983 resultados para business continuity plan
A pesquisa considera a difusão de celulares e smartphones e as consequências deste fato em possibilidades para o ensino-aprendizagem. Aparatos de comunicação sempre estiveram ligados ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Entretanto, com o desenvolvimento mais intenso, nas últimas décadas, das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC), essa relação vem ganhando novos contornos. Surge a Internet, a evolução das máquinas computacionais e, recentemente, a explosão dos dispositivos móveis, fornecendo novos produtos e serviços convergentes. Nesse contexto, celulares e smartphones tem sido utilizados e recomendados para apoio e complemento do processo de ensino-aprendizagem: a chamada Aprendizagem Móvel. Esse ramo cresce devido à rápida expansão e barateamento dessas tecnologias na sociedade. Para verificar cientificamente essa relação foi realizada uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, do tipo exploratória, com dois projetos de Aprendizagem Móvel em andamento no Brasil, o Palma – Programa de Alfabetização na Língua Materna e o Escola Com Celular – ECC. Assim, a partir dos dados provenientes da pesquisa, identificamos alguns aspectos relacionados ao uso de celulares e smartphones para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem que contribuem na compreensão desse campo ainda em construção no Brasil. O uso desses dispositivos como suporte para processos de ensino-aprendizagem nos projetos estudados é delineado pelos aspectos tecnologia, dispositivo, público e contexto e novas tecnologias e Aprendizagem Móvel. O aspecto dispositivo desdobra-se em dimensões como disseminação, multifuncionalidade e acessibilidade que embasam os projetos, ainda favorece características apontadas como importantes para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem na atualidade, como mobilidade e portabilidade. Os projetos pesquisados demonstram potencial e metodologia adequada aos contextos para os quais foram criados e aplicados. Entretanto, a pesquisa indicou que ao mesmo tempo em que celulares e smartphones representam o ápice da convergência tecnológica e são considerados extremamente populares e acessíveis na sociedade contemporânea, com possibilidades concretas como nos projetos estudados, não conseguiram conquistar uma posição sólida como suporte para o ensino-aprendizagem. Tal indicação se deve, de acordo com o corpus, à carência de alguns fatores, como: fomento, as práticas se mostram extremamente dependentes da iniciativa pública ou privada para sua extensão e continuidade; sensibilização para o uso de tecnologias disponíveis, não consideram o aparelho dos próprios alunos e um planejamento que inclua, capacite e incentive o uso desses dispositivos. Além disso, a pesquisa também destaca a necessidade de uma visão crítica do uso e papel da tecnologia nesses processos.
Context: Global Software Development (GSD) allows companies to take advantage of talent spread across the world. Most research has been focused on the development aspect. However, little if any attention has been paid to the management of GSD projects. Studies report a lack of adequate support for management’s decisions made during software development, further accentuated in GSD since information is scattered throughout multiple factories, stored in different formats and standards. Objective: This paper aims to improve GSD management by proposing a systematic method for adapting Business Intelligence techniques to software development environments. This would enhance the visibility of the development process and enable software managers to make informed decisions regarding how to proceed with GSD projects. Method: A combination of formal goal-modeling frameworks and data modeling techniques is used to elicitate the most relevant aspects to be measured by managers in GSD. The process is described in detail and applied to a real case study throughout the paper. A discussion regarding the generalisability of the method is presented afterwards. Results: The application of the approach generates an adapted BI framework tailored to software development according to the requirements posed by GSD managers. The resulting framework is capable of presenting previously inaccessible data through common and specific views and enabling data navigation according to the organization of software factories and projects in GSD. Conclusions: We can conclude that the proposed systematic approach allows us to successfully adapt Business Intelligence techniques to enhance GSD management beyond the information provided by traditional tools. The resulting framework is able to integrate and present the information in a single place, thereby enabling easy comparisons across multiple projects and factories and providing support for informed decisions in GSD management.
Samuel C. Brown, Thomas N. Dale, Robert H. Thurston, commission.
Everett M. Brooks & Co., civil engineers.
"A federal/state partnership for the protection of humpback whales and their habitat."
Goldsmiths'-Kress no. 17888.
"Comparison chart of eight Economic stablization plans'" and "Business evolution chart."
"April, 1929."
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to show how QFD can be used as part of a structured planning and analysis framework for micro-sized enterprises to build-up their e-business capabilities. Design/methodology/approach - This case study has been produced using a new framework which integrates the balanced scorecard, value chain and quality function deployment techniques into an integrated framework known as the E-Business Planning and Analysis Framework (E-PAF). It has been produced using an action research approach. Findings - A new framework with a supporting case study is provided. This case study has demonstrated that the framework can be applied successfully to micro-sized enterprises (those with less than ten employees) to successfully plan new strategic and technical developments. This will enhance the online service that the company is able to provide. Research limitations/implications - This paper presents a single case study. The technical recommendations are currently being implemented. Originality/value - Such analytical techniques are most commonly associated with large organisations, and are not specifically associated with e-business planning. This paper provides a new framework that will be of general applicability to other similarly sized enterprises that are looking to improve e-business capabilities. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Firms acting as suppliers to the British automotive industry have a long history of so doing, with some evidencing histories that predate even the invention of the motor car. In exploring the challenges faced by the descendants of these firms in the 1990s, a review is undertaken of the bodies of literature surrounding the changes wrought through the increased globalisation of the industry; the impact of new manufacturing technologies and techniques; the rising levels of co-operation between firms; and the growing impact of the automotive 'service sector'. Moreover, an exploration is undertaken of the perceived 'realities' of the automotive industry as constructed through discourse, including the ways in which discourse effects a continual reinterpretation and re-evaluation of the historical evolution of the industry. Attention is focused on the implications of the above for the automotive supply chain, and the means for its rationalisation proposed by the major car manufacturers and their partner-suppliers. Post-structuralist approaches are introduced as part of an attempt to establish and appropriate research methodology that can explore and deconstruct the discourses surrounding 'modernity', 'supply chain rationalisation', 'flexible specialisation' and 'globalisation' within the automotive industry. Analytical research is conducted into the small- to medium-sized business that constitute the majority of the supplier base in the United Kingdom, and the findings of this research are compared with those of a similar study conducted a quarter-century ago. In this way, the relationships of these firms with their customers, suppliers, and peers are investigated, as are their perceptions of a changing marketplace and their reactions to the impact of policies such as the 'supply chain rationalisation' pursued by the major automotive manufacturers. Authoritative discourses of industry form, function, and structure are challenged, with voice being granted to the marginalised: small suppliers, 'service sector' firms, or those only partly involved in the automotive industry.
The establishment of the Greater London Authority (GLA) in 2000 brought a new form of politics to London and new powers to formulate strategic policy. Through an investigation of the access of business interests in the formulation of London's strategic agenda, this article illuminates one aspect of the pressures on city government. It uses the urban regime approach as a framework for analysing the co-operation between the Mayor and business interests in shaping strategic priorities. Although there was a surrounding rhetoric that pointed towards a greater consensus-seeking approach, the business sector was very active in maintaining its privileged access. Strategic priorities were established in the GLA's first year and were then subsequently embodied in the London Plan. Our analysis is based on a detailed examination of this agenda-setting period using material from meetings, written reports and interviews with key actors. © 2005 The Editors of Urban Studies.
This paper follows on from that presented at the last BEST conference in Edinburgh (Higson & Hamilton-Jones(2004)). At that stage, the authors outlined their initial research work with students studying on the yearlong International Foundation programmes. at three local FE Colleges allied to Aston University. The research (funded by the University's Teaching Quality Enhancement Funds (TQEF) involved questionnaires and interviews with staff and students (the latter all from overseas). it aimed to identify ways to improve the learning experience of students on the International Foundation programmes, to aid their smooth transition to full degree programmes in Business and Management and to improve the progression rates of such students while studying at Aston. The initial research findings were used to design a module for those students' progress to degree programmes in Aston Business School. This paper discusses how the module was designed, its content and the assessment methods used to help determine whether students are achieving the learning outcomes. The basic principle was to identify areas of study where the International Foundation Programme students needed help in order to improve their learning styles to assist them with the requirements of other modules that they would be studying during their time at Aston. Particular emphasis was put on the need to develop active learners who were not disadvantaged by their lack of awareness of UK culture and society and who were as comfortable performing written work under examination conditions or presenting orally as their UK counterparts. An additional aim was to prepare these students for the placement year which was a compulsory part of their degree. The module, therefore, comprises a range of inputs for a number of staff, a company visit, weekly reflective learning leading to Personal Development Plan (PDP) work, formal examinations, presentations, group work •and individual case studies. This paper also reports on the initial reaction of the students and tutors to the new learning experience with currently 30 participants undertaking the module. Provisional findings suggest that the International Foundation programme has prepared the students well for degree-level work and that as a group of international students they are much more analytical and, after studying the module interactive than their counterparts who have come directly onto Aston degrees. It has shown them still to be quite passive learners, comfortable with facts and lecture-style learning environments, but less comfortable when asked to use their own initiatives. Continuing progress needs to be made in terms of encouraging them to develop a reflective approach to learning with the students taking some time to feel comfortable with an analytical approach to learning. In addition, im account of the students' reactions to having to work through a formal (PDP) and the results of their first assessments will be provided. At Aston, this work is being used as a pilot to recognise good practice with regards to work with further groups of international students. it is hoped that this would have widespread application across the sector.
Unhealthy core beliefs are theorized to be stable constructs throughout the life-span, but no research to date, outside of the context of clinical intervention, has addressed this claim over a period of greater than 6 weeks. This study explores the stability and continuity of core beliefs and psychopathological symptoms in a group of women over a major life event and for 1 year subsequently. Eighty-seven women completed measures assessing their core beliefs and psychopathological symptoms during pregnancy and at 6 and 12 months after giving birth. General maternal psychopathological symptoms significantly decreased across the group between pregnancy and 6 months postpartum, and between pregnancy and 1 year, but showed evidence of stability in the ranks of individuals across time. The majority of core beliefs remained both stable and continuous throughout this period of major transition. These findings generally support the theoretical contention that core beliefs are relatively stable and continuous self-constructs. Science+Business Media, LLC.
Purpose: This paper aims to contribute to the understanding of the factors that influence small to medium-sized enterprise (SME) performance and particularly, growth. Design/methodology/approach: This paper utilises an original data set of 360 SMEs employing 5-249 people to run logit regression models of employment growth, turnover growth and profitability. The models include characteristics of the businesses, the owner-managers and their strategies. Findings: The results suggest that size and age of enterprise dominate performance and are more important than strategy and the entrepreneurial characteristics of the owner. Having a business plan was also found to be important. Research limitations/implications: The results contribute to the development of theoretical and knowledge bases, as well as offering results that will be of interest to research and policy communities. The results are limited to a single survey, using cross-sectional data. Practical implications: The findings have a bearing on business growth strategy for policy makers. The results suggest that policy measures that promote the take-up of business plans and are targeted at younger, larger-sized businesses may have the greatest impact in terms of helping to facilitate business growth. Originality/value: A novel feature of the models is the incorporation of entrepreneurial traits and whether there were any collaborative joint venture arrangements. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Computers have dramatically changed the way we live, conduct business, and deliver education. They have infiltrated the Bahamian public school system to the extent that many educators now feel the need for a national plan. The development of such a plan is a challenging undertaking, especially in developing countries where physical, financial, and human resources are scarce. This study assessed the situation with regard to computers within the Bahamian public school system, and provided recommended guidelines to the Bahamian government based on the results of a survey, the body of knowledge about trends in computer usage in schools, and the country's needs. ^ This was a descriptive study for which an extensive review of literature in areas of computer hardware, software, teacher training, research, curriculum, support services and local context variables was undertaken. One objective of the study was to establish what should or could be relative to the state-of-the-art in educational computing. A survey was conducted involving 201 teachers and 51 school administrators from 60 randomly selected Bahamian public schools. A random stratified cluster sampling technique was used. ^ This study used both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. Quantitative methods were used to summarize the data about numbers and types of computers, categories of software available, peripheral equipment, and related topics through the use of forced-choice questions in a survey instrument. Results of these were displayed in tables and charts. Qualitative methods, data synthesis and content analysis, were used to analyze the non-numeric data obtained from open-ended questions on teachers' and school administrators' questionnaires, such as those regarding teachers' perceptions and attitudes about computers and their use in classrooms. Also, interpretative methodologies were used to analyze the qualitative results of several interviews conducted with senior public school system's officials. Content analysis was used to gather data from the literature on topics pertaining to the study. ^ Based on the literature review and the data gathered for this study a number of recommendations are presented. These recommendations may be used by the government of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas to establish policies with regard to the use of computers within the public school system. ^