787 resultados para Vomiting in pregnancy


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Pré-eclâmpsia (PE), uma síndrome sistêmica da gestação caracterizada por proteinúria e hipertensão, está associada a uma significativa mortalidade tanto materna quanto fetal. Eentretanto, sua fisiopatologia ainda não é totalmente compreendida. Apesar de um expressivo aumento da atividade do sistema renina-angiotensina (SRA) na gestação normal, a pressão arterial não aumenta. Além disso, a redução da pressão de perfusão intra-uterina promove um aumento na liberação de espécies reativas de oxigênio que podem contribuir para a hipertensão na gestação. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o papel do SRA vascular, assim como, do estresse oxidativo plasmático, cardiorenal e placentário para a regulação cardiovascular materna em ratas normotensas e em modelo de PE induzida por L-NAME. Foi observado um aumento da pessão arterial em animais que receberal L-NAME. As ratas grávidas + L-NAME apresentaram um menor ganho de massa corporal durante a gestação, menor múmero de filhotes vivos, maior número de abortos, menor massa placentária total e fetos com menor massa corporal. Foi observada uma redução na resposta vasodilatadora induzida por acetilcolina (ACh) e angiotensina (Ang) II, aumento na resposta vasodilatadora induzida por nitroglicerina (NG) e aumento na resposta vasoconstritora induzida por fenilefrina (Phe) e Ang II em LAM de ratas grávida e não grávidas que receberam L-NAME. Não foi observada diferença na expressão dos receptores AT1 e AT2 e das enzimas ECA, ECA2 e eNOS. Foi observado um aumento na concentração plasmática de renina e bradicinina (BK) em ratas grávidas + L-NAME e uma redução na concentração de Ang 1-7. As ratas grávidas e grávidas + L-NAME apresentaram um aumento nos níveis séricos de estradiol. Os níveis de malondialdeído e carbonilação de proteínas estava aumentados e a atividade das enzimas antioxidantes SOD e GPx estavam reduzidas em ratas grávidas e não grávidas que receberam L-NAME. A atividade da CAT não apresentou diferença entre os grupos. Em conclusão, uma redução na vasodilatação induzida pela Ang II associada a um aumento da vasoconstrição promovida por este peptídeo, sugerem uma contribuição do SRA no desenvolvimento das complicações características da PE observadas no modelo experimental de PE induzido por L-NAME. Do mesmo modo, a peroxidação lipídica e oxidação de proteínas aumentadas, assim como, as atividades enzimáticas antioxidantes reduzidas sugerem a contribuição de uma defesa antioxidante comprometida e um dano oxidativo aumentado para o desenvolvimento da hipertensão e disfunção endotelial, aumento da mortalidade fetal e retardo do crescimento intra-uterino observados no modelo de PE estudado.


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The human cervix is an important mechanical barrier in pregnancy which must withstand the compressive and tensile forces generated from the growing fetus. Premature cervical shortening resulting from premature cervical remodeling and alterations of cervical material properties are known to increase a woman׳s risk of preterm birth (PTB). To understand the mechanical role of the cervix during pregnancy and to potentially develop indentation techniques for in vivo diagnostics to identify women who are at risk for premature cervical remodeling and thus preterm birth, we developed a spherical indentation technique to measure the time-dependent material properties of human cervical tissue taken from patients undergoing hysterectomy. In this study we present an inverse finite element analysis (IFEA) that optimizes material parameters of a viscoelastic material model to fit the stress-relaxation response of excised tissue slices to spherical indentation. Here we detail our IFEA methodology, report compressive viscoelastic material parameters for cervical tissue slices from nonpregnant (NP) and pregnant (PG) hysterectomy patients, and report slice-by-slice data for whole cervical tissue specimens. The material parameters reported here for human cervical tissue can be used to model the compressive time-dependent behavior of the tissue within a small strain regime of 25%.


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Using three different types of yaks, 30 head of 1-yr-old calves (liveweight 60.7 +/- 6.3 kg), 30 head of 2-yr-old calves (97.7 +/- 10.2 kg) and 30 head of yak cows (160.2 +/- 15.1 kg) were randomly selected from the same yak herds. Each type of yak herd was divided into control (C) and trial (T) groups using a completely randomized design, with 10 and 20 animals in the C and T groups, respectively. The animals in the C group were grazed on natural rangeland, and the animals in the T group were supplemented with urea multinutritional molasses blocks (UMMB), together with grazing on natural rangeland from January to May of 1998. The objective was to determine the effect of UMMB on productive performance of yak calves and yak cows in the cold season. Live weight loss of 1-yr-old calves, 2-yr-old calves and yak cows was reduced by 1.2, 8.3 and 7.9 kg after UMMB supplementation (P < 0.01). The 1-yr-old calves gained the most in the first month of supplementation, but the 2-yr-old calves and yak cows gained the most both in the first and last supplementation months. Daily milk yield of yak cows increased by 0.21 kg d(-1) when the lactating animals were supplemented with UMMB (P < 0.01), although there was no effect (P < 0.01) of UMMB supplementation on hair and downy hair production. Supplementation with UMMB also improved reproductive performance of yak cows, with 8.8 and 30.9% increments in pregnancy rate and newborn weight, respectively. We conclude that the benefit of UMMB supplementation the 1-yr-old calves was not economical, with only 0.3:1 output to input ratio, but supplementation of the 2-yr-old calves and yak cows may be economical, with 1.8:1 and 1.4:1 output to input ratios, respectively.


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Perfusion experiments on an isolated, canine lateral saphenous vein segment preparation have shown that noradrenaline causes potent, flow dependent effects, at a threshold concentration comparable to that of plasma noradrenaline, when it stimulates the segment by diffusion from its microcirculation (vasa vasorum). The effects caused are opposite to those neuronal noradrenaline causes in vivo and that, in the light of the principle that all information is transmitted in patterns that need contrast to be detected – star patterns need darkness, sound patterns, quietness – has generated the hypothesis that plasma noradrenaline provides the obligatory contrast tissues need to detect and respond to the regulatory information encrypted in the diffusion pattern of neuronal noradrenaline. Based on the implications of that hypothesis, the controlled variable of the peripheral noradrenergic system is believed to be the maintenance of a set point balance between the contrasting effects of plasma and neuronal noradrenaline on a tissue. The hypothalamic sympathetic centres are believed to monitor that balance through the level of afferent sympathetic traffic they receive from a tissue and to correct any deviation it detects in the balance by adjusting the level of efferent sympathetic input it projects to the tissue. The failure of the centres to maintain the correct balance, for reasons intrinsic or extrinsic to themselves, is believed to be responsible for degenerative and genetic disorders. When the failure causes the balance to be polarised in favour of the effect of plasma noradrenaline that is believed to cause inflammatory diseases like dilator cardiac failure, renal hypertension, varicose veins and aneurysms; when it causes it to be polarised in favour of the effect of neuronal noradrenaline that is believed to cause genetic diseases like hypertrophic cardiopathy, pulmonary hypertension and stenoses and when, in pregnancy, a factor causes the polarity to favour plasma noradrenaline in all the maternal tissues except the uterus and conceptus, where it favours neuronal noradrenaline, that is believed to cause preeclampsia.


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Objectives: to compare and contrast how midwives working in either hospital- or community-based settings address domestic violence by evaluating their views on: prevalence of domestic violence; their role in addressing domestic violence; the acceptability of routine enquiry; and barriers encountered in asking clients questions about violence and abuse in pregnancy. Design: a postal survey questionnaire. Setting: Northern Ireland. Study population: 983 hospital and community midwives. Findings: overall, 488 midwives returned a completed questionnaire; a 57% response rate. Comparisons were made using descriptive, inferential statistics and cross-tabulation. Although there were significant differences between hospital- and community-based midwives in relation to domestic violence, both groups of midwives tended to underestimate its prevalence. Key conclusions: the findings suggest that midwives per se identify and respond to a fraction of the cases of domestic abuse in pregnancy, due to lack of confidence, education and training. This reinforces the need for both hospital and community midwives to gain further confidence and an understanding of the many psychosocial factors that surround domestic violence. Implications for practice: healthy settings theory can be used effectively to identify good practice with women who experience domestic violence. Effective investment for health care requires the gaps between hospital- and community-based practice to be bridged, and for work to be integrated.


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Interviews of 120 British adolescents and their parents (80% of a random sample of antenatal patients drawn from a representative urban population and followed longitudinally) revealed that 40 (33%) had been arrested and/or had a diagnosis of DSM-IV conduct disorder by 16 years of age; of those, 18 (45%) had committed violent acts. Depression in pregnancy significantly predicted violence in adolescence, even after controlling for the family environment, the child's later exposure to maternal depression, the mother's smoking and drinking during pregnancy, and parents' antisocial behavior. Mothers with a history of conduct problems were at elevated risk to become depressed in pregnancy, and the offspring of depressed women had a greater chance of becoming violent by age 16.


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Objective: to identify non-invasive interventions in the perinatal period that could enable midwives to offer effective support to women within the area of maternal mental health and well-being.

Methods: a total of 9 databases were searched: MEDLINE, PubMed, EBSCO (CINAHL/British Nursing Index), MIDIRS Online Database, Web of Science, The Cochrane library, CRD (NHS EED/DARE/HTA), Joanne Briggs Institute and EconLit. A systematic search strategy was formulated using key MeSH terms and related text words for midwifery, study aim, study design and mental health. Inclusion criteria were articles published from 1999 onwards, English language publications and articles originating from economically developed countries, indicated by membership of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Data were independently extracted using a data collection form, which recorded data on the number of papers reviewed, time frame of the review, objectives, key findings and recommendations. Summary data tables were set up outlining key data for each study and findings were organised into related groups. The methodological quality of the reviews was assessed based on predefined quality assessment criteria for reviews.

Findings: 32 reviews were identified as examining interventions that could be used or co-ordinated by midwives in relation to some aspect of maternal mental health and well-being from the antenatal to the postnatal period and met the inclusion criteria. The review highlighted that based on current systematic review evidence it would be premature to consider introducing any of the identified interventions into midwifery training or practice. However there were a number of examples of possible interventions worthy of further research including midwifery led models of care in the prevention of postpartum depression, psychological and psychosocial interventions for treating postpartum depression and facilitation/co-ordination of parent-training programmes. No reviews were identified that supported a specific midwifery role in maternal mental health and well-being in pregnancy, and yet, this is the point of most intensive contact.

Key conclusions and implications for practice: This systematic review of systematic reviews provides a valuable overview of the current strengths and gaps in relation to maternal mental health interventions in the perinatal period. While there was little evidence identified to inform the current role of midwives in maternal mental health, the review provides the opportunity to reflect on what is achievable by midwives now and in the future and the need for high quality randomised controlled trials to inform a strategic approach to promoting maternal mental health in midwifery.


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Macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1 (MIC-1) is a multifunctional cytokine produced in high amounts by placental tissue. Inhibiting trophoblast invasion and suppressing inflammation through inhibition of macrophage activation, MIC-1 is thought to provide pleiotropic functions in the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy. So far, little is known about the decidual cell subsets producing MIC-1 and the effect of this cytokine on dendritic cells (DCs), which are known to play a distinct role in the development of pro-fetal tolerance in pregnancy.


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Back pain is a common complaint in pregnancy, affecting approximately two-thirds of pregnant women [Pennick and Lidle, 2013]. This can lead to increased disability, affecting daily activities and cause absence from work. Evidence-based recommendations can be made for the use of exercise as an effective conservative treatment for the relief of back pain in pregnancy [Benten et al, 2014]. This poster explores the background to back pain in pregnancy and the advice women should be offered in relation to exercise to help normalise their pregnancy experience and enhance wellbeing.


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This document written in English and Spanish discusses the problem of babies spitting up.


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RESUMO: A pré-eclâmpsia tem elevada morbi-mortalidade materna e perinatal. A sua etiologia multi-fatorial tem sido objeto de investigação, não sendo ainda totalmente conhecida. Não se conhece também a razão da diferente suscetibilidade individual e das diferentes expressões da doença. A hipertensão crónica e a diabetes são fatores de risco reconhecidos, e o adiamento da maternidade contribui para que estas duas patologias sejam atualmente mais prevalentes entre as mulheres grávidas. Uma vez que o seu quadro fisiopatológico precede em meses o quadro clínico, tem-se investigado a possibilidade de serem encontrados marcadores precoces e indicadores de risco. Em Portugal, os estudos relativos à hipertensão na gravidez são escassos, bem como a investigação sobre fatores de risco e marcadores para a mesma. No sentido de avaliar possíveis marcadores de risco para o desenvolvimento de préeclâmpsia ou complicações hipertensivas foi colhida, para esta dissertação, uma amostra de 1215 mulheres que frequentaram a consulta de Hipertensão ou de Diabetes na gravidez de um centro terciário, entre 2004 e 2013. Optou-se pela realização de três estudos independentes, abrangendo os dois primeiros um leque temporal de 9 e de 2 anos respetivamente. O primeiro, centrado na hipertensão, pesquisou, em 521 mulheres com hipertensão na presente ou em anterior gravidez, fatores de risco capazes de influenciar a progressão para pré-eclâmpsia. O segundo, direcionado para a diabetes gestacional, considerou uma amostra de 334 grávidas, parte das quais tinha também hipertensão crónica e procurou identificar fatores que contribuíram para o aparecimento de complicações hipertensivas. O terceiro estudo, realizado em 2012 e 2013, em três coortes de grávidas com hipertensão crónica, com diabetes gestacional, e sem estas patologias - procurou avaliar no 1º trimestre o comportamento de dois marcadores placentares obtidos no 1º trimestre - proteína plasmática A associada à gravidez (PAPP-A) e o fator de crescimento placentar (PlGF) - e o seu papel, quer como bio-marcadores isolados, quer em associação aos fatores de risco encontrados nos anteriores estudos, na construção de um modelo preditivo de préeclâmpsia. No primeiro estudo, a nuliparidade, a hipertensão gestacional, a fluxometria das artérias uterinas com IP superiores ao P95 entre as 20-22 semanas e a existência de restrição de crescimento fetal, foram os fatores que contribuíram para a construção de um modelo preditivo de pré-eclâmpsia. No segundo estudo, a coexistência de diabetes e hipertensão crónica agravou o prognóstico, associando-se as complicações hipertensivas à multiparidade, obesidade, idade materna e etnia negra. No terceiro estudo verificou-se uma redução da PlGf e da PAPP-A no 1º trimestre nas duas primeiras coortes, comparativamente à coorte sem patologia; na análise separada de cada coorte, quando se verificaram complicações hipertensivas ou pré-eclâmpsia, as concentrações de PlGf e PAPP-A também foram inferiores. Contudo, na elaboração de um modelo preditivo de pré-eclâmpsia, em conjunto com marcadores encontrados, apenas a PlGf pode ser integrada no modelo preditivo, o que se verificou na coorte com hipertensão crónica. Os marcadores bioquímicos em estudo tiveram valores inferiores nas coortes com patologia hipertensiva, demonstrando uma deficiente produção destas proteínas placentares nestas situações, podendo ser importante a sua pesquisa. Contudo, neste estudo, apenas na coorte de hipertensão crónica a PlGf teve participação como fator de risco, na construção de um modelo preditivo de pré-eclâmpsia.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT: Preeclampsia is associated with a great maternal and perinatal morbimortality. Its multifactorial etiology has been under investigation and is still insufficiently understood. The reason why there are differences in individual susceptibility and differences in expressions of the disease is still unknown. Chronic hypertension and diabetes are known risk factors for preeclampsia and maternity delay contributes to the great prevalence of these pathologies among pregnant women. As the physiopathological signs antedate by months the clinical course of the disease, early risk factors and biological markers are object of clinical research. In Portugal, scarce clinical studies were devoted to hypertension in pregnancy and to risk factors and markers of this pathology. This dissertation inquires 1215 pregnant women who were treated for hypertension or diabetes in a tertiary care center between 2004 and 2013, in order to find risk markers for hypertensive complications or preeclampsia. We conducted three independent studies for this purpose. In the first one we investigated which risk factors could influence the progression to preeclampsia in 521 pregnant women with present or past history of hypertension. The second one was conducted to find what factors were associated to hypertensive complications, with a sample of 334 pregnant women with gestational diabetes, some also with chronic hypertension, addressing the identification of the factors contributing to hypertensive complications. The third study was conducted between 2012 and 2013 with three cohorts of pregnant women, with chronic hypertension, gestational diabetes, and in the third one, pregnant women had a low risk pregnancy. The objective of the study was to evaluate the behavior of two placental markers – PAPP-A and PlGf – obtained in the first trimester, and the role of these markers as isolated biomarkers or in association with other risk factors, in order to define a predictive model of early preeclampsia. In the first study, nuliparity, gestational hypertension, uterine arteries doppler with PI above P95 between 20-22 weeks of gestation and the presence of fetal growth restriction were the markers involved in a predictive model for preeclampsia. In the second study the cohort with the coexistence of diabetes and hypertension had registered worse result and hypertensive complications were associated to multiparity, obesity, maternal age and black ethnicity. In the third study there was a reduction of the PlGf and a PAPP-A concentration for the first trimester in the two first cohorts comparatively to the low risk cohort; the separate analysis of each cohort showed that plGf and PAPP-A concentrations were reduced when hypertensive complications appeared. However, when trying to find a preeclampsia predictive model, only plGf gave significant results for being considered in the model and this was only possible in the chronic hypertension cohort. The biochemical markers investigated in this study were reduced in the cohorts when high blood pressure complications occurred, showing a defective production of these placenta proteins, and suggesting that they should be investigated as first trimester biomarkers. Nevertheless, for this research, in the cohort of chronic hypertension only PlGf had a significant result, when multivariate analysis of all the risk factors was considered for the construction of a preeclampsia predictive model.


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La grossesse induit de profonds changements hémodynamiques et métaboliques de l’organisme maternel qui ont des conséquences sur le cœur. L’adaptation du cœur à cette condition physiologique nécessite un remodelage de sa structure et par conséquent des ajustements de sa fonction. Les mécanismes responsables de ces adaptations sont en grande partie inconnus. Cependant, ces connaissances sont essentielles pour la compréhension des complications cardiovasculaires, telle que l’hypertension gestationnelle (HG), qui constituent un risque pour la santé de la mère et du fœtus. Afin de caractériser les adaptations du cœur lors de la grossesse, l’originalité de notre approche expérimentale consistait à étudier le remodelage à l’échelle des cardiomyocytes du ventricule gauche. Ainsi, notre premier objectif était de déterminer les modifications structurales et fonctionnelles des cardiomyocytes chez la rate en vue d’identifier les altérations lors de l’HG. Chez les rates gestantes, le remodelage structural des cardiomyocytes se caractérise par une hypertrophie cellulaire avec une augmentation proportionnelle des dimensions. L’HG a été induite par un supplément sodique (0.9% NaCl) dans la diète. L’inadaptation structurale lors de l’HG se traduit par une diminution du volume cellulaire. L’étude des modifications fonctionnelles a révélé que lors de la gestation le fonctionnement contractile des cellules est dépendant de l’adaptation du métabolisme maternel. En effet, les substrats énergétiques, lactate et pyruvate, induisent une augmentation de la contractilité des cardiomyocytes. Cet effet est plus faible dans les cellules des rates hypertendues, ce qui suggère des anomalies du couplage excitation-contraction, dans lequel les courants calciques de type L (ICa-L) jouent un rôle important. Paradoxalement, le lactate et le pyruvate ont induit une augmentation de la densité des courants ICa-L seulement chez les rates hypertendues. Le récepteur aux minéralocorticoïdes (RM) est connu pour son implication dans le remodelage structuro-fonctionnel du cœur dans les conditions pathologiques mais pas dans celui induit par la grossesse. Notre deuxième objectif était donc de déterminer le rôle du RM dans l’adaptation de la morphologie et de la contractilité des cardiomyocytes. Des rates gestantes ont été traitées avec le canrénoate de potassium (20 mg/kg/jr), un antagoniste des RM. L’inhibition des RM pendant la gestation empêche l’hypertrophie cellulaire. De plus, l’inhibition des RM bloque l’effet du lactate et du pyruvate sur la contractilité. Chez la femme, la grossesse est associée à des changements des propriétés électriques du cœur. Sur l’électrocardiogramme, l’intervalle QTc est plus long, témoignant de la prolongation de la repolarisation. Les mécanismes régulant cette adaptation restent encore inconnus. Ainsi, notre troisième objectif était de déterminer le rôle du RM dans l’adaptation de la repolarisation. Chez la rate gestante, l’intervalle QTc est prolongé ce qui est corroboré par la diminution des courants potassiques Ito et IK1. L’inhibition des RM pendant la gestation empêche la prolongation de l’intervalle QTc et la diminution des courants Ito. Les travaux exposés dans cette thèse apportent une vision plus précise du remodelage cardiaque induit par la grossesse, qui est permise par l’étude à l’échelle cellulaire. Nos résultats montrent que lors de la gestation et de l’HG les cardiomyocytes subissent des remodelages morphologiques contrastés. Notre étude a aussi révélé que lors de la gestation, la fonction contractile est tributaire des adaptations métaboliques et que cette relation est altérée lors de l’HG. Nos travaux montrent que la régulation de ces adaptations gestationnelles fait intervenir le RM au niveau de la morphologie, de la relation métabolisme/fonctionnement contractile et de la repolarisation. En faisant avancer les connaissances sur l’hypertrophie de la grossesse, ces travaux vont permettre d’améliorer la compréhension des complications cardiovasculaires gestationnelles.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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La vie des femmes du continent africain et de leurs enfants continue d’être mise en danger lors de chaque accouchement car les risques de décès maternels et infantiles sont encore très élevés. Il est estimé chaque année à environ le quart du million le nombre de décès maternel et de près de quatre millions celui des enfants de moins de cinq ans. La comparaison de la situation sanitaire avec d’autres contextes permet de mieux cerner l’ampleur du problème : en Afrique sub-Saharienne, le risque de décès lié à la grossesse est de l’ordre de 1 pour 31, alors qu’il n’est que de 1 pour 4300 dans les pays industrialisés. Cette situation est évitable et, le plus souvent, résulte de la sous ou non-utilisation des services de santé maternelle, du manque de structures adéquates de soins ou de personnel de santé qualifié. Notre thèse cherche à comprendre la manière dont les inégalités de genre au sein du ménage et dans la communauté renforcent les inégalités quant à l’utilisation des services de santé maternelle, ainsi qu’aux relations empiriques qui lient les différents recours aux soins. Concrètement, elle vise à 1) proposer une mesure des normes de genre favorables à la violence contre les femmes et à analyser son influence sur leur prise de décision au sein du ménage, 2) analyser simultanément l’influence de ces normes et de l’autonomie des femmes sur le recours aux soins prénatals et à l’accouchement assisté et finalement, 3) cerner l’influence des soins prénatals sur le recours à l’accouchement assisté. Chacun de ces objectifs se heurte à un problème méthodologique substantiel, soit de mesure ou de biais de sélection, auxquels l’approche par modèles d’équations structurelles que nous avons adoptée permet de remédier. Les résultats de nos analyses, présentés sous forme d’articles scientifiques, s’appuient sur les données issues des Enquêtes Démographiques et de Santé (EDS) du Ghana, du Kenya, de l’Ouganda et de la Tanzanie et concernent les femmes vivant en milieu rural. Notre premier article propose une mesure des normes de genre et, plus exactement, celles liées à la violence contre les femmes en recourant à l’approche des variables latentes. Les cinq questions des EDS relatives à l’attitude des femmes sur la légitimation de la violence ont permis de saisir cette mesure au niveau contextuel. Les résultats suggèrent d’une part que cette mesure a de bons critères de validité puisque l’Alpha de Cronbach varie de 0.85 pour le Kenya à 0.94 pour le Ghana; les chi-deux sont non significatifs partout; le RMSEA est en dessous de 0.05; le CFI supérieur à 0.96 et les saturations sont pour la plupart supérieures à 0.7 dans tous les pays. D’autre part, à l’aide du modèle d’équations structurelles multiniveaux, nous avons trouvé qu’au-delà de leur propre attitude envers la violence contre les femmes, celles qui vivent dans un milieu où les normes de genres sont plus favorables à la violence ont plus de chances d’être de faible autonomie ou sans autonomie (comparativement à forte autonomie) dans l’ensemble des pays étudiés. Le second article documente l’influence des inégalités de genre, cernées au niveau contextuel par les normes favorables à la violence contre les femmes et au niveau individuel par l’autonomie de prise de décision au sein du ménage, sur la survenue des soins prénatals au cours du premier trimestre et sur les recours à au moins 4 consultations prénatales et à l’accouchement assisté. En utilisant également les modèles d’équations structurelles multiniveaux sur les mêmes données du premier article, nous constatons que chacune de ces variables dépendantes est fortement influencée par la grappe dans laquelle la femme vit. En d’autres mots, son lieu de résidence détermine le comportement de santé maternelle que l’on adopte. De même, en contrôlant pour les autres variables explicatives, nos résultats montrent que les femmes qui vivent dans un milieu où les normes de genre liées à la violence contre les femmes sont élevées ont, en moyenne, une plus grande chance de ne pas accoucher auprès d’un personnel qualifié au Ghana et en Ouganda, de ne pas débuter leurs soins prénatals dans le premier trimestre dans les mêmes pays, et de ne pas recourir à au moins quatre consultations prénatales en Tanzanie. Par contre, cette variable contextuelle n’influence pas significativement le recours aux soins de santé maternelle au Kenya. Enfin, les résultats montrent que les normes de genre favorables à la violence contre les femmes sont plus déterminantes pour comprendre le recours aux soins de santé maternelle dans les pays étudiés que l’autonomie de prise de décision de la femme. Dans le cadre du troisième et dernier article empirique de la thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’importance des soins prénatals dans le processus de recours à l’accouchement assisté et à la place du contenu des soins reçus avant l’accouchement dans cette relation. Cet article met en exergue l’existence de biais d’endogénéité au Kenya et en Tanzanie, où sans sa prise en compte, l’effet des soins prénatals sur le recours à l’accouchement auprès d’un personnel qualifié serait fortement biaisé. De plus, il ressort qu’à l’exception du Ghana et dans une moindre mesure de la Tanzanie, cet effet est totalement médiatisé par le contenu des soins prénatals que les femmes reçoivent. L’article met ainsi en relief le rôle des prestataires de soins qui pour atteindre plus efficacement les populations doivent agir en tant que leaders au sein de leur communauté.