975 resultados para Vanhanen, Tatu: IQ


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Este estudo foi realizado na Reserva Biolgica Municipal "Mrio Viana", Nova Xavantina, MT, objetivando inventariar e avaliar a abundncia e diversidade de mamferos terrestres de mdio e grande porte. Para tanto, foram realizadas duas visitas mensais a um transecto com 2.820 m de extenso, durante todo o ano de 2001, para o levantamento de pegadas (rastreamentos) e outras evidncias de mamferos. Um total de 29 espcies foram registradas na rea de estudo, sendo que 22 ocorreram no transecto e tiveram suas seqncias individuais de pegadas quantificadas para realizao do clculo dos ndices de abundncia e de diversidade de Shannon-Wiener (H'). De acordo com seus ndices de abundncia, as espcies foram classificadas em raras, comuns e abundantes. Dentre outras, ona-parda (Puma concolor - Linnaeus, 1771) e tatu-canastra (Priodontes maximus - Keer, 1792) mostraram-se raras; jaguatirica (Leopardus pardalis - Linnaeus, 1758), e tamandu-bandeira (Myrmecophaga tridactyla - Linnaeus, 1758), comuns; e cutia (Dasyprocta azarae - Lichtenstein, 1823) e tapeti (Sylvilagus brasiliensis - Linnaeus, 1758), abundantes. O H' encontrado foi 2,40, sendo considerado significativo. O presente trabalho apontou que, apesar de pequena (470 ha), a rea de estudo desempenha importante papel para a conservao da mastofauna da regio de Nova Xavantina, MT.


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Objective of this thesis was to develop the exchange of information and reduce the manual work done in the supply chain. In addition, the possibility to introduce electronic information exchange was studied between suppliers and Borealis. The aim was to create an accurate picture of Borealis current information flows and create from the basis of it short- and long-term improvement and development proposals. In this study the company's received and send information flows were mapped by interviewing persons who were responsible for the railroad imports and by examining documents that are used in the exchange of information. The data content of the information flows were prioritized and only the most important information contents were used for further development. Literature data was acquired concerning knowledge of electronic data interchange and information management to support the decisions and proposals. Long-term development proposals were compared with each other and the best one of them was recommended for further study. The final target of the proposal is to be able to receive electronic data and create an own database where to the information is stored and where from it is possible to follow up the rail tank cars and where from the needed reports can be retrieved.


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Centrala teman i min avhandling r parallellskolesystem, linjedelning och segregering i hgstadier och gymnasier. Det finns stora skillnader mellan lnder gllande den rskurs d eleverna sorteras in i olika niver genom skilda klasser eller skolor. I Tyskland och Nederlnderna till exempel delas eleverna upp fre hgstadiet medan Sverige och Finland har enhetsskolor p hgstadieniv. Jag argumenterar att parallellskolesystem har en positiv effekt p elevernas testresultat i rskurserna fre linjedelningen. Eleverna har incitament att jobba hrdare fr att komma p i den akademiska linjen. Jag undersker incitamentseffekter empiriskt, och hittar mnster konsistenta med incitamentseffekter bde i brittisk och i internationell data. Det andra bidraget i avhandlingen r metodologiskt. Nationalekonomer brukar behandla testresultat frn t.ex. IQ-tester eller internationella PISA-underskningar som om absoluta nivn p pongantalen har betydelse i sig. I verkligheten antyder de endast en rangordning. Jag visar att normalfrdelade testresultat i mnga fall ligger tillrckligt nra dess pengavrde p arbetsmarknaden fr att nd kunna tolkas som absoluta.


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The survival of preterm born infants has increased but the prevalence of long-term morbidities has still remained high. Preterm born children are at an increased risk for various developmental impairments including both severe neurological deficits as well as deficits in cognitive development. According to the literature the developmental outcome perspective differs between countries, centers, and eras. Definitions of preterm infant vary between studies, and the follow-up has been carried out with diverse methods making the comparison less reliable. It is essential to offer parents upto-date information about the outcome of preterm infants born in the same area. A centralized follow-up of children at risk makes it possible to monitor the consequences of changes in the treatment practices of hospitals on developmental outcome. This thesis is part of a larger regional, prospective multidisciplinary follow-up project entitled Development and Functioning of Very Low Birth Weight Infants from Infancy to School Age (PIeniPAinoisten RIskilasten kyttytyminen ja toimintakyky imevisist kouluikn, PIPARI). The thesis consists of four original studies that present data of very low birth weight (VLBW) infants born between 2001 and 2006, who are followed up from the neonatal period until the age of five years. The main outcome measure was cognitive development and secondary outcomes were significant neurological deficits (cerebral palsy, CP, deafness, and blindness). In Study I, the early crying and fussing behavior of preterm infants was studied using parental diaries, and the relation of crying behavior and cognitive and motor development at the age of two years was assessed. In Study II, the developmental outcome (cognitive, CP, deafness, and blindness) at the age of two years was studied in relation to demographic, antenatal, neonatal, and brain imaging data. Development was studied in relationship to a full-term born control group born in the same hospital. In Study III, the stability of cognitive development was studied in VLBW and full-term groups by comparing the outcomes at the ages of two and five years. Finally, in Study IV the precursors of reading skills (phonological processing, rapid automatized naming, and letter knowledge) were assessed for VLBW and full-term children at the age of five years. Pre-reading skills were studied in relation to demographic, antenatal, neonatal, and brain imaging data. The main findings of the thesis were that VLBW infants who fussed or cried more in the infancy were not at greater risk for problems in their cognitive development. However, crying was associated with poorer motor development. The developmental outcome of the present population was better that has been reported earlier and this improvement covered also cognitive development. However, the difference to fullterm born peers was still significant. Major brain pathology and intestinal perforation were independent significant risk factors for adverse outcome, also when several individual risk factors were controlled for. Cognitive development at the age of two years was strongly related with development at the age of five years, stressing the importance of the early assessment, and the possibility for early interventions. Finally, VLBW children had poorer pre-reading skills compared with their full-term born peers, but the IQ was an important mediator even when children with mental retardation were excluded from the analysis. The findings suggest that counseling parents about the developmental perspectives of their preterm infant should be based on data covering the same birth hospital. Neonatal brain imaging data and neonatal morbidity are important predictors for developmental outcome. The findings of the present study stress the importance of both short-term (two years) and long-term (five years) follow-ups for the individual, and for improving the quality of care.


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Tavoitteena tss diplomityss oli selvitt puuelementtien teollisen tuotannon mahdollisuuksia ja kehityksen tilaa. Millaiset valmiudet puuelementtien valmistajilla on valmistaa rakennuttajien ja rakentajien edellyttmi suur- ja tilaelementtej puukerrostaloja varten, millaista tuotekehityst ja tuotantoinvestointeja tarvitaan kaiken tmn mahdollistamiseksi, mik on yritysten halukkuus ja resurssit investoida uuteen teknologiaan sek kuinka voidaan parantaa tuotannon tehokkuutta. Ensin diplomityss luotiin katsaus puukerrostalorakentamisen historiaan, nykytilaan, kerrostalojrjestelmiin, palomryksiin ja ruotsalaiseen puuelementtien valmistamisen kehityksen tilaan. Puuelementtien valmistukseen tutustumisen jlkeen laadittiin kyselylomake tutkimusta varten, joka lhettiin 64:lle puuelementtien valmistajalle. Tutkimukseen vastasi kaikkiaan 20 puuelementtien valmistajaa. Vastausprosentiksi muodostui 31 %. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta puuelementtien valmistajien olevan pieni ja keskisuuria pk-yrityksi jotka valmistavat puuelementtej pasiassa pientaloteollisuudelle. Suomalaisten valmistajien automaation taso ja tekninen osaaminen ei juuri eroa ruotsalaisesta puuelementtien valmistuksesta. Suomessa puuelementtien valmistus puukerrostaloja varten ei ole viel vakiintunutta samalla tavalla kuten Ruotsissa. Suomessa Puukerrostalokohteita lhtee liikkeelle tll hetkell viel aivan liian vhn. Kilpailukyky ja tehokkuus tulevat kehittymn nopeasti kun teollinen valmistus saadaan riittvn korkealle tasolle.


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Kompostien kytt on kokeiltu ja tutkittu Kainuun ELY-keskuksen Eloperiset jtteet kiertoon -hankkeessa. Komposteja on hydynnetty laskettelurinteen ja kaivosteollisuuden sivukiven ljitysalueen maisemoinnissa, pihanurmen ja energiakasvien kasvattamisessa, metsn lannoittamisessa ja maanviljelyss. Pihanurmen perustamisen ja energiakasvien kasvattamisen kokeiluista on tehty mys erilliset tutkimukset. Tutkimustyst on vastannut MTT (Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus). Tutkimustieto on sisllytetty thn julkaisuun. Kompostin kyttkokeissa ja tutkimuksissa on hydynnetty Kainuun kuntien ja Kainuun jtehuollon kuntayhtymn Eko-Kympin komposteja. Kaikki kompostit ovat aumakompostoinnin tuotoksia. Eko-Kympin komposti on valmistettu biojtteist. Muut kompostit ovat lhtisin kunnallisten jtevedenpuhdistamoiden lietteist. Kajaanin kompostia kutsutaan mys A. & E. Juntunen Oy:n valmistamaksi biomullaksi. Saatujen kokemusten ja tutkimusten mukaan aumakompostoinnilla tuotettu komposti soveltuu nihin erilaisiin kyttmuotoihin, etenkin kun esille tulleita kehittmistoimia toteutetaan. Sivukiven ljitysalueiden maisemoinnissa, maanviljelyss ja metsn lannoittamisessa komposti ei tarvitse kivennismaata seosaineeksi. Sivukiven ljitysalueilla ne kompostit, joihin oli sekoitettu hiekkaa, eivt pysyneet paikoillaan. Aines valui sadeveden mukana alas rinteelt. Pelkk kompostia kytettess kompostimassa pysyi aloillaan. Maanviljelyss ja metsn lannoittamisessa kivennismaa on tarpeeton. Lisksi kompostissa oleva kiviaines kuluttaa ja voi vaurioittaa levityslaitteita. Ravinteet vapautuvat kompostista hitaasti kasvien kyttn. Kemiallisilla lannoitteilla on nopeampi vaikutus. Kompostit soveltuvat erityisen hyvin ympristihin, joissa tydennyslannoitusta ei tarvita tai joissa lannoite on vaikeaa levitt. Tllaisia kohteita ovat esimerkiksi kaivosten sivukiven tai rikastushiekan ljitysalueet tai muut vaikeakulkuiset kohteet. Mys metsien lannoittaminen ja maanviljely ovat Kainuussa kompostien hydyntmisen osalta alihydynnettyj. Pyry Finland Oy on laatinut Kajaaniin kaavaillulle biologiselle jtteiden ksittelylaitokselle teknistaloudelliset suunnitelmat. Yhtin tekemiss suunnitelmissa tulee ilmi, ett kaikkien Kainuun lietteiden aumakompostointi tuottaisi kompostia 13 000 tonnia vuodessa, kun tukiaine seulotaan erilleen. Mdtys- tai biokaasulaitosvaihtoehdoissa lopputuotteen mr on edellist pienempi. Pelkkien Kainuun lietteiden mdttminen tuottaisi kompostia jlkikompostin seulonnan jlkeen 6 600 tonnia. Viherrakentaminen taajamissa on komposteille Kainuussa yleinen kyttmuoto. Sill on kasvun edellytyksi etenkin, kun kompostin laatuun panostetaan. Viherrakentaminen Kajaanin seudulla riittisi kuluttamaan kaiken Kainuussa muodostuvan kompostin, kun kompostimullan kulutuksena pidetn 0,5 tonnia asukasta kohden vuodessa. Tm vastaa Kajaanin seudulla 27 000 tonnin kompostimr. Kompostin muodostumismr ei tulevaisuudessa tule olemaan lhell tt laskennallista multamenekki. Kompostin huono menekki johtuu joidenkin kuntien osalta pikemminkin huonosta kompostin laadusta kuin markkinoiden kyllstymisest. Tilanne on korjaantumassa suunnitteilla olevan biologisen jtteiden ksittelylaitoksen myt. Siin kompostituotteen laatuun voidaan panostaa tehokkaammin kuin erillisill pienill kompostointikentill.


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Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can potentially affect the developing fetus in devastating ways, leading to a range of physical, neurological, and behavioral alterations most accurately termed Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). Despite the fact that it is a preventable disorder, prenatal alcohol exposure today constitutes a leading cause of intellectual disability in the Western world. In Western countries where prevalence studies have been performed the rates of FASD exceed, for example, autism spectrum disorders, Downs syndrome and cerebral palsy. In addition to the direct effects of alcohol, children and adolescents with FASD are often exposed to a double burden in life, as their neurological sequelae are accompanied by adverse living surroundings exposing them to further environmental risk. However, children with FASD today remain remarkably underdiagnosed by the health care system. This thesis forms part of a larger multinational research project, The Collaborative Initiative on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (the CIFASD), initiated by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) in the U.S.A. The general aim of the present thesis was to examine a cohort of children and adolescents growing up with fetal alcohol-related damage in Finland. The thesis consists of five studies with a broad focus on diagnosis, cognition, behavior, adaptation and brain metabolic alterations in children and adolescents with FASD. The participants consisted of four different groups: one group with histories of prenatal exposure to alcohol, the FASD group; one IQ matched contrast group mostly consisting of children with specific learning disorder (SLD); and two typically-developing control groups (CON1 and CON2). Participants were identified through medical records, random sampling from the Finnish national population registry and email alerts to students. Importantly, the participants in the present studies comprise a group of very carefully clinically characterized children with FASD as the studies were performed in close collaboration with leading experts in the field (Prof. Edward Riley and Prof. Sarah Mattson, Center for Behavioral Teratology, San Diego State University, U.S.A; Prof. Eugene Hoyme, Sanford School of Medicine, University of South Dakota, U.S.A.). In the present thesis, the revised Institute of Medicine diagnostic criteria for FASD were tested on a Finnish population and found to be a reliable tool for differentiating among the subgroups of FASD. A weighted dysmorphology scoring system proved to be a valuable additional adjunct in quantification of growth deficits and dysmorphic features in children with FASD (Study 1). The purpose of Study 2 was to clarify the relationship between alcohol-related dysmorphic features and general cognitive capacity. Results showed a significant correlation between dysmorphic features and cognitive capacity, suggesting that children with more severe growth deficiency and dysmorphic features have more cognitive limitations. This association was, however, only moderate, indicating that physical markers and cognitive capacity not always go hand in hand in individuals with FASD. Behavioral problems in the FASD group proved substantial compared to the typically developing control group. In Study 3 risk and protective factors associated with behavioral problems in the FASD group were explored further focusing on diagnostic and environmental factors. Two groups with elevated risks for behavioral problems emerged: length of time spent in residential care and a low dysmorphology score proved to be the most pervasive risk factor for behavioral problems. The results underscore the clinical importance of appropriate services and care for less visibly alcohol affected children and highlight the need to attend to children with FASD being raised in institutions. With their background of early biological and psychological impairment compounded with less opportunity for a close and continuous caregiver relationship, such children seem to run an especially great risk of adverse life outcomes. Study 4 focused on adaptive abilities such as communication, daily living skills and social skills, in other words skills that are important for gradually enabling an independent life, maintain social relationships and allow the individual to become integrated into society. The results showed that adaptive abilities of children and adolescents growing up with FASD were significantly compromised compared to both typically-developing peers and IQ-matched children with SLD. Clearly different adaptive profiles were revealed where the FASD group performed worse than the SLD group, who in turn performed worse than the CON1 group. Importantly, the SLD group outperformed the FASD group on adaptive behavior in spite of comparable cognitive levels. This is the first study to compare adaptive abilities in a group of children and adolescents with FASD relative to both a contrast group of IQ-matched children with SLD and to a group of typically-developing peers. Finally, in Study 5, through magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRS) evidence of longstanding neurochemical alterations were observed in adolescents and young adults with FASD related to alcohol exposure in utero 14-20 years earlier. Neurochemical alterations were seen in several brain areas: in frontal and parietal cortices, corpus callosum, thalamus and frontal white matter areas as well as in the cerebellar dentate nucleus. The findings are compatible with neuropsychological findings in FASD. Glial cells seemed to be more affected than neurons. In conclusion, more societal efforts and resources should be focused on recognizing and diagnosing FASD, and supporting subgroups with elevated risk of poor outcome. Without adequate intervention children and adolescents with FASD run a great risk of marginalization and social maladjustment, costly not only to society but also to the lives of the many young people with FASD.