1000 resultados para Tolerância a intrusões


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A seca é um dos estresses abióticos mais importantes na cultura do milho, o qual ocasiona reduções significativas na produção de grãos. A arquitetura genética da tolerância à seca é complexa, fazendo-se necessária a melhor compreensão desse caráter. Estudos envolvendo mapeamento associativo são úteis por explorarem a variação genética de caracteres quantitativos e, adicionalmente, levam em conta informações acerca de genótipos, ambientes e interações genótipo por ambiente (G × E). Ao considerar efeitos de G × E em modelos de mapeamento associativo há possibilidade de identificar regiões no genoma associadas à condições e ambientes específicos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo detectar associações relacionadas à tolerância à seca em milho por meio de um modelo de mapeamento associativo para múltiplos ambientes e múltiplos locos, o qual permitiu distinguir associações com efeitos ambiente-específico daquelas com efeitos principais e de interação associação por ambiente (QEI). O painel associativo foi composto por 190 linhagens, classificadas de acordo com os grupos heteróticos quanto ao tipo de grão. Marcadores SNPs (∼500k) foram utilizados para a genotipagem do painel associativo. Duas linhagens (L228-3 e L3) foram usadas como testadores comuns e os híbridos obtidos foram avaliados em duas localidades (Janaúba-MG e Teresina-PI), dois anos agrícolas (2010 e 2011), sob duas condições de tratamento (irrigado e não irrigado). Ao total, consideraram-se seis caracteres: peso de grãos, intervalo de florescimento, florescimento feminino e masculino, altura de planta e de espiga. Consideraram-se dois grupos de mapeamento, agrupados de acordo com os testadores utilizados. SNPs foram úteis para testar associações ao longo do genoma do milho e investigar o relacionamento genético entre indivíduos. O modelo de mapeamento associativo, com inclusão de informações sobre interação G × E, detectou o total de 179 associações, e o maior número de associações foram relacionadas aos caracteres de florescimento. A maioria das associações (168) apresentaram QEI significativo, sendo que o tamanho e a magnitude desses efeitos distinguiram-se de acordo com o ambiente em avaliação. Apenas o caráter florescimento feminino não apresentou associações com efeitos estáveis ao longo dos ambientes em estudo. A detecção de algumas associações em posições próximas do genoma evidenciam possíveis efeitos de pleiotropia. Algumas associações foram co-localizadas em regiões do genoma do milho relacionadas à tolerância à seca, sendo que algumas dessas associações estavam envolvidas a fatores pertencentes à vias metabólicas de interesse. O presente estudo forneceu informações úteis para a compreensão da base genética da tolerância à seca em milho sob os ambientes específicos em avaliação.


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O sistema imunológico materno desempenha um papel importante no estabelecimento da gestação e desenvolvimento de concepto até início do parto. A hipótese deste projeto é que há um recrutamento de células Tγδ para o endométrio ao longo da gestação que expressam citocinas que favorecem o estabelecimento e manutenção da tolerância materna a antígenos fetais durante a gestação em bovinos. Experimento I Para estudar a dinâmica populacional das células do sistema imune no sangue periférico de não lactantes não prenhes (NLNP), vacas lactantes no 1º trimestre e vacas no 3º trimestre da gestação, as PBMCs foram separadas por gradiente de densidade de Ficoll, seguido por protocolo de imunocitoquímica e analisadas em citômetro de fluxo para os anticorpos CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD14+, CD25+ e WC1+. As células analisadas tanto na região de linfócitos quanto na região de monócitos, não apresentaram diferença significativa entre os grupos analisados. Experimento II Para análise do perfil de expressão gênica das células Tγδ, foram coletadas amostras de sangue de vacas no 1º trimestre da gestação, vacas lactantes não prenhes (LNP) e vacas não lactantes não prenhes (NLNP). As células mononucleares foram separadas por gradiente de densidade de Ficoll e células Tγδ foram analisadas quanto ao perfil de citocinas por qRT-PCR para os genes IFNG; IL10; IL15; IL17; IL18; IL1B; IL4; IL-6; ISG15; PFR; TGFB2 e TNFA. A análise de expressão gênica mostrou tendência no aumento na expressão de IL1B, IL6 e TGFB2 em células PBMC em vacas NLNP quando comparado com vacas LNP e no 1º trimestre da gestação, enquanto que os outros genes analisados não apresentaram diferença significativa. Experimento III Fragmentos de endométrio, provenientes de abatedouro, foram coletados de vacas em 1º trimestre (33 a 35 dias de gestação), 2º trimestre (143 a 182 dias de gestação) e 3º trimestre de gestação (228 a 247 dias de gestação). Cortes congelados foram imunolocalizados e quantificados para as células do sistema imune CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD14+, CD18+, CD25+, CD62L+ e WC1+ por imunofluorescência. Nossos estudos mostraram aumento das células CD25+ e CD62L+ no endométrio no início da gestação. No meio da gestação, há um aumento das células WC1+ e CD14+. No final da gestação, observamos o aumento de CD14+, CD25+, CD18+ e CD62L+. Em suma, nossos dados sugerem que a modulação do sistema imune materno é específica para cada estágio da gestação, sendo que no início da gestação há um envolvimento de células T ativadas (CD25+) provavelmente para o estabelecimento de uma resposta ativa para tolerância dos antígenos fetais. Já no meio da gestação, há um recrutamento massivo de células Tγδ para o endométrio gravídico provavelmente para manter um microambiente de tolerância para o desenvolvimento fetal e no final da gestação células efetoras como macrófagos são recrutadas para o endométrio para auxiliar no processo do parto e involução uterina.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A incidência de pacientes apresentando alergia à proteína do leite de vaca (APLV) após os 5 anos de idade vem crescendo. Definir se estes pacientes tolerariam a ingestão de alimento produzido com leite processado a altas temperaturas (LPAT) proporcionaria melhor qualidade de vida, definiria melhor prognóstico e possibilitaria avaliar a indicação de dessensibilização com muffin. OBJETIVO: (1) identificar quais pacientes com APLV persistente aos quatro anos poderiam tolerar a ingestão de LPAT, (2) descrever as características clínicas e laboratoriais dos grupos reativo e não reativo ao LPAT, e (3) compara-las entre os dois grupos. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, utilizando amostra de conveniência, incluindo todos os pacientes acompanhados no ambulatório de alergia alimentar do Instituto da Criança HCFMUSP que preenchiam os critérios de inclusão e que concordaram em realizar o TPO, entre janeiro/2013 e novembro/2014. Os pacientes foram admitidos em hospital-dia sob supervisão médica e submetidos à ingestão de um muffin contendo 2,8 gramas de proteína do leite de vaca. Foram definidos como tolerantes se não apresentassem nenhuma reação alérgica. Estes pacientes foram submetidos na sequência a novo TPO com leite de vaca in natura para excluir a tolerância ao leite de vaca. RESULTADOS: Foram realizados 38 TPO com LPAT, sendo que 30 pacientes (15 masculinos) preencheram todos os critérios de inclusão. A mediana da idade foi de 7 anos e 7 meses (4a10m -14a2m). 14 pacientes (46%) não apresentaram reação após a ingestão do muffin, sendo considerados como não reativos. A análise comparativa entre os grupos reativos e não reativos ao LPAT, não mostrou diferença estatisticamente significante quanto às características clínicas: idade (p=0,8), sexo (p=0,4), história pessoal de rinite (p=0,7), história pessoal de asma (p=0,7), história pessoal de outras alergias (p=0,6), história familiar de rinite (p=0,7), história familiar de asma (p=0,3), história familiar de outras alergias (p=0,1), relato de anafilaxia prévia (p=0,07), relato de ingestão de traços de leite previamente ao TPO (p=0,4), relato de reação alérgica no último ano antes da provocação (p=0,6), relato de anafilaxia no último ano antes do TPO (p=0,6). Não se observou diferença estatisticamente significante entre os dois grupos para IgE total (p=0,1) e eosinófilos (p=0,6). O teste de puntura para leite de vaca e frações mostrou diferença estatisticamente significante para ?-lactoalbumina (p= 0,01) e para a caseína (p = 0,004); em relação ao ImmunoCAP® apenas para a caseína (p= 0,05) essa diferença foi significante. Ao avaliar estes pacientes 1 ano após o TPO, nenhum dos 16 pacientes que foram reativos ao LPAT estava ingerindo leite de vaca, enquanto 28% dos pacientes que foram tolerantes ao LPAT estavam consumindo leite de vaca in natura sem reação (p=0,037). CONCLUSÃO: O estudo mostrou que os pacientes com APLV desta amostra brasileira apresentaram 2 diferentes fenótipos, sendo que aproximadamente metade tolerou o LPAT. Sendo assim, o TPO para LPAT deve ser considerado para pacientes com APLV, sempre sob supervisão médica e estrutura segura e adequada, pois pode contribuir para uma mudança no paradigma do seguimento destes pacientes. Teste de puntura e ImmunoCAP® para caseína podem sugerir quais pacientes estariam tolerantes ao TPO com LPAT, reforçando dados da literatura internacional


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The continuous evolution of integrated circuit technology has allowed integrating thousands of transistors on a single chip. This is due to the miniaturization process, which reduces the diameter of wires and transistors. One drawback of this process is that the circuit becomes more fragile and susceptible to break, making the circuit more susceptible to permanent faults during the manufacturing process as well as during their lifetime. Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Architectures (CGRAs) have been used as an alternative to traditional architectures in an attempt to tolerate such faults due to its intrinsic hardware redundancy and high performance. This work proposes a fault tolerance mechanism in a CGRA in order to increase the architecture fault tolerance even considering a high fault rate. The proposed mechanism was added to the scheduler, which is the mechanism responsible for mapping instructions onto the architecture. The instruction mapping occurs at runtime, translating binary code without the need for recompilation. Furthermore, to allow faster implementation, instruction mapping is performed using a greedy module scheduling algorithm, which consists of a software pipeline technique for loop acceleration. The results show that, even with the proposed mechanism, the time for mapping instructions is still in order of microseconds. This result allows that instruction mapping process remains at runtime. In addition, a study was also carried out mapping scheduler rate. The results demonstrate that even at fault rates over 50% in functional units and interconnection components, the scheduler was able to map instructions onto the architecture in most of the tested applications.


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The Potiguar Basin is located in the Brazilian Equatorial Margin and presents sedimentary rocks affected by Cenozoic basic igneous intrusions, known as Macau Magmatism. The most prominent effect related to these intrusions is the formation of buchites, pyrometamorphic rocks that occur at very high temperatures and very low pressures in the sanidinite metamorphic facies. Through literature review, field observations, petrographic and petrophysical data, accessing the database of previous studies and results from this research, it was possible to characterize and estimate the effects produced in the thermal aureole of some hypabyssal bodies in the basin. The most relevant features associated with the intrusions are: compactation, hydraulic fracturing, partial melting and recrystallization of country rocks. According to the observed mineral occurrences, temperature of 800 to 1200 °C and pressure below 0,5 kbar were estimated at the contacts of the igneous bodies. The thermal modeling of the São João plug indicates thermal effects extending up to 150 m away from the contact and cooling time of approximately 265,000 years. After the peak of temperature, followed a cooling phase registered by remobilization and precipitation of minerals at low-temperature in faults, fractures and geodes, interpreted as derived from reactions with sedimentary rocks and metasomatic / hydrothermal fluids with abundant carbonatization and silicification.


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The Potiguar Basin is located in the Brazilian Equatorial Margin and presents sedimentary rocks affected by Cenozoic basic igneous intrusions, known as Macau Magmatism. The most prominent effect related to these intrusions is the formation of buchites, pyrometamorphic rocks that occur at very high temperatures and very low pressures in the sanidinite metamorphic facies. Through literature review, field observations, petrographic and petrophysical data, accessing the database of previous studies and results from this research, it was possible to characterize and estimate the effects produced in the thermal aureole of some hypabyssal bodies in the basin. The most relevant features associated with the intrusions are: compactation, hydraulic fracturing, partial melting and recrystallization of country rocks. According to the observed mineral occurrences, temperature of 800 to 1200 °C and pressure below 0,5 kbar were estimated at the contacts of the igneous bodies. The thermal modeling of the São João plug indicates thermal effects extending up to 150 m away from the contact and cooling time of approximately 265,000 years. After the peak of temperature, followed a cooling phase registered by remobilization and precipitation of minerals at low-temperature in faults, fractures and geodes, interpreted as derived from reactions with sedimentary rocks and metasomatic / hydrothermal fluids with abundant carbonatization and silicification.


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The strong selection pressure exerted by intensive use of glyphosate in cultivated areas has selected populations of the Rubiaceae weed species Borreria latifolia (Aubl.) K.Shum. (broadleaf buttonweed), Galianthe chodatiana (Standl.) E.L. Cabral (galiante) and Richardia brasiliensis Gomes (Brazilian pusley) with differential sensitivity to this herbicide in the South region of Brazil. The control of these weeds with herbicides is troublesome and signals the need to incorporate management practices of ruderal flora and crops, more sustainable and that results in more efficient control for long-term. Therefore, it is very important to expand the information about their biology and management. This study aimed: (a) select efficient methods to overcome dormancy of B. latifolia and G. chodatiana and determine how they influence the kinetics of seeds germination; (b) analyze the effects of temperature, irradiance, pH, aluminum and salinity on seed germination and initial growth of the B. latifolia, G. chodatiana e R. brasiliensis seedlings; (c) evaluate tolerance to glyphosate levels in biotypes of B. latifolia, G. chodatiana e R. brasiliensis through dose-response curves and compare two methods to evaluate herbicidal control; (d) and evaluated the effectiveness of alternative herbicides in pre-emergence and in early and late post-emergence of the three species. The treatment with KNO3 2%/3h + gibberellic acid 400 ppm resulted in higher percentage of G. chodatiana seed germination. This treatment and also the dry heat (60°C/30 min) + KNO3 2%/3h were more effective in overcoming dormancy of B. latifolia. G. chodatiana and R. brasiliensis tolerate lower temperatures during the germination process, while B. latifolia tolerate higher temperatures. B. latifolia and R. brasiliensis are positive photoblastic while G. chodatiana is indifferent to the photoperiod. B. latifolia shows higher germination and early development in pH 3, while G. chodatiana and R. brasiliensis prefer pH range between 5 and 7. B. latifolia and G. chodatiana were more tolerant to the aluminum during the germination process than R. brasiliensis. Low salt levels were sufficient to reduce the seed germination of the three species. Some biotypes of B. latifolia and R. brasiliensis showed medium-high glyphosate tolerance, not being controlled by higher doses than recommended. The G. chodatiana specie was not controlled with the highest dose used, showing a high glyphosate tolerance. The sulfentrazone, s-metolachlor and saflufenacil herbicides sprayed in pre-emergence showed high efficacy both on B. latifolia and R. brasiliensis, while chlorimuron-ethyl and diclosulan were effective only on R. brasiliensis. In early post-emergence the fomesafen, lactofem and flumioxazin herbicides efficiently controlled plants of all species, while bentazon showed high efficacy only on B. latifolia. Noteworthy the susceptibility of the G. chodatiana specie for applications in early post-emergence, because the control effectiveness and the number of effective herbicides are reduced with increasing the plant age. Many treatments with tank mix or sequencial applications with glyphosate, were effective in controlling B. latifolia and R. brasiliensis plants in advanced stage of development.


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The presence of weeds decreases the crop yield. Among the alternatives to reduce the crop yield loss, it can be included to increase the competitive ability of the crop and the chemical control of the weeds. A research program was developed in the course of Agronomy at Federal Technological University at Paraná, Campus Pato Branco - PR, during the years 2015/16, with the objectives evaluating if gibberellin inhibitors increase the competitive ability of bean plants, making them insensitive to the initialism, extending the period prior to weed-crop interference. Evaluate the tolerance of common bean plants to the herbicide ethoxysulfuron and investigate the existence of relationship between the plant mass and the level of tolerance of the plants to the herbicide. Evaluate the effect of increasing doses of ethoxysulfuron on morphological characteristics, yield components and grain yield of the bean cultivars IPR Tangará and IPR Andorinha. Evaluate the effect of increasing doses of ethoxysulfuron on the development of IAC Imperador and the community of weeds present in the area. Elucidate the mechanism that confers tolerance to bean plants to the herbicide ethoxysulfuron. The results indicate that gibberellin inhibitors were not effective in increasing periods of weed-crop coexistence. Trinexapac-ethyl increased 20% the grain yield of bean plants. It was observed high variability as the response of bean cultivars to the herbicide ethoxysulfuron, however, despite high doses (200 g ha-1), it was not observed death of the plants. The field results indicate that when the ethoxysulfuron dose is 83.2 g ha-1, the reduction in grain yield can reach 40% with the cultivar IPR Tangará and 30% in the cultivar IPR Andorinha. However, respectively for each cultivar cited, ethoxysulfuron at 17 and 12 g ha-1 are enough to reduce 10% of grain yield. Evaluating the control of weeds within the bean crop cultivar IAC Imperador with the herbicide ethoxysulfuron, it was observed that doses at 20 g ha-1 are enough to control soybean and Ipomoea spp. plants. But, due to the level of plant injury, the crop grain yield increase was not sufficient to match the one observed on the weed-free untreated control. The mechanism of tolerance of bean plants to ethoxysulfuron appears to be the herbicide degradation.


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The jabuticaba tree has great potential for commercial exploitation. However, its is very little used. This fact shows to be necessary to do studies that allow understand their growth behavior during the year and, if it is tolerant to frost. So that it can establish management strategies for cultivation in orchard. Other point, it is the fact that the long juvenile period of jabuticaba tree limits its use. However, many species have compound leaves that characterize them as functional compounds, what to posible its commercialization. If the leaf jabuticaba tree also present such nutraceutical compounds, this it may become an alternative source of income until the plant to start its yield. The objectives of this study were to analyze the growth behavior, the occurrence of flowering and fruit set, and the frost tolerance of jabuticaba tree genotypes present in the collection of Native Fruit from UTFPR – Câmpus Dois Vizinhos. Associated growth analysis was made evaluation of genetic divergence among these genotypes, checking the adaptive behavior in orchard condition through adaptability and stability analysis based on growth measures to stem and shoots; estimating the repeatability coefficient of stem length of characters and primary shoots, and determine the minimum number of evaluations able to provide certain levels of prediction of the actual value of these individuals. Also determined the genetic divergence among genotypes as the leaves of antioxidant activity by DPPH and ABTS methods, as well as the determination of total phenolics. The genotypes studied were put in orchard in 2009. The growth response in the three cycles was variable between months and genotypes, what it can be difficult the practices in the orchard if it do not use clones. Genotypes 'Silvestre' and 'Açú' showed greater width and leaf area compared with other genotypes, but such behavior is not favored for increased stem growth and primary shoots. Foliar increments in most genotypes occurred in the fall for leaf width, spring for length and leaf area, despite the winter also arise with genotypes, it showed superiority to width and leaf area. Most jabuticabas trees were juvenile stage with only four starting at its transition between the vegetative and reproductive phase. Tolerance to frost was observed in 26 families jabuticabeira of the 29 present in the collection. The diversity among the genotypes was to change with the time, already in each cycle, there was the formation of different groups by the methods used. The methods tested for adaptability and stability of the jabuticaba tree growth behavior did not show the same pattern in the results. The number of measurements needed to predict the actual value of genotypes based on variables evaluated was approximately one to the stem length and four for the shoots based on the method of main components of covariance with 90% probability. he antioxidant activity of the extracts of leaves of jabuticaba tree genotypes were demonstrated high when compared to other species by methods DPPH and ABTS, as well as the amount of phenolic compounds. Genotype 'Silvestre' and 'IAPAR' showed the highest antioxidant activity in the leaves. However, the genetic divergence among genotypes jabuticaba tree from collection of Native Fruit trees at UTFPR - Câmpus Dois Vizinhos for antioxidant activity leaves showed that they have great homogeneity among them and the low divergence. However, it is recommended as possible hybridization the use as parents, José 4, IAPAR 4 and Fernando Xavier genotypes.


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The environmental pollution caused by industries has increased the concentration of pollutants in the environment, especially in water. Among the most diverse contaminants, there is the metals, who may or may not to be heavy/toxic, causing effluent of difficult treatment when in low concentrations. The search for alternative measures of wastewater effluent treatment has led to studies using phytoremediation technique through the various matrices (plant, fungi, bacteria) as means of polishing treatment to remove contaminants by means of biosorption/bioaccumulation. In order to use the phytoremediation technique for removing metals of the environmental, it have been performed bioassay with the macrophyte Pistia stratiotes. The bioassays were realized with healthy plants of P. stratiotes acclimatized in a greenhouse, at room temperature and lighting conditions during 28 days of cultivate. The cultivations were performed in glass vessels containing 1 L of the hydroponic solution with chromium (VI) in the potassium dichromate form with concentration range 0.10 to 4.90 mg L-1. The experiments were performed by Outlining Central Composite Rotational (OCCR), where the kinetics of bioaccumulation and chlorophyll a fluorescence were monitored in plants of P. stratiotes during cultivation. The collections of the samples and cultive solution were performed according to the OCCR. The chromium levels were measured in samples of P. stratiotes and the remaining solutions by the methodology of atomic absorption spectrometry by flame. The tolerance of P. stratiotes in relation to exposure to chromium (VI) was analyzed by parameters of physiological activity by means of chlorophyll a fluorescence, using the portable fluorometer PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulation). The development of P. stratiots and their biomass were related to the time factor, while bioaccumulation capacities were strongly influenced by factors of time and chromium concentration (VI). The chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were affected by chromium and the exposure time at the bioassays. It was obtained an higher metal removal from the root in relation to the sheet, reaching a high rate of metal removal in solution. The experimental data removal kinetics were represented by kinetic models Irreversibly Langmuir, Reversible Langmuir, Pseudo-first Order and Pseudo-second Order, and the best fit for the culture solution was the Reversible Langmuir model with R² 0.993 and for the plant the best model was Pseudo-second order with R² 0.760.