863 resultados para Vertical transmission infectious disease


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Bordetella pertussis causes whooping cough, a respiratory infectious disease that is the fifth largest cause of vaccine-preventable death in infants. Though historically considered an extracellular pathogen, this bacterium has been detected both in vitro and in vivo inside phagocytic and non-phagocytic cells. However the precise mechanism used by B. pertussis for cell entry, or the putative bacterial factors involved, are not fully elucidated. Here we find that adenylate cyclase toxin (ACT), one of the important toxins of B. pertussis, is sufficient to promote bacterial internalisation into non-phagocytic cells. After characterization of the entry route we show that uptake of "toxin-coated bacteria" proceeds via a clathrin-independent, caveolae-dependent entry pathway, allowing the internalised bacteria to survive within the cells. Intracellular bacteria were found inside non-acidic endosomes with high sphingomyelin and cholesterol content, or "free" in the cytosol of the invaded cells, suggesting that the ACT-induced bacterial uptake may not proceed through formation of late endolysosomes. Activation of Tyr kinases and toxin-induced Ca2+-influx are essential for the entry process. We hypothesize that B. pertussis might use ACT to activate the endocytic machinery of non-phagocytic cells and gain entry into these cells, in this way evading the host immune system.


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O número de mulheres jovens infectadas pelo HIV-1 vem crescendo desde o início da epidemia da aids, principalmente nos países em desenvolvimento, onde a frequência de gravidez é elevada. O desenvolvimento de estratégias para evitar a transmissão vertical tem aumentado o número de recém-nascidos não infectados nascidos de gestantes portadora do vírus. O objetivo da presente tese foi avaliar, in vivo e in vitro, o perfil de citocinas de neonatos não infectados, porém nascidos de mulheres infectadas pelo HIV-1. Os resultados demonstraram elevados níveis de citocinas pró-inflamatórias relacionadas ao fenótipo Th17, associadas à baixa produção de IL-10, tanto nos plasmas quanto nos sobrenadantes das culturas de células T ativadas obtidas do sangue do cordão umbilical de neonatos nascidos de gestantes infectadas pelo HIV-1 com cargas virais plasmáticas(PVL) detectáveis. De modo interessante, um perfil similar pró-inflamatório foi observado em amostras de sangue periférico de suas respectivas mães. Por outro lado, níveis elevados de IL-10, associados à reduzida produção de citocinas inflamatórias, foram dosados no sangue e nos sobrenadantes das culturas de células T ativadas de gestantes que controlavam a PVL, assim como de seus neonatos. Com relação à caracterização fenotípica das células T maternas produtoras de IL-10, a análise por citometria de fluxo demonstrou que essa citocina é majoritariamente produzida por células T CD4+Foxp3-. Curiosamente, a replicação viral in vitro do HIV-1 foi inferior nas culturas das gestantes infectadas pelo HIV-1 e foi relacionada aos efeitos inibitórios da IL-10 sobre a produção de TNF-α. Por fim, os neonatos não infectados expostosin utero à terapia antirretroviral (ART) apresentaram um menor peso ao nascer, e este achado foi inversamente correlacionado com os níveis periféricos maternos de TNF-α. Em conclusão, nossos achados sugerem que gestantes que conseguem controlar a PVL, e o incremento na produção de IL-10 materna possam favorecer a expansão das células Tr-1, as quais podem auxiliar em reduzir o risco de transmissão vertical do HIV-1 por reduzir a taxa de replicação viral. Por outro lado, outros resultados também apresentados aqui, apesar de preliminares, revelaram efeitos adversos da replicação viral e da ART em gestantes infectadas pelo HIV-1 no desenvolvimento funcional das células T de neonatos não infectados. Esses dados podem ajudar a explicar por que algumas dessas crianças apresentam elevado risco à morbidade e mortalidade devido a um estado basal de hipersensibilidade patológica.


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A hanseníase é uma doença infecciosa com características únicas, dentre elas o fato de atingir intensamente a inervação da pele e seus anexos. Entremeando estes anexos, está a microcirculação cutânea, que a principio também tem sua inervação comprometida. Vários artigos apontam para alterações de disautonomiamicrocirculatória. O presente estudo se propõe a avaliar a microcirculação cutânea na hanseníase tuberculóide. Utilizamos a videomicroscopia de campo escuro (Microscan), a análise de Fourier do sinal do laser Doppler para estudo da vasomotricidade e o laser Doppler fluxometria associado à iontoforese de substâncias vasoativas (acetilcolina e nitroprussiato de sódio) para avaliação da reatividade vascular. Sete pacientes portadores de hanseníase tuberculóide, sem outras co-morbidades que pudessem alterar os parâmetros microcirculatórios, foram avaliados pelos métodos descritos e seus resultados foram comparados, com controles realizados nos próprios pacientes em área contralateral com pele sã. Em relação à vasomotricidade foi observada alteração estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos, apenas no componente endotelial. Em relação à iontoforese de substâncias vasoativas não se constatou diferenças entre as manchas e os controles. No Microscan, observamos as maiores alterações. Os resultados apresentados sugerem que, provavelmente devido à alteração inervatória decorrente da hanseníase tuberculóide, estes pacientes apresentam uma alteração quantitativa de vasos e também da reatividade vascular da microcirculação cutânea.


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A hanseníase é uma doença infecciosa causada pelo Mycobacteruim leprae, um bacilo intracelular obrigatório, que prolifera principalmente na pele e nos nervos periféricos no interior de células como macrófagos e células de Schwann. A transmissão ocorre por meio das mucosas das vias respiratórias, provavelmente por aerossóis expelidos por indivíduos infectados. O homem é o seu hospedeiro natural sendo a multiplicação do bacilo muito lenta, com um período de geração estimado de 14 dias. Apesar da mínima variação no genoma do M. leprae, a doença é caracterizada por um espectro de formas clínicas bem definido, decorrente da capacidade de resposta imune do hospedeiro. Em pacientes classificados como multibacilares (MB) a doença é disseminada, com inúmeras lesões de pele e proliferação bacilar considerável. Nesses indivíduos ocorre hiporresponsividade celular ao M. leprae. Nas formas paucibacilares (PB), os pacientes apresentam uma ou poucas lesões, a carga bacilar é pequena e, às vezes não observada por meio da baciloscopia tradicional e ocorre resposta imune patógeno-específica. As incapacidades físicas nos pacientes decorrem da neuropatia e osteopatia e podem ser irreversíveis. Essas deformidades podem avançar mesmo após a diminuição da carga bacilar com o final do tratamento poliquimioterápico. A presente tese teve por objetivo estudar as implicações da proteína PHEX nas alterações fisiopatológicas da hanseníase, em especial as alterações ósseas. A proteína PHEX (Phosphate-regulating gene with Homologies to Endopeptidase on the X chromosome) é expressa em várias células humanas e, no primeiro artigo que compõe essa tese, demonstramos que o M.leprae leva à diminuição da expressão de PHEX em linhagens de células de Schwann e osteoblastos humanos. Este efeito foi igualmente causado por outras espécies de micobactérias. No segundo manuscrito ora submetido, observamos que em leucócitos sanguíneos de pacientes hansenianos também ocorreu modulação negativa de PHEX. Este efeito não se relacionou com a capacidade de produção de citocinas inflamatórias frente ao M. leprae in vitro ou com alterações bioquímicas. O efeito inibidor da mineralização ocasionado pela modulação negativa de PHEX talvez contribua para a doença óssea da hanseníase, auxiliando a explicar a capacidade do M. leprae de penetrar e sobreviver no osso.


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Iron is required for many microbes and pathogens for their survival and proliferation including Leishmania which cause leishmaniasis. Leishmaniasis is an increasingly serious infectious disease with a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations. These range from localized cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) lesions to a lethal visceral form. Certain strains such as BALB/c mice fail to control L. major infection and develop progressive lesions and systemic disease. These mice are thought to be a model of non-healing forms of the human disease such as kala-azar or diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis. Progression of disease in BALB/c mice has been associated with the anemia, in last days of their survival, the progressive anemia is considered to be one of the reasons of their death. Ferroportin (Fpn), a key regulator of iron homeostasis is a conserved membrane protein that exports iron across the duodenal enterocytes as well as macrophages and hepatocytes into the blood circulation. Fpn has also critical influence on survival and proliferation of many microorganisms whose growth is dependent upon iron, thus preparation of Fpn is needed to study the role of iron in immune responses and pathogenesis of micoorganisms. To prepare and characterize a recombinant ferroportin, total RNA was extracted from Indian zebrafish duodenum, and used to synthesize cDNA by RT-PCR. PCR product was first cloned in Topo TA vector and then subcloned into the GFP expression vector pEGFP–N1. The final resulted plasmid (pEGFP-ZFpn) was used for expression of FPN-EGFP protein in Hek 293T cells. The expression was confirmed by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometery. Recombinant Fpn was further characterized by submission of its predicted amino acid sequences to the TMHMM V2.0 prediction server (hidden Markov model), NetOGlyc 3.1 server and NetNGlyc 3.1 server. Data emphasised that obtained Fpn from indian zebrafish contained eight transmembrane domains with N- and C-termini inside the cytoplasm and harboured 78 mucin-type glycosylated amino acid. The results indicate that the prepared and characterized recombinant Fpn protein has no membrane topology difference compared to other Fpn described by other researcher. Our next aim was to deliver recombinant plasmid (pEGFP-ZFpn) to entrocyte cells. However, naked therapeutic genes are rapidly degraded by nucleases, showing poor cellular uptake, nonspecificity to the target cells, and low transfection efficiency. The development of safe and efficient gene carriers is one of the prerequisites for the success of gene therapy. Chitosan and alginate 139 polymers were used for oral gene carrier because of their biodegradability, biocompatibility and their mucoadhesive and permeability-enhancing properties in the gut. Nanoparticles comprising Alginate/Chitosan polymers were prepared by pregel preparation method. The resulting nanoparticles had a loading efficiency of 95% and average size of 188 nm as confirmed by PCS method and SEM images had showed spherical particles. BALB/c mice were divided to three groups. The first and second group were fed with chitosan/alginate nanoparticles containing the pEGFP-ZFpn and pEGFP plasmid, respectively (30 μgr/mice) and the third group (control) didn’t get any nanoparticles. The result showed BALB/c mice infected by L.major, resulted in higher hematocryte and iron level in pEGFP-ZFpn fed mice than that in other groups. Consentration of cytokines determined by ELISA showed lower levels of IL-4 and IL-10 and higher levels of IFN-γ/IL-4 and IFN-γ/IL-10 ratios in pEGFP-ZFpn fed mice than that in other groups. Morover more limited increase of footpad thickness and significant reduction of viable parasites in lymph node was seen in pEGFP-ZFpn fed mice. The results showed the first group exhibited a highr hematocryte and iron compared to the other groups. These data strongly suggests the in vivo administration of chitosan/alginate nanoparticles containing pEGFP-ZFpn suppress Th2 response and may be used to control the leishmaniasis .


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From 2001 to 2002, a new and emergent infectious disease of Ophiocephalus argus occurred in a fishery in Hubei Province, China, with an incidence of 60% similar to 70% and a mortality as high as 100 %. The diseased fish showed an enlarged abdomen, the millet-like nodules in internal organs, and the swollen kidney which was composed of 5 similar to 10 sarcoma-like bodies in cream or gray-white colour or ulcerated into beandregs-like substance. Light microscopic observation revealed the basophilic or acidphilic inclusions in cytoplasm of the cells and the granulomas, a diffusive chronic inflammation in internal organs. Further analysis under an electron microscope indicated that the intracytoplasmic inclusions were rickettsia-like organisms (RLOs) that are either spherical or coccoid, with variable size, ranging from 0.5 similar to 1.5 mum in diameter, and enclosed within membrane-bound cytoplasmic vacuoles. RLO had a central nucleoid region with some fine filamentous structures and an electron-dense granule. Its cytoplasm contained abundant ribosomal bodies. Occasionally, RLO appeared to be divided by binary fission. RLOs were also observed in the homogenized tissue of infected fish. The results suggested that the death of cultured O. argus was caused by RLO infection.


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Mass mortalities of cultured zhikong scallops (Chlamys farreri) have occurred each summer in most culture areas of northern China since 1996. Among the hypothesized causes are high culture density, infectious disease and genetic inbreeding. To investigate these potential agents, C. farreri were deployed at three densities (low, medium and high) at three sites (Jiaonan, Penglai and Yantai) in the summer of 2000. Scallops were sampled for survival, growth and histopathology before, during and after a mortality episode. Most of the mortality occurred in July and August, during and toward the later part of the spawning season, when water temperature reached 23-26 degrees C. Final cumulative mortalities reached 85% to 90% at all three sites. Scallops in the medium and high densities had higher initial death rates than did those at the low density. High densities also inhibited growth. Ciliates from the genus Trichodina, larvae of various organisms and anomalous secretions were observed in sections of the gill cavity, with highest prevalence during and at the end of the mortality period. Prokaryotic inclusion bodies were found in the soft tissues, but their prevalence was low and apparently without correlation with mortalities. Genetic analysis with random amplified polymorphic DNA markers showed slightly lower heterozygosity in the cultured stocks (0.301) than in the wild stocks (0.331). It is possible that the mortalities are caused by a combination of several factors such as stress associated with reproduction, high temperature, overcrowding and poor circulation in the growout cages, opportunistic invaders or pathogens, and possibly inbreeding. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Projecto de graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Enfermagem


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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The overall objective of this thesis is to integrate a number of micro/nanotechnologies into integrated cartridge type systems to implement such biochemical protocols. Instrumentation and systems were developed to interface such cartridge systems: (i) implementing microfluidic handling, (ii) executing thermal control during biochemical protocols and (iii) detection of biomolecules associated with inherited or infectious disease. This system implements biochemical protocols for DNA extraction, amplification and detection. A digital microfluidic chip (ElectroWetting on Dielectric) manipulated droplets of sample and reagent implementing sample preparation protocols. The cartridge system also integrated a planar magnetic microcoil device to generate local magnetic field gradients, manipulating magnetic beads. For hybridisation detection a fluorescence microarray, screening for mutations associated with CFTR gene is printed on a waveguide surface and integrated within the cartridge. A second cartridge system was developed to implement amplification and detection screening for DNA associated with disease-causing pathogens e.g. Escherichia coli. This system incorporates (i) elastomeric pinch valves isolating liquids during biochemical protocols and (ii) a silver nanoparticle microarray for fluorescent signal enhancement, using localized surface plasmon resonance. The microfluidic structures facilitated the sample and reagent to be loaded and moved between chambers with external heaters implementing thermal steps for nucleic acid amplification and detection. In a technique allowing probe DNA to be immobilised within a microfluidic system using (3D) hydrogel structures a prepolymer solution containing probe DNA was formulated and introduced into the microfluidic channel. Photo-polymerisation was undertaken forming 3D hydrogel structures attached to the microfluidic channel surface. The prepolymer material, poly-ethyleneglycol (PEG), was used to form hydrogel structures containing probe DNA. This hydrogel formulation process was fast compared to conventional biomolecule immobilization techniques and was also biocompatible with the immobilised biomolecules, as verified by on-chip hybridisation assays. This process allowed control over hydrogel height growth at the micron scale.


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We report on a heart-lung transplant recipient who presented with pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) 2.5 months after transplantation and then developed a paradoxical reaction after 4 months of adequate anti-TB treatment. She eventually recovered with anti-TB and high-dose steroid treatments. METHODS: Using sequential bronchoalveolar lavages, we assessed the inflammatory response in the lung and investigated the alveolar immune response against a Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigen. RESULTS: The paradoxical reaction was characterized by a massive infiltration of the alveolar space by M. tuberculosis antigen-specific CD4(+) T cells and by the presence of a CD4(-)CD8(-) T lymphocyte subpopulation bearing phenotypic markers (CD16(+)/56(+)) classically associated with NK cells. CONCLUSION: This case report illustrates that even solid organ transplant recipients receiving intense triple-drug immune suppression may be able to develop a paradoxical reaction during TB treatment. Transplant physicians should be aware of this phenomenon in order to differentiate it from treatment failure.


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BACKGROUND: The etiologic diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) remains challenging in children because blood cultures have low sensitivity. Novel approaches are needed to confirm the role of Streptococcus pneumoniae. METHODS: In this study, pneumococcal aetiology was determined by serology using a subset of blood samples collected during a prospective multicentre observational study of children <15 years of age hospitalised in Belgium with X-ray-confirmed CAP. Blood samples were collected at admission and 3-4 weeks later. Pneumococcal (P)-CAP was defined in the presence of a positive blood or pleural fluid culture. Serotyping of Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates was done with the Quellung reaction. Serological diagnosis was assessed for nine serotypes using World Health Organization validated IgG and IgA serotype-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). RESULTS: Paired admission/convalescent sera from 163 children were evaluated by ELISA (35 with proven P-CAP and 128 with non proven P-CAP). ELISA detected pneumococci in 82.8% of patients with proven P-CAP. The serotypes identified were the same as with the Quellung reaction in 82% and 59% of cases by IgG ELISA and IgA ELISA, respectively. Overall, ELISA identified a pneumococcal aetiology in 55% of patients with non-proven P-CAP. Serotypes 1 (51.6%), 7F (19%), and 5 (15.7%) were the most frequent according to IgG ELISA. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, the serological assay allows recognition of pneumococcal origin in 55% of CAP patients with negative culture. This assay should improve the diagnosis of P-CAP in children and could be a useful tool for future epidemiological studies on childhood CAP etiology.


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We performed a whole-genome association study of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) set point among a cohort of African Americans (n = 515), and an intronic single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the HLA-B gene showed one of the strongest associations. We use a subset of patients to demonstrate that this SNP reflects the effect of the HLA-B*5703 allele, which shows a genome-wide statistically significant association with viral load set point (P = 5.6 x 10(-10)). These analyses therefore confirm a member of the HLA-B*57 group of alleles as the most important common variant that influences viral load variation in African Americans, which is consistent with what has been observed for individuals of European ancestry, among whom the most important common variant is HLA-B*5701.


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Antigenically variable RNA viruses are significant contributors to the burden of infectious disease worldwide. One reason for their ubiquity is their ability to escape herd immunity through rapid antigenic evolution and thereby to reinfect previously infected hosts. However, the ways in which these viruses evolve antigenically are highly diverse. Some have only limited diversity in the long-run, with every emergence of a new antigenic variant coupled with a replacement of the older variant. Other viruses rapidly accumulate antigenic diversity over time. Others still exhibit dynamics that can be considered evolutionary intermediates between these two extremes. Here, we present a theoretical framework that aims to understand these differences in evolutionary patterns by considering a virus's epidemiological dynamics in a given host population. Our framework, based on a dimensionless number, probabilistically anticipates patterns of viral antigenic diversification and thereby quantifies a virus's evolutionary potential. It is therefore similar in spirit to the basic reproduction number, the well-known dimensionless number which quantifies a pathogen's reproductive potential. We further outline how our theoretical framework can be applied to empirical viral systems, using influenza A/H3N2 as a case study. We end with predictions of our framework and work that remains to be done to further integrate viral evolutionary dynamics with disease ecology.


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OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the immune reconstitution in HIV-1-infected children in whom highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) controlled viral replication and to assess the existence of a relation between the magnitude of this restoration and age. METHODS: All HIV-1-infected children in whom a new HAART decreased plasma viral load below 400 copies/ml after 3 months of therapy were prospectively enrolled in a study of their immune reconstitution. Viral load, lymphocyte phenotyping, determination of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell receptor repertoires and proliferative responses to mitogens and recall antigens were assessed every 3 months during 1 year. RESULTS: Nineteen children were evaluated. Naive and memory CD4+ percentages were already significantly increased after 3 months of HAART. In contrast to memory CD4+ percentages, naive CD4+ percentages continued to rise until 12 months. Age at baseline was inversely correlated with the magnitude of the rise in naive CD4+ cells after 3, 6 and 9 months of therapy but not after 12 months. Although memory and activated CD8+ cells were already decreasing after 3 months, abnormalities of the CD8 T cell receptor repertoire and activation of CD8+ cells persisted at 1 year. HAART increased the response to mitogens as early as 3 months after starting therapy. CONCLUSIONS: In children the recovery of naive CD4+ cells occurs more rapidly if treatment is started at a younger age, but after 1 year of viral replication control, patients of all ages have achieved the same level of restoration. Markers of chronic activation in CD8+ cells persist after 1 year of HAART.