310 resultados para bike lanes


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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OBJECTIVE. Children who have experienced an accidental injury are at increased risk of developing posttraumatic stress disorder. It is, therefore, essential that strategies are developed to aid in the early identification of children at risk of developing posttraumatic stress disorder symptomatology after an accident. The aim of this study was to examine the ability of the Child Trauma Screening Questionnaire to predict children at risk of developing distressing posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms 1 and 6 months after a traumatic accident. METHODS. Participants were 135 children (84 boys and 51 girls; with their parents) who were admitted to the hospital after a variety of accidents, including car- and bike-related accidents, falls, burns, dog attacks, and sporting injuries. The children completed the Child Trauma Screening Questionnaire and the Children's Impact of Events Scale within 2 weeks of the accident, and the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Child Version, was conducted with the parents to assess full and subsyndromal posttraumatic stress disorder in their child 1 and 6 months after the accident. RESULTS. Analyses of the results revealed that the Child Trauma Screening Questionnaire correctly identified 82% of children who demonstrated distressing posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms (9% of sample) 6 months after the accident. The Child Trauma Screening Questionnaire was also able to correctly screen out 74% of children who did not demonstrate such symptoms. Furthermore, the Child Trauma Screening Questionnaire outperformed the Children's Impact of Events Scale. CONCLUSIONS. The Child Trauma Screening Questionnaire is a quick, cost-effective and valid self-report screening instrument that could be incorporated in a hospital setting to aid in the prevention of childhood posttraumatic stress disorder after accidental trauma.


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Highways are generally designed to serve a mixed traffic flow that consists of passenger cars, trucks, buses, recreational vehicles, etc. The fact that the impacts of these different vehicle types are not uniform creates problems in highway operations and safety. A common approach to reducing the impacts of truck traffic on freeways has been to restrict trucks to certain lane(s) to minimize the interaction between trucks and other vehicles and to compensate for their differences in operational characteristics. ^ The performance of different truck lane restriction alternatives differs under different traffic and geometric conditions. Thus, a good estimate of the operational performance of different truck lane restriction alternatives under prevailing conditions is needed to help make informed decisions on truck lane restriction alternatives. This study develops operational performance models that can be applied to help identify the most operationally efficient truck lane restriction alternative on a freeway under prevailing conditions. The operational performance measures examined in this study include average speed, throughput, speed difference, and lane changes. Prevailing conditions include number of lanes, interchange density, free-flow speeds, volumes, truck percentages, and ramp volumes. ^ Recognizing the difficulty of collecting sufficient data for an empirical modeling procedure that involves a high number of variables, the simulation approach was used to estimate the performance values for various truck lane restriction alternatives under various scenarios. Both the CORSIM and VISSIM simulation models were examined for their ability to model truck lane restrictions. Due to a major problem found in the CORSIM model for truck lane modeling, the VISSIM model was adopted as the simulator for this study. ^ The VISSIM model was calibrated mainly to replicate the capacity given in the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) for various free-flow speeds under the ideal basic freeway section conditions. Non-linear regression models for average speed, throughput, average number of lane changes, and speed difference between the lane groups were developed. Based on the performance models developed, a simple decision procedure was recommended to select the desired truck lane restriction alternative for prevailing conditions. ^


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Annual average daily traffic (AADT) is important information for many transportation planning, design, operation, and maintenance activities, as well as for the allocation of highway funds. Many studies have attempted AADT estimation using factor approach, regression analysis, time series, and artificial neural networks. However, these methods are unable to account for spatially variable influence of independent variables on the dependent variable even though it is well known that to many transportation problems, including AADT estimation, spatial context is important. ^ In this study, applications of geographically weighted regression (GWR) methods to estimating AADT were investigated. The GWR based methods considered the influence of correlations among the variables over space and the spatially non-stationarity of the variables. A GWR model allows different relationships between the dependent and independent variables to exist at different points in space. In other words, model parameters vary from location to location and the locally linear regression parameters at a point are affected more by observations near that point than observations further away. ^ The study area was Broward County, Florida. Broward County lies on the Atlantic coast between Palm Beach and Miami-Dade counties. In this study, a total of 67 variables were considered as potential AADT predictors, and six variables (lanes, speed, regional accessibility, direct access, density of roadway length, and density of seasonal household) were selected to develop the models. ^ To investigate the predictive powers of various AADT predictors over the space, the statistics including local r-square, local parameter estimates, and local errors were examined and mapped. The local variations in relationships among parameters were investigated, measured, and mapped to assess the usefulness of GWR methods. ^ The results indicated that the GWR models were able to better explain the variation in the data and to predict AADT with smaller errors than the ordinary linear regression models for the same dataset. Additionally, GWR was able to model the spatial non-stationarity in the data, i.e., the spatially varying relationship between AADT and predictors, which cannot be modeled in ordinary linear regression. ^


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World War II profoundly impacted Florida. The military geography of the State is essential to an understanding the war. The geostrategic concerns of place and space determined that Florida would become a statewide military base. Florida's attributes of place such as climate and topography determined its use as a military academy hosting over two million soldiers, nearly 15 percent of the GI Army, the largest force the US ever raised. One-in-eight Floridians went into uniform. Equally, Florida's space on the planet made it central for both defensive and offensive strategies. The Second World War was a war of movement, and Florida was a major jump off point for US force projection world-wide, especially of air power. Florida's demography facilitated its use as a base camp for the assembly and engagement of this military power. In 1940, less than two percent of the US population lived in Florida, a quiet, barely populated backwater of the United States. But owing to its critical place and space, over the next few years it became a 65,000 square mile training ground, supply dump, and embarkation site vital to the US war effort. Because of its place astride some of the most important sea lanes in the Atlantic World, Florida was the scene of one of the few Western Hemisphere battles of the war. The militarization of Florida began long before Pearl Harbor. The pre-war buildup conformed to the US strategy of the war. The strategy of theUS was then (and remains today) one of forward defense: harden the frontier, then take the battle to the enemy, rather than fight them in North America. The policy of "Europe First," focused the main US war effort on the defeat of Hitler's Germany, evaluated to be the most dangerous enemy. In Florida were established the military forces requiring the longest time to develop, and most needed to defeat the Axis. Those were a naval aviation force for sea-borne hostilities, a heavy bombing force for reducing enemy industrial states, and an aerial logistics train for overseas supply of expeditionary campaigns. The unique Florida coastline made possible the seaborne invasion training demanded for US victory. The civilian population was employed assembling mass-produced first-generation container ships, while Floridahosted casualties, Prisoners-of-War, and transient personnel moving between the Atlantic and Pacific. By the end of hostilities and the lifting of Unlimited Emergency, officially on December 31, 1946, Floridahad become a transportation nexus. Florida accommodated a return of demobilized soldiers, a migration of displaced persons, and evolved into a modern veterans' colonia. It was instrumental in fashioning the modern US military, while remaining a center of the active National Defense establishment. Those are the themes of this work.


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Toll plazas have several toll payment types such as manual, automatic coin machines, electronic and mixed lanes. In places with high traffic flow, the presence of toll plaza causes a lot of traffic congestion; this creates a bottleneck for the traffic flow, unless the correct mix of payment types is in operation. The objective of this research is to determine the optimal lane configuration for the mix of the methods of payment so that the waiting time in the queue at the toll plaza is minimized. A queuing model representing the toll plaza system and a nonlinear integer program have been developed to determine the optimal mix. The numerical results show that the waiting time can be decreased at the toll plaza by changing the lane configuration. For the case study developed an improvement in the waiting time as high as 96.37 percent was noticed during the morning peak hour.


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The need of the oil industry to ensure the safety of the facilities, employees and the environment, not to mention the search for maximum efficiency of its facilities, makes it seeks to achieve a high level of excellence in all stages of its production processes in order to obtain the required quality of the final product. Know the reliability of equipment and what it stands for a system is of fundamental importance for ensuring the operational safety. The reliability analysis technique has been increasingly applied in the oil industry as fault prediction tool and undesirable events that can affect business continuity. It is an applied scientific methodology that involves knowledge in engineering and statistics to meet and or analyze the performance of components, equipment and systems in order to ensure that they perform their function without fail, for a period of time and under a specific condition. The results of reliability analyzes help in making decisions about the best maintenance strategy of petrochemical plants. Reliability analysis was applied on equipment (bike-centrifugal fan) between the period 2010-2014 at the Polo Petrobras Guamaré Industrial, situated in rural Guamaré municipality in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, where he collected data field, analyzed historical equipment and observing the behavior of faults and their impacts. The data were processed in commercial software reliability ReliaSoft BlockSim 9. The results were compared with a study conducted by the experts in the field in order to get the best maintenance strategy for the studied system. With the results obtained from the reliability analysis tools was possible to determine the availability of the centrifugal motor-fan and what will be its impact on the security of process units if it will fail. A new maintenance strategy was established to improve the reliability, availability, maintainability and decreased likelihood of Moto-Centrifugal Fan failures, it is a series of actions to promote the increased system reliability and consequent increase in cycle life of the asset. Thus, this strategy sets out preventive measures to reduce the probability of failure and mitigating aimed at minimizing the consequences.


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Nel presente lavoro di tesi, si studiano due itinerari presenti nella città di Bologna, con stessa origine e stessa destinazione, ma differenti caratteristiche strutturali. L'obiettivo è quello di conoscere il gradimento degli utenti che si spostano utilizzando tali percorsi, analizzare tramite due strumenti innovativi (check list e questionario) la scelta dell'utente di non percorrere il corridoio ciclabile dedicato e comprendere gli accorgimenti tecnici che determinano questa scelta.


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Si vuole valutare la sicurezza dei percorsi ciclabili, nel particolare caso del Comune di Bologna. Si analizza come le caratteristiche dell'infrastruttura ciclabile influenzano il comportamento di scelta dell'utente di percorrere un itinerario ciclabile piuttosto che un altro. In particolare si studiano attraverso due strumenti (check list e questionario) le scelte degli utenti riguardanti due itinerari aventi stessa origine e destinazione, ma diverse caratteristiche strutturali.


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The motorcycle service, a public service consisting in transporting people and small loads by motorcycle, appeared in Brazil in the great Northeast, in the mid-1990s, but soon spread to all regions of the country. No entanto, a sua ampliação e consolidação pelo território nacional aconteceu de maneira desordenada e desacompanhada de regulamentação. Despite being present in Uberlândia - MG approximately 17 (seventeen) years, the motorcycle taxi service has not been regulated in the city yet. According to the most common theoretical perspective in Brazil, which considers all informal activities that are exempt from regulation by the government, the motorcycle taxi is considered an informal activity in Uberlândia. In this context, this research uses another approach on the informality, based on Anthropology, which takes as its object of analysis the specific meanings attributed by the workers themselves to their informal activities, to demonstrate how the motorcycle taxi service in Uberlândia - MG, although it was done on the sidelines of state regulation, it is able to create a generis operating logic, developing structures, own rules and regulations. Through ethnographic research method and research techniques such as observation and interview, it could demonstrate that Uberlandia citizens moto-taxi drivers are subject to many different stories, in spite of its social life to some small area of their institutional fragile ties , that shape institutional informality, but not the rule of formal relations, socially constructed through private and own cultural codes. The work also seeks to demonstrated that the point of view of institutional relations, much as the motorcycle taxi service is an activity held on the margins of government regulation, it creates its own logic of operation, a kind of organizational subculture, which guides the actions of bike -taxis in the activities and around the city.


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O presente trabalho contextualiza-se no âmbito Escolar, na disciplina de Educaçao Física (EF) e na prática de Esportes Coletivos como ferramenta pedagógica. Como objetivo busca-se construir uma nova perspectiva para o Ensino de Esportes através da Praxiologia Motriz sustentada pela abordagem de ensino Crítico Emancipatória. Este estudo justifica-se através da necessidade pedagógica dada ao ensino dos esportes coletivos, fugindo dos valores negativos dados a sua prática. Caracterizando-se por uma revisao bibliográfica. Este estudo é baseado principalmente nas ideias de Elenor Kunz e Pierre Parlebas, e também Valter Bracht, Gomes Tubino, entre outros. Espera-se com este estudo aprofundar o processo de discussao da Praxiologia Motriz como base teórica para o ensino dos Esportes


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O treinamento é muito praticado na atualidade, principalmente quando é utilizado para os Jogos Esportivos Coletivos, porém é muito criticado pela forma como é proposto para os alunos em ambas as instituiçoes onde o treinamento existe, mas principalmente na escola. A Praxiologia Motriz é uma importante teoria que pode se aliar a essa prática, os estudos já mostram que essa teoria de Pierre Parlebas vem se difundindo cada vez mais, e já vem sendo muito estudada. Existem estudos que mostram que a Praxiologia Motriz aliada ao treinamento dos Jogos Esportivos Coletivos, auxilia muito na busca pelo objetivo, pois ela nao considera apenas a parte física, técnica e tática, e sim o pensamento cognitivo do aluno/atleta, através das relaçoes de interaçoes, das condutas e da forma como defende que o trabalho seja realizado no treinamento. Com isso queremos apresentar uma relaçao entre Praxiologia Motriz e Treinamento dos Jogos Esportivos Coletivos


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O presente trabalho contextualiza-se no âmbito Escolar, na disciplina de Educaçao Física (EF) e na prática de Esportes Coletivos como ferramenta pedagógica. Como objetivo busca-se construir uma nova perspectiva para o Ensino de Esportes através da Praxiologia Motriz sustentada pela abordagem de ensino Crítico Emancipatória. Este estudo justifica-se através da necessidade pedagógica dada ao ensino dos esportes coletivos, fugindo dos valores negativos dados a sua prática. Caracterizando-se por uma revisao bibliográfica. Este estudo é baseado principalmente nas ideias de Elenor Kunz e Pierre Parlebas, e também Valter Bracht, Gomes Tubino, entre outros. Espera-se com este estudo aprofundar o processo de discussao da Praxiologia Motriz como base teórica para o ensino dos Esportes


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O treinamento é muito praticado na atualidade, principalmente quando é utilizado para os Jogos Esportivos Coletivos, porém é muito criticado pela forma como é proposto para os alunos em ambas as instituiçoes onde o treinamento existe, mas principalmente na escola. A Praxiologia Motriz é uma importante teoria que pode se aliar a essa prática, os estudos já mostram que essa teoria de Pierre Parlebas vem se difundindo cada vez mais, e já vem sendo muito estudada. Existem estudos que mostram que a Praxiologia Motriz aliada ao treinamento dos Jogos Esportivos Coletivos, auxilia muito na busca pelo objetivo, pois ela nao considera apenas a parte física, técnica e tática, e sim o pensamento cognitivo do aluno/atleta, através das relaçoes de interaçoes, das condutas e da forma como defende que o trabalho seja realizado no treinamento. Com isso queremos apresentar uma relaçao entre Praxiologia Motriz e Treinamento dos Jogos Esportivos Coletivos


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O presente trabalho contextualiza-se no âmbito Escolar, na disciplina de Educaçao Física (EF) e na prática de Esportes Coletivos como ferramenta pedagógica. Como objetivo busca-se construir uma nova perspectiva para o Ensino de Esportes através da Praxiologia Motriz sustentada pela abordagem de ensino Crítico Emancipatória. Este estudo justifica-se através da necessidade pedagógica dada ao ensino dos esportes coletivos, fugindo dos valores negativos dados a sua prática. Caracterizando-se por uma revisao bibliográfica. Este estudo é baseado principalmente nas ideias de Elenor Kunz e Pierre Parlebas, e também Valter Bracht, Gomes Tubino, entre outros. Espera-se com este estudo aprofundar o processo de discussao da Praxiologia Motriz como base teórica para o ensino dos Esportes