891 resultados para XrD


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This work studied bottom sediment from catchment area of 13 stations of water treatment of Mogi-Guaçu and Pardo river basins, through identification of mineralogical matrix and its correlation with potential bioavailable metal concentrations. The main clay minerals present were kaolinite and illite. The values of iron and manganese grades were derived from reddish-purple soil, which is rich of such elements. They had higher values on areas with weak vegetation cover compared with other areas linked with more vegetation density. Higher values of calcium at Campestrinho station (IG 69) were associated to occurrence by weathering of calcium feldspars markedly present on regional porphiritic acid rocks. The concentrations of phosphorous are characteristically high on areas near urbanized regions.


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Mo-promoted Ni/Al2O3 catalysts for the methane steam reforming reaction were studied in this work. The Ni/Al2O3 catalysts were prepared by precipitation and molibdenum was added by impregnation up to 2%wt. The solids were tested using a micro-reactor under two H2Ov/C conditions and were characterized by ICP-OES, XRD, N2 adsoption, H2 chemisorption and TPR. NiO and NiAl2O4 phases were observed and the metallic area decreased with the increase of the Mo content. From the catalytic tests high stability was verified for H2Ov/C=4.0. On the other hand, only the catalyst containing 0,05% Mo stayed stable during 30 hours of the test at H2Ov/C=2.0.


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The carbon dioxide reforming of methane was carried out over nickel catalysts supported on the gamma-Al2O3/CeO2 system prepared by wet impregnation. With the increase of the CeO2 weight in the catalyst, a higher stability was observed in the catalytic activity, together with an excellent resistance to carbon deposition and a better Ni dispersion. The catalysts were characterized by means of surface area measurements, TPR, H2 chemisorption, XRD, SEM, EDX, XPS and TEM. An interaction between Ni and CeO2 was observed to the Ni/CeO2 sample after activation in a H2 atmosphere above 300 ºC. Such behavior has a significantly influence on the catalytic activity.


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The layered precursor of MCM-22 was prepared with different Si/Al ratios: 15, 25, 50, 100 and ¥. Upon heat treatment these precursors form MCM-22 zeolite. Both layered precursor and MCM-22 zeolite were characterized by several techniques: Chemical Analysis by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Thermo-gravimetric Analysis (TGA), Pore Analysis by N2 and Ar adsorption, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Temperature Programmed Desorption of ammonium (TPD).


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Simultaneous oxidation/co-precipitation of an equimolar mixture of La(III) and Co(II) nitrates and La(III) nitrate and Mn(II) chloride afforded a hydroxide gel, which was converted to LaCoO3 and LaMnO3 on calcination at 600 °C. After calcination, the obtained perovskites have been characterised by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X- ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), thermogravimetric analysis (DTA - TGA) and BET specific surface determination. Specific surface areas of perovskites were 12 - 60 m²/g. XRD analysis showed that LaCoO3 and LaMnO3 are simple phase perovskite - type oxides. Traces of LaOCl, in addition to the perovskite were detected in the LaMnO3. The catalytic behavior was examined in the propane and CO oxidation. The LaCoO3 catalyst was more active to CO2 than the LaMnO3 catalyst.


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Estudi de l’obtenció de les les pólvores del compost superconductor GdBa2Cu3O7 mitjançant la utilització de diferents mètodes partint de solucions aquoses de nitrat estabilitzades amb PEG, com son apartir del reactor Kjeldhal o a partir d’un assecatge ràpid damunt una placa calefactora.En el procés d’obtenció d’aquestes pólvores es vol fer una caracterització dels productesinicials, intermedis i finals que s’aniran obtenint durant les diferents etapes. Aquest estudi esfarà mitjançant varis tipus d’anàlisi, com la difracció de raig X (XRD), l’espectroscòpiainfraroja (IR) o la termogravimetria (TG).Finalment, també es comprovarà si els nitrats i el PEG que formen la solució aquosa espoden assecar en forma de capa, i si posteriorment, és possible la seva descomposició percombustió


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Ca1-xLa xTiO3 powders were prepared by the polymeric precursor method. X-ray diffraction (XRD), FT-Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and N2 and CO2 adsorption were used for the microstructural and surface characterization of the powders. Room temperature photoluminescence (PL) was observed in Ca1-xLa xTiO3 amorphous particles. The PL intensity of these powders was found to be dependent on the lanthanum molar concentration.


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Brucite (Mg(OH)2) is a structural model of several natural layered minerals as well as of synthetic layered double hydroxides (LDH). Exchange reaction studies of these compounds are well documented in the literature but surface chemical modifications, especially for brucite, are quite rare. We report the behaviour of brucite in reaction with succinic and benzoic acid in different solvents and temperatures. The compounds were analysed through X-ray diffraction (XRD) and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The surfaces of brucite crystals were grafted producing expansions, attributed to the arrangement of the grafted species between the layers.


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In this work, we report the synthesis and the photoluminescence features of Eu(III)-doped yttrium-aluminium oxide obtained by non-hydrolytic sol-gel routes. After heating the powders above 600 ºC the XRD patterns show the presence of the Y4Al2O9 (YAM) and Y3Al5O12 (YAG) phases. At 800 and at 1500 ºC the PL spectra display the Eu(III) lines characteristic of the YAM monoclinic phase. The 5D0->7F2 transition is favored relatively to the 5D0->7F1 lines. However, at 1100 ºC the cubic YAG is the preferential phase and the 5D0->7F1 transition dominates the spectrum. The Eu(III) ions lie in a centrosymmetrical site. The different solvents used in the sol-gel synthesis also change the relative proportion between these two phases. This is monitored analyzing the modifications in the relative intensity between the 5D0->7F2 and the 5D0->7F1 transitions.


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In this work the adsorption features of zeolites (NaY, Beta, Mordenite and ZSM-5) have been combined with the magnetic properties of iron oxides in a composite to produce a magnetic adsorbent. These magnetic composites can be used as adsorbents for contaminants in water and subsequently removed from the medium by a simple magnetic process. The magnetic zeolites were characterized by XRD, magnetization measurements, chemical analyses, N2 adsorption isotherms and Mössbauer spectroscopy. These magnetic adsorbents show remarkable adsorption capacity for metal ion contaminants in water.


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Thermal decomposition of [Bu4N]2[Zn(imnt)2] and [M(NH3)2(imnt)] complexes with M = Zn and Cd, and imnt = (bis 1,1-dicyanoethylene-2,2 dithiolate) in inert atmosphere was investigated by thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Pyrolysis studies at different temperatures, 300, 400, 500, and 600 ºC, in N2 atmosphere were performed and the products were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared and Raman spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The products were identified as sulfide sub-micron particles, along with amorphous carbon. Particle sizes estimated by SEM were ca. 50 nm for the cationic complexes and 500 nm for the neutral complexes.


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Montmorillonite clay from Brazil was pillared with aluminium polyhydroxications. The influence of aging of the pillaring solution and the concentration of the clay suspension on the properties of the prepared materials was studied. The materials were characterized by chemical analysis, XRD and pore analysis by N2 adsorption. The catalytic properties were evaluated in the cumene cracking reaction. Results showed that the pillarization process increases the basal spaces of natural clay from 9.7 to 18.5 Å and the surface area from 41 to 300 m²/g.


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Lateritic iron crust (LIC) samples from Padauari (AM) were analysed by XRD, optical microscopy and SEM-EDS. The equilibrium of iron minerals (IM) was studied using Eh-pH diagram. It was shown that the minerals of the LIC are goethite (alpha-FeOOH), vivianite [Fe3(PO4)2.8H2O] and siderite (FeCO3). Carbonate grains are a solid solution of FeCO3-MnCO3. The LIC presents textures and structures of dissolution of IM. The siderite and vivianite are stable from Eh =-0.3 to 0.0 V and pH=5.0-7.5. These results indicate that vivianite and siderite are products of bioreduction through biogenic dissolution of IM, the new conditions of ecosystems of the Amazon region.


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The synthesis of ZSM-5 zeolite was studied by three synthesis methods: standard synthesis, three day synthesis and synthesis employing clays (kaolin and montmorillonite). The raw materials and prepared materials were characterized by Chemical Analysis by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The results show that it is possible to synthesized ZSM-5 zeolite using clays as raw materials. Kaolin gives phases of higher crystalinity than montmorillonite.


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Nb-substituted goethites have been prepared and characterized by Mössbauer spectroscopy, XRD, SEM and BET surface area measurements. Mössbauer and XRD analyses suggested that Nb replaces Fe3+ in the structure with duplet formation. The insertion of Nb into the goethite structure caused a significant increase in the BET surface area of the material. The prepared alpha-Fe1-xNb xOOH was investigated for the H2O2 decomposition to O2 and for the Fenton reaction to oxidize the dye methylene blue. It was observed that the introduction of Nb in to goethite produced a strong increase in the activity of oxidation of the dye contaminant by H2O2.