991 resultados para Wave-front coding


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The process of resonant generation of the second harmonic of the surface wave, propagating along the external magnetic field at the plasma-metal boundary is considered. The periodic process of the energy exchange between the first and the second harmonics of the wave is investigated as well. It is shown that the process under study is periodic one. The analytical expressions are obtained and numerical estimations are presented for characteristic time of nonlinear energy exchange. The self-action effect of main frequency wave is account for harmonics interaction. It is shown that the effect leads to nonlinear phenomena attenuation, which expresses in narrowing possible value interval of harmonics amplitudes during energy exchange process and in increasing the nonlinear interaction time.


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A nonlinear process is considered of the surface wave third harmonics generation in a slowing-down semiconductor-metal structure. The process is conditioned by non-parabolicity of the charge carrier dispersion law. It is shown that in narrow-gap semiconducting materials it is necessary to account for the process together with the surface wave second harmonics generation conditioned by nonlinearity of quasi-hydrodynamics and the Maxwell equations. The conclusion is made that the third harmonies amplitude in narrow-gap semiconductors may exceed substantially the signal amplitude at the 3w frequency in a gas plasma and be of the same order with the surface waves second harmonies amplitude.


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Effect of near-wall transition regions on the surface wave propagation in a magnetoactive plasma layer bounded by a metal. It is shown that the account for inhomogeneities of plasma density or magnetic field causes an appearance of coupling between surface waves, propagating across magnetic field and localized near difference boundaries of the structure. The resonance damping of surface waves is analyzed too.


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A theoretical model of the plasma discharge in a metal cylinder pumped by an operating gas of an arbitrary nature is presented. The ionization is carried out by the surface wave (SW) propagating along a coaxial metal wire. The model includes the local dispersion relation, the energy balance equation, and the relation between the absorbed power per unit length and the local plasma density. Two typical regimes of the discharge are analyzed. In both regimes the axial and radial profiles of the plasma density of the electromagnetic field components and of the SW intensity are obtained. The possible use of the obtained results in plasma technology are discussed.


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In this study, the process of the resonant second harmonics generation of the submillimeter (SM), which is of interest for design of the semiconductor frequency multipliers is evaluated. Particularly, the possibility to use the semiconductor superlattice-metal structures as an effective second harmonics generator is demonstrated.


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The results of theoretical investigations of two-channel waveguide modulator based on Surface Wave (SW) propagation are presented. The structure studied consists of two n-type semiconductor waveguide channels separated from each other by a dielectric gap and coated by a metal. The SW propagates at the semiconductor-metal interface across an external magnetic field which is parallel to the interface. An external dc voltage is applied to the metal surface of one channel to provide a small phase shift between two propagating modes. In a coupled mode approximation, two possible regimes of operation of the structure, namely as a directional coupler and as an electro-optical modulator, are considered. Our results suggest new applications in millimeter and submillimeter wave solid-state electronics and integrated optics.


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The structure of a microwave gas discharge produced and sustained by a surface wave (SW) propagating along a cylindrical metal antenna with a dielectric coating is studied. The SW that produces and sustains the microwave gas discharge propagates along an external magnetic field and has an eigenfrequency in the range between the electron cyclotron and electron plasma frequencies. The presence of a dielectric (vacuum) sheath region separating the antenna from the plasma is assumed. The spatial distributions of the produced plasma density, electromagnetic fields, energy flow density, phase velocity and reverse skin depth of the SW are obtained analytically and numerically.


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The 3′ UTRs of eukaryotic genes participate in a variety of post-transcriptional (and some transcriptional) regulatory interactions. Some of these interactions are well characterised, but an undetermined number remain to be discovered. While some regulatory sequences in 3′ UTRs may be conserved over long evolutionary time scales, others may have only ephemeral functional significance as regulatory profiles respond to changing selective pressures. Here we propose a sensitive segmentation methodology for investigating patterns of composition and conservation in 3′ UTRs based on comparison of closely related species. We describe encodings of pairwise and three-way alignments integrating information about conservation, GC content and transition/transversion ratios and apply the method to three closely related Drosophila species: D. melanogaster, D. simulans and D. yakuba. Incorporating multiple data types greatly increased the number of segment classes identified compared to similar methods based on conservation or GC content alone. We propose that the number of segments and number of types of segment identified by the method can be used as proxies for functional complexity. Our main finding is that the number of segments and segment classes identified in 3′ UTRs is greater than in the same length of protein-coding sequence, suggesting greater functional complexity in 3′ UTRs. There is thus a need for sustained and extensive efforts by bioinformaticians to delineate functional elements in this important genomic fraction. C code, data and results are available upon request.


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Investigation of the epigenome of sporadic pituitary tumours is providing a more detailed understanding of aberrations that characterise this tumour type. Early studies, in this and other tumour types adopted candidate-gene approaches to characterise CpG island methylation as a mechanism responsible for or associated with gene silencing. However, more recently, investigators have adopted approaches that do not require a priori knowledge of the gene and transcript, as example differential display techniques, and also genome-wide, array-based approaches, to 'uncover' or 'unmask' silenced genes. Furthermore, through use of chromatin immunoprecipitation as a selective enrichment technique; we are now beginning to identify modifications that target the underlying histones themselves and that have roles in gene-silencing events. Collectively, these studies provided convincing evidence that change to the tumour epigenome are not simply epiphenomena but have functional consequences in the context of pituitary tumour evolution. Our ability to perform these types of studies has been and is increasingly reliant upon technological advances in the genomics and epigenomics arena. In this context, other more recent advances and developing technologies, and, in particular, next generation or flow cell re-sequencing techniques offer exciting opportunities for our future studies of this tumour type.


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While the half-angle which encloses a Kelvin ship wave pattern is commonly accepted to be 19.47 degrees, recent observations and calculations for sufficiently fast-moving ships suggest that the apparent wake angle decreases with ship speed. One explanation for this decrease in angle relies on the assumption that a ship cannot generate wavelengths much greater than its hull length. An alternative interpretation is that the wave pattern that is observed in practice is defined by the location of the highest peaks; for wakes created by sufficiently fast-moving objects, these highest peaks no longer lie on the outermost divergent waves, resulting in a smaller apparent angle. In this paper, we focus on the problems of free surface flow past a single submerged point source and past a submerged source doublet. In the linear version of these problems, we measure the apparent wake angle formed by the highest peaks, and observe the following three regimes: a small Froude number pattern, in which the divergent waves are not visible; standard wave patterns for which the maximum peaks occur on the outermost divergent waves; and a third regime in which the highest peaks form a V-shape with an angle much less than the Kelvin angle. For nonlinear flows, we demonstrate that nonlinearity has the effect of increasing the apparent wake angle so that some highly nonlinear solutions have apparent wake angles that are greater than Kelvin's angle. For large Froude numbers, the effect on apparent wake angle can be more dramatic, with the possibility of strong nonlinearity shifting the wave pattern from the third regime to the second. We expect our nonlinear results will translate to other more complicated flow configurations, such as flow due to a steadily moving closed body such as a submarine.


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Part of the Next Wave MEMBRANE Project, Great Expectations draws attention to the parallels between our expectations of art and new technology to make the world a better place. The theme of the 2008 Next Wave Festival, ‘Closer Together’, refers to the way society is ― for the better or for the worse ― becoming increasingly connected by media and communication technologies. Sceptical of the acclaimed social achievements of new technologies, Boxcopy: Contemporary Art Space, a Brisbane-based artist-run initiative, explores the futility of human activities, including art production and consumption, with a collection of works created by young and emerging Brisbane artists. Works for this project include: Early machines such as the Commodore 64 were tape-based, and hence had their games distributed on ordinary cassettes (2009) by Tim Kerr & Extra Features (2008) by Tim Woodward; Spine (2008), Joseph Briekers; Whiteout (2008), Channon Goodwin; Explosive Revelations (2008), Daniel McKewen.