830 resultados para Ubiquitous and pervasive computing
The increasing needs for computational power in areas such as weather simulation, genomics or Internet applications have led to sharing of geographically distributed and heterogeneous resources from commercial data centers and scientific institutions. Research in the areas of utility, grid and cloud computing, together with improvements in network and hardware virtualization has resulted in methods to locate and use resources to rapidly provision virtual environments in a flexible manner, while lowering costs for consumers and providers. However, there is still a lack of methodologies to enable efficient and seamless sharing of resources among institutions. In this work, we concentrate in the problem of executing parallel scientific applications across distributed resources belonging to separate organizations. Our approach can be divided in three main points. First, we define and implement an interoperable grid protocol to distribute job workloads among partners with different middleware and execution resources. Second, we research and implement different policies for virtual resource provisioning and job-to-resource allocation, taking advantage of their cooperation to improve execution cost and performance. Third, we explore the consequences of on-demand provisioning and allocation in the problem of site-selection for the execution of parallel workloads, and propose new strategies to reduce job slowdown and overall cost.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been designed to help promote a view in favor of the interests of individuals instead of large corporations. However, there is the need of more dedicated technologies that can help companies comply with GDPR while enabling people to exercise their rights. We argue that such a dedicated solution must address two main issues: the need for more transparency towards individuals regarding the management of their personal information and their often hindered ability to access and make interoperable personal data in a way that the exercise of one's rights would result in straightforward. We aim to provide a system that helps to push personal data management towards the individual's control, i.e., a personal information management system (PIMS). By using distributed storage and decentralized computing networks to control online services, users' personal information could be shifted towards those directly concerned, i.e., the data subjects. The use of Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) and Decentralized File Storage (DFS) as an implementation of decentralized systems is of paramount importance in this case. The structure of this dissertation follows an incremental approach to describing a set of decentralized systems and models that revolves around personal data and their subjects. Each chapter of this dissertation builds up the previous one and discusses the technical implementation of a system and its relation with the corresponding regulations. We refer to the EU regulatory framework, including GDPR, eIDAS, and Data Governance Act, to build our final system architecture's functional and non-functional drivers. In our PIMS design, personal data is kept in a Personal Data Space (PDS) consisting of encrypted personal data referring to the subject stored in a DFS. On top of that, a network of authorization servers acts as a data intermediary to provide access to potential data recipients through smart contracts.
The historical iron ore deposits of eastern Elba held great importance for the region and were its primary source of iron. The Torre di Rio skarn, despite its easily accessible outcrop and vicinity to the larger Rio Marina deposit, was never properly characterized. The results of petrographic and microthermometric study presented in this work provide new constraints on the Torre di Rio skarn. Mineral assemblage of ilvaite, calcite, quartz, iron oxides and sulphides combined with textural evidence indicate that Torre di Rio skarn does not fit into classical skarn model. The complex paragenetic sequence and overlapping of skarn and ore mineralogy is result of fast formation at relatively low temperatures evidenced by the silicon enrichment and pervasive nature of limonite alteration. Hematite-magnetite textural relationship points to boundary conditions of the ore fluid in terms of oxygen fugacity. Eutectic temperatures range from -16 to -33 °C indicating complex fluids. Calculated salinities range from 1.4 to 17.4 wt% NaCleq suggesting multiple fluids of different compositions. Total homogenization temperatures vary from 330 °C to 150 °C with both homogeneously and heterogeneously trapped FIAs. Ore deposition is concentrated where skarn formation was controlled primarily by phase separation during boiling. Calculated fluid pressure at boiling suggest shallow formation depth of a few hundred meters and constrains maximum temperature of ore deposition to c. 260 °C. This work suggest that relatively low salinities of fluid inclusions could indicate dominant marine origin of the hydrothermal fluids that were activated by the Porto Azzurro pluton emplacement and that scavenged Fe from sedimentary host rocks. During boiling at shallow depths and decreasing iron solubility, these fluids started precipitating Fe-minerals at Torre di Rio mineralization. Mixing with batches of more saline fluids at around 236 °C increased salinity abruptly and marked the end of ore deposition.
Voltage and current waveforms of a distribution or transmission power system are not pure sinusoids. There are distortions in these waveforms that can be represented as a combination of the fundamental frequency, harmonics and high frequency transients. This paper presents a novel approach to identifying harmonics in power system distorted waveforms. The proposed method is based on Genetic Algorithms, which is an optimization technique inspired by genetics and natural evolution. GOOAL, a specially designed intelligent algorithm for optimization problems, was successfully implemented and tested. Two kinds of representations concerning chromosomes are utilized: binary and real. The results show that the proposed method is more precise than the traditional Fourier Transform, especially considering the real representation of the chromosomes.
Fernando L. Mantelatto, Leonardo G. Pileggi, Ivana Miranda, and Ingo S. Wehrtmann (2011) Does Petrolisthes armatus (Anomura, Porcellanidae) form a species complex or are we dealing with just one widely distributed species? Zoological Studies 50(3): 372-384. Petrolisthes armatus has the widest distribution known among members of the family Porcellanidae and is one of the most ubiquitous and locally abundant intertidal decapods along the Atlantic coast of the Americas. Considering its geographical distribution and morphological plasticity, several authors postulated the existence of a P. armatus species complex. In the present study we used genetic data from the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal gene to determine the genetic variability of P. armatus from selected locations within its eastern tropical Pacific and western Atlantic distributions. Our phylogenic analysis included 49 specimens represented by 26 species of the genus Petrolisthes and 16 specimens from 10 species and 4 related genera. Genetic distances estimated among the analyzed Petrolisthes species ranged from 2.6%-22.0%; varied between 0%-5.7% for 16S. Additionally, the revision of P. armatus specimens from Pacific Costa Rica and Brazilian Waters showed no geographically significant morphological variations among the analyzed specimens. Therefore, our morphological and genetic data do not support the hypothesis of a P. armatus complex within the specimens studied herein from the Americas, but convincingly confirm the monophyly and non-separateness of the members assigned as P. armatus. http://zoolstud.sinica.edu.tw/Journals/50.3/372.pdf
Background Suicide is a leading cause of death worldwide; however, little information is available about the treatment of suicidal people, or about barriers to treatment. Aims To examine the receipt of mental health treatment and barriers to care among suicidal people around the world. Method Twenty-one nationally representative samples worldwide (n=55 302; age 18 years and over) from the World Health Organization`s World Mental Health Surveys were interviewed regarding past-year suicidal behaviour and past-year healthcare use. Suicidal respondents who had not used services in the past year were asked why they had not sought care. Results Two-fifths of the suicidal respondents had received treatment (from 17% in low-income countries to 56% in high-income countries), mostly from a general medical practitioner (22%), psychiatrist (15%) or non-psychiatrist (15%). Those who had actually attempted suicide were more likely to receive care. Low perceived need was the most important reason for not seeking help (58%), followed by attitudinal barriers such as the wish to handle the problem alone (40%) and structural barriers such as financial concerns (15%). Only 7% of respondents endorsed stigma as a reason for not seeking treatment. Conclusions Most people with suicide ideation, plans and attempts receive no treatment. This is a consistent and pervasive finding, especially in low-income countries. Improving the receipt of treatment worldwide will have to take into account culture-specific factors that may influence the process of help-seeking.
Around 98% of all transcriptional output in humans is noncoding RNA. RNA-mediated gene regulation is widespread in higher eukaryotes and complex genetic phenomena like RNA interference, co-suppression, transgene silencing, imprinting, methylation, and possibly position-effect variegation and transvection, all involve intersecting pathways based on or connected to RNA signaling. I suggest that the central dogma is incomplete, and that intronic and other non-coding RNAs have evolved to comprise a second tier of gene expression in eukaryotes, which enables the integration and networking of complex suites of gene activity. Although proteins are the fundamental effectors of cellular function, the basis of eukaryotic complexity and phenotypic variation may lie primarily in a control architecture composed of a highly parallel system of trans-acting RNAs that relay state information required for the coordination and modulation of gene expression, via chromatin remodeling, RNA-DNA, RNA-RNA and RNA-protein interactions. This system has interesting and perhaps informative analogies with small world networks and dataflow computing.
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral compreender a proposta/ prática curricular do Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE) na Sala de Recursos Multifuncionais (SRM) enquanto função complementar na educação da criança pequena com deficiência e Transtornos Globais do Desenvolvimento (TGD). Partimos das constatações de que, nas duas últimas décadas, documentos oficiais, assim como pesquisas na área, apontam a necessidade de um trabalho pedagógico inclusivo, que atenda às demandas e características dos diferentes sujeitos matriculados. Questionamos se a proposta e prática curricular complementar do AEE, por meio da SRM, têm contribuído para a inclusão da criança pequena, público alvo da educação especial, nas práticas pedagógicas da sala de aula comum? Teoricamente buscamos as contribuições da Abordagem Histórico-Cultural para compreender o desenvolvimento e aprendizagem da criança com deficiência, assim como procuramos a interlocução com os teóricos do currículo, entre os quais Sacristán. Como metodologia, utilizamos a pesquisa-ação colaborativo-crítico. O lócus da pesquisa foi um Centro de Educação Infantil, situado em Vitória/ES, com uma sala de recurso multifuncional, modelo proposto pelo Ministério da Educação (MEC). Os sujeitos participantes foram crianças de 3 a 7 anos matriculadas no Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil (CMEI) e encaminhadas para o AEE, na SRM (seis crianças surdas, sete crianças com manifestações de TGD e uma criança com Síndrome de Down); dois professores de educação especial da SRM (uma professora da área da área de Deficiência Intelectual (DI), uma professora bilíngue e um instrutor surdo); professores regentes do turno da manhã CMEI e dois pedagogos. Como perspectiva teórico-metodológica, optamos pela rede significações (Rossetti-Ferreira, 2004) que tem seus pressupostos fundamentados na teoria histórico-cultural, que compreende os processos de desenvolvimento humano como atos de significação constituídos por múltiplas interações estabelecidas social e culturalmente pelos sujeitos durante toda a vida. A organização e análise dos dados ocorreram por meio dos movimentos, cenários e atores; as práticas curriculares inclusivas na/da escola: a SRM e a sala de aula comum em seus encontros e desencontros; a preocupação com o desenvolvimento psicomotor da criança; o brincar versus a aquisição da leitura e escrita; o diálogo entre o currículo da SRM e a sala de aula comum e os encontros colaborativos com os professores de educação especial, com as pedagogas e com as professoras regentes do CMEI. Algumas considerações importantes se destacam, entre as quais: a falta de formação e desconhecimento por parte dos professores de educação especial sobre a proposta curricular da educação infantil e práticas pedagógicas descontextualizadas e fragmentadas desenvolvidas na SRM, que dificultam a ação complementar ao trabalho da classe comum. Para as professoras das salas de atividades o AEE é viável na escola de educação infantil, mas não somente na SRM, concordam que deve haver o atendimento educacional especializado no turno em que a criança esteja matriculada; que ele pode ajudar na inclusão da criança público alvo da educação especial, por meio de práticas sociais e culturais lúdicas, linguísticas e intelectuais. Concluímos que as professoras desejam um AEE dinâmico, interlocutor, que se movimente na escola como um todo.
O estudo teve como objetivo investigar as ações constituídas por uma escola pública de Ensino Fundamental para o envolvimento de alunos com deficiência e com transtornos globais do desenvolvimento no currículo escolar. Contou com as contribuições teóricas de Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Michel de Certeau e Philippe Meirieu para uma discussão sociológica, filosófica e pedagógica das situações desencadeadas pela pesquisa. No campo do currículo, aproximou-se das teorizações de Silva, Moreira, Apple e Sacristán, dentre outros, por serem teóricos que analisam o trabalho com o conhecimento no contexto escolar. Já no campo da Educação Especial, dialogou com as produções de pesquisadores que postulam pela ideia de que o processo de inclusão escolar pressupõe acesso à escola, bem como permanência e a garantia do direito de apropriação dos conhecimentos socialmente produzidos. Como aporte teórico-metodológico, apoiou-se nos pressupostos da pesquisa-ação colaborativo-crítica que advoga pela possibilidade de, por meio da pesquisa científica, produzir conhecimento sobre a realidade social, promover mudanças nas situações desafiadoras e envolver os sujeitos pesquisados em processos de formação continuada em contexto. O trabalho de pesquisa foi realizado em uma escola de Ensino Fundamental, pertencente à Rede Pública Municipal de Ensino de Vila Velha/ES, envolvendo professores, pedagogos, dirigente escolar, responsáveis pelos discentes e alunos matriculados do 1º ao 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental. O processo de produção de dados se efetivou no período de julho de 2010 a julho de 2011. O pesquisador esteve três vezes por semana no campo de pesquisa, participando das intervenções em sala de aula, dos espaços para planejamento e formação continuada e também de momentos informais na entrada, recreio e saída dos alunos. Para o desenvolvimento do estudo, trabalhou-se com três frentes correlacionadas: a observação participante e a escuta dos discursos produzidos por alunos, professores, equipe técnico-pedagógica e responsáveis pelos discentes sobre o envolvimento dos estudantes com indicativos à Educação Especial no currículo escolar; a constituição de espaços de formação continuada, tomando os dados produzidos na primeira etapa do estudo como elementos de sustentação da dinâmica formativa; o acompanhamento das ações praticadas pela escola para envolvimento das necessidades educacionais dos alunos com indicativos à Educação Especial no currículo escolar, a partir das reflexões desencadeadas nos espaços de formação continuada. Como resultados, a pesquisa aponta a necessidade de advogar pela constituição de currículos escolares mais abertos para contemplar as necessidades de aprendizagem de alunos com comprometimentos físicos, psíquicos, intelectuais ou sensoriais. Esta pesquisa se distancia de lógicas que defendem a flexibilização curricular como um esvaziamento do currículo em nome das condições existenciais dos alunos. Entende que, entre o currículo escolar e a produção de conhecimentos pelos alunos com indicativos à Educação Especial, há uma pluralidade de situações que precisam ser problematizadas pela escola: a leitura produzida sobre a aprendizagem dos alunos; a falta de conhecimento sobre a sexualidade humana; os desafios presentes na relação família e escola; e os pressupostos da normalidade/anormalidade. Esses fatores podem se configurar como elementos que impedem que os alunos obtenham sucesso em sua jornada educativa, porém, em contrapartida, podem ser utilizados como questões a subsidiar espaços de formação continuada. O estudo aponta que, por meio de atitudes colaborativas e críticas entre os profissionais da escola, é possível articular ações que garantam o direito de aprender do estudante com deficiência e com transtornos globais do desenvolvimento na escola de ensino comum.
Emotions play a central role in our daily lives, influencing the way we think and act, our health and sense of well-being, and films are by excellence the form of art that exploits our affective, perceptual and intellectual activity, holding the potential for a significant impact. Video is becoming a dominant and pervasive medium, and online video a growing entertainment activity on the web and iTV, mainly due to technological developments and the trends for media convergence. In addition, the improvement of new techniques for gathering emotional information about videos, both through content analysis or user implicit feedback through user physiological signals complemented in manual labeling from users, is revealing new ways for exploring emotional information in videos, films or TV series, and brings out new perspectives to enrich and personalize video access. In this work, we reflect on the power that emotions have in our lives, on the emotional impact of movies, and on how to address this emotional dimension in the way we classify and access movies, by exploring and evaluating the design of iFelt in its different ways to classify, access, browse and visualize movies based on their emotional impac
Exploratory factor analysis is a widely used statistical technique in the social sciences. It attempts to identify underlying factors that explain the pattern of correlations within a set of observed variables. A statistical software package is needed to perform the calcula- tions. However, there are some limitations with popular statistical software packages, like SPSS. The R programming language is a free software package for statistical and graphical computing. It o ers many packages written by contributors from all over the world and programming resources that allow it to overcome the dialog limitations of SPSS. This paper o ers an SPSS dialog written in the R programming language with the help of some packages, so that researchers with little or no knowledge in programming, or those who are accustomed to making their calculations based on statistical dialogs, have more options when applying factor analysis to their data and hence can adopt a better approach when dealing with ordinal, Likert-type data.
To select each node by devices and by contexts in urban computing, users have to put their plan information and their requests into a computing environment (ex. PDA, Smart Devices, Laptops, etc.) in advance and they will try to keep the optimized states between users and the computing environment. However, because of bad contexts, users may get the wrong decision, so, one of the users’ demands may be requesting the good server which has higher security. To take this issue, we define the structure of Dynamic State Information (DSI) which takes a process about security including the relevant factors in sending/receiving contexts, which select the best during user movement with server quality and security states from DSI. Finally, whenever some information changes, users and devices get the notices including security factors, then an automatic reaction can be possible; therefore all users can safely use all devices in urban computing.
Metalearning is a subfield of machine learning with special pro-pensity for dynamic and complex environments, from which it is difficult to extract predictable knowledge. The field of study of this work is the electricity market, which due to the restructuring that recently took place, became an especially complex and unpredictable environment, involving a large number of different entities, playing in a dynamic scene to obtain the best advantages and profits. This paper presents the development of a metalearner, applied to the decision support of electricity markets’ negotia-tion entities. The proposed metalearner takes advantage on several learning algorithms implemented in ALBidS, an adaptive learning system that pro-vides decision support to electricity markets’ participating players. Using the outputs of each different strategy as inputs, the metalearner creates its own output, considering each strategy with a different weight, depending on its individual quality of performance. The results of the proposed meth-od are studied and analyzed using MASCEM - a multi-agent electricity market simulator that models market players and simulates their operation in the market. This simulator provides the chance to test the metalearner in scenarios based on real electricity market´s data.
Electricity markets are complex environments, involving a large number of different entities, playing in a dynamic scene to obtain the best advantages and profits. MASCEM is a multi-agent electricity market simu-lator to model market players and simulate their operation in the market. Market players are entities with specific characteristics and objectives, making their decisions and interacting with other players. MASCEM pro-vides several dynamic strategies for agents’ behaviour. This paper presents a method that aims to provide market players strategic bidding capabilities, allowing them to obtain the higher possible gains out of the market. This method uses an auxiliary forecasting tool, e.g. an Artificial Neural Net-work, to predict the electricity market prices, and analyses its forecasting error patterns. Through the recognition of such patterns occurrence, the method predicts the expected error for the next forecast, and uses it to adapt the actual forecast. The goal is to approximate the forecast to the real value, reducing the forecasting error.
Electricity markets are complex environments with very particular characteristics. MASCEM is a market simulator developed to allow deep studies of the interactions between the players that take part in the electricity market negotiations. This paper presents a new proposal for the definition of MASCEM players’ strategies to negotiate in the market. The proposed methodology is multiagent based, using reinforcement learning algorithms to provide players with the capabilities to perceive the changes in the environment, while adapting their bids formulation according to their needs, using a set of different techniques that are at their disposal. Each agent has the knowledge about a different method for defining a strategy for playing in the market, the main agent chooses the best among all those, and provides it to the market player that requests, to be used in the market. This paper also presents a methodology to manage the efficiency/effectiveness balance of this method, to guarantee that the degradation of the simulator processing times takes the correct measure.