999 resultados para UDK:914.8
Abstract Background: Labdane-type diterpenes induce lower blood pressure via relaxation of vascular smooth muscle; however, there are no studies describing the effects of labdanes in hypertensive rats. Objective: The present study was designed to investigate the cardiovascular actions of the labdane-type diterpene ent-3-acetoxy-labda-8(17), 13-dien-15-oic acid (labda-15-oic acid) in two-kidney 1 clip (2K-1C) renal hypertension. Methods: Vascular reactivity experiments were performed in aortic rings isolated from 2K-1C and normotensive (2K) male Wistar rats. Nitrate/nitrite (NOx) measurement was performed in aortas by colorimetric assay. Blood pressure measurements were performed in conscious rats. Results: Labda-15-oic acid (0.1-300 µmol/l) and forskolin (0.1 nmol/l - 1 µmol/l) relaxed endothelium-intact and endothelium-denuded aortas from both 2K-1C and 2K rats. Labda-15-oic acid was more effective at inducing relaxation in endothelium-intact aortas from 2K pre-contracted with phenylephrine when compared to the endothelium-denuded ones. Forskolin was more potent than labda-15-oic acid at inducing vascular relaxation in arteries from both 2K and 2K-1C rats. Labda-15-oic acid-induced increase in NOx levels was lower in arteries from 2K-1C rats when compared to 2K rats. Intravenous administration of labda-15-oic acid (0.3-3 mg/kg) or forskolin (0.1-1 mg/kg) induced hypotension in conscious 2K-1C and 2K rats. Conclusion: The present findings show that labda-15-oic acid induces vascular relaxation and hypotension in hypertensive rats.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2010
Bulbos de gladíolos (Gladiolus communis, var. Itapetininga) foram postos a germinar em vasos com capacidade de 7 kg de silica. Após a germinação, as plantas foram irrigadas com solução nutritiva completa de HOAGLAND & ARNON (1950). Quinze dias, após a germinação e em períodos de 10 dias subsequentes, plantas foram coletadas e divididas em: parte aérea, bulbo velho, bulbo em formação e bulbilhos. Os materiais foram pesados e analisados para nitrogênio, fosforo, potássio, calcio, magnésio, enxofre, boro, cobre, ferro, manganês e zinco. Foi constatado que o gladíolo tem um crescimento acentuado ate aos 55 dias de idade, sendo que após êste período somente aumenta em peso ate aos 75 dias de idade. Uma planta de gladíolo no fim do ciclo acumula 362,6 mg de nitrogênio, 78,4 mg de fosforo, 586,4 mg de potássio, 78,4 mg de calcio, 27,9 mg de magnesio, 35,9 mg de enxofre, 1019,4 ug de boro, 94,7 ug de cobre, 1655,6 ug de ferro, 914,6 ug de manganês e 272,8 ug de zinco. Foi constatado igualmente que os nutrientes contidos no bulbo velho sao insuficientes para a nutrição da planta.
Hermann Rottengruber; Wilfried Henze; Tommy Luft (Hrsg.) und 54 Mitautoren
In der Arbeit wird die Qualifizierung eines Wasserdestillationsapperates durchgeführt. Die Qualifizierung beinhaltet die Designqualifizierung (DQ), Installationsqualifizierung (IQ), die Funktionsqualifizierung (OQ) und die Leistungsqualifizierung (PQ). Die Qualifizierung wird nach GMP durchgeführt. GMP ist die Richtlinie für die Qualifizierung von Geräten und die Herstellung von Arzneimitteln. Bei der Leistungsqualifizierung wird das hergestellte Wasser nach dem europäischen Arzneibuch überprüft. Es werden drei Prüfungen durchgeführt, um die Menge an Mikroorganismen, die Leitfähigkeit und den TOC-Wert zu bestimmen. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse und Messwerte werden in Qualifizierungsprotokollen zusammengefasst, aus denen hervorgeht, ob der geprüfte Wasserdestillierapperat den Anforderungen entspricht.
Os cormilhos tipo 7 produziram bulbos e cormilhos dos tipos de 1 a 8 em maior quantidade que o tipo 8 e os bulbos tipos 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5 mais pesados. Os cormilhos tipo 8 também produziram bulbos e cormilhos dos tipos 1 a 8, porém seus cormilhos foram mais pesados que os cormilhos produzidos pelo tipo 7.
This study compared tidepool fish assemblages within and among habitats at Iparana and Pecém beaches, State of Ceará, Northeast Brazil, using visual census techniques. A total of 8,914 fishes, representing 25 families and 43 species were recorded. The most abundant taxon was Sparisoma spp, followed by Haemulon parra (Desmarest, 1823), Acanthurus chirurgus (Bloch, 1787) and Abudefduf saxatilis (Linnaeus, 1758). Haemulidae was the most abundant family in number of individuals, followed by Scaridae, Acanthuridae and Pomacentridae. Within- and between- site differences in species assemblages probably reflected environmental discontinuities and more localized features, such as pool isolation episodes, or environmental complexity, both acting isolated or interactively. The locality of Iparana was probably subjected to a greater fishing pressure and tourism than Pecém, a potential cause for the observed lowest fish abundance and biodiversity. We conclude that tidepool ichthyofauna may be quite variable between and within reef sites. Thus, observations taken from or damages caused on one area may not be generalized to or mitigated by the protection of adjacent sites.