881 resultados para Touristic enterprise


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Lean is common sense and good business sense. As organizations grow and become more successful, they begin to lose insight into the basic truths of what made them successful. Organizations have to deal with more and more issues that may not have anything to do with directly providing products or services to their customers. Lean is a holistic management approach that brings the focus of the organization back to providing value to the customer. In August 2002, Mrs. Darleen Druyun, the Principal Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition and government co-chairperson of the Lean Aerospace Initiative (LAI), decided it was time for Air Force acquisitions to embrace the concepts of lean. At her request, the LAI Executive Board developed a concept and methodology to employ lean into the Air Force’s acquisition culture and processes. This was the birth of the “Lean Now” initiative. An enterprise-wide approach was used, involving Air Force System Program Offices (SPOs), aerospace industry, and several Department of Defense agencies. The aim of Lean Now was to focus on the process interfaces between these “enterprise” stakeholders to eliminate barriers that impede progress. Any best practices developed would be institutionalized throughout the Air Force and the Department of Defense (DoD). The industry members of LAI agreed to help accelerate the government-industry transformation by donating lean Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to mentor, train, and facilitate the lean events of each enterprise. Currently, the industry SMEs and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are working together to help the Air Force develop its own lean infrastructure of training courses and Air Force lean SMEs. The first Lean Now programs were the F/A-22, Global Hawk, and F-16. Each program focused on specific acquisition processes. The F/A-22 focused on the Test and Evaluation process; the Global Hawk focused on Evolutionary Acquisitions; and the F-16 focused on improving the Contract Closeout process. Through lean, each enterprise made many significant improvements. The F/A-22 was able to reduce its Operational Flight Plan (OFP) Preparation and Load process time of 2 to 3 months down to 7 hours. The Global Hawk developed a new production plan that increases the annual production of its Integrated Sensor Suite from 3 per year to 6 per year. The F-16 enterprise generated and is working 12 initiatives that could result in a contract closeout cycle time reduction of 3 to 7 years. Each enterprise continues to generate more lean initiatives that focus on other areas and processes within their respective enterprises.


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Durante el desarrollo de este trabajo de grado, se describe la posibilidad de incrementar estratégicamente el potencial de atraer visitantes extranjeros al país. Colombia es un lugar lleno de biodiversidad, cultura y belleza; pero algunas circunstancias como la guerra, la mala imagen a nivel internacional y la pobre infraestructura turística, han detenido el crecimiento de los indicadores turísticos. La implementación de diferentes estrategias distintivas para posicionar la industria turística y para lograr el mejoramiento continuo, como la definición de planes de contingencia para luchar en contra de la violencia y la inseguridad, el mejoramiento de las condiciones de infraestructura, la mejor capacitación y entrenamiento de todas las personas relacionadas con este segmento de mercado y también los esfuerzos por difundir en mayor proporción información clara y eficiente sobre Colombia; son algunos de los principales objetivos que deben ser alcanzados para incrementar el nivel de atractividad del sector para visitantes internacionales, y también, estas estrategias contribuirán al mejoramiento de los indicadores de desempeño del sector y del país en general.


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A collection of notes and white papers regarding Enterprise Architecture


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The objective of the present article is to illustrate the social interstice (Las Jarretaderas) existing between the municipalities Bahía de Banderas, Nayarit and Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco. The researched community is an outstanding case-study providing an in-depth analysis of a number of social process mostly related to the chiapaneca migration. The text is divided into two sections. The first one deals with the urbanization process of the metropolitan area of Puerto Vallarta. The second and longer section defines the concept of social interstice and explains how the researched locality falls under under that previously-defined concept according to the processes analyzed.


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Manual diseñado para que profesores de enseñanza secundaria ayuden y apoyen el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional, que abarca la conciencia y la responsabilidad, la actitud positiva y apreciativa, la empatía y el respeto, la motivación y la persistencia. Las actividades para nueve sesiones desarrollan la inteligencia con respecto a uno mismo, otras personas, el empleo y el futuro.


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Libro dirigido a profesores que imparten la asignatura de educación para la ciudadanía en relación con el trabajo y la empresa, en los niveles Key Stage 3 y 4 (educación secundaria). Está estructurado en cinco secciones basadas en un tema clave: definición de empresa ¿en qué consiste?, involucrarse ¿cómo puedo ser un ciudadano activo en el 'sector servicios'?, ¿cuáles son mis derechos como consumidor?, el mundo es muy, muy pequeño, y ¿cuáles son los derechos y deberes de los trabajadores? El libro incluye un CD-Rom con material de apoyo.


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The objectives of this work are twofold. First, it aims to reflect on student internship placements as a tool for developing the engineering curriculum. Secondly, we present a webbased software for the efficient management of enterprise internships. This tool is scalable, allowing the management of an increased number of students while minimizing the requirement for managing time