367 resultados para Uˆnnepi kötet Honti László tiszteletére


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A 20112012-ben zajlott, arab tavasznak nevezett esemnyek j korszak kezdett jeleztk a Kzel-Keleten, mely a hideghbor vge ta, de klnsen a 2003-as iraki hbor kvetkeztben amgy is mlyrehat talakulsi folyamaton megy keresztl. Ennek sorn a trsg hrom nem arab llama, Izrael, Irn s Trkorszg vlt a rgi hatalmi egyenslynak meghatroz erkzpontjv, mikzben az arab orszgok amgy sem homogn csoportja a httrbe szorult. A korbban mrtkad arab llamok (Egyiptom, Irak, Szria) klnbz okok miatt elvesztettk vonzerejket a tbbiek szmra, mikzben Szad-Arbia sem vllalta a vezet szerept. Az arab tavasz sorn egymstl egyre nyilvnvalbban fggetlen nemzetllamm vlt arab orszgok mind kevesebb krdsben hajlandk kzs llspontot kpviselni a nemzetkzi frumokon. Az talakul kzel-keleti regionlis rendben azonban az llamok viszonylagos hatalmi egyenslyban bekvetkezett vltozsok miatt a trsg helyzett meghatroz szereplk szma megnvekedett, hiszen legalbb Egyiptommal s Szad-Arbival ismt mint politikai kzponttal kell szmolni. A jelen tanulmny az e regionlis rendben sokak szerint neooszmn hegemn trekvsekkel fellp Trkorszg helyt s szerept vizsglja.


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Gondolkodsunk integrns rszt kpezik azok a szellemi trkpek s azok a klnbz elvek, amelyek alapjn hajlamosak vagyunk fldrajzi, politikai s trsadalmi tereket szervezni. A rgikat ugyanolyan mechanizmusok alapjn talljuk ki vagy kpzeljk el, mint ahogy Benedict Anderson elmlete szerint a nemzeteket mint elkpzelt kzssgeket. Az elmlt harminc vben Eurpnak aligha volt mg egy olyan rgija, amely a vgylmok s az elutasts vgpontjai kztt annyira a vitk trgyt kpezte volna, mint Kzp-Eurpa. A Kzp-Eurprl szl elkpzelsek klnbz valsgkonstrukcik, geopolitikai projekcik vagy klnbz elkpzelt terek. A Kzp-Eurprl szl elkpzelsek egyetlen vltozatnak esetben sem a termszet diktl valami klnleges politikt: spaces do not simply exist, space are produced, azaz a fldrajzi terek nem nmagukban lteznek, s nem nmaguktl kapnak rtelmet, hanem trsadalmi konstrukcik s geopolitikai projekcik eredmnyei, azoknak mindig meghatrozott politikai szereplk adnak jelentst


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Az Eurpai Uni eddig az egy piac, egy pnz elve, azaz az orszg nlkli valuta s az egy llam, egy pnz, teht egy mind szorosabb vl politikai uni kztti tmeneti lpsekkel ksrelte meg az eurvlsg kezelst. Az mra nyilvnvalv vlt, hogy az elbbi elven alapul pnzgyi rendszer nem vezet a tagllamok gazdasgi s kltsgvetsi politikjnak a konvergencijhoz. A fisklis s gazdasgi unit magban foglal politikai uni nlkl az eur befejezetlen valuta. A valdi megolds egy politikai uni, st mi tbb, egy eurpai fderlis llam megteremtse lenne. Egy ilyen llam, GDP negyven szzalkt kitev kltsgvetsvel, mr kpes lehetne arra, hogy az eurktvnyeken s az EKB kibvtett szerepn alapul, valdi transzferuniknt mkdjn s a regionlis diszparitsokat hatkonyan kezelje; m a tagllamok s trsadalmuk jelents rsze egy ilyen terv megvalstsra gazdasgi s/vagy politikai okokbl nem ksz.


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A Kzgazdasgi Szemle 2003-2005 kztt szmos olyan elemzst kzlt, aminek trgya az Eurpai Uni rgi s j tagllamaiban megfigyelhet folyamatok statisztikai elemzse volt, s ennek alapjn rtkeltk a stabilitsi s nvekedsi egyezmny fenntarthatsgt, a kzs valuta bevezethetsgt az j tagllamokba, valamint az ehhez vezet clszer utat. Ebben az rsban - a korbban megjelent elemzsek kiegsztsekppen - arra tesznk ksrletet, hogy megvizsgljuk: a szakmai s politikai vitk kereszttzben ll megolds, a szablykvet llamhztartsi politika eurpai vltozata valban csak \"ostobasg\", mint Romano Prodi egyszer vlte, vagy inkbb olyan, vals kzgazdasgi tartalmat hordoz keretnek kell tekintennk, amelynek a betartsa, st, az elrtakon tlmutatan szigor alkalmazsa az j EU-tagllamok fenntarthat fejldsnek elfelttele, klnsen kzp- s hossz tvon.


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A tanulmny a kzp-kelet-eurpai orszgok talakulst a posztwashingtoni konszenzus megkzeltsben vizsglja. Arra a krdsre keresi a vlaszt, hogy mennyiben bizonyult sajtosnak s elmletileg is jnak a trsg tapasztalata a fejldsgazdasgtani irodalom egsznek sszefggsben. Mennyiben pthetnk az intzmnymentes fram felismerseire a folyamatok rtkelsben, illetve megalkothat-e az talakuls tisztn kzgazdasgi elmlete?


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A cikk azt a krdst vizsglja, hogy a globalizlds s a megafzik vilgban letkpesek lehetnek-e a kis orszgok, s ha igen, milyen felttelekkel. Az rs azt igyekszik igazolni, hogy a mszaki fejlds j irnya s a nemzetkzi pnzgyek formld reformja megnveli az alkalmazkodsra ksz kis nemzetgazdasgok letkpessgt. Ez a sikeres regionlis integrldsuk alapja, nem pedig fordtva. A globalizci j eslyeket ad a kicsiknek.


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A Kzgazdasgi Szemle mrciusi szmban Telcs s szerztrsai [2013] a felvtelizk preferencii alapjn j megkzeltst javasolt a felsoktatsi intzmnyek rangsorolsra. Az albbi rs j szempontokat biztost ezen alaptlet gyakorlati megvalstshoz. Megmutatja, hogy az alkalmazott modell ekvivalens az alternatvk egy aggreglt pros sszehasonltsi mtrix rvn vgzett rangsorolsval, ami rvilgt a szerzk kiindul hipotziseinek vitathat pontjaira. A szerz rviden ttekinti a hasonl feladatok megoldsra javasolt mdszereket, klns tekintettel azok axiomatikus megalapozsra, majd megvizsglja a Telcs s szerztrsai [2013] ltal alkalmazott eljrsokat. Vgl emltst tesz egy hasonl megkzeltssel l cikkrl, s megfogalmaz nhny, a vizsglat tovbbfejlesztsre vonatkoz javaslatot. _____ In the March issue of Kzgazdasgi Szemle, Telcs et al. suggested a new approach to university ranking through preference ordering of applicants. The paper proposes new aspects to the implementation of this idea. It is shown that the model of these is equivalent to the ranking of alternatives based on paired comparisons, which reveals the debatable points in their hypotheses. The author reviews briefly the methods proposed in the literature, focusing on their axiomatic properties, and thoroughly examines the procedures of Telcs et al. [2013]. The paper presents an article which applied a similar approach and suggests some improvements to it.


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A cikk a pros sszehasonltsokon alapul pontozsi eljrsokat trgyalja axiomatikus megkzeltsben. A szakirodalomban szmos rtkel fggvnyt javasoltak erre a clra, nhny karakterizcis eredmny is ismert. Ennek ellenre a megfelel mdszer kivlasztsa nem egy-szer feladat, a klnbz tulajdonsgok bevezetse elssorban ebben nyjthat segtsget. Itt az sszehasonltott objektumok teljestmnyn rvnyesl monotonitst trgyaljuk az nkonzisztencia s nkonzisztens monotonits aximkbl kiindulva. Bemutatsra kerlnek lehetsges gyengtseik s kiterjesztseik, illetve egy, az irrelevns sszehasonltsoktl val fggetlensggel kapcsolatos lehetetlensgi ttel is. A tulajdonsgok teljeslst hrom eljrsra, a klasszikus pontszm eljrsra, az ezt tovbbfejleszt ltalnostott sorsszegre s a legkisebb ngyzetek mdszerre vizsgljuk meg, melyek mindegyike egy lineris egyenletrendszer megoldsaknt szmthat. A kapott eredmnyek j szempontokkal gazdagtjk a pontozsi eljrs megvlasztsnak krdst. _____ The paper provides an axiomatic analysis of some scoring procedures based on paired comparisons. Several methods have been proposed for these generalized tournaments, some of them have been also characterized by a set of properties. The choice of an appropriate method is supported by a discussion of their theoretical properties. In the paper we focus on the connections of self-consistency and self-consistent-monotonicity, two axioms based on the comparisons of object's performance. The contradiction of self-consistency and independence of irrel-evant matches is revealed, as well as some possible reductions and extensions of these properties. Their satisfiability is examined through three scoring procedures, the score, generalised row sum and least squares methods, each of them is calculated as a solution of a system of linear equations. Our results contribute to the problem of finding a proper paired comparison based scoring method.


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The alle is one of the oldest instruments and forms of landscape architecture, which has often been used from the Antiquity for the expression of visual and functional relationships, for the delimitation of space, or for the pictorial creation of movement. The several hundred years old alles of the late baroque age, which still live among us as the witnesses of bygone times, represent a special value throughout Europe. The longevity and the respectable size as such bestow a certain value upon the trees. However, the alles also stand for a garden art, landscape, culture historical and natural value, which in a summarized way are called cultural heritage. Furthermore, the gene pool of the proven longevous, high tolerance tree specimens is a natural and genetic heritage of scientific signification. The age of the trees and alles is finite. Even with a careful and professional care, the renewal is inevitable, which, beyond technical problems of landscape architecture might raise many scientific, nature conservation, yes, esthetical and ethical questions. This is why there is no universal methodology, but there are aspects and examination procedures of general validity with the help of which a renewal can be prepared. The renewal concept of the lime tree alle in Nagycenk aims at the protection and the transmission of the value-ensemble embodied in the alle. One part of the value-ensemble is the spiritual, cultural heritage, the extraordinary value of the landscape-scaled, landscape architectural creation planted and taken care of by the Szchenyis. On the other hand the two and a half centuries old trees represent an inestimable botanical and genetic wealth. Its transmission and preservation is a scientifically important program coming up to the Szchenyi heritage. After the registration of the originally planted old trees, the complete nursery material of the Szchenyi limes necessary for the replanting can be produced by vegetative propagation. The gradual replacement of the stand with its own propagation material, by the carefully raised nursery trees of the same age can be a model for the gene-authentic renewal method a novelty even at an international level.


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Az akadmiai szkfoglal elads a teljessg ignye nlkl arra a krdsre keresi a vlaszt, hogy a posztkommunista talakuls tanulmnyozsa milyen hasznosthat tanulsgokkal szolglt a kzgazdasgi elmlet mvelinek szlesebb kre szmra. Megllaptja, hogy - a vilg kzgazdasgtanban foly megjulssal prhuzamosan - a mdszertani pluralizmus, ezen bell a trtneti, az intzmnyi s az sszehasonlt gazdasgtani kzelts visszahelyezse jogaiba, valamint az egyoldalan csak a matematikai formalizlst eltrbe llt megoldsok visszaszorulsa figyelhet meg. _____ This inaugural lecture delivered on receiving membership of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences seeks, without attempting completeness, to examine what useful lessons could be drawn from study of the post-communist transformation for practitioners in wider fields of economics. It establishes that methodological pluralism, including the rights of historical, institutional and comparative economic approaches, is being relegated by the renewal taking place in world economics. This can be seen to be constricting the approaches that place mathematical formalism to the fore.


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Climate change is one of the biggest environmental problems of the 21st century. The most sensitive indicators of the effects of the climatic changes are phenological processes of the biota. The effects of climate change which were observed the earliest are the remarkable changes in the phenology (i.e. the timing of the phenophases) of the plants and animals, which have been systematically monitored later. In our research we searched for the answer: which meteorological factors show the strongest statistical relationships with phenological phenomena based on some chosen plant and insect species (in case of which large phenological databases are available). Our study was based on two large databases: one of them is the Lepidoptera database of the Hungarian Plant Protection and Forestry Light Trap Network, the other one is the Geophytes Phenology Database of the Botanical Garden of Etvs Lornd University. In the case of butterflies, statistically defined phenological dates were determined based on the daily collection data, while in the case of plants, observation data on blooming were available. The same meteorological indicators were applied for both groups in our study. On the basis of the data series, analyses of correlation were carried out and a new indicator, the so-called G index was introduced, summing up the number of correlations which were found to be significant on the different levels of significance. In our present study we compare the significant meteorological factors and analyse the differences based on the correlation data on plants and butterflies. Data on butterflies are much more varied regarding the effectiveness of the meteorological factors.


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The crisis of 20082009 has ended, stockmarkets skyrocketed in 20122013, while growth of the real sector remained sluggish in Europe. This article attempts to explain the latter puzzle. Analyzing long term factors, the costs of short-termism in crisis management become obvious. The limitations of EU as a growth engine are highlighted.


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Our method is presented with displaying time series, consisting of the daily amount of precipitation of 100 years, which has meant a separate challenge, as the precipitation data shows significant deviations. By nowadays, mankind has changed its environment to such an extent that it has a significant effect on other species as well. The Lepidoptera data series of the National Plant Protection and Forestry Light Trap Network can be used to justify this. This network has a national coverage, a large number of collected Lepidoptera, and an available, long data series of several years. For obtaining information from these data, the setting up of an easy to manage database is necessary. Furthermore, it is important to represent our data and our results in an easily analysable and expressive way. In this article the setting up of the database is introduced, together with the presentation of a three dimensional visualization method, which depicts the long-range and seasonal changes together.