958 resultados para Vasari, Giorgio, 1511-1574
O Município de São José do Rio Preto, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, cujas principais características climáticas e pedológicas estão indicadas no trabalho, apresenta área florestal reduzida e fragmentária, sendo, em sua maior parte, ocupada por formações mais, ou menos savanizadas e, em menor grau, ruderalizadas. Foram, até agora, encontradas espécies vegetais pertencentes a cinco elementos fitogeográficos diferentes: o Geral, o Amazônico, o Atlântico, o Meridional e o Central. Embora nada se possa dizer, com segurança, em relação à formação clímax da região, pode-se admitir que seja a floresta latifoliada tropical, semidecídua e mais ou menos xeromorfa. Continua em aberto, para a região, o problema da origem do cerrado.
Guarea trichilioides L.4, (= Guarea guara (N.J. Jacquin) P. Wilson) é uma meliácea arbórea silvestre, fornecedora de madeira vermelha e conhecida, na região de São José do Rio Preto, pelo nome de "Marinheiro". Foi estudado o balanço hídrico desta planta na estação seca, pelo método das pesagens rápidas de folíolos destacados, verificando-se que, nas condições consideradas, não houve, praticamente, restrição acentuada da transpiração nas horas mais desfavoráveis do dia. A transpiração relativa foi bastante elevada, comparável aquela de outras árvores da mesma formação e bem superior à das árvores da floresta pluvial tropical. A transpiração cuticular foi baixa, comparável à da maioria das árvores da citada floresta pluvial e bem inferior àquela de muitas plantas permanentes do cerrado. O movimento hidroativo dos estômatos foi relativamente rápido na fase inicial, tornando-se, porem, bastante vagaroso antes de atingir o valor da transpiração cuticular. O deficit de saturação foi pequeno, comparável ao das árvores da floresta pluvial. O estudo do balanço hídrico e da estrutura foliar levam a considerar Guarea trichilioides como uma árvore da floresta tropical não adaptada a suportar condições de seca intensa.
There are many paths to reach Rome, immense field open to the eye through the centuries and days, where the presence of the story is haunting. All the artists came to Rome: Italians of various Italian and also French, Dutch, Flemish, Spanish, English and Americans. These painters whose works tell its long history for having lived in the glare of light forever are the Roman pantheon of arts: what are all the anonymous authors of the frescoes of ancient Rome and medieval, but Fabriano, Cimabue , Giotto, Botticelli, Raphael, Giulio Romano, Michelangelo, Caravaggio, Guido Reni, Guercino, Titian, Vasari, Velasquez, Le Nain, Poussin, Zuccari, Van Wittel, Eckersberg, Giraudet, David, Panini, Hubert Robert, Reynolds, Fuseli, Ingres, Sargent, Caffi, Vernet, Turner, Corot, Caffi, De Chirico, etc..
In this paper we re-examine the long standing and puzzling correlation between national savings and investment in industrial countries. We apply an econometric methodology that allows us to separate idiosyncratic correlation at the country level from correlation at the global level. In a major break with the existing literature, we find no evidence of a long run relationship in the idiosyncratic components of savings and investment. We also find that the global components in savings and investments comove, indicating that they react to shocks of a global nature.
The disconnect between rising short and low long interest rates has been a distinctive feature of the 2000s. Both research and policy circles have argued that international forces, such as global monetary policy (e.g. Rogoff, 2006); international business cycles (e.g. Borio and Filardo, 2007); or a global savings glut (e.g Bernanke, 2005) may be responsible. In this paper, we employ recent advances in panel data econometrics to document the disconnect and link it explicitly to the existence of a global latent factor that dominates the long end of the term spread for the recent period; the saving glut story emerges as the most likely contender for the global factor.
The introduction of culture-independent molecular screening techniques, especially based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, has allowed microbiologists to examine a facet of microbial diversity not necessarily reflected by the results of culturing studies. The bacterial community structure was studied for a pesticide-contaminated site that was subsequently remediated using an efficient degradative strain Arthrobacter protophormiae RKJ100. The efficiency of the bioremediation process was assessed by monitoring the depletion of the pollutant, and the effect of addition of an exogenous strain on the existing soil community structure was determined using molecular techniques. The 16S rRNA gene pool amplified from the soil metagenome was cloned and restriction fragment length polymorphism studies revealed 46 different phylotypes on the basis of similar banding patterns. Sequencing of representative clones of each phylotype showed that the community structure of the pesticide-contaminated soil was mainly constituted by Proteobacteria and Actinomycetes. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis showed only nonsignificant changes in community structure during the process of bioremediation. Immobilized cells of strain RKJ100 enhanced pollutant degradation but seemed to have no detectable effects on the existing bacterial community structure.
Traditionally, it is assumed that the population size of cities in a country follows a Pareto distribution. This assumption is typically supported by nding evidence of Zipf's Law. Recent studies question this nding, highlighting that, while the Pareto distribution may t reasonably well when the data is truncated at the upper tail, i.e. for the largest cities of a country, the log-normal distribution may apply when all cities are considered. Moreover, conclusions may be sensitive to the choice of a particular truncation threshold, a yet overlooked issue in the literature. In this paper, then, we reassess the city size distribution in relation to its sensitivity to the choice of truncation point. In particular, we look at US Census data and apply a recursive-truncation approach to estimate Zipf's Law and a non-parametric alternative test where we consider each possible truncation point of the distribution of all cities. Results con rm the sensitivity of results to the truncation point. Moreover, repeating the analysis over simulated data con rms the di culty of distinguishing a Pareto tail from the tail of a log-normal and, in turn, identifying the city size distribution as a false or a weak Pareto law.
An extensive economics and regional science literature has discussed the importance of social capital for economic growth and development. Yet, what social capital is and how it is formed are elusive issues, which require further investigation. Here, we refer to social capital in terms of civic capital and good culture , as rephrased by Guiso, Sapienza and Zingales (2010) and Tabellini (2010). The accumulation of this kind of capital allows the emerging of regional informal institutions, which may help explaining diff erences in regional development. In this paper, we take a regional perspective and use exploratory space and space-time methods to assess whether geography, via proximity, contributes to the formation of social capital across European regions. In particular, we ask whether generalized trust, a fundamental constituent of social capital and an ingredient of economic development, tends to be clustered across space and over time. From the policy standpoint, the spatial hysteresis of regional trust may contribute to the formation of spatial traps of social capital and act as a further barrier to regional economic development and convergence.
The behavior of commodities is critical for developing and developed countries alike. This paper contributes to the empirical evidence on the co-movement and determinants of commodity prices. Using nonstationary panel methods, we document a statistically significant degree of co-movement due to a common factor. Within a Factor Augmented VAR approach, real interest rate and uncertainty, as postulated by a simple asset pricing model, are both found to be negatively related to this common factor. This evidence is robust to the inclusion of demand and supply shocks, which both positively impact on the co-movement of commodity prices.
Texte intégral: http://www.springerlink.com/content/3q68180337551r47/fulltext.pdf
Plasma-cell neoplasms are classically categorized into four groups as: multiple myeloma (MM), plasma-cell leukemias, solitary plasmacytomas (SP) of the bone (SPB), and extramedullary plasmacytomas (EMP). These tumors may be described as localized or diffuse in presentation. Localized plasma-cell neoplasms are rare, and include SP of the skeletal system, accounting for 2-5% of all plasma-cell neoplasms, and EMP of soft tissue, accounting for approximately 3% of all such neoplasms. SP is defined as a solitary mass of neoplastic plasma cells either in the bone marrow or in various soft tissue sites. There appears to be a continuum in which SP often progresses to MM. The main treatment modality for SP is radiation therapy (RT). However, there are no conclusive data in the literature on the optimal AT dose for SP. This review describes the interrelationship of plasma-cell neoplasms, and attempts to determine the minimal RT dose required to obtain local control.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Die wissenschaftliche Volkskunde beschäftigt sich erst seit hundert Jahren mit der Volksreligiosität - dies trotz ihres fast unüberschaubaren Reichtums. Zum erstenmal für die Schweiz wird in diesem Werk der Versuch eines Überblicks gewagt. Acht Bildreportagen von Giorgio von Arb bestätigen die Lebendigkeit der religiösen Praxis. Sinnsuche in einer Zeit, das die Nachteile fortschreitender Technisierung und Rationalisierung immer spürbarer werden, hat die Werte echten Brauchtums auch im religiösen Dingen erneut ins Zentrum der persönlichen Lebensführung vieler gerückt. Aller Ausnüchterung zum Trotz hat sich vor allem auf katholischer Seite viel an christlichem Volksbrauch erhalten. In 25 Beiträgen äussern sich Wissenschafter aus dem In- und Ausland zu Themen der Volksfrömmigkeit in der Schweiz; auch eine kritische Diskussion des in Deutschland umstrittenen Begriffs darf nicht fehlen. Das Buch ist eine aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme des hergebrachten und ständig sich erneuernden religiösen Brauchtums. Von den Stätten der Andacht über Heilglaube, Neuheidentum feministisch-matriarchalischer Prägung, Marine- und Heiligenverehrung, Wallfahrtsbrauchtum und Gebetskultur bis hin zum Einsiedler und zu Formeln wie "Adie" (à Dieu) und "Grüssgott", die wir im Mund führen.
Aside from ethical considerations, the primary requirement for usage of human tissues in basic or translational research is the thorough characterization of tissues. The second, but equally essential, requirement is that tissues be collected, processed, annotated, and preserved in optimal conditions. These requirements put the pathologist at the center of tissue banking activities and of research aimed at discovering new biomarkers. Pathologists not only provide information identifying the specimen but also make decisions on what materials should be biobanked, on the preservation conditions, and on the timeline of events that precede preservation and storage. This central position calls for increased recognition of the role of the pathologist by the biomolecular community and places new demands on the pathologist's workload and scope of scientific activities. These questions were addressed by an Expert Group Meeting of the European Biological and Biomolecular Research Infrastructure (BBMRI). While detailed recommendations are published elsewhere (Bevilacqua et al., Virchows Archivs, 2010, in press), this article outlines the strategic and technological issues identified by the Expert Group and identifies ways forward for better integration of pathology in the current thrust for development of biomarker-based "personalized medicine.
We have analyzed the compositional properties of coding (protein encoding) and non-coding sequences of Plasmodium falciparum, a unicellular parasite characterized by an extremely AT-rich genome. GC% levels, base and dinucleotide frequencies were studied. We found that among the various factors that contribute to the properties of the sequences analyzed, the most relevant are the compositional constraints which operate on the whole genome
Request to participate in an expert group review of child health research gaps and priorities in Ireland and Northern Ireland IPH responded to a questionnaire from the FP7 funded project - RICHE ( www.childhealthresearch.eu). The project goal is to produce an inventory of child health research in Europe, identify gaps in existing and on-going research, and devise a series of roadmaps for the future of child health research. This is co-ordinated by Anthony Staines from DCU, and Michael Rigby, from the Nordic School. This specific phase of the project is being co-ordinated by Matilde Leonardi and Giorgio Tamburlini in Italy.