277 resultados para VALSALVA MANEUVER
The aim of this thesis is to contribute to deeper knowledge about the writing practices of teachers in upper secondary school. Schools are under constant pressure to respond to the needs and expectations of an ever-changing society and political intentions. A major factor in this change which is taking place in schools is digitalization. Another factor is the adoption of new governing principles for schools involving management by goals and results, which brings increased demands for written documentation of teachers' work. In order to describe and problematize this development the thesis is based on a combination of Critical Discourse Analysis and New Literacy (Clark and Ivanič, 1997). The theoretical framework rests upon an understanding of writing as social action and the idea that texts both affect and are affected by the social environment. The empirical study focuses on twelve teachers and their writing practices, analyzed during week-long field visits over three years. The teachers' talk about their writing is used together with analyses of texts and images to investigate parts of teachers' writing which, according to the teachers, are considered complex and problematic. The findings indicate significant differences between the writing practices of the individual teachers, where each teacher has his or her own system of texts fulfilling different purposes. Despite these differences it is still possible to identify recurrent themes in the discursive conditions for teachers' writing: efficiency, reuse, authority, audit, relationships to addressees, and room to maneuver. The study illustrates possible dilemmas for teachers' writing at the intersection of teachers' professional responsibility and demands for accountability.
Résumé : À l’aube des études humiennes, Norman Kemp Smith appelait à représenter Hume « suivant toutes ses nombreuses activités », comme s’il pressentait que l’étude de la pensée humienne pouvait s’avérer un labyrinthe dans lesquels les commentaires pouvaient s’égarer et se perdre de vue. Ce pressentiment, on peut le dire aujourd’hui, s’est avéré juste, et il porte avec lui une clé de lecture : pour dépasser la représentation parcellaire, fragmentée et ultimement incohérente d’un Hume kaléidoscopique, le mieux est peut-être de s’intéresser à ses activités. La présente thèse vise à circonscrire la pratique humienne de la philosophie, ou, pourrait-on dire, du travail épistémologique et conceptuel, dans l’espace de son magnum opus, et cela à l’aide d’une clé de lecture : celle du réductionnisme. Si le Traité est une oeuvre que l’on peut qualifier d’empiriste, on ne saurait la lire seulement par ce biais ou par celui de questions localisées, et nous montrons que le projet du Traité ne peut se comprendre qu’en voyant comment Hume tente d’y réduire la et les connaissances à des dépendances ou à des parties de sa propre théorie de la nature humaine. Pour cela, nous procédons via quatre chapitres. D’abord, nous tentons de circonscrire les caractéristiques les plus importantes du projet humien, c’est-à-dire de ce que Hume avait l’intention de développer à travers les contenus particuliers du Traité ; ensuite, nous nous concentrons sur la base dont Hume part et dont il se servira pour accomplir des réductions, base que l’on peut appeler une théorie des perceptions doublée d’une théorie de l’esprit (principes, facultés, relations) ; ces deux théories, couplées à un standard strict pour obtenir le statut de « vraie idée » ou d’idée intelligible, semblent amener de par leurs prémisses assez directement au scepticisme, et c’est pourquoi on traitera du scepticisme avant d’évoquer les aspects « naturalistes » du Traité au-delà des éléments de base de la théorie des perceptions et de l’esprit, soit une manoeuvre qui ne suit pas tout à fait l’ordre humien d’exposition mais nous semble suivre un certain ordre des raisons ; enfin, la quatrième partie nous permettra de passer en revue diverses réductions opérées par Hume, celles qui mènent au scepticisme pyrrhonien mises à part, ce qui nous permettra de voir quelles sont les limites et les problèmes afférents à son réductionnisme particulier. Refondateur, systématique et totalisant dans ses intentions, le Traité suit bien plus qu’un projet simplement empiriste, et on verra que dans la démarche humienne l’empirisme apparaît davantage dans les conclusions qu’au point même de départ. En le lisant comme le lieu et la conséquence d’une orientation que l’on peut dire réductionniste, on peut trouver dans le Traité un fil conducteur qui, en dépit de problèmes plus ou moins importants rencontrés en cours de route, ne se rompt pas.
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are proving to have huge potential in road safety, comfort, and efficiency. In recent years, car manufacturers have equipped their high-end vehicles with Level 2 ADAS, which are, according to SAE International, systems that combine both longitudinal and lateral active motion control. These automated driving features, while only available in highway scenarios, appear to be very promising towards the introduction of hands-free driving. However, as they rely only on an on-board sensor suite, their continuative operation may be affected by the current environmental conditions: this prevents certain functionalities such as the automated lane change, other than requiring the driver to keep constantly the hands on the steering wheel. The enabling factor for hands-free highway driving proposed by Mobileye is the integration of high-definition maps, thus leading to the so-called Level 2+. This thesis was carried out during an internship in Maserati's Virtual Engineering team. The activity consisted of the design of an L2+ Highway Assist System following the Rapid Control Prototyping approach, starting from the definition of the requirements up to the real-time implementation and testing on a simulator of the brand new compact SUV Maserati Grecale. The objective was to enhance the current Level 2 highway driving assistance system with hands-free driving capability; for this purpose an Autonomous Lane Change functionality has been designed, proposing a Model Predictive Control-based decision-maker, in charge of assessing both the feasibility and convenience of performing a lane-change maneuver. The result is a Highway Assist System capable of driving the vehicle in a traffic scenario safely and efficiently, never requiring driver intervention.
The growing interest for constellation of small, less expensive satellites is bringing space junk and traffic management to the attention of space community. At the same time, the continuous quest for more efficient propulsion systems put the spotlight on electric (low thrust) propulsion as an appealing solution for collision avoidance. Starting with an overview of the current techniques for conjunction assessment and avoidance, we then highlight the possible problems when a low thrust propulsion is used. The need for accurate propagation model shows up from the conducted simulations. Thus, aiming at propagation models with low computational burden, we study the available models from the literature and propose an analytical alternative to improve propagation accuracy. The model is then tested in the particular case of a tangential maneuver. Results show that the proposed solution significantly improve on state of the art methods and is a good candidate to be used in collision avoidance operations. For instance to propagate satellite uncertainty or optimizing avoidance maneuver when conjunction occurs within few (3-4) orbits from measurements time.
The weight-transfer effect, consisting of the change in dynamic load distribution between the front and the rear tractor axles, is one of the most impairing phenomena for the performance, comfort, and safety of agricultural operations. Excessive weight transfer from the front to the rear tractor axle can occur during operation or maneuvering of implements connected to the tractor through the three-point hitch (TPH). In this respect, an optimal design of the TPH can ensure better dynamic load distribution and ultimately improve operational performance, comfort, and safety. In this study, a computational design tool (The Optimizer) for the determination of a TPH geometry that minimizes the weight-transfer effect is developed. The Optimizer is based on a constrained minimization algorithm. The objective function to be minimized is related to the tractor front-to-rear axle load transfer during a simulated reference maneuver performed with a reference implement on a reference soil. Simulations are based on a 3-degrees-of-freedom (DOF) dynamic model of the tractor-TPH-implement aggregate. The inertial, elastic, and viscous parameters of the dynamic model were successfully determined through a parameter identification algorithm. The geometry determined by the Optimizer complies with the ISO-730 Standard functional requirements and other design requirements. The interaction between the soil and the implement during the simulated reference maneuver was successfully validated against experimental data. Simulation results show that the adopted reference maneuver is effective in triggering the weight-transfer effect, with the front axle load exhibiting a peak-to-peak value of 27.1 kN during the maneuver. A benchmark test was conducted starting from four geometries of a commercially available TPH. As result, all the configurations were optimized by above 10%. The Optimizer, after 36 iterations, was able to find an optimized TPH geometry which allows to reduce the weight-transfer effect by 14.9%.
É sabido que o processo de deglutição do alimento se inicia na boca, onde será mastigado e triturado, para depois ser engolido. Nesta etapa há a formação do bolo alimentar e em seguida a descida pela faringe. É nesse momento que pode haver uma anormalidade, conhecida como disfagia, que é a dificuldade que interfere o transporte do alimento da boca ao estômago. Essa dificuldade na deglutição, que pode ser tanto com alimentos líquidos quanto sólidos, é bastante comum em pacientes acamados, que necessitam de cuidados domiciliares. Uma vez que há muitas pessoas com essa debilitação, torna-se fundamental para o profissional de saúde o estudo aprofundado dessa intercorrência, com foco na aplicabilidade. Portanto, aborda-se neste recurso temas como: avaliação e manejo no domicílio, classificação da disfagia (que pode ser orofaríngea ou esofagiana), as principais causas, sinais e sintomas, como diagnosticar por meio de entrevista clínica (anamnese), de exames físico e complementares, o correto manejo da sonda enteral e dos dispositivos auxiliares pelos pacientes e por seus familiares. E ainda auxilia na identificação de casos mais graves, em que o paciente deve ser referenciado a um cirurgião, com a intenção de realizar gastrostomia ou jejunostomia
É sabido que o processo de deglutição do alimento se inicia na boca, onde será mastigado e triturado, para depois ser engolido. Nesta etapa há a formação do bolo alimentar e em seguida a descida pela faringe. É nesse momento que pode haver uma anormalidade, conhecida como disfagia, que é a dificuldade que interfere o transporte do alimento da boca ao estômago. Essa dificuldade na deglutição, que pode ser tanto com alimentos líquidos quanto sólidos, é bastante comum em pacientes acamados, que necessitam de cuidados domiciliares. Uma vez que há muitas pessoas com essa debilitação, torna-se fundamental para o profissional de saúde o estudo aprofundado dessa intercorrência, com foco na aplicabilidade. Portanto, aborda-se neste recurso temas como: avaliação e manejo no domicílio, classificação da disfagia (que pode ser orofaríngea ou esofagiana), as principais causas, sinais e sintomas, como diagnosticar por meio de entrevista clínica (anamnese), de exames físico e complementares, o correto manejo da sonda enteral e dos dispositivos auxiliares pelos pacientes e por seus familiares. E ainda auxilia na identificação de casos mais graves, em que o paciente deve ser referenciado a um cirurgião, com a intenção de realizar gastrostomia ou jejunostomia