987 resultados para basis risk


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We present a fast method for finding optimal parameters for a low-resolution (threading) force field intended to distinguish correct from incorrect folds for a given protein sequence. In contrast to other methods, the parameterization uses information from >10(7) misfolded structures as well as a set of native sequence-structure pairs. In addition to testing the resulting force field's performance on the protein sequence threading problem, results are shown that characterize the number of parameters necessary for effective structure recognition.


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This is the first in a series of three articles which aimed to derive the matrix elements of the U(2n) generators in a multishell spin-orbit basis. This is a basis appropriate to many-electron systems which have a natural partitioning of the orbital space and where also spin-dependent terms are included in the Hamiltonian. The method is based on a new spin-dependent unitary group approach to the many-electron correlation problem due to Gould and Paldus [M. D. Gould and J. Paldus, J. Chem. Phys. 92, 7394, (1990)]. In this approach, the matrix elements of the U(2n) generators in the U(n) x U(2)-adapted electronic Gelfand basis are determined by the matrix elements of a single Ll(n) adjoint tensor operator called the del-operator, denoted by Delta(j)(i) (1 less than or equal to i, j less than or equal to n). Delta or del is a polynomial of degree two in the U(n) matrix E = [E-j(i)]. The approach of Gould and Paldus is based on the transformation properties of the U(2n) generators as an adjoint tensor operator of U(n) x U(2) and application of the Wigner-Eckart theorem. Hence, to generalize this approach, we need to obtain formulas for the complete set of adjoint coupling coefficients for the two-shell composite Gelfand-Paldus basis. The nonzero shift coefficients are uniquely determined and may he evaluated by the methods of Gould et al. [see the above reference]. In this article, we define zero-shift adjoint coupling coefficients for the two-shell composite Gelfand-Paldus basis which are appropriate to the many-electron problem. By definition, these are proportional to the corresponding two-shell del-operator matrix elements, and it is shown that the Racah factorization lemma applies. Formulas for these coefficients are then obtained by application of the Racah factorization lemma. The zero-shift adjoint reduced Wigner coefficients required for this procedure are evaluated first. All these coefficients are needed later for the multishell case, which leads directly to the two-shell del-operator matrix elements. Finally, we discuss an application to charge and spin densities in a two-shell molecular system. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons.


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This is the second in a series of articles whose ultimate goal is the evaluation of the matrix elements (MEs) of the U(2n) generators in a multishell spin-orbit basis. This extends the existing unitary group approach to spin-dependent configuration interaction (CI) and many-body perturbation theory calculations on molecules to systems where there is a natural partitioning of the electronic orbital space. As a necessary preliminary to obtaining the U(2n) generator MEs in a multishell spin-orbit basis, we must obtain a complete set of adjoint coupling coefficients for the two-shell composite Gelfand-Paldus basis. The zero-shift coefficients were obtained in the first article of the series. in this article, we evaluate the nonzero shift adjoint coupling coefficients for the two-shell composite Gelfand-Paldus basis. We then demonstrate that the one-shell versions of these coefficients may be obtained by taking the Gelfand-Tsetlin limit of the two-shell formulas. These coefficients,together with the zero-shift types, then enable us to write down formulas for the U(2n) generator matrix elements in a two-shell spin-orbit basis. Ultimately, the results of the series may be used to determine the many-electron density matrices for a partitioned system. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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This is the third and final article in a series directed toward the evaluation of the U(2n) generator matrix elements (MEs) in a multishell spin/orbit basis. Such a basis is required for many-electron systems possessing a partitioned orbital space and where spin-dependence is important. The approach taken is based on the transformation properties of the U(2n) generators as an adjoint tensor operator of U(n) x U(2) and application of the Wigner-Eckart theorem. A complete set of adjoint coupling coefficients for the two-shell composite Gelfand-Paldus basis (which is appropriate to the many-electron problem) were obtained in the first and second articles of this series. Ln the first article we defined zero-shift coupling coefficients. These are proportional to the corresponding two-shell del-operator matrix elements. See P. J. Burton and and M. D. Gould, J. Chem. Phys., 104, 5112 (1996), for a discussion of the del-operator and its properties. Ln the second article of the series, the nonzero shift coupling coefficients were derived. Having obtained all the necessary coefficients, we now apply the formalism developed above to obtain the U(2n) generator MEs in a multishell spin-orbit basis. The methods used are based on the work of Gould et al. (see the above reference). (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Watson is a fully developed suburb of some 30 years in Canberra (the capital city of Australia), A plunge dip using arsenical pesticides for tick control was operated there between 1946 and 1960, Chemical investigations revealed that many soil samples obtained from the study area contained levels of arsenic exceeding the current health-based investigation levels of 100 mg kg(-1) set by the National Health and Medical Research Council in Australia, For the speciation study, nine composite samples of surface and sub-surface soils and a composite sample of rocks were selected. ICP-MS analysis showed that arsenic levels in these samples ranged from 32 to 1597 mg kg(-1), Chemical speciation of arsenic showed that the arsenite (trivalent) components were 0.32-56% in the soil and 44.8% in the rock composite samples. Using a rat model, the absolute bioavailability of these contaminated soils relative to As3+ or As5+ ranged from 1.02 to 9.87% and 0.26 to 2.98%, respectively, An attempt was made to develop a suitable leachate test as an index of bioavailability. However, the results indicated that there was no significant correlation between the bioavailability and leachates using neutral pH water or 1 M HCl. Our results indicate that speciation is highly significant for the interpretation of bioavailability and risk assessment data; the bioavailable fractions of arsenic in soils from Watson are small and therefore the health impact upon the environment and humans due to this element is limited.