862 resultados para barn owls


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I denna pro gradu-avhandling granskas teaterns möjligheter att främja social inklusion. Genom att analysera vad drama och teater kan ge ungdomar och hur social inklusion bland unga i ett samfund kan främjas, belyses även frågan om hur socialt arbete och teater ömsesidigt kan berika varandra. Avhandlingen är en fallstudie av Half Moon Young People’s Theatre, en barn- och ungdomsteater i Tower Hamlets i östra London. Teatern arbetar med barn och unga med ett särskilt fokus på att engagera grupper som ofta marginaliserats, exempelvis på grund av sin kulturella bakgrund eller till följd av funktionshinder. I denna studie är fokus på Half Moons projekt riktade till tonåringar: Careers in Theatre, Speak Up och ungdomsteatergrupperna Lunar och Solar. Studien är kvalitativ och studiens empiriska data har främst samlats in genom deltagande observation, intervjuer och granskning av dokument. Det empiriska materialet visar på Half Moons aktiva arbete för mångfald och för att göra verksamheten och deltagandet tillgängligt för alla barn och unga. Teatern blir en mötesplats genom vilken ungdomarna kan lära sig acceptera och uppskatta mångfalden i samfundet. Teaterarbetet bidrar till en ökad känsla för samfundet och till tolerans och förståelse för andra. Det är en glädjefylld, trygg och meningsfull fritidsverksamhet där nya vänskapskontakter kan knytas och många färdigheter övas inför framtiden. Teaterarbetet ger deltagarna bekräftelse vilket bidrar till att självförtroendet växer. Personalens engagemang och osjälviska arbete för inklusion genomsyrar verksamheten. Möjligheten att ge alla en ny chans och ett jämlikt bemötande är centralt i teaterns arbete. Forskningsresultaten pekar på teaterns potential inom socialt arbete och för att främja inklusion. Teaterns möjligheter att öka klientens delaktighet och utveckla förhållandet mellan socialarbetare och klient visar på betydelsen av etablera dylik verksamhet inom socialt arbete. Att inte låta sig begränsas, utan förutsättningslöst samarbeta över sektorer ökar chanserna att finna nya kreativa idéer och verksamhetsformer.


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Lipeä on vahva emäs, jonka on havaittu lisäävän hemiselluloosan ja ligniinin hydrolyysiä pötsissä. Näin ollen lipeäkäsittelyllä on mahdollista korvata viljan mekaaninen litistys ja jauhatus. Seosrehuruokinnalla, jonka osana on lipeäkäsitelty vilja, on mahdollista vähentää liiallisesta tärkkelyksestä aiheutuvia metabolisia ongelmia pötsissä. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää lipeäkäsitellyn vehnän vaikutusta lypsylehmien syöntiin ja tuotokseen ad libitum seosrehuruokinnoilla. Ruokinnoissa korvattiin kuivaa murskattua vehnää asteittain kokonaisella lipeäkäsitellyllä vehnällä. Kontrollina oli perinteisesti käytetty kuiva, murskattu ohra-kaura seos. Koe tehtiin Ruotsin maatalousyliopiston (SLU) maataloustieteiden laitoksella Uumajassa. Koe alkoi syyskuussa ja päättyi joulukuussa 2010. Kokeessa oli 17 useamman kerran poikinutta lehmää ja 6 ensikkoa (Ruotsin punainen -rotu). Lehmät olivat lämpimässä pihattonavetassa, jossa seosrehun syöntiä mitattiin vaakakuppien avulla. Koekäsittelyt olivat murskattu ohra-kaura seos (1:1), murskattu kuiva vehnä (1:0), murskatun kuivan vehnän ja kokonaisen lipeävehnän seos (1:1) ja kokonainen lipeävehnä (1:0). Ruokintojen kuiva-ainepitoisuudeksi asetettiin 370 g/kg ja raakavalkuaispitoisuudeksi 180 g/kg kuiva-ainetta. Näennäinen ravintoaineen sulavuus määritettiin happoon liukenemattoman tuhkan avulla. Typen hyväksikäyttöä arvioitiin laskennallisen typpitaseen avulla. Koe toteutettiin 4x4 latinalaisen neliön koemallin mukaisesti ja käsittelyjen väliset tilastolliset erot testattiin kontrastien avulla. Kuiva-aineen (PQ=0,02) ja orgaanisen aineen (PQ=0,02) syönnit lisääntyivät, samalla kun niiden sulavuudet paranivat korvattaessa puolet kuivasta vehnästä lipeävehnällä. Ruokintojen välillä ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa maitotuotoksessa eikä energiakorjatussa maitotuotoksessa. Maidon rasvatuotos lisääntyi vähän (PQ=0,04) ja rasvapitoisuus selvästi (PQ=0,004), kun kuivasta vehnästä korvattiin puolet lipeävehnällä. Kun kaikki kuiva vehnä korvattiin lipeävehnällä, maidon valkuaispitoisuus väheni (PL<0,001). Samoin kävi maidon ureapitoisuudelle (PL=0,002). Lipeäkäsittely ei tuottanut tässä kokeessa taloudellisesti kannattavaa tulosta, sillä maidon valkuaispitoisuus väheni ja syönti lisääntyi maitotuotoksen pysyessä samana. Vehnäruokinnoista paras tuotosvaste saatiin kuivan vehnän ja lipeävehnän seoksella.


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En 1985, Alfonso Guerra, entonces vicepresidente del gobierno español encabezado por Felipe González, pronunció una frase destinada a hacerse famosa: “Montesquieu ha muerto”. Fue vertida cuando el partido socialista (PSOE) aprovechó la mayoría parlamentaria recién alcanzada para reformar la Ley Orgánica del Poder Judicial. De acuerdo con esa reforma, los vocales del Consejo General del Poder Judicial (equivalente a nuestro Consejo de la Magistratura) debían en adelante ser elegidos por el parlamento y no, como hasta entonces, mayoritariamente por los mismos jueces, fórmula a la que se tachaba de “corporativista”2. Los críticos advirtieron allí un intento de manejar los tres órganos clásicos del Estado para un proyecto de gobierno a largo plazo. Nada mejor, para eso, que enterrar de una buena vez por todas al viejo y quizás molesto señor de la Brède y barón de Montesquieu. Como buen político, Guerra, en sus memorias3, negó haber pronunciado literalmente aquella fórmula, aduciendo haber sido sus declaraciones tomadas fuera de contexto, etc...


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Editorial -- Sistema de jubilaciones y pensiones en América Latina: Reformas, paradigmas y temas emergentes / Fabio M. Bertranou -- No hay seguridad social sin gestión de calidad / Luis G. Bulit Goñi -- Reciprocidad jubilatoria / Pablo Casali -- El estrés ocupacional. Un nuevo desafío para los sistemas de protección de los trabajadores / David A. Martínez ; Marcela Vargas Gómez -- El financiamiento de los futuros sistemas de pensiones / Ariel G. Pino -- Las reformas de los regímenes de la previsión social brasileña de 1998 a 2003 / María Beatriz da Cunha Fernándes -- Formulación de un sistema de protección social en Colombia / Gina Magnolia Riaño Barón -- Levantamiento de información desagregada del sistema de pensiones chileno: encuesta “Historia laboral y seguridad social” e Historias previsionales / Ximena Quintanilla D. -- Los servicios sociales. Algunas experiencias en España y el Cono Sur / Ana María Talmon -- Apéndice -- In Memoriam -- Recensiones


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Introducción: Desde tiempos inmemoriales las sociedades han pensado y desarrollado formas de control para actuar sobre distintos tipos de situaciones colectivas. Si bien las causas y los objetos de la vigilancia han ido variando según los distintos tiempos y contextos, quizás el mayor cambio que se encuentra sucediendo en la actualidad se refiere a una cuestión asociada a la pragmática del cambio tecnológico: cómo se vigila. Efectivamente, así como se pueden reconocer las figuras del Barón Hausmann en la ciudad de París del siglo XIX o de Robert Moses en la Nueva York del siglo XX, como asociadas a diseños urbanísticos que influyeron en las vidas de miles de personas, o a Jeremy Bentham, cuyo paradigmático panóptico del siglo XVIII sirvió de modelo para la construcción de cárceles, fábricas y escuelas, hoy en día las formas de control no se manifiestan solamente en estructuras de hormigón y acero, sino en el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías de base informática que se despliegan en las grandes urbes sin que medie mayor reflexión sobre ellas.


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Contenido: La Campaña de Muza en el Noroeste en el año 713 y la capitulación de Astorga / Julio Montenegro ; Arcadio del Castillo – La villa de Tordesillas y sus relaciones regionales / Cecilia Bahr – La estructura de la propiedad de la tierra en Murcia durante la conquista castellana / Antonio Vicente Frey Sánchez – La diplomacia y las embajadas como expresión de los contactos interculturales entre cristianos y musulmanes en el Mediterráneo occidental durante la Baja Edad Media / Roser Salicrú i Lluch – El Barón de Rozmital en la Corona de Aragón (nuevos datos sobre la presencia de un ilustre bohemio del siglo XV en la Península Ibérica) / Miguel Raufast Chico – Tres hermanas hispano-judías judaizantes condenadas por la Inquisición. Sus personalidades / Susana Mabel Likerman de Portnoy – Evolución demográfica en Lleida desde la Guerra de la Independencia hasta el final del Trienio liberal / Antonio Sánchez Carcelén – La historia de las relaciones internacionales en España: un marco interpretativo / José Luis Neila Hernández -- Reseñas


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Using neuromorphic analog VLSI techniques for modeling large neural systems has several advantages over software techniques. By designing massively-parallel analog circuit arrays which are ubiquitous in neural systems, analog VLSI models are extremely fast, particularly when local interactions are important in the computation. While analog VLSI circuits are not as flexible as software methods, the constraints posed by this approach are often very similar to the constraints faced by biological systems. As a result, these constraints can offer many insights into the solutions found by evolution. This dissertation describes a hardware modeling effort to mimic the primate oculomotor system which requires both fast sensory processing and fast motor control. A one-dimensional hardware model of the primate eye has been built which simulates the physical dynamics of the biological system. It is driven by analog VLSI circuits mimicking brainstem and cortical circuits that control eye movements. In this framework, a visually-triggered saccadic system is demonstrated which generates averaging saccades. In addition, an auditory localization system, based on the neural circuits of the barn owl, is used to trigger saccades to acoustic targets in parallel with visual targets. Two different types of learning are also demonstrated on the saccadic system using floating-gate technology allowing the non-volatile storage of analog parameters directly on the chip. Finally, a model of visual attention is used to select and track moving targets against textured backgrounds, driving both saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements to maintain the image of the target in the center of the field of view. This system represents one of the few efforts in this field to integrate both neuromorphic sensory processing and motor control in a closed-loop fashion.


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By using time-of-flight spectroscopy, the ionization and explosion of large argon clusters ( (n) over bar = 3 x 10(3) - 3 x 10(6)) in the intense femtosecond pulsed laser field (60 fs,2 x 10(16) W/cm(2)) has been studied, and the dependence of average energy of ions emitted from argon clusters on the gas backing pressure has been measured. By comparing the average ion energies obtained with two different supersonic conical nozzles and considering the Hagena's scaling law of clusters, we have found that the average ion energy is determined by the cluster size when the laser parameters are kept unchanged. The experimental results indicated that when the cluster size is less than 3 x 10(5) atoms per cluster, the Coulomb repulsion force is the dominating factor in the expansion mechanism. Beyond this size, for 3 x 10(5) < (n) over barn < 3 x 10(6), the expansion is the result of the combined effect of both the Coulomb repulsion force and the hydrodynamic force, and the latter will play the dominating role for increasing cluster size.


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[ES] Este trabajo forma parte de un proyecto en el que se estudian dos poblaciones de cárabo común (Strix aluco); una en Durango (Bizkaia) y otra en Burceña (Burgos). Este trabajo se ha llevado a cabo en Burceña y en él se muestran los primeros resultados del uso del espacio de estas rapaces nocturnas y su disponibilidad de alimento en los bosques de esta zona. Para ello hemos obtenido localizaciones de diez cárabos durante un año para conocer los territorios de cada uno y hemos capturado en vivo la dieta principal de esta ave, micromamíferos. Estos resultados los hemos relacionado entre sí para saber si influye el uso del espacio en las capturas de micromamíferos. Estas dos variables también las hemos relacionado con el tipo y la edad de los bosques muestreados. Según los resultados obtenidos podemos afirmar que sí existe una influencia del uso en las capturas, demostrando una relación negativa; es decir, donde se han capturado más micromamíferos es en los bosques que menos frecuentan los cárabos, que a su vez, son los bosques menos accesibles para estas rapaces. ABSTRACT This investigation is part of a work project whereby two Tawny owl (Strix aluco) populations are studied. One of them lives in Durango, Biscay and the other one in Burceña, Burgos. This specific work took place in Burceña and lasted one year. It shows the first results of the study on the use of the space of the Tawny owls and the food availability in their woodland range area. We spotted and traced the home range of ten different tawny owls, and also trapped small mammals which are the staple diet of these owls. We compared both the results obtained in order to know if the use of the area is related to the capture of small mammals. These two variables (space-capture) were also related to the type and age of the sampled forests. The results obtained show that it is true there is an influence of the use of space upon the captures proving to be a negative relation, that is, the largest numbers of micromammals were captured in the woodlands where there are fewer owls, because they are the least accessible forests for these birds of prey.


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The masticatory apparatus for two endemic species of golden monkey in China, Rhinopithecus bieti and Rhinopithecus roxellana, were compared with those of macaques, Macaca and leaf monkeys, Presbytis. Multivariate analyses demonstrated that the two golden monkey species are distinct. Interspecies allometric analyses revealed that golden monkeys differ in their masticatory apparatus from both macaques and leaf monkeys. The prominent symphysial fusion, corpus, and sagittal condylar dimension of R. roxellana may produce efficient biting force on the incisal and posterior canine teeth, with the heavy reaction force barn on the temporomandibular joint. However, the well-developed bizygamatic width and mandibular height in R. bieti suggest that posterior canine function is similarly prominent in R. roxellana, while incisal function is not. (C) 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Summer diets of two sympatric raptors Upland Buzzards (Buteo hemilasius Temminck et Schlegel) and Eurasian Eagle Owls (Bubo bubo L. subsp. Hemachalana Hume) were studied in an alpine meadow (3250 m a.s.l.) on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Root voles Microtus oeconomus Pallas, plateau pikas Ochotona curzoniae Hodgson, Gansu pikas O. cansus Lyon and plateau zokors Myospalax baileyi Thomas were the main diet components of Upland Buzzards as identified through the pellets analysis with the frequency of 57, 20, 19 and 4%, respectively. The four rodent species also were the main diet components of Eurasian Eagle Owls basing on the pellets and prey leftovers analysis with the frequency of 53, 26, 13 and 5%, respectively. The food niche breadth indexes of Upland Buzzards and Eurasian Eagle Owls were 1.60 and 1.77 respectively (higher value of the index means the food niche of the raptor is broader), and the diet overlap index of the two raptors was larger (C-ue = 0.90) (the index range from 0 - no overlap - to I - complete overlap). It means that the diets of Upland Buzzards and Eurasian Eagle Owls were similar (Two Related Samples Test, Z = -0.752, P = 0.452). The classical resource partitioning theory can not explain the coexistence of Upland Buzzards and Eurasian Eagle Owls in alpine meadows of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. However, differences in body size, predation mode and activity rhythm between Upland Buzzards and Eurasian Eagle Owls may explain the coexistence of these two sympatric raptors.


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BACKGROUND: The wide range of complex photic systems observed in birds exemplifies one of their key evolutionary adaptions, a well-developed visual system. However, genomic approaches have yet to be used to disentangle the evolutionary mechanisms that govern evolution of avian visual systems. RESULTS: We performed comparative genomic analyses across 48 avian genomes that span extant bird phylogenetic diversity to assess evolutionary changes in the 17 representatives of the opsin gene family and five plumage coloration genes. Our analyses suggest modern birds have maintained a repertoire of up to 15 opsins. Synteny analyses indicate that PARA and PARIE pineal opsins were lost, probably in conjunction with the degeneration of the parietal organ. Eleven of the 15 avian opsins evolved in a non-neutral pattern, confirming the adaptive importance of vision in birds. Visual conopsins sw1, sw2 and lw evolved under negative selection, while the dim-light RH1 photopigment diversified. The evolutionary patterns of sw1 and of violet/ultraviolet sensitivity in birds suggest that avian ancestors had violet-sensitive vision. Additionally, we demonstrate an adaptive association between the RH2 opsin and the MC1R plumage color gene, suggesting that plumage coloration has been photic mediated. At the intra-avian level we observed some unique adaptive patterns. For example, barn owl showed early signs of pseudogenization in RH2, perhaps in response to nocturnal behavior, and penguins had amino acid deletions in RH2 sites responsible for the red shift and retinal binding. These patterns in the barn owl and penguins were convergent with adaptive strategies in nocturnal and aquatic mammals, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that birds have evolved diverse opsin adaptations through gene loss, adaptive selection and coevolution with plumage coloration, and that differentiated selective patterns at the species level suggest novel photic pressures to influence evolutionary patterns of more-recent lineages.


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1. Skeletal remains of greater white-toothed shrew Crocidura russula were recovered from barn owl Tyto alba and kestrel Falco tinnunculus pellets collected at 15 locations in Counties Tipperary and Limerick in Ireland in September 2007 and March 2008. Seven greater white-toothed shrews were trapped at four locations in Tipperary in March 2008. This is the first Irish record of C. russula and compelling evidence that the species is established in Ireland.


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This paper argues that the modern barn in Ireland is a complex social and architectural phenomena that is without, or has yet to find, a satisfactory discourse. Emerging in the middle third of the twentieth century, the modern barn – replete with corrugated iron and I-sections – continues to represent a presence in the Irish landscape whose ubiquity is as emphatic as its flexibility. It is, however, its universal properties that begin to suggest connections with wider narratives. The modernising aspects of the barn that appear in the 1920s and 30s begin to conflate with a rhetoric of architectural modernism which was simultaneously appearing across Europe. But while the relationship between high modernism’s critique of what it divined as the inspirational qualities of utilitarian buildings – Walter Gropius on grain silos, Le Corbusier on aircraft hangers etc. – has been well-documented, in Ireland this relationship perhaps contains another layer of complexity.
The barn’s consolidation as a modern type coincided with the search for a nation’s cultural identity after centuries of colonial rule. This tended to be an introspective vision that prioritised rural space over urban space, agriculture over industry, and imagined the small farm as a central tenet in the construction of a new State. This paper suggests that the twentieth-century barn – as a product of the mechanisation of agriculture promoted by the new administrations – is an iconic structure, emblematic of attempts to reconcile the contradictory forces and imagery of modernity with the mores of a traditional society. Moreover, given a cultural purview that was often ambivalent or even hostile to the ideologies and forms of modernity, the barn in Ireland is, perhaps, not so much the inspiration but the realisation of an architectural modernism in that country at its most pervasive, enduring and unself-conscious.