943 resultados para VACCINE CANDIDATES


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Poliomyelitis associated with live strain vaccine is defined as the paralytic form of the acute anterior poliomyelitis related to the vaccine strain. Since these strains behave similarly to the wild-type virus, we can differentiate, epidemiologically, two types of vaccine-associated poliomyelitis: cases in which the patient was vaccinated and cases in which the patient had had contact with vaccinated individuals. We herein present the case of an unvaccinated child, with a clinical picture of an acute anterior poliomyelitis associated with the live strain vaccine, whose brother received the Sabin vaccine 20 days before the onset of the symptoms. Vaccine strain of the type 3 poliovirus was isolated in fecal culture and a presented mutation in nucleotide 472 (C®U) in the 5' non-coding region, which is strongly related to the higher strain virulence.


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Respiratory syncytial virus is the most important cause of viral lower respiratory illness in infants and children worldwide. By the age of 2 years, nearly every child has become infected with respiratory syncytial virus and re-infections are common throughout life. Most infections are mild and can be managed at home, but this virus causes serious diseases in preterm children, especially those with bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Respiratory syncytial virus has also been recognized as an important pathogen in people with immunossupressive and other underlying medical problems and institutionalizated elderly, causing thousands of hospitalizations and deaths every year. The burden of these infections makes the development of vaccines for respiratory syncytial virus highly desirable, but the insuccess of a respiratory syncytial virus formalin-inactivated vaccine hampered the progress in this field. To date, there is no vaccine available for preventing respiratory syncytial virus infections, however, in the last years, there has been much progress in the understanding of immunology and immunopathologic mechanisms of respiratory syncytial virus diseases, which has allowed the development of new strategies for passive and active prophylaxis. In this article, the author presents a review about novel approaches to the prevention of respiratory syncytial virus infections, such as: passive immunization with human polyclonal intravenous immune globulin and humanized monoclonal antibodies (both already licensed for use in premature infants and children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia), and many different vaccines that are potential candidates for active immunization against respiratory syncytial virus.


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PURPOSE: Aerobic capacity and respiratory function may be compromised in obesity, but few studies have been done in highly obese bariatric candidates. In a prospective study, these variables were documented in the preoperative period, aiming to define possible physiologic limitations in a apparently healthy and asymptomatic population. METHOD: Forty-six consecutively enrolled adults (age 39.6 ± 8.4 years, 87.0% females, body mass index /BMI 49.6 ± 6.3 kg/m² ) were analyzed. Ventilatory variables were investigated by automated spirometry, aerobic capacity was estimated by a modified Bruce test in an ergometric treadmill, and body composition was determined by bioimpedance analysis. RESULTS: Total fat was greatly increased (46.4 ± 4.6% of body weight) and body water reduced (47.3 ± 4.6 % body weight), as expected for such obese group. Spirometric findings including forced vital capacity of 3.3 ± 0.8 L and forced expiratory volume-1 second of 2.6 ± 0.6 L were usually acceptable for age and gender, but mild restrictive pulmonary insufficiency was diagnosed in 20.9%. Aerobic capacity was more markedly diminished, as reflected by very modest maximal time (4.5 ± 1.1 min) and distance (322 ±142 m) along with proportionally elevated maximal oxygen consumption (23.4 ± 9.5 mL/kg/min) achieved by these subjects during test exercise. CONCLUSIONS: 1) Cardiopulmonary evaluation was feasible and well-tolerated in this severely obese population; 2) Mean spirometric variables were not diminished in this study, but part of the population displayed mild restrictive changes; 3) Exercise tolerance was very negatively influenced by obesity, resulting in reduced endurance and excessive metabolic cost for the treadmill run; 4) More attention to fitness and aerobic capacity is recommended for seriously obese bariatric candidates;


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Ideal candidates for the repair of robust biological tissues should exhibit diverse features such as biocompatibility, strength, toughness, self-healing ability and a well-defined structure. Among the available biomaterials, hydrogels, as highly hydrated 3D-crosslinked polymeric networks, are promising for Tissue Engineering purposes as result of their high resemblance with native extracellular matrix. However, these polymeric structures often exhibit a poor mechanical behavior, hampering their use in load-bearing applications. During the last years, several efforts have been made to create new strategies and concepts to fabricate strong and tough hydrogels. Although it is already possible to shape the mechanical properties of artificial hydrogels to mimic biotissues, critical issues regarding, for instance, their biocompatibility and hierarchical structure are often neglected. Therefore, this review covers the structural and mechanical characteristics of the developed methodologies to toughen hydrogels, highlighting some pioneering efforts employed to combine the aforementioned properties in natural-based hydrogels.


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OBJECTIVE - To assess mortality and the psychological repercussions of the prolonged waiting time for candidates for heart surgery. METHODS - From July 1999 to May 2000, using a standardized questionnaire, we carried out standardized interviews and semi-structured psychological interviews with 484 patients with coronary heart disease, 121 patients with valvular heart diseases, and 100 patients with congenital heart diseases. RESULTS - The coefficients of mortality (deaths per 100 patients/year) were as follows: patients with coronary heart disease, 5.6; patients with valvular heart diseases, 12.8; and patients with congenital heart diseases, 3.1 (p<0.0001). The survival curve was lower in patients with valvular heart diseases than in patients with coronary heart disease and congenital heart diseases (p<0.001). The accumulated probability of not undergoing surgery was higher in patients with valvular heart diseases than in the other patients (p<0.001), and, among the patients with valvular heart diseases, this probability was higher in females than in males (p<0.01). Several patients experienced intense anxiety and attributed their adaptive problems in the scope of love, professional, and social lives, to not undergoing surgery. CONCLUSION - Mortality was high, and even higher among the patients with valvular heart diseases, with negative psychological and social repercussions.


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La Enfermedad de Chagas es una de las principales endemias de América Latina donde existen cerca de 18 millones de infectados y 90 millones en riesgo. Entre el 25 y el 30 por ciento desarrolla patología cardíaca o digestiva en el período crónico. Se ha postulado que mecanismos autoinmunes, sumados a la acción directa del parásito, podrían estar involucrados en la patogenia de la enfermedad. El desarrollo de vacunas tradicionales en Enfermedad de Chagas es una meta difícil de alcanzar, por lo cual parece más factible abordar estrategias basadas en la inmunomodulación, para disminuir la carga parasitaria, minimizar las acciones deletéreas en el periodo agudo y prevenir el desarrollo de patología en la etapa crónica. Para ello es necesario avanzar en el conocimiento de los mecanismos involucrados en la protección y en la patogenia. Si se acepta la hipótesis autoinmune, una estrategia de vacunación con un tripanosoma antigénicamente similar al T. cruzi pero no patógeno podría evitar posibles mecanismos autoagresivos. En nuestro Laboratorio se ha empleado un modelo de vacunación en ratones utilizando como inmunógeno el Trypanosoma rangeli, no patógeno en humanos. Los ratones vacunados, infectados con T. cruzi, mostraron buena respuesta inmune celular y humoral, bajas parasitemias, ausencia de lesiones histológicas, y sobrevida cercana al 100 por ciento. Los controles no vacunados tuvieron una elevada mortalidad. Debido al ciclo biológico del parásito, la defensa efectiva contra el T. cruzi requiere una potente respuesta de anticuerpos contra las formas extracelulares y una eficaz respuesta celular contra los amastigotes intracelulares. En el modelo desarrollado en nuestro laboratorio la protección se asocia con un adecuado equilibrio entre respuesta TH1 y TH2, con leve predominio TH1, disminución de citoquinas (Ck) proinflamatorias e incremento de receptores solubles de Ck. El esquema de inmunización demostró asimismo su eficacia en cobayos y en perros mantenidos en el Laboratorio. Hipótesis de trabajo: - La vacunación con T. rangeli desencadena mecanismos inmunomodulatorios que protegen de la infección con T. cruzi, entre los cuales se encuentran eventos que actúan tempranamente en el sitio de inoculación y en los que están involucradas células y moléculas del sistema inmune innato. - La vacunación a perros constituye una nueva herramienta en la lucha contra la Enfermedad de Chagas. Objetivos: i) profundizar el estudio tendiente a dilucidar los mecanismos involucrados en la resistencia inducida por la inmunización con T. rangeli en ratones; ii) estudiar el efecto que tiene el estrés físico de los ratones sobre la eficacia de la vacunación y iii) analizar la inmunogenicidad de la vacuna en perros de zonas endémicas para Enfermedad de Chagas. Material y metodos: Los ratones y perros serán vacunados con tres dosis de epimastigotes de T. rangeli, fijados con glutaraldehido y los controles solo recibirán PBS. Los ratones seran desafiados con T. cruzi. Se estudiará en liquido peritoneal: a) poblaciones celulares por Citometria de flujo; b) cuantificación de los distintos tipos de inmunoglobulinas, de citoquinas y sus receptores solubles, por ELISA, c) ON y arginasa, por técnicas colorimetricas; d) est.udio de la interacción macrófago-parásito y de receptores celulares por Inmunofluorescencia. e) En perros, se realizarán estudios parasitológicos (xenodiagnostico) y serológicos en vacunados y controles, 12 y 24 meses post vacunación. Resultados esperados e importancia del proyecto: se espera conocer los principales eventos tempranos que participan en la eliminación de los parásitos en los animales vacunados, el efecto del stress sobre la vacunación y asimismo, la inmunogenicidad de la vacuna en perros de campo. Todo ello permitirá obtener información sobre la eficacia de la vacunación experimental y podría aportar una herramienta adicional contra la Enfermedad de Chagas, interfiriendo en la cadena epidemiológica en áreas endémicas.


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AbstractBackground:The recording of arrhythmic events (AE) in renal transplant candidates (RTCs) undergoing dialysis is limited by conventional electrocardiography. However, continuous cardiac rhythm monitoring seems to be more appropriate due to automatic detection of arrhythmia, but this method has not been used.Objective:We aimed to investigate the incidence and predictors of AE in RTCs using an implantable loop recorder (ILR).Methods:A prospective observational study conducted from June 2009 to January 2011 included 100 consecutive ambulatory RTCs who underwent ILR and were followed-up for at least 1 year. Multivariate logistic regression was applied to define predictors of AE.Results:During a mean follow-up of 424 ± 127 days, AE could be detected in 98% of patients, and 92% had more than one type of arrhythmia, with most considered potentially not serious. Sustained atrial tachycardia and atrial fibrillation occurred in 7% and 13% of patients, respectively, and bradyarrhythmia and non-sustained or sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT) occurred in 25% and 57%, respectively. There were 18 deaths, of which 7 were sudden cardiac events: 3 bradyarrhythmias, 1 ventricular fibrillation, 1 myocardial infarction, and 2 undetermined. The presence of a long QTc (odds ratio [OR] = 7.28; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.01–26.35; p = 0.002), and the duration of the PR interval (OR = 1.05; 95% CI, 1.02–1.08; p < 0.001) were independently associated with bradyarrhythmias. Left ventricular dilatation (LVD) was independently associated with non-sustained VT (OR = 2.83; 95% CI, 1.01–7.96; p = 0.041).Conclusions:In medium-term follow-up of RTCs, ILR helped detect a high incidence of AE, most of which did not have clinical relevance. The PR interval and presence of long QTc were predictive of bradyarrhythmias, whereas LVD was predictive of non-sustained VT.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2009


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Diss., 2015


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This paper examines competition in a spatial model of two-candidate elections, where one candidate enjoys a quality advantage over the other candidate. The candidates care about winning and also have policy preferences. There is two-dimensional private information. Candidate ideal points as well as their tradeoffs between policy preferences and winning are private information. The distribution of this two-dimensional type is common knowledge. The location of the median voter's ideal point is uncertain, with a distribution that is commonly known by both candidates. Pure strategy equilibria always exist in this model. We characterize the effects of increased uncertainty about the median voter, the effect of candidate policy preferences, and the effects of changes in the distribution of private information. We prove that the distribution of candidate policies approaches the mixed equilibrium of Aragones and Palfrey (2002a), when both candidates' weights on policy preferences go to zero.


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OBJECTIVE: Tuberculosis (TB) is highly prevalent among HIV-infected people, including those receiving combination antiretroviral therapy (cART), necessitating a well tolerated and efficacious TB vaccine for these populations. We evaluated the safety and immunogenicity of the candidate TB vaccine M72/AS01 in adults with well controlled HIV infection on cART. DESIGN: A randomized, observer-blind, controlled trial (NCT00707967). METHODS: HIV-infected adults on cART in Switzerland were randomized 3 : 1 : 1 to receive two doses, 1 month apart, of M72/AS01, AS01 or 0.9% physiological saline (N = 22, N = 8 and N = 7, respectively) and were followed up to 6 months postdose 2 (D210). Individuals with CD4⁺ cell counts below 200 cells/μl were excluded. Adverse events (AEs) including HIV-specific and laboratory safety parameters were recorded. Cell-mediated (ICS) and humoral (ELISA) responses were evaluated before vaccination, 1 month after each dose (D30, D60) and D210. RESULTS: Thirty-seven individuals [interquartile range (IQR) CD4⁺ cell counts at screening: 438-872 cells/μl; undetectable HIV-1 viremia] were enrolled; 73% of individuals reported previous BCG vaccination, 97.3% tested negative for the QuantiFERON-TB assay. For M72/AS01 recipients, no vaccine-related serious AEs or cART-regimen adjustments were recorded, and there were no clinically relevant effects on laboratory safety parameters, HIV-1 viral loads or CD4⁺ cell counts. M72/AS01 was immunogenic, inducing persistent and polyfunctional M72-specific CD4⁺ T-cell responses [medians 0.70% (IQR 0.37-1.07) at D60] and 0.42% (0.24-0.61) at D210, predominantly CD40L⁺IL-2⁺TNF-α⁺, CD40L⁺IL-2⁺ and CD40L⁺IL-2⁺TNF-α⁺IFN-γ⁺]. All M72/AS01 vaccines were seropositive for anti-M72 IgG after second vaccination until study end. CONCLUSION: M72/AS01 was clinically well tolerated and immunogenic in this population, supporting further clinical evaluation in HIV-infected individuals in TB-endemic settings.


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D53 (RibomuntyR) is a composite vaccine made of immunogenic ribosomes from 4 bacterial species (Klebsiella pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pyogenes and Streptococcus pneumoniae) associated with a membrane proteoglycan from a non encapsulated strain of Klebsiella pneumoniae. D53 is a potent inducer of interleukin-1 production by mouse BALB/c spleen cells as shown by the C3H/HeJ thymocyte co-stimulation assay. Furthermore D53 triggers DNA synthesis by mouse spleen cells and induces the maturation of B lymphocytes into immunoglobulin secreting cells. Polyclonal B cell activation by D53 was readily achieved in the C3H/HeJ strain which is deficient in its response to E. coli lipopolysaccharide. The proliferative response to D53 was abrogated by removal of B cells from the spleen cell suspension, but it was not altered after depletion of T cells or adherent cells. D53 induced polyclonal B cell activation of spleen cells from athymic nude mice and from CBA/N mice. Each component of D53 induced polyclona B cell activation except ribosomes from Streptococcus pneumoniae. Each triggered Interleukin-1 synthesis except ribosomes from Klebsiella penumoniae. These in vitro properties may account for some of the in vivo immunostimulating properties of this composite vaccine.


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PURPOSE: The Cancer Vaccine Consortium of the Cancer Research Institute (CVC-CRI) conducted a multicenter HLA-peptide multimer proficiency panel (MPP) with a group of 27 laboratories to assess the performance of the assay. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Participants used commercially available HLA-peptide multimers and a well characterized common source of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). The frequency of CD8+ T cells specific for two HLA-A2-restricted model antigens was measured by flow cytometry. The panel design allowed for participants to use their preferred staining reagents and locally established protocols for both cell labeling, data acquisition and analysis. RESULTS: We observed significant differences in both the performance characteristics of the assay and the reported frequencies of specific T cells across laboratories. These results emphasize the need to identify the critical variables important for the observed variability to allow for harmonization of the technique across institutions. CONCLUSIONS: Three key recommendations emerged that would likely reduce assay variability and thus move toward harmonizing of this assay. (1) Use of more than two colors for the staining (2) collect at least 100,000 CD8 T cells, and (3) use of a background control sample to appropriately set the analytical gates. We also provide more insight into the limitations of the assay and identified additional protocol steps that potentially impact the quality of data generated and therefore should serve as primary targets for systematic analysis in future panels. Finally, we propose initial guidelines for harmonizing assay performance which include the introduction of standard operating protocols to allow for adequate training of technical staff and auditing of test analysis procedures.