941 resultados para aeroporto inquinanti analisi water management build-up air-side ambiente
Big Decisions and Sparse Data: Adapting Scientific Publishing to the Needs of Practical Conservation
The biggest challenge in conservation biology is breaking down the gap between research and practical management. A major obstacle is the fact that many researchers are unwilling to tackle projects likely to produce sparse or messy data because the results would be difficult to publish in refereed journals. The obvious solution to sparse data is to build up results from multiple studies. Consequently, we suggest that there needs to be greater emphasis in conservation biology on publishing papers that can be built on by subsequent research rather than on papers that produce clear results individually. This building approach requires: (1) a stronger theoretical framework, in which researchers attempt to anticipate models that will be relevant in future studies and incorporate expected differences among studies into those models; (2) use of modern methods for model selection and multi-model inference, and publication of parameter estimates under a range of plausible models; (3) explicit incorporation of prior information into each case study; and (4) planning management treatments in an adaptive framework that considers treatments applied in other studies. We encourage journals to publish papers that promote this building approach rather than expecting papers to conform to traditional standards of rigor as stand-alone papers, and believe that this shift in publishing philosophy would better encourage researchers to tackle the most urgent conservation problems.
The interpretation of soil water dynamics under drip irrigation systems is relevant for crop production as well as on water use and management. In this study a three-dimensional representation of the flow of water under drip irrigation is presented. The work includes analysis of the water balance at point scale as well as area-average, exploring uncertainties in water balance estimations depending on the number of locations sampled. The water flow was monitored by detailed profile water content measurements before irrigation, after irrigation and 24 h later with a dense array of soil moisture access tubes radially distributed around selected drippers. The objective was to develop a methodology that could be used on selected occasions to obtain 'snap shots' of the detailed three-dimensional patterns of soil moisture. Such patterns are likely to be very complex, as spatial variability will be induced for a number of reasons, such as strong horizontal gradients in soil moisture, variations between individual sources in the amount of water applied and spatial variability is soil hydraulic properties. Results are compared with a widely used numerical model, Hydrus-2D. The observed dynamic of the water content distribution is in good agreement with model simulations, although some discrepancies concerning the horizontal distribution of the irrigation bulb are noted due to soil heterogeneity. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The restoration of wetlands as bird habitats often involves the maintenance of a fluctuating water regime by careful, localised ditch water management using pumps and sluices. However, there is evidence in the literature to Suggest that alternate flood/drainage cycles can accelerate nutrient cycling and transport within the soil and, therefore, pose a threat to water quality through the process of eutrophication. This study focused on the dynamics and losses of soil P in a recently re-wetted, eutrophic fen peat developed on alluvium ill South west England. During the 2-year Study (2001 and 2002), soil water tensiometry revealed that the field water table (fluctuating annually between +20 and 60 cm relative to ground level) was extensively influenced across most of the 8.4 ha field site by the management of the adjacent ditch water levels. This conservation-led, prescribed water balance was facilitated by the high hydraulic conductivity (1.1 x 10(-s) ms(-1)) of the lower (70-140 cm), degraded layer of peat. However, only during a 7-day period of water table drawdown by intermittent pump drainage, approximately 45 g ha(-1) of dissolved reactive P (DRP) entered the pumped ditch from the field via this degraded layer. Summer rainfall events >35 mm d(-1) also coincided with significant peaks ill ditch water P concentration (up to 200 mu g L-1 DRP). Even larger peaks (Up to 700 mu g L-1 DRP) Occurred With the annual onset of autumn reflooding. These episodic P loss events pose a serious potential threat to biological water quality. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Praseodymium oxide as a thin film of controllable layer is known to display many unique physiochemical properties, which can be useful to ceramic, semiconductive and sensor industries. Here in this short paper, we describe a new chemical method of depositing praseodymium oxide on tin-doped indium oxide (ITO) surface using a layer-by-layer approach. The process is carried out by dipping the ITO in solutions of adsorbable polycationic chitosan and alkaline praseodymium hydroxide Pr(OH)(3) alternatively in order to build up the well-defined multi-layers. XRD suggests that the predominant form of the oxide is Pr6O11, obtained after heat treatment of the deposited ITO in static air at 500 degrees C. Microscopic studies including AFM, TEM and SEM indicate that the deposited oxide particles are uniform in size and shape (cylindrical), mesoporous and the thickness of the film can be controlled. AC impedance measurements of the deposited materials also reveal that the oxide layers display a high electrical conductivity hence suitable for sensor uses. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper presents the results of performance monitoring under real winter weather conditions, controlled laboratory testing and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of a wall mounted ventilation air inlet heat convector. For real winter weather monitoring, the wall-mounted convector was installed in a laboratory room of the Engineering Building of the School of Construction Management and Engineering. Air and hot water temperatures and air speeds were measured at the entrance to the convector and in the room. The hot water temperature was controlled at 40, 60 and 80 °C. The monitoring results were later used as boundary conditions for a CFD simulation to investigate the air movement in the room. Controlled laboratory testing was conducted in laboratories at the University of Reading, UK and at Wetterstad Consultancy, Sweden. The results of the performance investigation showed that the system contributed greatly to the room heating, particularly at a water temperature of 80 °C. Also adequate fresh air was supplied to the room. Such a system is able to provide an energy efficient method of eliminating problems associated with cold winter draughts.
This paper develops fuzzy methods for control of the rotary inverted pendulum, an underactuated mechanical system. Two control laws are presented, one for swing up and another for the stabilization. The pendulum is swung up from the vertical down stable position to the upward unstable position in a controlled trajectory. The rules for the swing up are heuristically written such that each swing results in greater energy build up. The stabilization is achieved by mapping a stabilizing LQR control law to two fuzzy inference engines, which reduces the computational load compared with using a single fuzzy inference engine. The robustness of the balancing control is tested by attaching a bottle of water at the tip of the pendulum.
Laboratory Fourier transform spectroscopy of pure water vapor and water vapor mixed with air has been conducted between 1200 and 8000 cm−1 and at temperatures between 293 and 351 K with the purpose of detecting and characterizing the water vapor continuum. The spectral features of the continuum within the major water absorption bands are presented and compared where possible to those from previous experimental studies and to the commonly used MT_CKD and CKD models. It was observed that in the main, both models adequately capture the general spectral form of the continuum; however, there were a number of exceptions. Overall, there is no evidence to indicate that MT_CKD is an improvement upon the older CKD model in these spectral regions. There was generally good agreement between our results and those of other experimental investigators. The general mathematical forms of the self-continuum temperature dependence, given by both Roberts et al. (1976) and CKD/MT_CKD, fit well to the experimental continuum in these spectral regions. However, the range of temperatures over which we made measurements is not sufficient to discriminate between these two forms or to exclude the possibility of other forms of temperature dependence being more appropriate. At the same time, the actual parameters currently used in CKD/MT_CKD to describe the temperature dependence in many spectral regions cannot reproduce the observed strong spectral variation in the temperature dependence. It has not been possible to make definitive conclusions about the magnitude of the continuum absorption in the far wings of the absorption bands investigated here.
The reuse of treated wastewater (reclaimed water) for irrigation is a valuable strategy to maximise available water resources, but the often marginal quality of the water can present agricultural challenges. Semi-structured interviews were held with Jordanian farmers to explore how they perceive the quality of reclaimed water. Of the 11 farmers interviewed who irrigate with reclaimed water directly near treatment plants, 10 described reclaimed water either positively or neutrally. In contrast, 27 of the 39 farmers who use reclaimed water indirectly, after it is blended with fresh water, viewed the resource negatively, although 23 of the indirect reuse farmers also recognised the nutrient benefits. Farmer perception of reclaimed water may be a function of its quality, but consideration should also be given to farmers’ capacity to manage the agricultural challenges associated with reclaimed water (salinity, irrigation system damage, marketing of produce), their actual and perceived capacity to control where and when reclaimed water is used, and their capacity to influence the quality of the water delivered to the farm.
Since the 1990s, international water sector reforms have centred heavily on economic and market approaches. In regard to water resources management, tradable water rights have been promoted, often supported by the neoliberal model adopted in Chile. Chile's 1981 Water Code was reformed to comprise a system of water rights that could be freely traded with few restrictions. International financial institutions have embraced the Chilean model, claiming that it results in more efficient water use, and potentially fosters social and environmental benefits. However, in Chile the Water Code is deeply contested. It has been criticised for being too permissive and has produced a number of problems in practice. Moreover, attempts to modify it have become the focus of a lengthy polemic debate. This paper employs a political ecology perspective to explore the socio-environmental outcomes of water management in Chile, drawing on a case study of agriculture in the semi-arid Norte Chico. The case illustrates how large-scale farmers exert greater control over water, while peasant farmers have increasingly less access. I argue that these outcomes are facilitated by the mode of water management implemented within the framework of the Water Code. Through this preliminary examination of social equity and the environmental aspects of water resources management in Chile, I suggest that the omission of these issues from the international debates on water rights markets is a cause for concern.
This paper charts the current evidence on effectiveness of different anti-corruption reforms, and identifies significant evidence gaps. Despite a substantial amount of literature on corruption, this review found very few studies focusing on anti-corruption reforms, and even fewer that credibly assess issues of effectiveness and impact. The evidence was strong for only two types of interventions: public financial management (PFM) reforms and supreme audit institutions (SAIs). For PFM, the evidence in general showed positive results, whereas the effectiveness was mixed for SAIs. No strong evidence indicates that any of the interventions pursued have been ineffective, but there is fair evidence that anti-corruption authorities, civil service reforms and the use of corruption conditionality in aid allocation decisions in general have not been effective. The paper advocates more operationally-relevant research and rigorous evaluations to build up the missing evidence base, particularly in conflict-afflicted states, in regards to the private sector, and on the interactions and interdependencies between different anti-corruption interventions.
In Part I of this study it was shown that moving from a moisture-convergent- to a relative-humidity-dependent organized entrainment rate in the formulation for deep convection was responsible for significant advances in the simulation of the Madden – Julian Oscillation (MJO) in the ECMWF model. However, the application of traditional MJO diagnostics were not adequate to understand why changing the control on convection had such a pronounced impact on the representation of the MJO. In this study a set of process-based diagnostics are applied to the hindcast experiments described in Part I to identify the physical mechanisms responsible for the advances in MJO simulation. Increasing the sensitivity of the deep convection scheme to environmental moisture is shown to modify the relationship between precipitation and moisture in the model. Through dry-air entrainment, convective plumes ascending in low-humidity environments terminate lower in the atmosphere. As a result, there is an increase in the occurrence of cumulus congestus, which acts to moisten the mid troposphere. Due to the modified precipitation – moisture relationship more moisture is able to build up, which effectively preconditions the tropical atmosphere for the t ransition t o d eep convection. R esults from this study suggest that a tropospheric moisture control on convection is key to simulating the interaction between the convective heating and the large-scale wave forcing associated with the MJO.
The Richards equation has been widely used for simulating soil water movement. However, the take-up of agro-hydrological models using the basic theory of soil water flow for optimizing irrigation, fertilizer and pesticide practices is still low. This is partly due to the difficulties in obtaining accurate values for soil hydraulic properties at a field scale. Here, we use an inverse technique to deduce the effective soil hydraulic properties, based on measuring the changes in the distribution of soil water with depth in a fallow field over a long period, subject to natural rainfall and evaporation using a robust micro Genetic Algorithm. A new optimized function was constructed from the soil water contents at different depths, and the soil water at field capacity. The deduced soil water retention curve was approximately parallel but higher than that derived from published pedo-tranfer functions for a given soil pressure head. The water contents calculated from the deduced soil hydraulic properties were in good agreement with the measured values. The reliability of the deduced soil hydraulic properties was tested in reproducing data measured from an independent experiment on the same soil cropped with leek. The calculation of root water uptake took account for both soil water potential and root density distribution. Results show that the predictions of soil water contents at various depths agree fairly well with the measurements, indicating that the inverse analysis is an effective and reliable approach to estimate soil hydraulic properties, and thus permits the simulation of soil water dynamics in both cropped and fallow soils in the field accurately. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Agro-hydrological models have widely been used for optimizing resources use and minimizing environmental consequences in agriculture. SMCRN is a recently developed sophisticated model which simulates crop response to nitrogen fertilizer for a wide range of crops, and the associated leaching of nitrate from arable soils. In this paper, we describe the improvements of this model by replacing the existing approximate hydrological cascade algorithm with a new simple and explicit algorithm for the basic soil water flow equation, which not only enhanced the model performance in hydrological simulation, but also was essential to extend the model application to the situations where the capillary flow is important. As a result, the updated SMCRN model could be used for more accurate study of water dynamics in the soil-crop system. The success of the model update was demonstrated by the simulated results that the updated model consistently out-performed the original model in drainage simulations and in predicting time course soil water content in different layers in the soil-wheat system. Tests of the updated SMCRN model against data from 4 field crop experiments showed that crop nitrogen offtakes and soil mineral nitrogen in the top 90 cm were in a good agreement with the measured values, indicating that the model could make more reliable predictions of nitrogen fate in the crop-soil system, and thus provides a useful platform to assess the impacts of nitrogen fertilizer on crop yield and nitrogen leaching from different production systems. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.