966 resultados para Time Scale


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Dados sedimentológicos e hidrodinâmicos foram utilizados para estudar a dinâmica sedimentar da margem interna da restinga da Marambaia (baía de Sepetiba, Rio de Janeiro, SE Brasil). Foram realizadas três campanhas amostrais para coleta de sedimentos ao longo da restinga da Marambaia e na área submersa adjacente. Adicionalmente, em dezembro de 2013, três fundeios simultâneos para aquisição de dados hidrodinâmicos foram conduzidos paralelamente à restinga, ao longo da profundidade média de 6,5 metros. As medições abrangeram dois ciclos de maré (25 horas), incluindo perfilagem com CTDs, perfilagem correntométrica e coleta de amostras de água para determinação das concentrações do material particulado em suspensão. A partir do processamento das amostras de sedimentos em laboratório, foram obtidos os parâmetros estatísticos (média, desvio-padrão e assimetria) para o detalhamento da caracterização sedimentológica da área de estudo, bem como a aplicação de um modelo de tendência direcional de transporte de sedimentos (GisedTrend). A restinga apresenta areias médias e bem selecionadas, enquanto as amostras coletadas na porção submersa, em profundidades maiores que 2 m, passam de areias finas e bem selecionadas a siltes finos e mal selecionados em maiores profundidades. Quatro casos de tendência de transporte foram explorados em um total de 14 possibilidades e os mais significativos foram analisados com o intuito de identificar áreas de acumulação e remoção de sedimentos, podendo estar associados aos processos responsáveis pelo transporte de sedimentos, tais como correntes geradas pelos ventos locais, marés e dispersão de plumas de sedimentos em suspensão. Os dados hidrodinâmicos, durante o período amostrado, permitiram observar o complexo padrão de circulação existente, especialmente na área adjacente à área central da restinga. Dentre as observações realizadas, verificou-se a ocorrência de assimetria da maré, fato já documentado em trabalhos anteriores conduzidos próximo ao principal canal de acesso à baia, com períodos de enchente mais curtos e períodos de vazante mais longos. Diferentemente do que foi reportado nestes trabalhos, os períodos de vazante foram associados às correntes de maior intensidade. As concentrações de material particulado em suspensão situaram-se, em média, entre 10 e 20 mg/L tanto em superfície como próximo ao fundo; no entanto, suas variações temporais não apresentaram qualquer relação com as fases da maré. Possíveis áreas de convergência e divergência da circulação / células de transporte de sedimentos foram identificadas e comparadas aos vetores de tendência de transporte obtidos através do modelo GisedTrend, com resultados satisfatórios.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): In this study we use ocean and atmosphere datasets from observations and from an ocean general circulation model integration to examine decadal time scale variability that is centered in the Pacific basin. We know that decadal variability is likely to have a strong expression in the Pacific basin; for example, a marked "shift" of cool season climate in the mid-1970s introduced major changes in Pacific SST and atmospheric circulation, along with many other physical and biological properties.


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Many insects with smooth adhesive pads can rapidly enlarge their contact area by centripetal pulls on the legs, allowing them to cope with sudden mechanical perturbations such as gusts of wind or raindrops. The short time scale of this reaction excludes any neuromuscular control; it is thus more likely to be caused by mechanical properties of the pad's specialized cuticle. This soft cuticle contains numerous branched fibrils oriented almost perpendicularly to the surface. Assuming a fixed volume of the water-filled cuticle, we hypothesized that pulls could decrease the fibril angle, thereby helping the contact area to expand laterally and longitudinally. Three-dimensional fluorescence microscopy on the cuticle of smooth stick insect pads confirmed that pulls significantly reduced the fibril angle. However, the fibril angle variation appeared insufficient to explain the observed increase in contact area. Direct strain measurements in the contact zone demonstrated that pulls not only expand the cuticle laterally, but also add new contact area at the pad's outer edge.


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We use multispeckle diffusive wave spectroscopy to probe the micron-scale dynamics of a water-saturated granular pile submitted to discrete gentle taps. The typical time scale between plastic events is found to increase dramatically with the number of applied taps. Furthermore, this microscopic dynamics weakly depends on the solid fraction of the sample. This process is largely analogous to the aging phenomenon observed in thermal glassy systems. We propose a heuristic model where this slowing-down mechanism is associated with a slow evolution of the distribution of the contact forces between particles. This model accounts for the main features of the observed dynamics.


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Amplitude demodulation is an ill-posed problem and so it is natural to treat it from a Bayesian viewpoint, inferring the most likely carrier and envelope under probabilistic constraints. One such treatment is Probabilistic Amplitude Demodulation (PAD), which, whilst computationally more intensive than traditional approaches, offers several advantages. Here we provide methods for estimating the uncertainty in the PAD-derived envelopes and carriers, and for learning free-parameters like the time-scale of the envelope. We show how the probabilistic approach can naturally handle noisy and missing data. Finally, we indicate how to extend the model to signals which contain multiple modulators and carriers.


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Natural sounds are structured on many time-scales. A typical segment of speech, for example, contains features that span four orders of magnitude: Sentences ($\sim1$s); phonemes ($\sim10$−$1$ s); glottal pulses ($\sim 10$−$2$s); and formants ($\sim 10$−$3$s). The auditory system uses information from each of these time-scales to solve complicated tasks such as auditory scene analysis [1]. One route toward understanding how auditory processing accomplishes this analysis is to build neuroscience-inspired algorithms which solve similar tasks and to compare the properties of these algorithms with properties of auditory processing. There is however a discord: Current machine-audition algorithms largely concentrate on the shorter time-scale structures in sounds, and the longer structures are ignored. The reason for this is two-fold. Firstly, it is a difficult technical problem to construct an algorithm that utilises both sorts of information. Secondly, it is computationally demanding to simultaneously process data both at high resolution (to extract short temporal information) and for long duration (to extract long temporal information). The contribution of this work is to develop a new statistical model for natural sounds that captures structure across a wide range of time-scales, and to provide efficient learning and inference algorithms. We demonstrate the success of this approach on a missing data task.


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Auditory scene analysis is extremely challenging. One approach, perhaps that adopted by the brain, is to shape useful representations of sounds on prior knowledge about their statistical structure. For example, sounds with harmonic sections are common and so time-frequency representations are efficient. Most current representations concentrate on the shorter components. Here, we propose representations for structures on longer time-scales, like the phonemes and sentences of speech. We decompose a sound into a product of processes, each with its own characteristic time-scale. This demodulation cascade relates to classical amplitude demodulation, but traditional algorithms fail to realise the representation fully. A new approach, probabilistic amplitude demodulation, is shown to out-perform the established methods, and to easily extend to representation of a full demodulation cascade.


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Conceptual designs of lead-cooled and liquid salt-cooled fast flexible conversion ratio reactors were developed. The performance achievable by the unity conversion ratio cores of these reactors was compared to an existing supercritical carbon dioxide-cooled (S-CO2) fast reactor design and an uprated version of an existing sodium-cooled fast reactor. All concepts have cores rated at 2400 MWt. The cores of the liquid-cooled reactors are placed in a large-pool-type vessel with dual-free level, which also contains four intermediate heat exchangers (IHXs) coupling a primary coolant to a compact and efficient supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle power conversion system. The S-CO2 reactor is directly coupled to the S-CO2 Brayton cycle power conversion system. Decay heat is removed passively using an enhanced reactor vessel auxiliary cooling system (RVACS) and a passive secondary auxiliary cooling system (PSACS). The selection of the water-cooled versus air-cooled heat sink for the PSACS as well as the analysis of the probability that the PSACS may fail to complete its mission was performed using risk-informed methodology. In addition to these features, all reactors were designed to be self-controllable. Further, the liquid-cooled reactors utilized common passive decay heat removal systems whereas the S-CO2 uses reliable battery powered blowers for post-LOCA decay heat removal to provide flow in well defined regimes and to accommodate inadvertent bypass flows. The multiple design limits and challenges which constrained the execution of the four fast reactor concepts are elaborated. These include principally neutronics and materials challenges. The neutronic challenges are the large positive coolant reactivity feedback, small fuel temperature coefficient, small effective delayed neutron fraction, large reactivity swing and the transition between different conversion ratio cores. The burnup, temperature and fluence constraints on fuels, cladding and vessel materials are elaborated for three categories of material - materials currently available, available on a relatively short time scale and available only with significant development effort. The selected fuels are the metallic U-TRU-Zr (10% Zr) for unity conversion ratio and TRU-Zr (75% Zr) for zero conversion ratio. The principal selected cladding and vessel materials are HT-9 and A533 or A508, respectively, for current availability, T-91 and 9Cr-1Mo steel for relatively short-term availability and oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steel (ODS) available only with significant development. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of fluid-structure interaction simulations of an aerodynamic tension-cone supersonic decelerator prototype intended for large mass payload deployment in planetary explorations are discussed. The fluid-structure interaction computations combine large deformation analysis of thin shells with large-eddy simulation of compressible turbulent flows using a loosely coupled approach to enable quantification of the dynamics of the vehicle. The simulation results are compared with experiments carried out at the NASA Glenn Research Center. Reasonably good agreement between the simulations and the experiment is observed throughout a deflation cycle. The simulations help to illuminate the details of the dynamic progressive buckling of the tension-cone decelerator that ultimately results in the collapse of the structure as the inflation pressure is decreased. Furthermore, the tension-cone decelerator exhibits a transient oscillatory behavior under impulsive loading that ultimately dies out. The frequency of these oscillations was determined to be related to the acoustic time scale in the compressed subsonic region between the bow shock and the structure. As shown, when the natural frequency of the structure and the frequency of the compressed subsonic region approximately match, the decelerator exhibits relatively large nonaxisymetric oscillations. The observed response appears to be a fluid-structure interaction resonance resulting from an acoustic chamber (pistonlike) mode exciting the structure. Copyright © 2013 by Christopher Porter, R. Mark Rennie, Eric J. Jumper.


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A theoretical model of superradiant pulse generation in semiconductor laser structures is developed. It is shown that a high optical gain of the medium can overcome phase relaxation and results in a built-up superradiant state (macroscopic dipole) in an assembly of electron - hole pairs on a time scale much longer than the characteristic polarisation relaxation time T2. A criterion of the superradiance generation is the condition acmT2 > 1, where α is the gain coefficient and cm is the speed of light in the medium. The theoretical model describes both qualitatively and quantitatively the author's own experimental results.


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Bistable switches are frequently encountered in biological systems. Typically, a bistable switch models a binary decision where each decision corresponds to one of the two stable equilibria. Recently, we showed that the global decision-making process in bistable switches strongly depends on a particular equilibrium point of these systems, their saddle point. In particular, we showed that a saddle point with a time-scale separation between its attractive and repulsive directions can delay the decision-making process. In this paper, we study the effects of white Gaussian noise on this mechanism of delayed decision-making induced by the saddle point. Results show that the mean decision-time strongly depends on the balance between the initial distance to the separatrix and the noise strength. © IFAC.


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A quantum chemistry based Green's function formulation of long-range charge transfer in deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA) double helix is proposed. The theory takes into account the effects of DNA's electronic structure and its incoherent interaction with aqueous surroundings. In the implementation, the electronic tight-binding parameters for unsolvated DNA molecules are determined at the HF/6-31G* level, while those for individual nucleobase-water couplings are at a semiempirical level by fitting with experimental redox potentials. Numerical results include that: (i) the oxidative charge initially at the donor guanine site does hop sequentially over all guanine sites; however, the revealed rates can be of a much weaker distance dependence than that described by the ordinary Ohm's law; (ii) the aqueous surroundings-induced partial incoherences in thymine/adenine bridge bases lead them to deviate substantially from the superexchange regime; (iii) the time scale of the partially incoherent hole transport through the thymine/adenine pi stack in DNA is about 5 ps. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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The not only lower but also uniform MEMS chip temperatures can he reached by selecting suitable boiling number range that ensures the nucleate boiling heat transfer. In this article, boiling heat transfer experiments in 10 silicon triangular microchannels with the hydraulic diameter of 55.4 mu m were performed using acetone as the working fluid, having the inlet liquid temperatures of 24-40 degrees C, mass fluxes of 96-360 kg/m(2)s, heat fluxes of 140-420 kW/m(2), and exit vapor mass qualities of 0.28-0.70. The above data range correspond to the boiling number from 1.574 x 10(-3) to 3.219 x 10(-3) and ensure the perfect nucleate boiling heat transfer region, providing a very uniform chip temperature distribution in both streamline and transverse directions. The boiling heat transfer coefficients determined by the infrared radiator image system were found to he dependent on the heat Axes only, not dependent on the mass Axes and the vapor mass qualities covering the above data range. The high-speed flow visualization shows that the periodic flow patterns take place inside the microchannel in the time scale of milliseconds, consisting of liquid refilling stage, bubble nucleation, growth and coalescence stage, and transient liquid film evaporation stage in a full cycle. The paired or triplet bubble nucleation sites can occur in the microchannel corners anywhere along the flow direction, accounting for the nucleate boiling heat transfer mode. The periodic boiling process is similar to a series of bubble nucleation, growth, and departure followed by the liquid refilling in a single cavity for the pool boiling situation. The chip temperature difference across the whole two-phase area is found to he small in a couple of degrees, providing a better thermal management scheme for the high heat flux electronic components. Chen's [11 widely accepted correlation for macrochannels and Bao et al.'s [21 correlation obtained in a copper capillary tube with the inside diameter of 1.95 mm using R11 and HCFC123 as working fluids can predict the present experimental data with accepted accuracy. Other correlations fail to predict the correct heat transfer coefficient trends. New heat transfer correlations are also recommended.


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A novel ultra-wideband electromagnetic pulse generating method based on the photoconductive semiconductor switches (PCSS) is presented. Gallium arsenide is used to develop the PCSS for an ultrashort electromagnetic pulse source. The pulse generated by such PCSS is within picosecond (ps) time scale, and can yield power pulse with an voltage over 10 kV. The experimental results show that the pulses are stable, with the peak-peak amplitude change of 6% and the time jitter within several picoseconds. The radiations of the PCSS triggered by the picosecond laser and fenitosecond laser pulse series illustrate that the electromagnetic pulses would have high repetition of more than 80 MHz and frequency bandwidth of DC-6 GHz. The radiations of "lock-on " mode of the PCSS are also analyzed here. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Nonlinear wave equation for a one-dimensional anharmonic crystal lattice in terms of its microscopic parameters is obtained by means of a continuum approximation. Using a small time scale transformation, the nonlinear wave equation is reduced to a combined KdV equation and its single soliton solution yields the supersonic kink form of nonlinear elastic waves for the system.