510 resultados para Vazamento de gesso


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Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para a avaliação de aquecedores de panela de aciaria e de práticas de movimentação de panelas em uma aciaria elétrica. O objetivo final é a redução da variabilidade do estado térmico da panela durante o vazamento do aço do forno elétrico. Neste estudo são investigados os aquecimentos realizados nos dois tipos de aquecedores existentes e as operações com as panelas durante a etapa sem aço do ciclo das panelas. A eficiência dos aquecedores são comparadas através de ensaios de aquecimento com panelas instrumentadas e a técnica de termografia. A análise da movimentação de panelas é realizada pelo levantamento dos dados operacionais diretamente na usina.Com a identificação dos problemas, são propostas soluções que minimizem seus efeitos sobre o estado térmico da panela. Finalmente, os resultados das soluções propostas, medidas diretamente na aciaria, comprovam que estas medidas contribuíram para melhorar o estado térmico da panela no vazamento e consequentemente o controle sobre as perdas térmicas do aço na panela.


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Nesta dissertação visa-se estudar e propor alternativas de solução para a proteção de estruturas e sistemas elétricos contra fogo numa unidade de craqueamento catalítico de uma refinaria de petróleo, por meio de proteção passiva. A proteção passiva tem por finalidade garantir a integridade das estruturas sujeitas a incêndio, durante um determinado período de tempo, para possibilitar, no caso da refinaria, a realização de procedimentos de parada da unidade de forma segura e controlar o incêndio a fim de diminuir a possibilidade de propagação do fogo para outras áreas. Com base em técnicas de análise de riscos fez-se a identificação de zonas potencialmente sujeitas a cenários de acidente envolvendo jato de fogo e/ou incêndio em poça. A delimitação das áreas onde haveria necessidade de proteção passiva foi realizada com base em modelos para jatos de fogo e incêndio em poça já estabelecidos na literatura. O dimensionamento da proteção passiva de estruturas e sistemas elétricos com o uso de diversos materiais usados comercialmente para este fim foi estimado com base em equações empíricas desenvolvidas por Jeanes, 1980, Stanzak, 1973 e PABCO, 1984, e, para alguns casos particulares foi feita uma verificação por solução numérica da equação da condução do calor em meio sólido.Assim, foram determinados quais os materiais mais adequados em cada caso de aplicação e qual a espessura em que deve ser aplicado para que a temperatura no elemento estrutural ou no sistema elétrico não atinja a sua determinada temperatura crítica em um período de tempo pré-determinado. Para os casos de elementos estruturais como colunas de sustentação da unidade de seção cilíndrica, o principal material para proteção passiva é a argamassa projetada e para perfil I, é o emprego de placas de gesso. Já para o caso de sistemas elétricos, podem ser utilizadas tanto tintas intumescentes quanto as mantas reforçadas com fibras minerais, esta escolha depende da geometria do sistema em que será empregado. Da comparação entre estes dois métodos pode-se concluir que o dimensionamento da proteção passiva fazendo o uso das correlações empíricas é menos conservativo que para o caso do uso da equação da difusão do calor resolvida por método numérico. Porém, os resultados diferem dentro de um limite considerado aceitável (em torno de 15%) levando-se em consideração os erros embutidos em cada método de cálculo. É importante mencionar que as correlações empíricas são de mais simples aplicação por possuir apenas operações matemáticas básicas. Usando as correlações empíricas para os perfis cilíndricos de aço (diâmetro de 0,1524 m e espessura de parede de 0,0254 m), a espessura de revestimento estimada com o uso das correlações empíricas necessária para garantir que a temperatura na interface entre os dois materiais não atinja 550°C em duas horas seria de 13,5 mm para argamassa projetada, 19,7 mm para vermiculita com silicato de sódio e 34,5 mm para recobrimento com concreto com proteção do tipo contorno. Fazendo o mesmo cálculo pelo método numérico proposto, os resultados foram de 15,53 mm para argamassa projetada, 22,06 mm para vermiculita com silicato de sódio e 38,98 mm para recobrimento com concreto com proteção do tipo contorno. Fazendo o mesmo cálculo pelo método numérico proposto, os resultados foram de 15,53 mm para argamassa projetada, 22,06 mm para vermiculita com silicato de sódio e 38,98 mm para recobrimento com concreto com proteção do tipo contorno. Cabe ressaltar que com a realização desta dissertação busca-se uma integração entre o mestrado acadêmico e o meio empresarial com o desenvolvimento de trabalhos de natureza acadêmica que tenham aplicação direta na prática. Espera-se assim permitir que Universidade dê retorno à sociedade que a mantém e propiciar que setores da sociedade possam usufruir da capacidade disponível na academia.


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Este trabalho avaliou comparativamente, em laboratório, a fidelidade dimensional de quatro materiais de moldagem usados nas moldagens finais em prótese total, um hidrocolóide irreversível (Hidrogum), um poliéter (Impregum) e dois silicones de adição (Honigum e Extrude), bem como a técnica de dupla moldagem, com ou sem alívio, usando o material Extrude de consistências média e leve. Para isto foi usado como corpo de prova um modelo metálico que simula um maxilar edêntulo, onde foram colocados quatro postes em forma do pirâmide, três truncadas, colocadas na crista do rebordo para medições horizontais, e uma inteira, que servia de referência para uma medição vertical. Com cada material ou técnica foram feitos dez moldes do modelo padrão, que foram vazados com gesso tipo IV. Os sessenta modelos obtidos, bem como o modelo-padrão, foram submetidos às medições das distâncias entre as referências situadas nas pirâmides, três medidas no sentido horizontal e uma no sentido vertical. Isto foi feito numa máquina para medição por coordenadas (tridimensionai), BRT-M507 fabricada pela Mitutoyo, com software Cosmos/Geopak-Win. Os resultados foram submetidos à analise de variância e testes complementares (Post Hoc Tests, de Duncan). A análise dos resultados mostra que quase todas as medidas no plano horizontal foram menores nas réplicas que no padrão, e que na medida vertical a discrepância entre os resultados foi maior, sendo umas medidas maiores e outras menores que no padrão. Estatisticamente, apenas numa das três distâncias avaliadas, Dist. 2, não houve diferença significativa entre os materiais. Concluiu-se que, com exceção do material Extrude em moldagem simples, os silicones e o poliéter tiveram desempenho semelhante, e que o hidrocolóide irreversível evidenciou os piores resultados. Outra conclusão foi que as duas técnicas de dupla moldagem usando materiais de consistências diferentes mostraram resultados semelhantes ao Honigum e Impregum, sendo mais precisas que estes na reprodução da altura, medida relacionada com a moldagem da zona de postdamming no paciente edêntulo.


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Objetiva-se realizar uma investigação sobre a focalização do Programa Bolsa Família e seus determinantes imediatos, assim como uma análise quantitativa sobre famílias beneficiadas, elegíveis e não elegíveis. Constata-se percentuais associados à exclusão indevida menores que aqueles associados à inclusão indevida. Contudo, parte da imprecisão está relacionada à inclusão de famílias com renda per capita acima, mas próxima do teto (R$ 140). Os resultados econométricos indicam uma relação inversa entre a cobertura do Programa e os níveis de desenvolvimento social e econômico municipais. Há evidências de que municípios com maior qualidade na gestão dos recursos do Programa, também apresentam percentuais superiores de cobertura. Simulações de políticas sugerem a necessidade de que um direcionamento de políticas para universalização deve envolver esforços tanto para fins de efetivo alcance das famílias elegíveis, mas não beneficiárias, como para redução do vazamento do Programa. Sem direcionar esforços nestes dois eixos, a universalização requereria significativo aporte financeiro


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The system in-Ceram Alumina, produced by VITA, consists in a technique of prepare of a substructure of ceramics to dental crowns. First burning is made in the alumina decanted by slip casting process under a stone die that reproduces the tooth prepared to receive a crown. In a second burning, alumina is infiltrated by vitreous system, giving to this set a high mechanic resistance. In this work, it s made a study of the composition of a new infiltrating material more used nowadays, giving to alumina desirable mechanics proprieties to its using like substructure of support to ceramic s crown used in the market today. The addition of Lanthanum oxide (frit A) and calcium oxide (frit B) was made in attempt to increase the viscosity of LZSA and to reduce fusion temperature. The frits were put over samples of alumina and took to the tubular oven to 1400ºC under vacuum for two groups (groups 1 and 2). For another two groups (groups 3 and 4) it was made a second infiltration, following the same parameters of the first. A fifth group was utilized like group of control where the samples of pure alumina were not submitted to any infiltrating process. Glasses manifested efficient both in quality and results of analysis of mechanic resistance, being perfectly compatible with oral environment in this technical requisite. The groups that made a second infiltration had he best results of fracture toughness, qualify the use in the oral cavity in this technical question. The average of results achieved for mechanic resistance to groups 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 were respectively 98 MPa, 90 MPa, 144 MPa, 236 MPa and 23 MPa


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Primary cementing is one of the main operations in well drilling responsible for the mechanical stability and zonal isolation during the production of oil. However, the cement sheath is constantly under mechanical stresses and temperature variations caused by the recovery of heavy oil. In order to minimize fracture and wear of the cement sheath, new admixtures are developed to improve the properties of Portland cement slurries and avoid environmental contamination caused by leaking gas and oil. Polymers with the ability to form polymeric films are candidates to improve the properties of hardened cement slurries, especially their fracture energy. The present study aimed at evaluating the effect of the addition of a chitosan suspension on cement slurries in order to improve the properties of the cement and increase its performance on heavy oil recovery. Chitosan was dissolved in acetic ac id (0.25 M and 2 M) and added to the formulation of the slurries in different concentrations. SEM analyses confirmed the formation of polymeric films in the cementitious matrix. Strength tests showed higher fracture energy compared to slurries without the addition of chitosan. The formation of the polymeric films also reduced the permeability of the slurry. Therefore, chitosan suspensions can be potentially used as cementing admixtures for heavy oil well applications


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Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


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In the present work it was developed originals alternatives of enveronmentally safe and economically viable destination of thermoset plastic residue from a button factory, which at presnte stores such residue tempor and in a way that is inconvenient to the atmosphere, a waiting safe solutions. As the residue is not recycleab and its burning leberates strongly aggressive gases, safe alternatives were researched. Inicially, ghe residue in incineration was performed in cement ovens with precise control ofe emission of gases, but it was proved inviable due to its low calorific power, as well as the liberation of free lead in the ashes. An original and feasible option was the residue confinemente in soil-ciment blocks, lohich resulted in blocks highly resistant to simple compression with structural block, and also a significant increase in thermal resistence. Was got up other options of original and important composites as: making of blocks for pré-moulded flagstone, internal coating of walls with plaster being obtained good texture results, replenish of ceramic blocks and blocks with cement, also implying in increase of thermal resistance. Besides these original and scientific contributions, the it was technologically contribution of defreadation with suggestions of the material using torch of thermal plasm; for this was projected, built, characterized and tested a torch to it shapes it being obtained exciting results for the development of this technology come back for ending destruction from all the types of inconvenient garbage to the atmosphere


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The transport of fluids through pipes is used in the oil industry, being the pipelines an important link in the logistics flow of fluids. However, the pipelines suffer deterioration in their walls caused by several factors which may cause loss of fluids to the environment, justifying the investment in techniques and methods of leak detection to minimize fluid loss and environmental damage. This work presents the development of a supervisory module in order to inform to the operator the leakage in the pipeline monitored in the shortest time possible, in order that the operator log procedure that entails the end of the leak. This module is a component of a system designed to detect leaks in oil pipelines using sonic technology, wavelets and neural networks. The plant used in the development and testing of the module presented here was the system of tanks of LAMP, and its LAN, as monitoring network. The proposal consists of, basically, two stages. Initially, assess the performance of the communication infrastructure of the supervisory module. Later, simulate leaks so that the DSP sends information to the supervisory performs the calculation of the location of leaks and indicate to which sensor the leak is closer, and using the system of tanks of LAMP, capture the pressure in the pipeline monitored by piezoresistive sensors, this information being processed by the DSP and sent to the supervisory to be presented to the user in real time


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The State of Paraíba is one of the most dynamic states of Brazil, strategically located in the northeast, is notable for the excellent potential for integration of different transportation modes forming the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco and Alagoas. The dynamic that occurs with port activity causes changes in the space where it is installed. And the elements of this space are always more than suffering direct or indirect influences as the flow in the port is expanded. Therefore, this region became subject to the accidental spillage of oil, because it presents a heavy traffic of ships of various sizes that can run aground or collide with oil causing accidental events. The study of geomorphological and sedimentological compositions of seafloor becomes important as more is known about the relationships between these parameters and associated fauna, and can identify their preferred habitats. The database background, acoustically collected along the proposed study area, is a wealth of information, which were duly examined, cataloged and made available. Such information can serve as an important tool, providing a geomorphological survey of the sedimentary area studied, and come to subsidize, in a flexible, future decision making. With the study area Port of Cabedelo, Paraíba - Brazil, this research aimed to evaluate the influence of the tidal surface and background in modeling the seabed, including the acquisition of information about the location of submerged rocky bodies and the depth of these bodies may turn out to be natural traps for the trapping of oil in case of leaks, and obtain the relationship between types of bed and the hydrodynamic conditions present in the region. In this context, for this study were collected bathymetric data (depth) and physical oceanographic (height of water column, water temperature, intensity and direction of currents, waves and turbidity), meteorological (rainfall, air temperature, humidity, winds and barometric pressure) of the access channel to the Port of Cabedelo / PB and its basin evolution (where the cruise ships dock), and includes tools of remote sensing (Landsat 7 ETM +, 2001), so that images and the results are integrated into Geographic Information Systems and used in the elaboration of measures aimed at environmental protection areas under the influence of this scale facilities, serving as a grant to prepare a contingency plan in case of oil spills in the region. The main findings highlight the techniques of using hydroacoustic data acquisition together bathymetric surveys of high and low frequency. From there, five were prepared in bathymetric pattern of Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation - DHN, with the depth in meters, on a scale of 1:2500 (Channel and Basin Evolution of Access to Port of Cabedelo), where there is a large extent possible beachrocks that hinder the movement of vessels in the port area, which can cause collisions, running aground and leaking oil. From the scatter diagram of the vectors of currents, it can be seen as the tidal stream and undergoes a channeling effect caused by the bidirectional effect of the tide (ebb and flood) in the basin of the Port of Cabedelo evolution in NW-direction SE and the highest speed of the currents occurs at low tide. The characterization weather for the period from 28/02 to 04/07/2010 values was within the expected average for the region of study. The multidisciplinary integration of products (digital maps and remote sensing images), proved to be efficient for the characterization of underwater geomorphological study area, reaching the aim to discriminate and enhance submerged structures, previously not visible in the images


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Activities that have fuel subterranean storage system are considered potentially polluting fuels by CONAMA Resolution 273, due to the possibility of leak, outpouring and overflow of fuel into the ground. Being even more worrying when contaminate groundwater for public supply, as the case of Natal City. For this reason, the Public Ministry/RN, in partnership with UFRN, developed the project environmental suitability of Gas stations in Natal, of which 36% showed evidence of contamination. This paper describes the four stages of the management of contaminated areas: preliminary assessment of environmental liabilities, detailed confirmatory investigation of the contamination, risk analysis to human health (RBCA), as well as the remediation plan of degraded areas. Therefore it is presented a case study. For the area investigated has been proposed a mathematical method to estimate the volume of LNAPL by a free CAD software (ScketchUp) and compare it with the partition method for grid area. Were also performed 3D graphics designs of feathers contamination. Research results showed that passive benzene contamination in groundwater was 2791.77 μg/L, when the maximum allowed by CONAMA Resolution 420 is 5 μg/L which is the potability standards. The individual and cumulative risks were calculated from 4.4 x10-3, both above the limits of 1.0 x10-5 or by RBCA 1.0 x10-6 by the Public Ministry/RN. Corrective action points that remediation of dissolved phase benzene is expected to reach a concentration of 25 μg/L, based on carcinogenic risk for ingestion of groundwater by residents residential, diverging legislation. According to the proposed model, the volume of LNAPL using the ScketchUp was 17.59 m3, while by the grid partitioning method was 14.02 m3. Because of the low recovery, the expected removal of LNAPL is 11 years, if the multiphase extraction system installed in the enterprise is not optimized


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a forma de penetração do fungo Metarhizium anisopliae [METSCH. (SOROKIN, 1883)] em carrapatos da espécie Rhipicephalus sanguineus (LATREILLE, 1806), assim como as lesões infringidas nos tecidos internos do ácaro. A forma de aderência e penetração do fungo foi estudada através da microscopia eletrônica de varredura e a ação do fungo nos tecidos internos avaliada em secções histológicas convencionais. Para observação destes eventos, realizaram-se infecções experimentais em 11 grupos de fêmeas ingurgitadas do carrapato R. sanguineus contendo 12 fêmeas ingurgitadas cada. Para tal, as fêmeas ingurgitadas foram banhadas durante 3 minutos, sob agitação manual, em suspensão com concentração 108 conídios/mL. No caso dos grupos controle o banho foi realizado apenas no veículo da suspensão. Os carrapatos foram processados para histopatologia e microscopia eletrônica em diversos tempos após a infecção, a saber: 1 e 18h, e um, dois, três, quatro, cinco, seis, sete, nove e onze dias. Observou-se que a maior parte dos conídios germinou em até 18h após a inoculação e que o fungo penetrou no ácaro através do tegumento 48h após a infecção. Após a penetração, o fungo invadiu o corpo do hospedeiro promovendo uma colonização difusa, sem preferência aparente por tecidos específicos. Dentre as lesões nos tecidos internos do ácaro, ressalta-se o rompimento da parede intestinal e vazamento do conteúdo para a hemocele. A morte do hospedeiro ocorreu entre 96 e 120h pós-infecção, e a esporulação do patógeno sobre o cadáver do ácaro iniciou-se em torno de 120 a 144h pós-infecção. Espera-se, com este trabalho, contribuir para o desenvolvimento e viabilização de técnicas de controle biológico dos carrapatos por fungos como alternativa ao uso de acaricidas.


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The pumping of fluids in pipelines is the most economic and safe form of transporting fluids. That explains why in Europe there was in 1999 about 30.000 Km [7] of pipelines of several diameters, transporting millíons of cubic meters of crude oil end refined products, belonging to COCAWE (assaciation of companies of petroleum of Europe for health, environment and safety, that joint several petroleum companies). In Brazil they are about 18.000 Km of pipelines transporting millions of cubic meters of liquids and gases. In 1999, nine accidents were registered to COCAWE. Among those accidents one brought a fatal victim. The oil loss was of 171 m3, equivalent to O,2 parts per million of the total of the transported volume. Same considering the facts mentioned the costs involved in ao accident can be high. An accident of great proportions can bríng loss of human lives, severe environmental darnages, loss of drained product, loss . for dismissed profit and damages to the image of the company high recovery cost. In consonance with that and in some cases for legal demands, the companies are, more and more, investing in systems of Leak detection in pipelines based on computer algorithm that operate in real time, seeking wíth that to minimize still more the drained volumes. This decreases the impacts at the environment and the costs. In general way, all the systems based on softWare present some type of false alarm. In general a commitment exists betWeen the sensibílity of the system and the number of false alarms. This work has as objective make a review of thé existent methods and to concentrate in the analysis of a specific system, that is, the system based on hydraulic noise, Pressure Point Analyzis (PPA). We will show which are the most important aspects that must be considered in the implementation of a Leak Detection System (LDS), from the initial phase of the analysis of risks passing by the project bases, design, choice of the necessary field instrumentation to several LDS, implementation and tests. We Will make na analysis of events (noises) originating from the flow system that can be generator of false alarms and we will present a computer algorithm that restricts those noises automatically


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Embedded systems are widely spread nowadays. An example is the Digital Signal Processor (DSP), which is a high processing power device. This work s contribution consist of exposing DSP implementation of the system logic for detecting leaks in real time. Among the various methods of leak detection available today this work uses a technique based on the pipe pressure analysis and usesWavelet Transform and Neural Networks. In this context, the DSP, in addition to do the pressure signal digital processing, also communicates to a Global Positioning System (GPS), which helps in situating the leak, and to a SCADA, sharing information. To ensure robustness and reliability in communication between DSP and SCADA the Modbus protocol is used. As it is a real time application, special attention is given to the response time of each of the tasks performed by the DSP. Tests and leak simulations were performed using the structure of Laboratory of Evaluation of Measurement in Oil (LAMP), at Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)


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This work consists in the use of techniques of signals processing and artificial neural networks to identify leaks in pipes with multiphase flow. In the traditional methods of leak detection exists a great difficulty to mount a profile, that is adjusted to the found in real conditions of the oil transport. These difficult conditions go since the unevenly soil that cause columns or vacuum throughout pipelines until the presence of multiphases like water, gas and oil; plus other components as sand, which use to produce discontinuous flow off and diverse variations. To attenuate these difficulties, the transform wavelet was used to map the signal pressure in different resolution plan allowing the extraction of descriptors that identify leaks patterns and with then to provide training for the neural network to learning of how to classify this pattern and report whenever this characterize leaks. During the tests were used transient and regime signals and pipelines with punctures with size variations from ½' to 1' of diameter to simulate leaks and between Upanema and Estreito B, of the UN-RNCE of the Petrobras, where it was possible to detect leaks. The results show that the proposed descriptors considered, based in statistical methods applied in domain transform, are sufficient to identify leaks patterns and make it possible to train the neural classifier to indicate the occurrence of pipeline leaks