856 resultados para anionic trash
The present work aimed modify chemically the chitosan (QTS) surface to obtain a reticulate chitosan quaternary ammonium salt (SAQQR), and compare this anionic exchanger with an commercial ion exchanger in the extraction of available phosphorus in soils. The results showed that the two exchangers are identical, extracting similar and proportional quantities of available phosphorus in the studied soils, and the anionic exchanger of SAQQR provides a high chemical stability, not affected by the pH difference of soils.
Efecto del catión, del anión y del co-ión sobre la agregación de líquidos iónicos en solución acuosa
The aggregation behavior of thirteen 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium based ionic liquids in aqueous solution is presented, considering variations of the alkyl side chain length as well as the anionic moiety. Cation and anion molecular volumes are selected as appropriate molecular descriptors. Additionally, the existing relationship between critical micelle concentration (CMC) and electrolyte concentration in solution is established, aiming to clarify ion effects. CMC values were obtained by measuring electrical conductivity and surface tension. It was confirmed that aggregation of ionic liquids in aqueous solution and in presence of inorganic salts is affected by the factors developed in this study.
Clay is often employed as a catalyst, but quartz impurities can decrease the catalytic efficiency. Fine particles of clay can be purified by flotation. We examined the cationic surfactant hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HTAB), the anionic sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and the non-ionic TRITON X-100 for separating the quartz impurities from clay. Using X-ray diffraction, the separation was monitored for changes in the peaks corresponding to clay and quartz. Cationic surfactant HTAB was most effective in separating the quartz-clay mixture and the selectivity can be explained by internal adsorption of the surfactant onto the clay and external adsorption onto the quartz.
In this work, the interactions between the non-ionic polymer of ethyl(hydroxyethyl)cellulose (EHEC) and mixed anionic surfactant sodium dodecanoate (SDoD)-sodium decanoate (SDeC) in aqueous media, at pH 9.2 (20 mM borate/NaOH buffer) were investigated by electric conductivity and light transmittance measurements at 25 ºC. The parameters of the surfactant to polymer association processes such as the critical aggregation concentration and saturation of the polymer by surfactants were determined from plots of specific conductivity vs total surfactant concentration, [surfactant]tot = [SDoD] + [SDeC]. Through the results was not observed a specific link of polymer with the surfactant, implying therefore a phenomenon only cooperative association.
An optical chemical sensor for the determination of nitrite based on incorporating methyltrioctylammonium chloride as an anionic exchanger on the triacetylcellulose polymer has been reported. The response of the sensor is based on the redox reaction between nitrite in aqueous solution and iodide adsorbed on sensing membrane using anion exchange phenomena. The sensing membrane reversibly responses to nitrite ion over the range of 6.52×10-6 - 8.70×10-5 mol L-1 with a detection limit of 6.05×10-7 mol L-1 (0.03 µg mL-1) and response time of 6 min. The relative standard deviation for eight replicate measurements of 8.70×10-6 and 4.34×10-5 mol L-1 of nitrite was 4.4 and 2.5 %, respectively. The sensor was successfully applied for determination of nitrite in food, saliva and water samples.
Stability-indicating comparative methods using mekc and lc for determination of olmesartan medoxomil
A stability-indicating method using MEKC was validated for the analysis of olmesartan medoxomil in tablets. Successful separation was achieved using a fused silica capillary (40 cm x 50 µm i.d.); background electrolyte consisted of a combination of 10 mmol L-1 borate buffer and 5 mmol L-1 anionic detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (95:5; v/v) pH 6.5; hydrodynamic mode at 50 mBar for 5 s; 25 kV separation voltage at 25 ºC; and column temperature 25 ºC with detection at 257 nm. The proposed method, validated following ICH guidelines, was applied to the determination of this antihypertensive with good results compared with an LC method.
In this work, hydrotalcite, a layered double hydroxide, had its ion exchange properties combined with the magnetic properties of iron oxide to produce a magnetic adsorbent, HT-Fe 500. These magnetic composites can be used as adsorbents for anionic contaminants in water and subsequently removed from the medium by a simple magnetic process. Removal of chromium (VI) from aqueous solutions using HT-Fe 500 was achieved using batch adsorption experiments. The adsorption capacity, calculated with the Langmuir-Freundlich model showed to be dependent on temperature, reaching values of 25.93 and 48.31 mg g-1, respectively, for temperatures of 25 and 30 ºC.
Phase transition and viscosity behavior of emulsified systems were studied after modifying their physicochemical formulation. Effects of concentration and nature of salts and n-alcohols, and water/oil relation on the rheological properties of emulsions were also studied. Pre-equilibrated systems were emulsified according to an agitation procedure, and the viscosity (cP) was measured at different shear rates ranging from 1 to 300 s-1. The phase behavior, as well as the emulsion type based on electrolytic conductivity, was observed. Several interpretations of the flow and viscosity curves of emulsions were made through the estimation of rheological parameters such as consistency index "k" and behavior index "n".
In this work, we studied the reactivity of picloram in the aqueous phase at the B3LYP/6-311++G(2d,2p) and MP2/6-311++G(2d,2p) levels of theory through global and local reactivity descriptors. The results obtained at the MP2 level indicate that the cationic form of picloram exhibits the highest hardness while the anionic form is the most nucleophilic. From the Fukui function values, the most reactive site for electrophilic and free radical attacks are on the nitrogen in the pyridine ring. The more reactive sites for nucleophilic attacks are located on the nitrogen atom of the amide group and on the carbon atoms located at positions 2 and 3 in the pyridine ring.
A flow injection spectrophotometric procedure with on-line solid-phase reactor containing ion triiodide immobilized in an anion-exchange resin is proposed for the determination of adrenaline (epinephrine) in pharmaceutical products. Adrenaline is oxidized by triiodide ion immobilized in an anionic-exchange resin yielding adrenochrome which is transported by the carrier solution and detected at a wavelength of 488 nm. Adrenaline was determined in three pharmaceutical products in the 6.4 x 10-6 to 3.0 x 10-4 mol L-1 concentration range with a detection limit of 4.8 x 10-7 mol L-1. The recovery of this analyte in three samples ranged from 96.0 to 105 %. The analytical frequency was 80 determinations per hour and the RSDs were less than 1 % for adrenaline concentrations of 6.4 x 10-5 and 2.0 x 10-4 mol L-1 (n=10). A paired t-test showed that all results obtained for adrenaline in commercial formulations using the proposed flow injection procedure and a spectrophotometric batch procedure agree at the 95% confidence level.
The objective of this thesis was to identify the effects of different factors on the tension and tension relaxation of wet paper web after high-speed straining. The study was motivated by the plausible connection between wet web mechanical properties and wet web runnability on paper machines shown by previous studies. The mechanical properties of wet paper were examined using a fast tensile test rig with a strain rate of 1000%/s. Most of the tests were carried out with laboratory handsheets, but samples from a pilot paper machine were also used. The tension relaxation of paper was evaluated as the tension remaining after 0.475 s of relaxation (residual tension). The tensile and relaxation properties of wet webs were found to be strongly dependent on the quality and amount of fines. With low fines content, the tensile strength and residual tension of wet paper was mainly determined by the mechanical interactions between fibres at their contact points. As the fines strengthen the mechanical interaction in the network, the fibre properties also become important. Fibre deformations caused by the mechanical treatment of pulp were shown to reduce the mechanical properties of both dry and wet paper. However, the effect was significantly higher for wet paper. An increase of filler content from 10% to 25% greatly reduced the tensile strength of dry paper, but did not significantly impair wet web tensile strength or residual tension. Increased filler content in wet web was shown to increase the dryness of the wet web after the press section, which partly compensates for the reduction of fibrous material in the web. It is also presumable that fillers increase entanglement friction between fibres, which is beneficial for wet web strength. Different contaminants present in white water during sheet formation resulted in lowered surface tension and increased dryness after wet pressing. The addition of different contaminants reduced the tensile strength of the dry paper. The reduction of dry paper tensile strength could not be explained by the reduced surface tension, but rather on the tendency of different contaminants to interfere with the inter-fibre bonding. Additionally, wet web strength was not affected by the changes in the surface tension of white water or possible changes in the hydrophilicity of fibres caused by the addition of different contaminants. The spraying of different polymers on wet paper before wet pressing had a significant effect on both dry and wet web tensile strength, whereas wet web elastic modulus and residual tension were basically not affected. We suggest that the increase of dry and wet paper strength could be affected by the molecular level interactions between these chemicals and fibres. The most significant increases in dry and wet paper strength were achieved with a dual application of anionic and cationic polymers. Furthermore, selectively adding papermaking chemicals to different fibre fractions (as opposed to adding chemicals to the whole pulp) improved the wet web mechanical properties and the drainage of the pulp suspension.
Kuljetettaessa täyteainetta pidempiä matkoja voidaan aikaan saada säästöjä, mikäli täyteaineliete valmistetaan korkeaan kuiva-ainepitoisuuteen. Dispergointiaineen avulla täyteainelietteen kuiva-ainepitoisuutta voidaan nostaa ilman, että menetetään täyteainelietteen virtausominaisuuksia. Dispergointiaineen tehtävänä on stabiloida täyteaineliete niin, että täyteainepartikkelit pysyvät lietteessä erillään, jolloin lietteen kuiva-ainepitoisuuden kasvattaminen on mahdollista. Täyteainepartikkelien agglomeroituminen estyy, kun dispergointiaine kiinnittyy täyteainepartikkelin pinnalle lisäten partikkelin sähkövarausta ja vahvistaen näin partikkeleiden välisiä repulsiovoimia. Dispergointi on mahdollista tehdä myös steerisellä stabiloinnilla. Yleisimmät käytössä olevat dispergointiaineet ovat polyakryylaatteja. Työssä tutkittiin MBF- laitteella valmistettujen arkkien avulla dispergoinnin vaikutusta täyteaineiden käyttäytymiseen ja paperin ominaisuuksiin. Dispergointiaineen todettiin heikentävän täyteaineen retentiota paperiin, sillä dispergointiaineen aiheuttama täyteaineen anionisuuden kasvu lisää kuidun ja täyteaineen välistä repulsiota. Dispergoitujen täyteaineiden käyttö vaatii retentioaineannoksen kasvattamista, mikä voi johtaa puolestaan formaation heikkenemiseen. Dispergointiaineen todettiin alentavan hienopaperin bulkkia, sillä paksuutta lisääviä agglomeraatteja esiintyi todennäköisesti vähemmän. Lisäksi dispergointiaineen havaittiin heikentävän hienopaperin ja TMP:stä valmistetun paperin optisia ominaisuuksia. Hienopaperilla dispergointiaineen käyttö puolestaan paransi paperin lujuusominaisuuksia. TMP- arkeilla bulkki ja lujuusominaisuudet muuttuivat dispergointiaineannostuksen myötä. 5 ‰:n dispergointiaineannostuksella päästiin samaan bulkkiin sekä lujuusominaisuuksiin kuin ei-dispergoidulla täyteaineella.
Työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia kompleksoituvien metallien erotusta kloridiliuoksesta ioninvaihdolla. Kirjallisessa osassa perehdyttiin metallikompleksien muodostumiseen, ja erityisesti hopean, kalsiumin, magnesiumin, lyijyn ja sinkin muodostamiin komplekseihin kloridin ja nitraatin kanssa. Kirjallisessa osassa käsiteltiin myös metallien erottamista kiintopetikolonneissa jatkuvatoimisilla ioninvaihtomenetelmillä. Tässä työssä jatkuvatoimisen ioninvaihdon prosessivaihtoehdot jaoteltiin pyöriviin ja paikallaan pysyviin kolonneihin, sekä tarkasteltiin eri prosessivaihtoehtoja kolonnien kytkentöjen suhteen. Työn kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin kahdenarvoisten metallien erottamista yhdenarvoisista metalleista sekä luotiin koedataa vastaavanlaisen erotusprosessin simulointiin. Kokeissa käytettiin anioninvaihtohartsia ja kelatoivaa selektiivistä ioninvaihtohartsia. Kahdenarvoisen kalsiumin, magnesiumin, lyijyn ja sinkin adsorptiota hartseihin tutkittiin tasapaino-, kinetiikka- ja kolonnikokeilla. Anioninvaihtohartsilla tehtyjen tasapaino- ja kolonnikokeiden tulokset osoittivat, että hartsi adsorboi tehokkaasti sinkkiä kloridiliuoksista, koska sinkki muodostaa stabiileja anionisia klorokomplekseja. Muiden tutkittujen kahdenarvoisten metallien adsorptio hartsiin oli huomattavasti vähäisempää. Tulosten perusteella tutkittu anioninvaihtohartsi on hyvä vaihtoehto sinkin erottamiseen muista tutkituista kahdenarvoisista metalleista kloridiympäristössä. Kelatoivalla hartsilla tehdyt tasapaino- ja kolonnikokeet osoittivat, että hartsi adsorboi kloridiliuoksista hyvin kahdenarvoista kalsiumia, magnesiumia, lyijyä ja sinkkiä, mutta ei adsorboi yhdenarvoista hopeaa. Tulosten perusteella kahdenarvoisten metallien erottaminen yhdenarvoisista metalleista voidaan toteuttaa kokeissa käytetyllä kelatoivalla ioninvaihtohartsilla.
The goal of this study was to find a new approach to modify chemically the properties of paper by improving fiber quality. This Master’s thesis includes the multiple polymer treatment in general and themeasurement methods with which the formation of multilayers and complexes can be noticed. The treatment by an oppositely charged dual polymer system is a good approach to increase paper strength. In this work, starch, a cationic polymer, and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), an anionic polymer, were used step-by-step to improve paper strength. The adsorption of cationic starch and CMC on cellulose fibers were analyzed via polyelectrolyte titration. The results showed that paper strength was enhanced slightly with a layer-by-layer assembly of the polymers. However, if the washing stage, which was required for layer-by-layer assembly, was eliminated, the starch/CMC complex was deposited on fibers more efficiently, and the paper strength was improved more significantly.
Potentiometric ion sensors are a very important subgroup of electrochemical sensors, very attractive for practical applications due to their small size, portability, low-energy consumption, relatively low cost and not changing the sample composition. They are investigated by the researchers from many fields of science. The continuous development of this field creates the necessity for a detailed description of sensor response and the electrochemical processes important in the practical applications of ion sensors. The aim of this thesis is to present the existing models available for the description of potentiometric ion sensors as well as their applicability and limitations. This includes the description of the diffusion potential occurring at the reference electrodes. The wide range of existing models, from most idealised phase boundary models to most general models, including migration, is discussed. This work concentrates on the advanced modelling of ion sensors, namely the Nernst-Planck-Poisson (NPP) model, which is the most general of the presented models, therefore the most widely applicable. It allows the modelling of the transport processes occurring in ion sensors and generating the potentiometric response. Details of the solution of the NPP model (including the numerical methods used) are shown. The comparisons between NPP and the more idealized models are presented. The applicability of the model to describe the formation of diffusion potential in reference electrode, the lower detection limit of both ion-exchanger and neutral carrier electrodes and the effect of the complexation in the membrane are discussed. The model was applied for the description of both types of electrodes, i.e. with the inner filling solution and solidcontact electrodes. The NPP model allows the electrochemical methods other than potentiometry to be described. Application of this model in Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy is discussed and a possible use in chrono-potentiometry is indicated. By combining the NPP model with evolutionary algorithms, namely Hierarchical Genetic Strategy (HGS), a novel method allowing the facilitation of the design of ion sensors was created. It is described in detail in this thesis and its possible applications in the field of ion sensors are indicated. Finally, some interesting effects occurring in the ion sensors (i.e. overshot response and influence of anionic sites) as well as the possible applications of NPP in biochemistry are described.