988 resultados para Tolstoi, Lev, graf, 1828-1910 -- Traduccions
In recent years historical research seems to be the State Historical Society's main function, although it was formed with the principal functions of collection, preservation and exhibition. Now, instead of simply attempting to make the largest possible collection of historical materials in one place, this society will now endeavor to compile, publish and distribute accurate and scientific historical literature. The book also lists publications, information on the library and on membership.
This book is the address delivered at Iowa City, Iowa, before the State Historical Society of Iowa on May 25, 1910 by Laenas Gifford Weld. His speech covers the history and the discovery of the territory of the Mississippi Valley and Iowa. He talks about early pioneers and explorers, the routes they took and how they navigated into this newly discovered territory.
A markedly elevated circulating CEA level was observed in January 1978 in a 40-year-old male patient who complained of functional digestive disorders consisting of 2-3 bowel movements at the end of each night. During follow-up of more than 3 years the CEA level was always found to be higher than 300 ng/ml as determined on 12 different blood samples using 3 different assays: the Hansen assay, our own inhibition radioimmunoassay performed on perchloric acid extract of serum, and a newly developed solid phase non-competitive enzyme immunoassay involving monoclonal anti-CEA antibody. The clinical evolution showed no aggravation of the persistent but mild bowel troubles, i.e. no real diarrhea or blood in the stool. The patient enjoys excellent general health and shows no weight loss. Barium enema, colonoscopy and extensive investigation by computerized axial tomography showed no evidence of primary or metastatic tumor. Apart from CEA, the blood chemistry was within normal limits. Six members of the patient's family have normal CEA levels. A possible explanation for this unique case of marked and persistent elevation of circulating CEA without evidence of cancer is discussed.
Donateur : Girard, Jules (1839-1921)
Donateur : Jochem (18..-18..)
A finales de 1909, coincidiendo con el intento de procurar unas raíces clásicas a la lengua y literatura catalanas, Lluís Segalà i Estalella pedirá al poeta Joan Maragall su colaboración en la traducción y versificación en catalán de la Olímpica primera de Píndaro. Para ello, uno de sus alumnos, Pedro Bosch Gimpera, trabajará junto al poeta dando así inicio a una corta pero intensa relación de amistad y magisterio que tendrá su más perdurable expresión en la traducción y versificación de los Himnos homéricos. Escogida por la recién creada Sección Filológica del IEC como una obra emblemática para la difusión de las normas que debían regular el uso escrito del catalán, la edición sufrirá diversos avatares motivados por las divergencias surgidas entre Segalà y Bosch, así como por el apoyo que Maragall brindará a su joven amigo hasta su muerte en 1911. Reconstruida a partir de la correspondencia personal, la historia de la edición de los Himnos homéricos supone una aproximación a la figura de Bosch en la época en que la filología y la religión griegas constituían su objetivo de investigación, substituidas poco después por la prehistoria y la arqueología.