999 resultados para Trabalhadores - Aspectos ambientais
Due to environmental concerns and the current legal requirements, companies are looking for ways to reconcile economic growth with environmental preservation. The purpose of this project is to show the stages of implementation of ISO 14001 in a chemical company and propose changes in chemical procedures creating goals to be achieved. In this paper, the study for the implementation of ISO 14001 is in Viapol ltda., where the lack of environmental management can cause enormous impact to the environment and may generate air, soil and water pollution. The project resulted in a mapping of all the processes and a broad survey of waste and emissions, generating proposals to change some of the processes and and creating programs to achieve the goals and objectives proposed in the Environmental Policy. Adopting an environmental management system (EMS), the company will reduce costs by decreasing the amount of raw material used, shooting down on waste disposal and the amount of it, and increasing productivity. By committing to the implementation of the EMS, companies will be demonstrating a proactive approach to environmental issues and enrich its image to consumers’ point of view
Energy efficiency has gained significant importance in recent years, mainly due to cyclical climatic conditions and current supply of natural resources. The present work deals with the procedures and requirements necessary to evaluate a building to a level of efficiency corresponding to your project and the actual implemented. To perform this analysis, we adopted the technical regulation efficiency prepared by Procel along with other agencies of the sector. The Regulation aims to create a model for the technical evaluation of the efficiency of buildings, popularize and expand the theme specification of conditions drawn up today. The building analyzed in this study was the library of UNESP, Guaratinguetá. Still, after the completion of the final efficiency analysis, are presented proposals for intervention that can improve and enhance the present situation of the building. The interventions are based on many technical factors and local conditions of climate and supply of resource. The issue of sustainability was explained in order to serve as a tool to expand the options available to upgrade a building in front of their impact on the environment
Efluentes industriais e domésticos podem conter agentes químicos e biológicos que, em elevadas concentrações, causam danos aos ecossistemas aquáticos e à saúde ambiental. Um dos efeitos mais nocivos desses agentes poluidores é a sua capacidade de induzir alterações celulares. O uso de testes específicos capazes de detectar o potencial tóxico de substâncias químicas caracteriza-se em uma importante estratégia para avaliação ambiental. Neste contexto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os potenciais citotóxico, genotóxico e mutagênico de amostras de água de recursos hídricos da cidade de Santa Gertrudes-SP, relacionada com recebimento de efluentes de atividade ceramista, por meio de ensaios realizados com o sistema-teste de Allium cepa. Foram realizados testes com amostras de água coletadas no córrego Itaqui, após despejos de efluente de indústria cerâmica e em duas nascentes, tanto em período chuvoso como de seca. Para a análise dos parâmetros de toxicidade descritos acima, sementes de A. cepa foram expostas à germinação nas amostras das águas coletadas. Quando as radículas atingiram 2 cm de comprimento, os meristemas foram fixados em solução de Carnoy 3:1, para serem utilizadas nas avaliações das possíveis alterações dos índices de germinação e mitóticos, bem como de indução de aberrações nucleares e cromossômicas. Além disso, também foram avaliadas, como outro parâmetro indicativo de mutagenicidade, as frequências de micronúcleos em células F1 de A. cepa. O controle negativo foi realizado em água (osmose reversa) e o controle positivo em metilmetanosulfonato (MMS). O material fixado foi corado pela reação de Feulgen e as lâminas foram preparadas, utilizando as porções meristemática e F1 das raízes de A. cepa. As análises foram realizadas em microscópio de luz, por meio da contagem de alterações nucleares (micronúcleos e brotos) e de aberrações cromossômicas...
In view of the current environmental concerns and legal requirements, this work aims to achieve a diagnosis and offer subsidies for development of an environmental management plan in an industry. The industry considered to be a subject of study of this research is the aviculture, considered its great importance in Brazil and to present a significant environmental impact. The unit of analysis is a chicken slaughterhouse, located in Rio Claro, SP. The developed methodology for identification and analysis of environmental significative aspects were based in the concepts of environmental impact and in the ABNT NBR ISO 14.001:2004. From the analysis of selected aspects, this research proposed several environmental indicators for the company and identified points of environmental improvement. The results of this study provide methods for identifying its environmental aspects and development of its environmental management plan to chicken slaughterhouse and also to other companies.
The concentration of metal pollutants such as lead (Pb), has grown and developed in populated areas due to pollution and other human activities. Consequently, the potential for achieve this element food chain has also increased. Lead is very toxic to humans, especially to children, and exposure to lead can cause adverse health effects mainly on human nervous system, bone marrow and kidneys, interfering with chromosomal or genetic processes. This paper presents an overview of the main aspects related to environmental contamination by lead from battery plants. The assessment of an area contaminated by lead in Bauru-SP next a battery factory was reported in this work as well as the entire history of monitoring, classification and application of processes applied by CETESB since 2002. Analyzing the issue in its economic aspects, we found that the degradation of the environment is directly related to the development model adopted by the capitalist system, which is based on the law of supply and demand for products and services. The data presented indicate that Brazil still needs a broader policy where government agencies, industries and population through awareness can be united for the same purpose: to preserve life
A Revolução Tecnológica vem colocando no mercado um número cada vez maior de equipamentos eletrônicos, enquanto a absorção dos impactos pelo ecossistema se torna cada vez mais difícil. A Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos reúne o conjunto de princípios, diretrizes, metas e ações para o gerenciamento ambientalmente adequado dos resíduos. Comparando o cenário brasileiro com medidas de outros países, a proposta é analisar os impactos econômicos e ambientais da nova lei sobre a indústria de produtos eletroeletrônicos
The urbanization process in the Brazilian cities is directly linked to its main economic activities, and causes several impacts on the natural resources. It can be seen at the city of Ilhabela, an archipelago located at the north coast of the state of São Paulo, that still has a great area of preserved Atlantic Rainforest, and where today the tourism is the main economic activity. With this in sight, this paper aimed to make a prospect of the current situation of the city, looking at the main aspects of its economic and urban development and the environmental impacts related to them. Among the aspects studied, are the irregular occupations at preservation areas on the island: the pressure on the sea ecosystems by the fishing and the boat circulation, and at the beaches by the tourists flow. Were also observed the characteristics of the city’s urban infrastructure, such as the water supply, sewer and road networks and the waste collecting. Finally, it was analyzed the way that the government acts over the preservation of the island’s natural resources, by the Municipality and the Ilhabela State Park, so that the acting of these two agents could be compared
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Técnicas construtivas e procedimentos sustentáveis – estudo de caso: edifício na cidade de São Paulo
The environmental problems generated by construction activity have been widely discussed in Brazil, which has begun to incorporate sustainable building techniques in your ventures. Based on these facts, this work focused on addressing the main characteristics of a sustainable building project. Among them are water conservation, energy efficiency in buildings, managing a construction site with little environmental impact and reuse of materials and construction elements. This work, after the presentation of the main characteristics of a sustainable building project, shows a case study about the implementation of environmental certification LEED Gold level in a large building, located in São Paulo - SP, Brazil. With that, we want to produce a research document about the topic of sustainable buildings
This work presents the results obtained in analyzes of aggregates from construction and demolition waste produced by the plant of the City of Guaratinguetá. Using this data and comparing with the specifications of NBR 15115, it was found that the materials do not possess the requisite minimum characteristics to be utilized as a basis for low-pavement traffic. In order to identify the main reasons of the material does not fit in the standard, we used the data obtained in a study conducted by Professor. Dr. Luiz Eduardo de Oliveira at the plant of the company AB Environmental Solutions Ltd., located in Pindamonhangaba. With different characteristics, the aggregates from construction and demolition waste produced by this plant showed the possibility of using pavements. The use of these residues in paving reduces the impact on the environment caused by construction.
Due to the great impact caused by construction, the university has a major role in the development of alternative projects and studies aimed at sustainable development. This project presents the advantages and importance of building in a sustainable manner from the beginning to end of the Center of Experiences at UNESP, Rio Claro / SP. It will be presented alternative building materials that have high environmental performance and that bring the least negative impacts as possible. Providing a Center of Experiences through a sustainable building is in need of the university to renovate the new trends of society in which the construction is in harmony with the environment in which it is inserted. This sustainable building will serve as a model for students and residents of Rio Claro, since the building itself will serve as a way of learning to the audience goer, as well as for the other campuses of UNESP. Thus, this project will serve as a guide for decision makers facing the huge amount of building materials available in the market
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Naturally characterizes the human being the interference in the environment to ensure their survival and also convenience. After numerous environmental accidents caused by unbridled pursuit of this goal, the concern about providing for current needs without compromising the ability of the future generations to supply their own, gained space. In order to contribute to sustainable development the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was implemented. This tool is based on the concept that if the environmental impacts of a product or service are known, it is possible to take better decisions concerning its environmental aspects. The purpose of this research is to conduct the LCA of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), the world’s second most consumed thermoplastic. The methodology described in NBR ISO 14040 and NBR ISO 14044 was followed. As a result, the LCA of polyvinyl chloride produced in Brazil was obtained, and, therefore, the inventory of the product in question adapted to Brazilian reality. The research can be applied to various studies considering that actions were taken to ensure that it represents the Brazilian reality. Moreover, the procedures were described to guarantee the greatest transparency possible
In 2010 Brazil produced about 60.8 million of municipal solid waste, an amount 6.8% higher than in 2009 and six times the rate of urban population growth recorded in the same period. According to a study by the Brazilian Association of Companies of Special Wasteand Public Cleansing (Abrelpe), the average waste generated per person in the same period the country was 378 Kilograms, an amount 5.3% higher to 2009 (359 Kg). The total reached 60.8 milion tons of waste, 6.5 million tons were collected and not end up inrivers, streams and vacant lots. Of this total production, 42.4% or 22.9 million Tons, did not receive proper destination and destiny had dumps and landfills. The data show that the country is in upward trend in waste generation, but did not advance the appropriate destination at the same pace. The waste thus throw open cause public helth problems, such as proliferation of disease vectors (flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, rats, and others). Generation of odors and especially the pollution of soil, surface water and groundwater through slurry ( liquid black, smelly and high pollution potential produced by the decomposition of organic matter contained in waste), affecting the water. This Study shows the popper closure of the areas, wich long has been degrading our natural resources, not to cause damage to nature and therefore society
This academic work has as its objective to demonstrate the fundamental role of communication as a tool towards implantating an environmental management project in organizations, aswell as familiarizing with the complex relashionship be-tween green businesses and its publics. The concern involving environmental prob-lems are increasing and it directly affects the consumer’s choice and their requests on organizations’ behavior. The integration with all sectors of economy is necessary as a part of a developing process that has as its main objective the environmental conservation and therefore the quality of human life on planet. There is also the question of how in the process of communication there is not an only way of interven-tion, but a continuous reciprocal action. The work is accomplished with an analyses of the green management communication of the business Grupo Abril