968 resultados para Vibrational Fine-structure


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The arthropod species richness of pastures in three Azorean islands was used to examine the relationship between local and regional species richness over two years. Two groups of arthropods, spiders and sucking insects, representing two functionally different but common groups of pasture invertebrates were investigated. The local-regional species richness relationship was assessed over relatively fine scales: quadrats (= local scale) and within pastures (= regional scale). Mean plot species richness was used as a measure of local species richness (= alpha diversity) and regional species richness was estimated at the pasture level (= gamma diversity) with the 'first-order-Jackknife' estimator. Three related issues were addressed: (i) the role of estimated regional species richness and variables operating at the local scale (vegetation structure and diversity) in determining local species richness; (ii) quantification of the relative contributions of alpha and beta diversity to regional diversity using additive partitioning; and (iii) the occurrence of consistent patterns in different years by analysing independently between-year data. Species assemblages of spiders were saturated at the local scale (similar local species richness and increasing beta-diversity in richer regions) and were more dependent on vegetational structure than regional species richness. Sucking insect herbivores, by contrast, exhibited a linear relationship between local and regional species richness, consistent with the proportional sampling model. The patterns were consistent between years. These results imply that for spiders local processes are important, with assemblages in a particular patch being constrained by habitat structure. In contrast, for sucking insects, local processes may be insignificant in structuring communities.


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A new method to detect the vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) of a localized part of a chiral molecular system is reported. A local VCD amplifier was implemented, and the distance dependence of the amplification was investigated in a series of peptides. The results indicate a characteristic distance of 2.0±0.3 bonds, which suggests that the amplification is a localized phenomenon. The amplifier can be covalently coupled to a specific part of a molecule, and can be switched ON and OFF electrochemically. By subtracting the VCD spectra obtained when the amplifier is in the ON and OFF states, the VCD of the local environment of the amplifier can be separated from the total VCD spectrum. Switchable local VCD amplification thus makes it possible to “zoom in” on a specific part of a chiral molecule.


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Recent experimental observations of enhanced vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) in molecular systems with low-lying electronically excited states suggest interesting new applications of VCD spectroscopy. The theory describing VCD enhancement through vibronic coupling schemes was derived by Nafie in 1983, but only recently experimental evidence of VCD amplification has demonstrated the extent to which this effect can be exploited as a structure elucidation tool to probe local structure. In this Concept paper, we give an overview of the physics behind vibrational circular dichroism, in particular the equations governing the VCD amplification effect, and review the latest experimental developments with a prospective view on the application of amplified VCD to locally probe biomolecular structure.


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Structural and conformational properties of 1H-Isoindole-1,3(2H)-dione, 2-[(methoxycarbonyl)thio] (S-phthalimido O-methyl thiocarbonate) are analyzed using a combined approach including X-ray diffraction, vibrational spectra and theoretical calculation methods. The vibrational properties have been studied by infrared and Raman spectroscopies along with quantum chemical calculations (B3LYP and B3PW91 functional in connection with the 6-311++G** and aug-cc-pVDZ basis sets). The crystal structure was determined by X-ray diffraction methods. The substance crystallizes in the monoclinic P2(1)/c space group with a = 6.795(1), b = 5.109(1), c = 30.011(3) angstrom, beta = 90.310(3)degrees and Z = 4 molecules per unit cell. The conformation adopted by the N-S-C=O group is syn (C=O double bond in synperiplanar orientation with respect to the N-S single bond). The experimental molecular structure is well reproduced by the MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ method. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Gaussian basis sets were developed with the Generator Coordinate Hartree-Fock (GCHF) method for the atoms from H (14s), O (23s16p), and Al (29sl9p) in the ground state. These basis sets were then contracted to 3s (12,1,1), 5s3p (18,2,1,1,1/14,1,1), and 7s5p (20,3,2,1,1,1,1/14,2,1,1,1) for H, O and Al atoms, respectively, by a standard procedure. The quality of contracted basis sets in molecular calculations was evaluated through studies of the total and orbital (epsilon(HOMO) and epsilon(HOMO-1)) energies at the HF level for the hexaaquaaluminum(III) ion, [AI(H(2)O)(6)](3+). For the O atom, the 5s3p was supplemented with d polarization function and it was used in combination with 3s, and 7s5p for H and Al atoms was used to the theoretical interpretation of the Infrared (IR) spectrum of hexaaquaaluminum(III) ion. The calculations of the IR-spectrum were also performed at the HF level and it showed that the basis sets obtained with the aid of GCHF method lead to the selection of useful contracted Gaussian basis sets for the theoretical study of vibrational property of ionic specie of our interest. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Molecular dynamics simulations of silicate and borate glasses and melts: Structure, diffusion dynamics and vibrational properties. In this work computer simulations of the model glass formers SiO2 and B2O3 are presented, using the techniques of classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and quantum mechanical calculations, based on density functional theory (DFT). The latter limits the system size to about 100−200 atoms. SiO2 and B2O3 are the two most important network formers for industrial applications of oxide glasses. Glass samples are generated by means of a quench from the melt with classical MD simulations and a subsequent structural relaxation with DFT forces. In addition, full ab initio quenches are carried out with a significantly faster cooling rate. In principle, the structural properties are in good agreement with experimental results from neutron and X-ray scattering, in all cases. A special focus is on the study of vibrational properties, as they give access to low-temperature thermodynamic properties. The vibrational spectra are calculated by the so-called ”frozen phonon” method. In all cases, the DFT curves show an acceptable agreement with experimental results of inelastic neutron scattering. In case of the model glass former B2O3, a new classical interaction potential is parametrized, based on the liquid trajectory of an ab initio MD simulation at 2300 K. In this course, a structural fitting routine is used. The inclusion of 3-body angular interactions leads to a significantly improved agreement of the liquid properties of the classical MD and ab initio MD simulations. However, the generated glass structures, in all cases, show a significantly lower fraction of 3-membered planar boroxol rings as predicted by experimental results (f=60%-80%). The largest boroxol ring fraction of f=15±5% is observed in the full ab initio quenches from 2300 K. In case of SiO2, the glass structures after the quantum mechanical relaxation are the basis for calculations of the linear thermal expansion coefficient αL(T), employing the quasi-harmonic approximation. The striking observation is a change change of sign of αL(T) going along with a temperature range of negative αL(T) at low temperatures, which is in good agreement with experimental results.


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The genetic structure and demography of local populations is tightly linked to the rate and scale of dispersal. Dispersal parameters are notoriously difficult to determine in the field, and remain often completely unknown for smaller organisms. In this study, we investigate spatial and temporal genetic structure in relation to dispersal patterns among local populations of the probably most abundant European mammals, the common vole (Microtus arvalis). Voles were studied in six natural populations at distances of 0.4-2.5 km in three different seasons (fall, spring, summer) corresponding to different life-history stages. Field observations provided no direct evidence for movements of individuals between populations. The analysis of 10 microsatellite markers revealed a persistent overall genetic structure among populations of 2.9%, 2.5% and 3% FST in the respective season. Pairwise comparisons showed that even the closest populations were significantly differentiated from each other in each season, but there was no evidence for temporal differentiation within populations or isolation by distance among populations. Despite significant genetic structure, assignment analyses identified a relatively high proportion of individuals as being immigrants for the population where they were captured. The immigration rate was not significantly lower for females than for males. We suggest that a generally low and sex-dependent effective dispersal rate as the consequence of only few immigrants reproducing successfully in the new populations together with the social structure within populations may explain the maintenance of genetic differentiation among populations despite migration.


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As part of the global sheep Hapmap project, 24 individuals from each of seven indigenous Swiss sheep breeds (Bundner Oberländer sheep (BOS), Engadine Red sheep (ERS), Swiss Black-Brown Mountain sheep (SBS), Swiss Mirror sheep (SMS), Swiss White Alpine (SWA) sheep, Valais Blacknose sheep (VBS) and Valais Red sheep (VRS)), were genotyped using Illumina’s Ovine SNP50 BeadChip. In total, 167 animals were subjected to a detailed analysis for genetic diversity using 45 193 informative single nucleotide polymorphisms. The results of the phylogenetic analyses supported the known proximity between populations such as VBS and VRS or SMS and SWA. Average genomic relatedness within a breed was found to be 12 percent (BOS), 5 percent (ERS), 9 percent (SBS), 10 percent (SMS), 9 percent (SWA), 12 percent (VBS) and 20 percent (VRS). Furthermore, genomic relationships between breeds were found for single individuals from SWA and SMS, VRS and VBS as well as VRS and BOS. In addition, seven out of 40 indicated parent–offspring pairs could not be confirmed. These results were further supported by results from the genome-wide population cluster analysis. This study provides a better understanding of fine-scale population structures within and between Swiss sheep breeds. This relevant information will help to increase the conservation activities of the local Swiss sheep breeds.


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1. The spatial distribution of individual plants within a population and the population’s genetic structure are determined by several factors, like dispersal, reproduction mode or biotic interactions. The role of interspecific interactions in shaping the spatial genetic structure of plant populations remains largely unknown. 2. Species with a common evolutionary history are known to interact more closely with each other than unrelated species due to the greater number of traits they share. We hypothesize that plant interactions may shape the fine genetic structure of closely related congeners. 3. We used spatial statistics (georeferenced design) and molecular techniques (ISSR markers) to understand how two closely related congeners, Thymus vulgaris (widespread species) and T. loscosii (narrow endemic) interact at the local scale. Specific cover, number of individuals of both study species and several community attributes were measured in a 10 × 10 m plot. 4. Both species showed similar levels of genetic variation, but differed in their spatial genetic structure. Thymus vulgaris showed spatial aggregation but no spatial genetic structure, while T. loscosii showed spatial genetic structure (positive genetic autocorrelation) at short distances. The spatial pattern of T. vulgaris’ cover showed significant dissociation with that of T. loscosii. The same was true between the spatial patterns of the cover of T. vulgaris and the abundance of T. loscosii and between the abundance of each species. Most importantly, we found a correlation between the genetic structure of T. loscosii and the abundance of T. vulgaris: T. loscosii plants were genetically more similar when they were surrounded by a similar number of T. vulgaris plants. 5. Synthesis. Our results reveal spatially complex genetic structures of both congeners at small spatial scales. The negative association among the spatial patterns of the two species and the genetic structure found for T. loscosii in relation to the abundance of T. vulgaris indicate that competition between the two species may account for the presence of adapted ecotypes of T. loscosii to the abundance of a competing congeneric species. This suggests that the presence and abundance of close congeners can influence the genetic spatial structure of plant species at fine scales.


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• Premise of the study: The presence of compatible fungi is necessary for epiphytic orchid recruitment. Thus, identifying associated mycorrhizal fungi at the population level is essential for orchid conservation. Recruitment patterns may also be conditioned by factors such as seed dispersal range and specific environmental characteristics. • Methods: In a forest plot, all trees with a diameter at breast height >1 cm and all individuals of the epiphytic orchid Epidendrum rhopalostele were identified and mapped. Additionally, one flowering individual of E. rhopalostele per each host tree was randomly selected for root sampling and DNA extraction. • Key results: A total of 239 E. rhopalostele individuals were located in 25 of the 714 potential host trees. Light microscopy of sampled roots showed mycorrhizal fungi in 22 of the 25 sampled orchids. Phylogenetic analysis of ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 sequences yielded two Tulasnella clades. In four cases, plants were found to be associated with both clades. The difference between univariate and bivariate K functions was consistent with the random labeling null model at all spatial scales, indicating that trees hosting clades A and B of Tulasnella are not spatially segregated. The analysis of the inhomogenous K function showed that host trees are not clustered, suggesting no limitations to population-scale dispersal. χ2 analysis of contingency tables showed that E. rhopalostele is more frequent on dead trees than expected. • Conclusions: Epidendrum rhopalostele establishes mycorrhizal associations with at least two different Tulasnella species. The analysis of the distribution patterns of this orchid suggests a microsite preference for dead trees and no seed dispersal limitation.


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The present study gives a contribution to the knowledge on the Na-feldspar and plagioclases, extending the database of the Raman spectra of plagioclases with different chemical compositions and structural orders. This information may be used for the future planetary explorations by “rovers”, for the investigation of ceramics nanocrystal materials and for the mineralogical phase identification in sediments. Na-feldspar and plagioclase solid solution have been investigated by Raman spectroscopy in order to determine the relationships between the vibrational changes and the plagioclase crystal chemistry and structure. We focused on the Raman micro-spectroscopy technique, being a non-destructive method, suited for contactless analysis with high spatial resolution. Chemical and structural analyses have been performed on natural samples to test the usefulness of Raman spectroscopy as a tool in the study of the pressure-induced structural deformations, the disordering processes due to change in the Al-Si distribution in the tetrahedral sites and, finally, in the determination of the anorthitic content (Anx) in plagioclase minerals. All the predicted 39 Ag Raman active modes have been identified and assigned to specific patterns of atomic vibrational motion. A detailed comparison between experimental and computed Raman spectra has been performed and previous assignments have been revised, solving some discrepancies reported in recent literature. The ab initio calculation at the hybrid HF/DFT level with the WC1LYP Hamiltonian has proven to give excellent agreement between calculated and experimentally measured Raman wavenumbers and intensities in triclinic minerals. A short digression on the 36 infrared active modes of Na-feldspar has been done too. The identification of all 39 computed Raman modes in the experimentally measured spectra of the fully ordered Na-feldspar, known as low albite, along with the detailed description of each vibrational mode, has been essential to extend the comparative analysis to the high pressure and high temperature structural forms of albite, which reflect the physical–chemical conditions of the hosting rocks. The understanding of feldspar structure response to pressure and temperature is crucial in order to constrain crustal behaviour. The compressional behaviour of the Na-feldspar has been investigated for the first time by Raman spectroscopy. The absence of phase transitions and the occurrence of two secondary compression mechanisms acting at different pressures have been confirmed. Moreover, Raman data suggest that the internal structural changes are confined to a small pressure interval, localized around 6 GPa, not spread out from 4 to 8 GPa as suggested by previous X-rays studies on elasticity. The dominant compression mechanisms act via tetrahedral tilting, while the T-O bond lengths remain nearly constant at moderate compressional regimes. At the spectroscopic level, this leads to the strong pressure dependencies of T-O-T bending modes, as found for the four modes at 478, 508, 578 and 815 cm-1. The Al-Si distribution in the tetrahedral sites affects also the Raman spectrum of Na-feldspar. In particular, peak broadening is more sensitive than peak position to changes in the degree of order. Raman spectroscopy is found to be a good probe for local ordering, in particular being sensitive to the first annealing steps, when the macroscopic order parameter is still high. Even though Raman data are scattered and there are outliers in the estimated values of the degree of order, the average peak linewidths of the Na-feldspar characteristic doublet band, labelled here as υa and υb, as a function of the order parameter Qod show interesting trends: both peak linewidths linearly increase until saturation. From Qod values lower than 0.6, peak broadening is no more affected by the Al-Si distribution. Moreover, the disordering process is found to be heterogeneous. SC-XRD and Raman data have suggested an inter-crystalline inhomogeneity of the samples, i.e., the presence of regions with different defect density on the micrometric scale. Finally, the influence of Ca-Na substitution in the plagioclase Raman spectra has been investigated. Raman spectra have been collected on a series of well characterized natural, low structural plagioclases. The variations of the Raman modes as a function of the chemical composition and the structural order have been determined. The number of the observed Raman bands at each composition gives information about the unit-cell symmetry: moving away from the C1 structures, the number of the Raman bands enhances, as the number of formula units in the unit cell increases. The modification from an “albite-like” Raman spectrum to a more “anorthite-like” spectrum occurs from sample An78 onwards, which coincides with the appearance of c reflections in the diffraction patterns of the samples. The evolution of the Raman bands υa and υb displays two changes in slope at ~An45 and ~An75: the first one occurs between e2 and e1 plagioclases, the latter separates e1 and I1 plagioclases with only b reflections in their diffraction patterns from I1 and P1 samples having b and c reflections too. The first variation represents exactly the e2→e1 phase transitions, whereas the second one corresponds in good approximation to the C1→I1 transition, which has been determined at ~An70 by previous works. The I1→P1 phase transition in the anorthite-rich side of the solid solution is not highlighted in the collected Raman spectra. Variations in peak broadening provide insights into the behaviour of the order parameter on a local scale, suggesting an increase in the structural disorder within the solid solution, as the structures have to incorporate more Al atoms to balance the change from monovalent to divalent cations. All the information acquired on these natural plagioclases has been used to produce a protocol able to give a preliminary estimation of the chemical composition of an unknown plagioclase from its Raman spectrum. Two calibration curves, one for albite-rich plagioclases and the other one for the anorthite-rich plagioclases, have been proposed by relating the peak linewidth of the most intense Raman band υa and the An content. It has been pointed out that the dependence of the composition from the linewidth can be obtained only for low structural plagioclases with a degree of order not far away from the references. The proposed tool has been tested on three mineralogical samples, two of meteoric origin and one of volcanic origin. Chemical compositions by Raman spectroscopy compare well, within an error of about 10%, with those obtained by elemental techniques. Further analyses on plagioclases with unknown composition will be necessary to validate the suggested method and introduce it as routine tool for the determination of the chemical composition from Raman data in planetary missions.


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The research described in this PhD thesis focuses on proteomics approaches to study the effect of oxidation on the modification status and protein-protein interactions of PTEN, a redox-sensitive phosphatase involved in a number of cellular processes including metabolism, apoptosis, cell proliferation, and survival. While direct evidence of a redox regulation of PTEN and its downstream signaling has been reported, the effect of cellular oxidative stress or direct PTEN oxidation on PTEN structure and interactome is still poorly defined. In a first study, GST-tagged PTEN was directly oxidized over a range of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) concentration, assayed for phosphatase activity, and oxidative post-translational modifications (oxPTMs) were quantified using LC-MS/MS-based label-free methods. In a second study, GSTtagged PTEN was prepared in a reduced and reversibly H2O2-oxidized form, immobilized on a resin support and incubated with HCT116 cell lysate to capture PTEN interacting proteins, which were analyzed by LC-MS/MS and comparatively quantified using label-free methods. In parallel experiments, HCT116 cells transfected with a GFP-tagged PTEN were treated with H2O2 and PTENinteracting proteins immunoprecipitated using standard methods. Several high abundance HOCl-induced oxPTMs were mapped, including those taking place at amino acids known to be important for PTEN phosphatase activity and protein-protein interactions, such as Met35, Tyr155, Tyr240 and Tyr315. A PTEN redox interactome was also characterized, which identified a number of PTEN-interacting proteins that vary with the reversible inactivation of PTEN caused by H2O2 oxidation. These included new PTEN interactors as well as the redox proteins peroxiredoxin-1 (Prdx1) and thioredoxin (Trx), which are known to be involved in the recycling of PTEN active site following H2O2-induced reversible inactivation. The results suggest that the oxidative modification of PTEN causes functional alterations in PTEN structure and interactome, with fundamental implications for the PTEN signaling role in many cellular processes, such as those involved in the pathophysiology of disease and ageing.


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Background To our knowledge, there is little study on the interaction between nutrient availability and molecular structure changes induced by different processing methods in dairy cattle. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of heat processing methods on interaction between nutrient availability and molecular structure in terms of functional groups that are related to protein and starch inherent structure of oat grains with two continued years and three replication of each year. Method The oat grains were kept as raw (control) or heated in an air-draft oven (dry roasting: DO) at 120 °C for 60 min and under microwave irradiation (MIO) for 6 min. The molecular structure features were revealed by vibrational infrared molecular spectroscopy. Results The results showed that rumen degradability of dry matter, protein and starch was significantly lower (P <0.05) for MIO compared to control and DO treatments. A higher protein α-helix to β-sheet and a lower amide I to starch area ratio were observed for MIO compared to DO and/or raw treatment. A negative correlation (−0.99, P < 0.01) was observed between α-helix or amide I to starch area ratio and dry matter. A positive correlation (0.99, P < 0.01) was found between protein β-sheet and crude protein. Conclusion The results reveal that oat grains are more sensitive to microwave irradiation than dry heating in terms of protein and starch molecular profile and nutrient availability in ruminants.