944 resultados para ad hoc dimensions


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Observational studies in the field of sport are complicated by the added difficulty of having to analyse multiple, complex events or behaviours that may last just a fraction of a second. In this study, we analyse three aspects related to the reliability of data collected in such a study. The first aim was to analyse and compare the reliability of data sets assessed quantitatively (calculation of kappa statistic) and qualitatively (consensus agreement method). The second aim was to describe how, by ensuring the alignment of events, we calculated the kappa statistic for the order parameter using SDIS-GSEQ software (version 5.1) for data sets containing different numbers of sequences. The third objective was to describe a new consultative procedure designed to remove the confusion generated by discordant data sets and improve the reliability of the data. The procedure is called "consultative" because it involves the participation of a new observer who is responsible for consulting the existing observations and deciding on the definitive result.


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With wireless vehicular communications, Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) enable numerous applications to enhance traffic safety, traffic efficiency, and driving experience. However, VANETs also impose severe security and privacy challenges which need to be thoroughly investigated. In this dissertation, we enhance the security, privacy, and applications of VANETs, by 1) designing application-driven security and privacy solutions for VANETs, and 2) designing appealing VANET applications with proper security and privacy assurance. First, the security and privacy challenges of VANETs with most application significance are identified and thoroughly investigated. With both theoretical novelty and realistic considerations, these security and privacy schemes are especially appealing to VANETs. Specifically, multi-hop communications in VANETs suffer from packet dropping, packet tampering, and communication failures which have not been satisfyingly tackled in literature. Thus, a lightweight reliable and faithful data packet relaying framework (LEAPER) is proposed to ensure reliable and trustworthy multi-hop communications by enhancing the cooperation of neighboring nodes. Message verification, including both content and signature verification, generally is computation-extensive and incurs severe scalability issues to each node. The resource-aware message verification (RAMV) scheme is proposed to ensure resource-aware, secure, and application-friendly message verification in VANETs. On the other hand, to make VANETs acceptable to the privacy-sensitive users, the identity and location privacy of each node should be properly protected. To this end, a joint privacy and reputation assurance (JPRA) scheme is proposed to synergistically support privacy protection and reputation management by reconciling their inherent conflicting requirements. Besides, the privacy implications of short-time certificates are thoroughly investigated in a short-time certificates-based privacy protection (STCP2) scheme, to make privacy protection in VANETs feasible with short-time certificates. Secondly, three novel solutions, namely VANET-based ambient ad dissemination (VAAD), general-purpose automatic survey (GPAS), and VehicleView, are proposed to support the appealing value-added applications based on VANETs. These solutions all follow practical application models, and an incentive-centered architecture is proposed for each solution to balance the conflicting requirements of the involved entities. Besides, the critical security and privacy challenges of these applications are investigated and addressed with novel solutions. Thus, with proper security and privacy assurance, these solutions show great application significance and economic potentials to VANETs. Thus, by enhancing the security, privacy, and applications of VANETs, this dissertation fills the gap between the existing theoretic research and the realistic implementation of VANETs, facilitating the realistic deployment of VANETs.


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In a recent paper [1] Reis showed that both the principles of extremum of entropy production rate, which are often used in the study of complex systems, are corollaries of the Constructal Law. In fact, both follow from the maximization of overall system conductivities, under appropriate constraints. In this way, the maximum rate of entropy production (MEP) occurs when all the forces in the system are kept constant. On the other hand, the minimum rate of entropy production (mEP) occurs when all the currents that cross the system are kept constant. In this paper it is shown how the so-called principle of "minimum energy expenditure" which is often used as the basis for explaining many morphologic features in biologic systems, and also in inanimate systems, is also a corollary of Bejan's Constructal Law [2]. Following the general proof some cases namely, the scaling laws of human vascular systems and river basins are discussed as illustrations from the side of life, and inanimate systems, respectively.


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Popper's explications of 'ad hoc' in relation to hypotheses and explanations turn out to be either trivial, confused or mistaken. One such explication I discuss at length is circularity; another is reduction in empirical content. I argue that non-circularity is preferable to non-ad hocness for an acceptable explanation or explanans, and I isolate some persistent errors in his analysis. Second, Popper is barking up the wrong tree in proscribing reductions in empirical content in novel hypotheses. Such reductions may constitute scientific progress. He fails to show that ad hoc hypothesis are the threat to science he claims.


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A racionalização do uso de medicamentos constitui-se como um fator contribuinte para a melhoria da segurança do doente, particularmente no que respeita à segurança na medicação, tendo-se tornado prioritária para as organizações e instituições de saúde. A avaliação do uso de medicamentos inapropriados no idoso constitui-se como uma medida que concorre para evitar, prevenir ou corrigir eventos adversos associados ao seu uso. As benzodiazepinas são uma das classes de medicamentos mais prescritas em idosos. No entanto, e apesar de sua utilidade clínica, algumas benzodiazepinas são consideradas inapropriadas nesta faixa etária por potenciarem o efeito sedativo e aumentar a incidência de quedas e fraturas. A longo prazo, na promoção da qualidade do sono, a sua efetividade é discutível já que a toma de uma benzodiazepina para a resolução de um problema como o sono, muitas vezes pontual, passa a ser um problema crónico de exigência de toma contínua, sem que a qualidade deste seja restabelecida, pondo em risco a segurança do doente. Este estudo tem como objetivo caracterizar o consumo de benzodiazepinas por idosos institucionalizados, numa instituição de longa permanência do concelho de Sesimbra, sua inapropriação e a relação com a qualidade de sono. Foi desenvolvido um estudo descritivo e transversal, assente no paradigma qualitativo, com a recolha de dados a decorrer em três momentos: registo de informação em grelha própria da caracterização sociodemográfica e da caracterização do consumo de benzodiazepinas; aplicação do índice de Katz para determinar a funcionalidade dos participantes; aplicação do questionário adaptado do Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index para avaliação da qualidade do sono. A inapropriação foi avaliada pela aplicação dos critérios de Beers. Após aplicação dos critérios de inclusão (idade superior a 65 anos e capacidade funcional) aos 97 utentes da instituição, a amostra foi constituída por 51 utentes. Foi recolhido consentimento informado de todos os participantes. Os resultados obtidos mostram que 46% das benzodiazepinas consumidas são de duração intermédia de ação, observando-se ainda um valor considerável de consumo de benzodiazepinas de longa duração de ação (36%). Estes valores correspondem a um grau elevado de inapropriação, potenciando os riscos para a segurança do doente nesta faixa etária. O lorazepam 2,5mg é a benzodiazepina mais utilizada como hipnótico. Mas, apesar do consumo deste grupo de medicamentos 81,6% dos idosos que consumem benzodiazepinas não apresentam boa qualidade de sono (PSQI>5), enquanto 77% dos idosos que não consomem benzodiazepinas apresentam boa qualidade de sono (PSQI≤5). Nos idosos que consomem benzodiazepinas, a média de tempo despendido na cama até adormecer foi de cerca de 55 minutos, valor superior ao grupo que não consome benzodiazepinas, onde a média é de 27 minutos. Neste grupo de idosos, o consumo de benzodiazepinas não só é inapropriado como não contribuiu para uma melhoria na qualidade de sono nem para a segurança do doente, como são os consumidores de benzodiazepinas que apresentam uma pior qualidade de sono, nas suas várias dimensões.


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En l’actualitat el burnout o síndrome de cremar-se per la feina és considerat un risc emergent als països occidentals essent el col·lectiu docent un dels més afectats. L’espai europeu d’educació superior proposa un nou rol pel professor que haurà de ser compaginat amb la gestió, la recerca i la transferència de coneixement. En la present recerca s’analitza el nivell de burnout en una mostra formada per 42 docents (mitjana d’edat: 37,21 anys; D.T.: 8,98; 70,8% dones) del departament de Psicologia de la Universitat de Girona. El burnout s’ha avaluat amb el Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) així com amb un qüestionari d’elaboració pròpia que recull variables sociodemogràfiques, característiques del tipus de treball i de l’ús del temps lliure, el locus de control i el burnout percebut. Els resultats obtinguts indiquen valors mitjans en les puntuacions de les dimensions Cansament Emocional i Despersonalització, i valors elevats en Realització Personal. El 20,5% dels docents es percep cremat per la feina


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[eng] Objective: To analyse the scientific papers studying citations in the areas of humanities during the period 1959-2008 and to determine the aspects evaluated. The main bibliometric aspects measured were type of study, obsolescence, dispersion, language, theme, author impact and self-citations.Methodology: Broad revision of the international literature in the area of library and information science in the period studied, and detailed analysis of 119 bibliometric studies.Results: Most of the few studies of this area are based on ad-hoc citation compilations. There is a certain predominance of philology. Library quarterly is the journal that has published most papers of this kind. The conclusions of these studies can be as useful as those in the experimental sciences; it would be useful to increase their number.


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La calidad de vida en la población universitaria adquiere una especial importancia ya que permite obtener información sobre las condiciones de vida de los universitarios y, sobre todo, de cómo éstos las perciben. Objetivo: Evaluar la calidad de vida de los universitarios que cursan estudios en ciencias de la salud y su relación con diferentes factores tales como: hábitos de vida, parámetros antropométricos y la influencia de las distintas variables sobre su percepción. Material y Método: Estudio transversal de una muestra de 1.753 estudiantes de ciencias de la salud de nueve universidades españolas con diseño muestral aleatorio y estatrificado según curso y facultad al que se le aplicó un cuestionaro ad hoc que recogía todas las variables a estudio. Resultados: La calidad de vida percibida por los participantes fue Me = 75. Los factores explorados de la calidad de vida se co-relacionaron significativamente con la percepción global de calidad de vida de los estudiantes (p<0,001). Se establecieron 3 dimensiones y el impacto de cada una de ellas sobre la percepción de calidad de vida global fue p<0,001. Los varones percibieron mejor calidad de vida que las mujeres y también los estudiantes con menor Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC). Conclusión: Los universitarios son una población clave para realizar actividades de promoción y prevención de la salud por lo que resulta necesario crear mejores infraestucturas y recursos educativos para mejorar la CV y fomentar hábitos y estilos de vida saludable con especial atención en la alimentación y la realización de una adecuada actividad física.


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Aquest article presenta el portafolis europeu de llengües en versió electrònica (ePEL+14) recentment validat pel Consell d'Europa. El propòsit és descriure aquesta innovació educativa en la docència universitària dels Erasmus Intensive Language Courses (EILC) i conèixer l'opinió dels professors universitaris de llengua catalana de la Xarxa Vives participants en la primera preexperimentació amb aquesta innovació en el curs 2011-2012. Es va dur a terme una enquesta després d’un taller de l'ePEL+14 en els EILC. El qüestionari ad hoc contenia quatre dimensions: variables sociodemogràfiques, coneixement previ del PEL i ePEL, materials de suport per implementar-ho i conseqüències del seu ús en l'aprenentatge de la llengua. La valoració va ser positiva, especialment per l'adequació de l'eina tecnològica i les funcionalitats informatives i pedagògiques per a l’aprenent de llengües. No obstant això, també assenyalen una influència moderada en l’aprenentatge de la llengua i cultura.


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The computer is a useful tool in the teaching of upper secondary school physics, and should not have a subordinate role in students' learning process. However, computers and computer-based tools are often not available when they could serve their purpose best in the ongoing teaching. Another problem is the fact that commercially available tools are not usable in the way the teacher wants. The aim of this thesis was to try out a novel teaching scenario in a complicated subject in physics, electrodynamics. The didactic engineering of the thesis consisted of developing a computer-based simulation and training material, implementing the tool in physics teaching and investigating its effectiveness in the learning process. The design-based research method, didactic engineering (Artigue, 1994), which is based on the theoryof didactical situations (Brousseau, 1997), was used as a frame of reference for the design of this type of teaching product. In designing the simulation tool a general spreadsheet program was used. The design was based on parallel, dynamic representations of the physics behind the function of an AC series circuit in both graphical and numerical form. The tool, which was furnished with possibilities to control the representations in an interactive way, was hypothesized to activate the students and promote the effectiveness of their learning. An effect variable was constructed in order to measure the students' and teachers' conceptions of learning effectiveness. The empirical study was twofold. Twelve physics students, who attended a course in electrodynamics in an upper secondary school, participated in a class experiment with the computer-based tool implemented in three modes of didactical situations: practice, concept introduction and assessment. The main goal of the didactical situations was to have students solve problems and study the function of AC series circuits, taking responsibility for theirown learning process. In the teacher study eighteen Swedish speaking physics teachers evaluated the didactic potential of the computer-based tool and the accompanying paper-based material without using them in their physics teaching. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected using questionnaires, observations and interviews. The result of the studies showed that both the group of students and the teachers had generally positive conceptions of learning effectiveness. The students' conceptions were more positive in the practice situation than in the concept introduction situation, a setting that was more explorative. However, it turned out that the students' conceptions were also positive in the more complex assessment situation. This had not been hypothesized. A deeper analysis of data from observations and interviews showed that one of the students in each pair was more active than the other, taking more initiative and more responsibilityfor the student-student and student-computer interaction. These active studentshad strong, positive conceptions of learning effectiveness in each of the threedidactical situations. The group of less active students had a weak but positive conception in the first iv two situations, but a negative conception in the assessment situation, thus corroborating the hypothesis ad hoc. The teacher study revealed that computers were seldom used in physics teaching and that computer programs were in short supply. The use of a computer was considered time-consuming. As long as physics teaching with computer-based tools has to take place in special computer rooms, the use of such tools will remain limited. The affordance is enhanced when the physical dimensions as well as the performance of the computer are optimised. As a consequence, the computer then becomes a real learning tool for each pair of students, smoothly integrated into the ongoing teaching in the same space where teaching normally takes place. With more interactive support from the teacher, the computer-based parallel, dynamic representations will be efficient in promoting the learning process of the students with focus on qualitative reasoning - an often neglected part of the learning process of the students in upper secondary school physics.


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The significance of services as business and human activities has increased dramatically throughout the world in the last three decades. Becoming a more and more competitive and efficient service provider while still being able to provide unique value opportunities for customers requires new knowledge and ideas. Part of this knowledge is created and utilized in daily activities in every service organization, but not all of it, and therefore an emerging phenomenon in the service context is information awareness. Terms like big data and Internet of things are not only modern buzz-words but they are also describing urgent requirements for a new type of competences and solutions. When the amount of information increases and the systems processing information become more efficient and intelligent, it is the human understanding and objectives that may get separated from the automated processes and technological innovations. This is an important challenge and the core driver for this dissertation: What kind of information is created, possessed and utilized in the service context, and even more importantly, what information exists but is not acknowledged or used? In this dissertation the focus is on the relationship between service design and service operations. Reframing this relationship refers to viewing the service system from the architectural perspective. The selected perspective allows analysing the relationship between design activities and operational activities as an information system while maintaining the tight connection to existing service research contributions and approaches. This type of an innovative approach is supported by research methodology that relies on design science theory. The methodological process supports the construction of a new design artifact based on existing theoretical knowledge, creation of new innovations and testing the design artifact components in real service contexts. The relationship between design and operations is analysed in the health care and social care service systems. The existing contributions in service research tend to abstract services and service systems as value creation, working or interactive systems. This dissertation adds an important information processing system perspective to the research. The main contribution focuses on the following argument: Only part of the service information system is automated and computerized, whereas a significant part of information processing is embedded in human activities, communication and ad-hoc reactions. The results indicate that the relationship between service design and service operations is more complex and dynamic than the existing scientific and managerial models tend to view it. Both activities create, utilize, mix and share information, making service information management a necessary but relatively unknown managerial task. On the architectural level, service system -specific elements seem to disappear, but access to more general information elements and processes can be found. While this dissertation focuses on conceptual-level design artifact construction, the results provide also very practical implications for service providers. Personal, visual and hidden activities of service, and more importantly all changes that take place in any service system have also an information dimension. Making this information dimension visual and prioritizing the processed information based on service dimensions is likely to provide new opportunities to increase activities and provide a new type of service potential for customers.


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Most panel unit root tests are designed to test the joint null hypothesis of a unit root for each individual series in a panel. After a rejection, it will often be of interest to identify which series can be deemed to be stationary and which series can be deemed nonstationary. Researchers will sometimes carry out this classification on the basis of n individual (univariate) unit root tests based on some ad hoc significance level. In this paper, we demonstrate how to use the false discovery rate (FDR) in evaluating I(1)=I(0) classifications based on individual unit root tests when the size of the cross section (n) and time series (T) dimensions are large. We report results from a simulation experiment and illustrate the methods on two data sets.


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Data caching is an attractive solution for reducing bandwidth demands and network latency in mobile ad hoc networks. Deploying caches in mobile nodes can reduce the overall traf c considerably. Cache hits eliminate the need to contact the data source frequently, which avoids additional network overhead. In this paper we propose a data discovery and cache management policy for cooperative caching, which reduces the power usage, caching overhead and delay by reducing the number of control messages flooded into the network .A cache discovery process based on position cordinates of neighboring nodes is developed for this .The stimulstion results gives a promising result based on the metrics of the studies.


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En l’actualitat el burnout o síndrome de cremar-se per la feina és considerat un risc emergent als països occidentals essent el col·lectiu docent un dels més afectats. L’espai europeu d’educació superior proposa un nou rol pel professor que haurà de ser compaginat amb la gestió, la recerca i la transferència de coneixement. En la present recerca s’analitza el nivell de burnout en una mostra formada per 42 docents (mitjana d’edat: 37,21 anys; D.T.: 8,98; 70,8% dones) del departament de Psicologia de la Universitat de Girona. El burnout s’ha avaluat amb el Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) així com amb un qüestionari d’elaboració pròpia que recull variables sociodemogràfiques, característiques del tipus de treball i de l’ús del temps lliure, el locus de control i el burnout percebut. Els resultats obtinguts indiquen valors mitjans en les puntuacions de les dimensions Cansament Emocional i Despersonalització, i valors elevats en Realització Personal. El 20,5% dels docents es percep cremat per la feina