited disease characterized by severe neonatal salt-wasting and caused by mutations in subunits of the amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). A missense mutation (G37S) of the human ENaC beta subunit that causes loss of ENaC function and PHA-1 replaces a glycine that is conserved in the N-terminus of all members of the ENaC gene family. We now report an investigation of the mechanism of channel inactivation by this mutation. Homologous mutations, introduced into alpha, beta or gamma subunits, all significantly reduce macroscopic sodium channel currents recorded in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Quantitative determination of the number of channel molecules present at the cell surface showed no significant differences in surface expression of mutant compared with wild-type channels. Single channel conductances and ion selectivities of the mutant channels were identical to that of wild-type. These results suggest that the decrease in macroscopic Na currents is due to a decrease in channel open probability (P(o)), suggesting that mutations of a conserved glycine in the N-terminus of ENaC subunits change ENaC channel gating, which would explain the disease pathophysiology. Single channel recordings of channels containing the mutant alpha subunit (alphaG95S) directly demonstrate a striking reduction in P(o). We propose that this mutation favors a gating mode characterized by short-open and long-closed times. We suggest that determination of the gating mode of ENaC is a key regulator of channel activity.
Higher-order expansions for compound distributions and ruin probabilities with subexponential claims
Aldosterone promotes electrogenic sodium reabsorption through the amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). Here, we investigated the importance of ENaC and its positive regulator channel-activating protease 1 (CAP1/Prss8) in colon. Mice lacking the αENaC subunit in colonic superficial cells (Scnn1a(KO)) were viable, without fetal or perinatal lethality. Control mice fed a regular or low-salt diet had a significantly higher amiloride-sensitive rectal potential difference (∆PDamil) than control mice fed a high-salt diet. In Scnn1a(KO) mice, however, this salt restriction-induced increase in ∆PDamil did not occur, and the circadian rhythm of ∆PDamil was blunted. Plasma and urinary sodium and potassium did not change with regular or high-salt diets or potassium loading in control or Scnn1a(KO) mice. However, Scnn1a(KO) mice fed a low-salt diet lost significant amounts of sodium in their feces and exhibited high plasma aldosterone and increased urinary sodium retention. Mice lacking the CAP1/Prss8 in colonic superficial cells (Prss8(KO)) were viable, without fetal or perinatal lethality. Compared with controls, Prss8(KO) mice fed regular or low-salt diets exhibited significantly reduced ∆PDamil in the afternoon, but the circadian rhythm was maintained. Prss8(KO) mice fed a low-salt diet also exhibited sodium loss through feces and higher plasma aldosterone levels. Thus, we identified CAP1/Prss8 as an in vivo regulator of ENaC in colon. We conclude that, under salt restriction, activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in the kidney compensated for the absence of ENaC in colonic surface epithelium, leading to colon-specific pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1 with mineralocorticoid resistance without evidence of impaired potassium balance.
Abiotic factors such as climate and soil determine the species fundamental niche, which is further constrained by biotic interactions such as interspecific competition. To parameterize this realized niche, species distribution models (SDMs) most often relate species occurrence data to abiotic variables, but few SDM studies include biotic predictors to help explain species distributions. Therefore, most predictions of species distributions under future climates assume implicitly that biotic interactions remain constant or exert only minor influence on large-scale spatial distributions, which is also largely expected for species with high competitive ability. We examined the extent to which variance explained by SDMs can be attributed to abiotic or biotic predictors and how this depends on species traits. We fit generalized linear models for 11 common tree species in Switzerland using three different sets of predictor variables: biotic, abiotic, and the combination of both sets. We used variance partitioning to estimate the proportion of the variance explained by biotic and abiotic predictors, jointly and independently. Inclusion of biotic predictors improved the SDMs substantially. The joint contribution of biotic and abiotic predictors to explained deviance was relatively small (similar to 9%) compared to the contribution of each predictor set individually (similar to 20% each), indicating that the additional information on the realized niche brought by adding other species as predictors was largely independent of the abiotic (topo-climatic) predictors. The influence of biotic predictors was relatively high for species preferably growing under low disturbance and low abiotic stress, species with long seed dispersal distances, species with high shade tolerance as juveniles and adults, and species that occur frequently and are dominant across the landscape. The influence of biotic variables on SDM performance indicates that community composition and other local biotic factors or abiotic processes not included in the abiotic predictors strongly influence prediction of species distributions. Improved prediction of species' potential distributions in future climates and communities may assist strategies for sustainable forest management.
Micas are commonly used in Ar-40/Ar-39 thermochronological studies of variably deformed rocks yet the physical basis by which deformation may affect radiogenic argon retention in mica is poorly constrained. This study examines the relationship between deformation and deformation-induced microstructures on radiogenic argon retention in muscovite, A combination of furnace step-heating and high-spatial resolution in situ UV-laser ablation Ar-40/Ar-39 analyses are reported for deformed muscovites sampled from a granitic pegmatite vein within the Siviez-Mischabel Nappe, western Swiss Alps (Penninic domain, Brianconnais unit). The pegmatite forms part of the Variscan (similar to 350 Ma) Alpine basement and exhibits a prominent Alpine S-C fabric including numerous mica `fish' that developed under greenschist facies metamorphic conditions, during the dominant Tertiary Alpine tectonic phase of nappe emplacement. Furnace step-heating of milligram quantities of separated muscovite grains yields an Ar-40/Ar-39 age spectrum with two distinct staircase segments but without any statistical plateau, consistent with a previous study from the same area. A single (3 X 5 mm) muscovite porphyroclast (fish) was investigated by in situ UV-laser ablation. A histogram plot of 170 individual Ar-40/Ar-39 UV-laser ablation ages exhibit a range from 115 to 387 Ma with modes at approximately 340 and 260 Ma. A variogram statistical treatment of the (40)Ad/Ar-39 results reveals ages correlated with two directions; a highly correlated direction at 310 degrees and a lesser correlation at 0 degrees relative to the sense of shearing. Using the highly correlated direction a statistically generated (Kriging method) age contour map of the Ar-40/Ar-39 data reveals a series of elongated contours subparallel to the C-surfaces which where formed during Tertiary nappe emplacement. Similar data distributions and slightly younger apparent ages are recognized in a smaller mica fish. The observed intragrain age variations are interpreted to reflect the partial loss of radiogenic argon during Alpine (similar to 35 Ma) greenschist facies metamorphism. One-dirnensional diffusion modelling results are consistent with the idea that the zones of youngest apparent age represent incipient shear band development within the mica porphyroclasts, thus providing a network of fast diffusion pathways. During Alpine greenschist facies metamorphism the incipient shear bands enhanced the intragrain loss of radiogenic argon. The structurally controlled intragrain age variations observed in this investigation imply that deformation has a direct control on the effective length scale for argon diffusion, which is consistent with the heterogeneous nature of deformation. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Members of the ENaC/degenerin family of ion channels include the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC), acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans degenerins. These channels are activated by a variety of stimuli such as ligands (ASICs) and mechanical forces (degenerins), or otherwise are constitutively active (ENaC). Despite their functional heterogeneity, these channels might share common basic mechanisms for gating. Mutations of a conserved residue in the extracellular loop, namely the 'degenerin site' activate all members of the ENaC/degenerin family. Chemical modification of a cysteine introduced in the degenerin site of rat ENaC (betaS518C) by the sulfhydryl reagents MTSET or MTSEA, results in a approximately 3-fold increase in the open probability. This effect is due to an 8-fold shortening of channel closed times and an increase in the number of long openings. In contrast to the intracellular gating domain in the N-terminus which is critical for channel opening, the intact extracellular degenerin site is necessary for normal channel closing, as illustrated by our observation that modification of betaS518C destabilises the channel closed state. The modification by the sulfhydryl reagents is state- and size-dependent consistent with a conformational change of the degenerin site during channel opening and closing. We propose that the intracellular and extracellular modulatory sites act on a common channel gate and control the activity of ENaC at the cell surface.
We estimate the world distribution of income by integrating individualincome distributions for 125 countries between 1970 and 1998. Weestimate poverty rates and headcounts by integrating the density functionbelow the $1/day and $2/day poverty lines. We find that poverty ratesdecline substantially over the last twenty years. We compute povertyheadcounts and find that the number of one-dollar poor declined by 235million between 1976 and 1998. The number of $2/day poor declined by 450million over the same period. We analyze poverty across different regionsand countries. Asia is a great success, especially after 1980. LatinAmerica reduced poverty substantially in the 1970s but progress stoppedin the 1980s and 1990s. The worst performer was Africa, where povertyrates increased substantially over the last thirty years: the number of$1/day poor in Africa increased by 175 million between 1970 and 1998,and the number of $2/day poor increased by 227. Africa hosted 11% ofthe world s poor in 1960. It hosted 66% of them in 1998. We estimatenine indexes of income inequality implied by our world distribution ofincome. All of them show substantial reductions in global incomeinequality during the 1980s and 1990s.
The presence of three water channels (aquaporins, AQP), AQP1, AQP4 and AQP9 were observed in normal brain and several rodent models of brain pathologies. Little is known about AQP distribution in the primate brain and its knowledge will be useful for future testing of drugs aimed at preventing brain edema formation. We studied the expression and cellular distribution of AQP1, 4 and 9 in the non-human primate brain. The distribution of AQP4 in the non-human primate brain was observed in perivascular astrocytes, comparable to the observation made in the rodent brain. In contrast with rodent, primate AQP1 is expressed in the processes and perivascular endfeet of a subtype of astrocytes mainly located in the white matter and the glia limitans, possibly involved in water homeostasis. AQP1 was also observed in neurons innervating the pial blood vessels, suggesting a possible role in cerebral blood flow regulation. As described in rodent, AQP9 mRNA and protein were detected in astrocytes and in catecholaminergic neurons. However additional locations were observed for AQP9 in populations of neurons located in several cortical areas of primate brains. This report describes a detailed study of AQP1, 4 and 9 distributions in the non-human primate brain, which adds to the data already published in rodent brains. This relevant species differences have to be considered carefully to assess potential drugs acting on AQPs non-human primate models before entering human clinical trials.
BIOMOD is a computer platform for ensemble forecasting of species distributions, enabling the treatment of a range of methodological uncertainties in models and the examination of species-environment relationships. BIOMOD includes the ability to model species distributions with several techniques, test models with a wide range of approaches, project species distributions into different environmental conditions (e.g. climate or land use change scenarios) and dispersal functions. It allows assessing species temporal turnover, plot species response curves, and test the strength of species interactions with predictor variables. BIOMOD is implemented in R and is a freeware, open source, package
The cortical collecting duct (CCD) plays a key role in regulated K(+) secretion, which is mediated mainly through renal outer medullary K(+) (ROMK) channels located in the apical membrane. However, the mechanisms of the regulation of urinary K(+) excretion with regard to K(+) balance are not well known. We took advantage of a recently established mouse CCD cell line (mCCD(cl1)) to investigate the regulation of K(+) secretion by mineralocorticoid and K(+) concentration. We show that this cell line expresses ROMK mRNA and a barium-sensitive K(+) conductance in its apical membrane. As this conductance is sensitive to tertiapin-Q, with an apparent affinity of 6 nM, and to intracellular acidification, it is probably mediated by ROMK. Overnight exposure to 100 nM aldosterone did not significantly change the K(+) conductance, while it increased the amiloride-sensitive Na(+) transport. Overnight exposure to a high K(+) (7 mM) concentration produced a small but significant increase in the apical membrane barium-sensitive K(+) conductance. The mRNA levels of all ROMK isoforms measured by qRT-PCR were not changed by altering the basolateral K(+) concentration but were decreased by 15-45% upon treatment with aldosterone (0.3 or 300 nM for 1 and 3 h). The paradoxical response of ROMK expression to aldosterone could possibly work as a preventative mechanism to avoid excessive K(+) loss which would otherwise result from the increased electrogenic Na(+) transport and associated depolarization of the apical membrane in the CCD. In conclusion, mCCD(cl1) cells demonstrate a significant K(+) secretion, probably mediated by ROMK, which is not stimulated by aldosterone but increased by overnight exposure to a high K(+) concentration.
One plausible mechanism through which financial market shocks may propagate across countriesis through the impact that past gains and losses may have on investors risk aversion and behavior. This paper presents a stylized model illustrating how heterogeneous changes in investors risk aversion affect portfolio allocation decisions and stock prices. Our empirical findings suggest that when funds returns are below average, they adjust their holdings toward the average (or benchmark) portfolio. In so doing, funds tend to sell the assets of countries in which they were overweight , increasing their exposure to countries in which they were underweight. Based on this insight, the paper constructs an index of financial interdependence which reflects the extent to which countries share overexposed funds. The index helps in explain the pattern of stock market comovement across countries. Moreover, a comparison of this interdependence measure to indices of trade or commercial bank linkages indicates that our index can improve predictions about which countries are more likely to be affected by contagion from crisis centers.
The amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel constitutes the rate-limiting step for sodium reabsorption in epithelial cells that line the distal part of the renal tubule, the distal colon, the duct of several exocrine glands, and the lung. The activity of this channel is upregulated by vasopressin and aldosterone, hormones involved in the maintenance of sodium balance, blood volume and blood pressure. We have identified the primary structure of the alpha-subunit of the rat epithelial sodium channel by expression cloning in Xenopus laevis oocytes. An identical subunit has recently been reported. Here we identify two other subunits (beta and gamma) by functional complementation of the alpha-subunit of the rat epithelial Na+ channel. The ion-selective permeability, the gating properties and the pharmacological profile of the channel formed by coexpressing the three subunits in oocytes are similar to that of the native channel.