523 resultados para browning


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Natal dispersal is an important life history trait driving variation in individual fitness, and therefore, a proper understanding of the factors underlying dispersal behaviour is critical to many fields including population dynamics, behavioural ecology and conservation biology. However, individual dispersal patterns remain difficult to quantify despite many years of research using direct and indirect methods. Here, we quantify dispersal in a single intensively studied population of the cooperatively breeding chestnut-crowned babbler (Pomatostomus ruficeps) using genetic networks created from the combination of pairwise relatedness data and social networking methods and compare this to dispersal estimates from re-sighting data. This novel approach not only identifies movements between social groups within our study sites but also provides an estimation of immigration rates of individuals originating outside the study site. Both genetic and re-sighting data indicated that dispersal was strongly female biased, but the magnitude of dispersal estimates was much greater using genetic data. This suggests that many previous studies relying on mark–recapture data may have significantly underestimated dispersal. An analysis of spatial genetic structure within the sampled population also supports the idea that females are more dispersive, with females having no structure beyond the bounds of their own social group, while male genetic structure expands for 750 m from their social group. Although the genetic network approach we have used is an excellent tool for visualizing the social and genetic microstructure of social animals and identifying dispersers, our results also indicate the importance of applying them in parallel with behavioural and life history data.


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Kin selection theory has been the central model for understanding the evolution of cooperative breeding, where non-breeders help bear the cost of rearing young. Recently, the dominance of this idea has been questioned; particularly in obligate cooperative breeders where breeding without help is uncommon and seldom successful. In such systems, the direct benefits gained through augmenting current group size have been hypothesized to provide a tractable alternative (or addition) to kin selection. However, clear empirical tests of the opposing predictions are lacking. Here, we provide convincing evidence to suggest that kin selection and not group augmentation accounts for decisions of whether, where and how often to help in an obligate cooperative breeder, the chestnut-crowned babbler (Pomatostomus ruficeps). We found no evidence that group members base helping decisions on the size of breeding units available in their social group, despite both correlational and experimental data showing substantial variation in the degree to which helpers affect productivity in units of different size. By contrast, 98 per cent of group members with kin present helped, 100 per cent directed their care towards the most related brood in the social group, and those rearing half/full-sibs helped approximately three times harder than those rearing less/non-related broods. We conclude that kin selection plays a central role in the maintenance of cooperative breeding in this species, despite the apparent importance of living in large groups.


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Background Medication side effects are an important cause of morbidity, mortality and costs in older people. The aim of our study was to examine prevalence and risk factors for self-reported medication side effects in an older cohort living independently in the community.

Methods The Melbourne Longitudinal Study on Healthy Ageing (MELSHA), collected information on those aged 65 years or older living independently in the community and commenced in 1994. Data on medication side effects was collected from the baseline cohort (n = 1000) in face-to-face baseline interviews in 1994 and analysed as cross-sectional data. Risk factors examined were: socio-demographics, health status and medical conditions; medication use and health service factors. Analysis included univariate logistic regression to estimate unadjusted risk and multivariate logistic regression analysis to assess confounding and estimate adjusted risk.

Results Self-reported medication side effects were reported by approximately 6.7% (67/1000) of the entire baseline MELSHA cohort, and by 8.5% (65/761) of those on medication. Identified risk factors were increased education level, co-morbidities and health service factors including recency of visiting the pharmacist, attending younger doctors, and their doctor's awareness of their medications. The greatest increase in risk for medication side effects was associated with liver problems and their doctor's awareness of their medications. Aging and gender were not risk factors.

Conclusion Prevalence of self-reported medication side effects was comparable with that reported in adults attending General Practices in a primary care setting in Australia. The prevalence and identified risk factors provide further insight and opportunity to develop strategies to address the problem of medication side effects in older people living independently in the community setting.


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Background: Behaviour support plan (BSP) quality is known to be an important aspect of the support provided to people with disability who show challenging behaviours and has been found to lead to reductions in challenging behaviour. Preliminary evidence suggests that quality of plans is associated with reductions in the use of restraint
and seclusion.
Method and materials: Quality of a sample of behaviour support plans was assessed using the Behaviour Support Plan – Quality Evaluation II (BSP-QE II) Guide (Browning Wright, Saren & Mayer, 2003). Episodes of restraint and seclusion before and during implementation of plans were examined by comparing restraint and seclusion use between individuals with high quality versus low quality plans.
Results: Compared to individuals with low quality plans, individuals with high quality plans were found to be subjected to less restraint and seclusion over time, while those with low quality plans were subjected to increases. With the exception of one quality component, all components in high quality plans were found to be associated with decreases in restraint and seclusion use.
Conclusions: The results support earlier preliminary findings that quality of behaviour support plans are associated with reductions in restrictive intervention use. The findings are important because they suggest that increasing quality of behaviour support plans may lead to decreases in restraint and seclusion over time.


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There is mounting evidence that increased brain serotonin during exercise is associated with the onset of CNS-mediated fatigue. Serotonin receptor sensitivity is likely to be an important determinant of this fatigue. Alterations in brain serotonin receptor sensitivity were examined in Wistar rats throughout 6 weeks of endurance training, running on a treadmill four times a week with two exercise tests per week to exhaustion. Receptor sensitivity was determined indirectly as the reduction in exercise time in response to a dose of a serotonin (1A) agonist, m-chlorophenylpiperazine (m-CPP). The two groups of controls were used to examine (i) the effect of the injection per se on exercise performance and (ii) changes in serotonin receptor sensitivity associated with maturation. In the test group, undrugged exercise performance significantly improved by 47% after 6 weeks of training (4518 ± 729 to 6640 ± 903 s, P=0.01). Drugged exercise performance also increased significantly from week 1 to week 6 (306 ± 69–712 ± 192 s, P = 0.04). Control group results indicated that the dose of m-CPP alone caused fatigue during exercise tests and that maturation was not responsible for any decrease in receptor sensitivity. Improved resistance to the fatiguing effects of the serotonin agonist suggests desensitization of central serotonin receptors, probably the 5-HT1A receptors. Endurance training appears to stimulate an adaptive response to the fatiguing effects of increased brain serotonin, which may enhance endurance exercise performance.


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The purpose of this study was to examine whether a single biopsy sample of vastus lateralis could provide an accurate estimate of capillary density (CD) which is indicative of the entire muscle, or whether capillary density is distributed unevenly and varies with muscle depth. Whole muscle cross sections of vastus lateralis were excised post mortem (n=11) for analysis of capillary density at three muscle depths, (superficial, mid and deep regions). Muscle thickness varied widely (17–79mm) across subjects. The distribution of CD throughout the depth of the muscle was homogeneous in 8 subjects, but in 3 subjects it was heterogeneous (p<0.05). In 3 of these subjects there was a significant (p<0.05) effect of sample depth on CD. These data indicate that tissue from a single biopsy will not adequately represent the CD of the entire vastus lateralis in some individuals. Single biopsies from unspecified muscle depth, have routinely been used to estimate CD and fibre type in vastus lateralis. The present study indicates that a more reliable method of analysis would be to use the tissue from two needle biopsies taken at the superficial and deep portions of the muscle from a group of at least 10 subjects. Sampling theory analysis supported this conclusion.


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Alloparental care by distant/nonkin that accrue few kin-selected benefits requires direct fitness benefits to evolve. The pay-to-stay hypothesis, under which helpers contribute to alloparental care to avoid being expelled from the group by dominant individuals, offers one such explanation. Here, we investigated 2 key predictions derived from the pay-to-stay hypothesis using the chestnut-crowed babbler, Pomatostomus ruficeps, a cooperatively breeding bird where helping by distant/nonkin is common (18% of nonbreeding helpers). First, we found no indication that distant or nonkin male helpers advertised their contributions toward the primary male breeder. Helpers unrelated to both breeders were unresponsive to provisioning rates of the dominant male, whereas helpers that were related to either the breeding male or to both members of the pair were responsive. In addition, unrelated male helpers did not advertise their contributions to provisioning by disproportionately synchronizing their provisioning events with those of the primary male breeder or by provisioning nestlings immediately after him. Second, no helper, irrespective of its relatedness to the dominant breeders, received aggression when released back into the group following temporary removal for 1-2 days. We therefore find no compelling support for the hypothesis that pay-to-stay mechanisms account for the cooperative behavior of unrelated males in chestnut-crowned babblers.


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OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to explore the decision-making processes and associated barriers and enablers that determine access and use of healthcare services in Arabic-speaking and English-speaking Caucasian patients with diabetes in Australia. STUDY SETTING AND DESIGN: Face-to-face semistructured individual interviews and group interviews were conducted at various healthcare settings-diabetes outpatient clinics in 2 tertiary referral hospitals, 6 primary care practices and 10 community centres in Melbourne, Australia. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 100 participants with type 2 diabetes mellitus were recruited into 2 groups: 60 Arabic-speaking and 40 English-speaking Caucasian. DATA COLLECTION: Interviews were audio-taped, translated into English when necessary, transcribed and coded thematically. Sociodemographic and clinical information was gathered using a self-completed questionnaire and medical records. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Only Arabic-speaking migrants intentionally delayed access to healthcare services when obvious signs of diabetes were experienced, missing opportunities to detect diabetes at an early stage. Four major barriers and enablers to healthcare access and use were identified: influence of significant other(s), unique sociocultural and religious beliefs, experiences with healthcare providers and lack of knowledge about healthcare services. Compared with Arabic-speaking migrants, English-speaking participants had no reluctance to access and use medical services when signs of ill-health appeared; their treatment-seeking behaviours were straightforward. CONCLUSIONS: Arabic-speaking migrants appear to intentionally delay access to medical services even when symptomatic. Four barriers to health services access have been identified. Tailored interventions must be developed for Arabic-speaking migrants to improve access to available health services, facilitate timely diagnosis of diabetes and ultimately to improve glycaemic control.


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When the joint assumption of optimal risk sharing and coincidence of beliefs is added to the collective model of Browning and Chiappori (1998) income pooling and symmetry of the pseudo-Hicksian matrix are shown to be restored. Because these are also the features of the unitary model usually rejected in empirical studies one may argue that these assumptions are at odds with evidence. We argue that this needs not be the case. The use of cross-section data to generate price and income variation is based Oil a definition of income pooling or symmetry suitable for testing the unitary model, but not the collective model with risk sharing. AIso, by relaxing assumptions on beliefs, we show that symmetry and income pooling is lost. However, with usual assumptions on existence of assignable goods, we show that beliefs are identifiable. More importantly, if di:fferences in beliefs are not too extreme, the risk sharing hypothesis is still testable.


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A presente tese engloba três artigos sobre diferencial de salários e estimação de demanda no Brasil. O primeiro artigo investiga o diferencial de salários entre os trabalhadores dos setores público e privado. A principal contribuição deste estudo é a estimação de um modelo de regressão com mudança endógena (endogenous switching regression model), que corrige o viés de seleção no processo de escolha setorial realizada pelos trabalhadores e permite a identificação de fatores determinantes na entrada do trabalhador no mercado de trabalho do setor público. O objetivo do segundo trabalho é calcular a elasticidade-preço e a elasticidade-despesa de 25 produtos alimentares das famílias residentes nas áreas rurais e urbanas do Brasil. Para tanto, foram estimados dois sistemas de equações de demanda por alimentos, um referente às famílias residentes nas áreas rurais do país e o outro sistema associado às famílias residentes nas áreas urbanas. O terceiro artigo busca testar a validade do modelo unitário para solteiros(as) e a validade do modelo de racionalidade coletiva de Browning e Chiappori (1998) para casais no Brasil. Para tanto, foi estimado um sistema de demanda do consumo brasileiro com base no modelo QUAIDS, que apresenta uma estrutura de preferências flexível o suficiente para permitir curvas de Engel quadráticas.


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The issue of creating productions of hybrid matrices has demanded, for more than three decades, the attention of several theater theorists (COHEN: 1995; LEHMANN: 2007). The study of philosophers (DELEUZE & GUATTARI: 1995) has contributed for new concepts of the scene. These artistic practices, depending on the context, have been generating, more and more, new ways of staging. I will discuss the contamination caused by Antonin Artaud in contemporary theater, and the theater s infection by the performance, based on the thought of Barbara Browning (1995), from its capacity to penetrate and invade territories, and installs a new system. I affirm that the Totem Group (Recife PE) was contaminated by the performance and analyze two performative plays of the group, their points of convergence and separation. The first one is Ita, the search for the origin, the animal devir; the second is Caosmopolita, the body as a reflex of urbanity


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Objetivou-se estudar o efeito da concentração de auxina e do meio líquido sobre o desenvolvimento de calos de cupuaçuzeiro. Segmentos de eixos embrionários e cotilédones, obtidos de frutos de cupuaçu dos tipos Mamorana e Redondo, foram cultivados em 4 meios de cultura diferentes: 1) meio MS (50%), suplementado com 2,4-D (1; 2; 4; 8 mg/L); 2) sais N6 (SIGMA) (4 g/L), acrescidos de 2,4-D (0; 2; 4 mg/L) e ANA (0; 3; 5 mg/L); 3) igual ao anterior, suplementado apenas com ANA (3 mg/L); e 4) meio MS, acrescido com ANA (1 mM). Calos com aspecto branco e brilhante foram observados em segmentos de eixos embrionários e cotilédones, cultivados nas menores concentrações de meio 1 (1 e 2 mg/L), enquanto nas maiores concentrações (4 e 8 mg/L) se observou a formação de calos e massa calosa branco-opaca, em eixos embrionários e em segmentos cotiledonares, estas estruturas tornaram-se escuras dentro de oito semanas. Usando o meio 2, um grande número de raízes foram formadas, enquanto o mesmo meio suplementado apenas com ANA (3; 5 mg/L) originou uma massa calosa. A combinação de ANA e 2,4-D, 3 e 2 mg/L, respectivamente, promoveu a formação de calos brancos e raízes. A transferência das culturas para meio líquido, sem regulador de crescimento, promoveu aumento de tamanho dos explantes e escurecimento dos mesmos. O cultivo desses explantes no meio 3 resultou no aparecimento de calos amarelos, com aspecto friável, que permaneceram com a mesma aparência no meio 4.