997 resultados para Tiberio, Emperador de Roma
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJECTIVE: Differentiation between benign and malignant ovarian neoplasms is essential for creating a system for patient referrals. Therefore, the contributions of the tumor markers CA125 and human epididymis protein 4 (HE4) as well as the risk ovarian malignancy algorithm (ROMA) and risk malignancy index (RMI) values were considered individually and in combination to evaluate their utility for establishing this type of patient referral system. METHODS: Patients who had been diagnosed with ovarian masses through imaging analyses (n = 128) were assessed for their expression of the tumor markers CA125 and HE4. The ROMA and RMI values were also determined. The sensitivity and specificity of each parameter were calculated using receiver operating characteristic curves according to the area under the curve (AUC) for each method. RESULTS: The sensitivities associated with the ability of CA125, HE4, ROMA, or RMI to distinguish between malignant versus benign ovarian masses were 70.4%, 79.6%, 74.1%, and 63%, respectively. Among carcinomas, the sensitivities of CA125, HE4, ROMA (pre-and post-menopausal), and RMI were 93.5%, 87.1%, 80%, 95.2%, and 87.1%, respectively. The most accurate numerical values were obtained with RMI, although the four parameters were shown to be statistically equivalent. CONCLUSION: There were no differences in accuracy between CA125, HE4, ROMA, and RMI for differentiating between types of ovarian masses. RMI had the lowest sensitivity but was the most numerically accurate method. HE4 demonstrated the best overall sensitivity for the evaluation of malignant ovarian tumors and the differential diagnosis of endometriosis. All of the parameters demonstrated increased sensitivity when tumors with low malignancy potential were considered low-risk, which may be used as an acceptable assessment method for referring patients to reference centers.
This research aimed for an extended knowledge and understanding of young people in stigmatized areas and their construction of group identity. With a focus on Roma youths in Konik, Montenegro, and their involvement in hip-hop we wanted to explore what this culture meant to them in relation to their context. An ethnographic approach was used in collecting the empirical data through observations, interpreting music lyrics and conducting qualitative semi-structured interviews. Five young Roma boys from Konik, all involved in hip-hop, were interviewed. Theoretical perspectives on identity, youth culture and stigmatization were central. In addition, Bourdieu’s theory regarding cultural capital was emphasized and connected to youths and hip-hop. The empirical material showed that involvement in hip-hop provided the Roma youths with a group identity that they referred to in positive terms. Contextual factors of stigmatization excluded the Roma group from the majority population and the engagement in hip-hop created a possibility for the youths to be someone. The cultural capital gained through hip-hop was not used to verify and legitimate an authentic Roma identity. It was rather a way for them to create boundaries towards the negative elements in their community.
My research tells about the origins of Rome. I think that Rome became a civil community under king Tullus Hostilius who transformed a federation of villages in a city. Perhaps he retook a project of his grandfather, Hostus Hostilius. I think also that the tradition on the early Rome was elaborated by Servius Tullius’ court and his motivations must be researched in the relations between this king and Tarquin’s dynasty. Finally I formulated some particular theories on the comitia centuriata and their evolution and on the international politic of Servius Tullius.
La VI regio augustea di Roma rappresenta uno dei settori urbani maggiormente investiti dalle modifiche radicali compiute dall’uomo nel processo di urbanizzazione della città che ne hanno modificato profondamente la situazione altimetrica e la conformazione originaria. Questi notevoli cambiamenti ebbero origine sin dall’età antica, ma si intensificarono profondamente soprattutto nel periodo rinascimentale quando a partire da Pio IV e soprattutto con Sisto V, attivo in tante altre zone della città, si svilupparono numerose opere di rinnovamento urbanistico che incisero notevolmente sul volto e sulle caratteristiche della zona in esame. A partire dal Rinascimento fino ad arrivare ai grandi scavi della fine del 1800 tutto il quartiere incominciò a “popolarsi” di numerosi edifici di grande mole che andarono ad intaccare completamente le vestigia del periodo antico: la costruzione del Palazzo del Quirinale e dei vari palazzi nobiliari ma soprattutto la costruzione dei numerosi ministeri e della prima stazione Termini alla fine dell’800 comportarono numerosi sventramenti senza la produzione di una adeguata documentazione delle indagini di scavo. Questa ricerca intende ricostruire, in un’ottica diacronica, la topografia di uno dei quartieri centrali della Roma antica attraverso l’analisi dei principali fenomeni che contraddistinguono l’evoluzione del tessuto urbano sia per quanto riguarda le strutture pubbliche che in particolar modo quelle private. Infatti, il dato principale che emerge da questa ricerca è che questa regio si configura, a partire già dal periodo tardo-repubblicano, come un quartiere a vocazione prevalentemente residenziale, abitato soprattutto dall’alta aristocrazia appartenente alle più alte cariche dello Stato romano; oltre a domus ed insulae, sul Quirinale, vennero costruiti lungo il corso di tutta l’età repubblicana alcuni tra i più antichi templi della città che con la loro mole occuparono parte dello spazio collinare fino all’età tardoantica, rappresentando così una macroscopica e costante presenza nell’ingombro dello spazio edificato.