930 resultados para Third-order model


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Muitos biossorventes naturais têm sido pesquisados por possuírem baixo custo e apresentarem propriedades ligantes, como é o caso da macroalga marinha Sargassum filipendula (S. filipendula) que vem sendo utilizada como material biossorvente no processo de biossorção de metais pesados. No presente trabalho a alga marrom foi utilizada para estudos realizados em batelada, onde se determinou o pH ideal de biossorção de vanádio, a relação sólido/líquido ideal e a importância da velocidade de agitação. O estudo cinético e de equilíbrio dos íons metálicos também foram realizados em bateladas nas seguintes condições de ensaio: (1) 0,10 g de biomassa, 25,0 mL de solução de vanádio igual a 18,0 mg L-1, temperatura 25,0 C e 150 rpm de agitação; (2) 0,10 g de biomassa, 25,0 mL de solução de vanádio igual a 36,0 mg L-1, temperatura 25,0 C e 150 rpm de agitação. A melhor condição para biossorção de vanádio foi encontrada para 36,0 mg L-1 e pH= 2,0. O estudo cinético de biossorção de vanádio mostrou que o modelo de segunda ordem descreve melhor os dados experimentais em 36,0 mg L-1 (R2= 0,9825). O estudo de equilíbrio mostrou um perfil crescente de remoção de vanádio. A melhor eficiência de captação dos íons de vanádio foi de 61,0 % para Co= 40,0 mg L-1 em pH= 2,0. Os dados experimentais da isoterma de vanádio mostraram-se mais adequados ao modelo de Langmuir para pH= 2,0, Os parâmetros de equilíbrio calculados a partir do modelo de Langmuir (b, qmax ) 0,009 e 43,3 mg/g, respectivamente, corroboram melhor para a interpretação dos resultados quando comparados com o modelo de Freundlich (kF, n) 1,56 e 2,41, visto que o coeficiente de correlação é maior para Langmuir


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Part I

A study of the thermal reaction of water vapor and parts-per-million concentrations of nitrogen dioxide was carried out at ambient temperature and at atmospheric pressure. Nitric oxide and nitric acid vapor were the principal products. The initial rate of disappearance of nitrogen dioxide was first order with respect to water vapor and second order with respect to nitrogen dioxide. An initial third-order rate constant of 5.5 (± 0.29) x 104 liter2 mole-2 sec-1 was found at 25˚C. The rate of reaction decreased with increasing temperature. In the temperature range of 25˚C to 50˚C, an activation energy of -978 (± 20) calories was found.

The reaction did not go to completion. From measurements as the reaction approached equilibrium, the free energy of nitric acid vapor was calculated. This value was -18.58 (± 0.04) kilocalories at 25˚C.

The initial rate of reaction was unaffected by the presence of oxygen and was retarded by the presence of nitric oxide. There were no appreciable effects due to the surface of the reactor. Nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide were monitored by gas chromatography during the reaction.

Part II

The air oxidation of nitric oxide, and the oxidation of nitric oxide in the presence of water vapor, were studied in a glass reactor at ambient temperatures and at atmospheric pressure. The concentration of nitric oxide was less than 100 parts-per-million. The concentration of nitrogen dioxide was monitored by gas chromatography during the reaction.

For the dry oxidation, the third-order rate constant was 1.46 (± 0.03) x 104 liter2 mole-2 sec-1 at 25˚C. The activation energy, obtained from measurements between 25˚C and 50˚C, was -1.197 (±0.02) kilocalories.

The presence of water vapor during the oxidation caused the formation of nitrous acid vapor when nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide and water vapor combined. By measuring the difference between the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide during the wet and dry oxidations, the rate of formation of nitrous acid vapor was found. The third-order rate constant for the formation of nitrous acid vapor was equal to 1.5 (± 0.5) x 105 liter2 mole-2 sec-1 at 40˚C. The reaction rate did not change measurably when the temperature was increased to 50˚C. The formation of nitric acid vapor was prevented by keeping the concentration of nitrogen dioxide low.

Surface effects were appreciable for the wet tests. Below 35˚C, the rate of appearance of nitrogen dioxide increased with increasing surface. Above 40˚C, the effect of surface was small.


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The pulse compression induced by cross-phase modulation in birefringent dispersion decreasing fiber is discussed theoretically by solving the coupled Schrodinger equations which include the contribution of the high-order non-linear effects, and third-order dispersion. In particular, it is found that a high quality compressed signal pulse can be obtained by a pump pulse of low intense through the technique. The dependence of optimum compression on the non-linear factor N, time delay tau(d) and the dispersive ratio f is also discussed in detail. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Com o aumento do rigor para descarte de efluentes contaminado com metais pesados, as pesquisas têm se intensificado na busca de métodos de remoção, que tragam bons resultados de captação dos metais, aliado a um baixo custo. O uso de biomassas como bactérias, fungos e algas marinhas como material adsorvente, tem se apresentado como uma alternativa, principalmente para soluções com baixo teor de metais. Neste trabalho, a alga marinha Sargassum filipendula foi avaliada na sua capacidade de remoção do metal tório de uma solução sintética e do efluente dos laboratórios de análises ambientais do IRD. A cinética desta biossorção foi estudada em regime de batelada e o equilíbrio foi alcançado com 180 min de reação. Dois modelos cinéticos foram utilizados nesta avaliação, um de primeira ordem e um modelo de pseudo segunda ordem, tendo o modelo de segunda ordem apresentado um melhor ajuste dos dados. Na avaliação da capacidade máxima de captação do tório pela biomassa marinha em regime de batelada, foi construída a isoterma que apresentou um perfil crescente na captação alcançando um máximo de 2,59 mol/g. Os modelos de Langmuir e Freundlich foram utilizados para ajustar os dados da isoterma, tendo apresentado maior correlação com os dados o modelo de Langmuir, resultando num valor de captação máxima calculado pelo modelo de 2,92 mol/g. A capacidade de remoção do metal tório da alga Sargassum filipendula também foi avaliada em regime contínuo. Um estudo de altura crítica de leito foi realizado preenchendo-se uma coluna com diferentes massas de alga correspondendo a diferentes alturas de leito. A concentração de tório residual foi quantificada na solução de saída e a menor concentração na saída foi alcançada com 40 cm de leito ou 96 g de biomassa. Após este estudo um sistema contínuo com duas colunas, com 96 g de biomassa cada, e uma bomba peristáltica foi utilizado para o tratamento do efluente real do IRD, contendo não apenas o metal tório, mas outros metais como urânio, cálcio, cromo, ferro, chumbo, etc. Cento e cinco litros de efluente foram tratados numa concentração de 6 mg/L, a concentração do efluente de saída foi de 3,75 mg/L. A caracterização do efluente quanto aos metais presentes foi realizada em ICP-MS, os resultados demonstraram que não houve competição pelos sítios ligantes da biomassa entre o tório e os demais metais. Além disso, alguns metais como cálcio, ferro e magnésio, tiveram um aumento na concentração de saída indicando a presença do mecanismo de troca iônica na biossorção do tório por Sargassum filipendula


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The present work deals with the problem of the interaction of the electromagnetic radiation with a statistical distribution of nonmagnetic dielectric particles immersed in an infinite homogeneous isotropic, non-magnetic medium. The wavelength of the incident radiation can be less, equal or greater than the linear dimension of a particle. The distance between any two particles is several wavelengths. A single particle in the absence of the others is assumed to scatter like a Rayleigh-Gans particle, i.e. interaction between the volume elements (self-interaction) is neglected. The interaction of the particles is taken into account (multiple scattering) and conditions are set up for the case of a lossless medium which guarantee that the multiple scattering contribution is more important than the self-interaction one. These conditions relate the wavelength λ and the linear dimensions of a particle a and of the region occupied by the particles D. It is found that for constant λ/a, D is proportional to λ and that |Δχ|, where Δχ is the difference in the dielectric susceptibilities between particle and medium, has to lie within a certain range.

The total scattering field is obtained as a series the several terms of which represent the corresponding multiple scattering orders. The first term is a single scattering term. The ensemble average of the total scattering intensity is then obtained as a series which does not involve terms due to products between terms of different orders. Thus the waves corresponding to different orders are independent and their Stokes parameters add.

The second and third order intensity terms are explicitly computed. The method used suggests a general approach for computing any order. It is found that in general the first order scattering intensity pattern (or phase function) peaks in the forward direction Θ = 0. The second order tends to smooth out the pattern giving a maximum in the Θ = π/2 direction and minima in the Θ = 0 , Θ = π directions. This ceases to be true if ka (where k = 2π/λ) becomes large (> 20). For large ka the forward direction is further enhanced. Similar features are expected from the higher orders even though the critical value of ka may increase with the order.

The first order polarization of the scattered wave is determined. The ensemble average of the Stokes parameters of the scattered wave is explicitly computed for the second order. A similar method can be applied for any order. It is found that the polarization of the scattered wave depends on the polarization of the incident wave. If the latter is elliptically polarized then the first order scattered wave is elliptically polarized, but in the Θ = π/2 direction is linearly polarized. If the incident wave is circularly polarized the first order scattered wave is elliptically polarized except for the directions Θ = π/2 (linearly polarized) and Θ = 0, π (circularly polarized). The handedness of the Θ = 0 wave is the same as that of the incident whereas the handedness of the Θ = π wave is opposite. If the incident wave is linearly polarized the first order scattered wave is also linearly polarized. The second order makes the total scattered wave to be elliptically polarized for any Θ no matter what the incident wave is. However, the handedness of the total scattered wave is not altered by the second order. Higher orders have similar effects as the second order.

If the medium is lossy the general approach employed for the lossless case is still valid. Only the algebra increases in complexity. It is found that the results of the lossless case are insensitive in the first order of kimD where kim = imaginary part of the wave vector k and D a linear characteristic dimension of the region occupied by the particles. Thus moderately extended regions and small losses make (kimD)2 ≪ 1 and the lossy character of the medium does not alter the results of the lossless case. In general the presence of the losses tends to reduce the forward scattering.


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O uso de biomassas para biossorção de metais pesados é bem documentado na literatura e vários tipos de espécies de microrganismos e algas já foram testados. A maior parte destes trabalhos foi realizada com biomassa seca para prevenir qualquer resposta metabólica indesejável. Vários estudos na literatura sugerem o uso de biomassa seca sobre condições moderadas, tais como secagem ao sol; por outro lado, vários trabalhos recomendam a faixa de 313K a 353K para garantir completa inativação da biomassa. O efeito da biomassa seca ao sol a 303K e seca a 333K em estufa na remoção de Cd2+ é aqui reportado. A avaliação dos resultados foi baseada na cinética e capacidade de remoção do metal pela alga Sargassum filipendula. Os resultados indicam que a adsorção máxima de metal não foi notadamente reduzida quando a biomassa seca em estufa foi usada, para concentrações de cádmio na faixa de 10,0 a 500,0 mg L-1. O estudo cinético realizado indicou que o modelo de pseudo segunda ordem ajustou melhor os dados experimentais, tanto para uma solução diluída (10 mg L-1) quanto para a concentrada (100 mg L-1). Em ambos os casos, os efeitos da secagem em estufa, a 60C refletiu-se suavemente na remoção do metal. Os dados experimentais foram melhor ajustados pelo modelo de Langmuir em comparação com o modelo de Freundlich. Análises termogravimétricas mostraram que não havia dano estrutural no biossorvente devido à secagem em estufa. O espectro de infravermelho não indicou diferença entre a biomassa in natura e seca. O efeito da temperatura na biossorção do metal significativo na faixa de 303K a 328K, refletindo-se na capacidade de remoção do cádmio


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The non-resonant third-order non-linear optical properties of amorphous Ge20As25Se55 films were studied experimentally by the method of the femtosecond optical heterodyne detection of optical Kerr effect. The real and imaginary parts of complex third-order optical non-linearity could be effectively separated and their values and signs could be also determined, which were 6.6 x 10(-12) and -2.4 x 10(-12) esu, respectively. Amorphous Ge20As25Se55 films showed a very fast response in the range of 200 fs under ultrafast excitation. The ultrafast response and large third-order non-linearity are attributed to the ultrafast distortion of the electron orbitals surrounding the average positions of the nucleus of Ge, As and Se atoms. The high third-order susceptibility and a fast response time of amorphous Ge20As25Se55 films makes it a promising material for application in advanced techniques especially in optical switching. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The results of the femtosecond optical heterodyne detection of optical Kerr effect at 805 nm with the 80 fs ultrafast pulses in amorphous Ge10As40S30Se20 film is reported in this paper. The film shows an optical non-linear response of: 200 fs under ultrafast 80 fs-pulse excitation and the values of real and imaginary parts of non-linear susceptibility chi((3)) were 9.0 X 10(-12) and -4.0 X 10(-12) esu, respectively. The large third-order non-linearity and ultrafast response are attributed to the ultrafast distortion of the electron orbits surrounding the average positions of the nucleus of Ge, As, S and Se atoms. This Ge10As40S30Se20 chalcogenide glass would be expected as a promising material for optical switching technique. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The results of the femtosecond optical heterodyne detection of optical Kerr effect at 805 am with the 80 fs ultrafast pulses in amorphous Ge10As40S30Se20 film is reported in this Letter. The film shows an optical nonlinear response of 200 fs under ultrafast 80 fs-pulse excitation, and the values of real and imaginary parts of nonlinear susceptibility chi((3)) were 9.0 x 10(-12) esu and -4.0 x 10(-12) esu respectively. The large third-order nonlinearity and ultrafast response are attributed to the ultrafast distortion of the electron orbits surrounding the average positions of the nucleus of Ge, As, S and Se atoms. This Ge10As40S30Se20 chalcogenide glass would be expected as a promising material for optical switching technique.


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In this paper the magnetic and magneto-optical properties of amorphous rare earth-transition metal (RE-TM) alloys as well as the magnetic coupling in the multi-layer thin films for high density optical data storage are presented. Using magnetic effect in scanning tunneling microscopy the clusters structure of amorphous RE-TM thin films has been observed and the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in amorphous RE-TM thin films has been interpreted. Experimental results of quick phase transformation under short pulse laser irradiation of amorphous semiconductor and metallic alloy thin films for phase change optical recording are reported. A step-by-step phase transformation process through metastable states has been observed. The waveform of crystallization propagation in micro-size spot during laser recording in amorphous semiconductor thin films is characterized and quick recording and erasing mechanism for optical data storage with high performance are discussed. The nonlinear optical effects in amorphous alloy thin films have been studied. By photo-thermal effect or third order optical nonlinearity, the optical self-focusing is observed in amorphous mask thin films. The application of amorphous thin films with super-resolution near field structure for high-density optical data storage is performed. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Glasses with compositions 50Bi2O3-xB2O3- (50-x)SiO2(x=0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50) in mol% have been prepared by using a normal melt-quench technique. The effect of SiO2 addition on thermal stability, optical properties and structural characteristic on Bi2O3-B2O3 glass were systematically investigated by using XRD, DTA, ultraviolet-visible transmittance spectra, midinfrared transmittance spectra and Raman spectra. The experimental results demonstrate that, with the addition of SiO2, thermal stability of glass samples has been obviously improved. Once the amount of SiO2 is too much, the glass samples tend to be phase seperation which results in the decrease of thermal stability. With increasing SiO2 content, the UV cutoff edge firstly shifts to short-wave band and then shifts to long-wave band, and the transmittance of mid-infrared has been greatly improved. With substitution of SiO2 for B2O3, the [BO3] triangles and [BO4] tetrahedral groups are gradually replaced by [SiO4]. [BiO6] octahedral and [SiO4] tetrahedral units are connected forming a vibrational mode of Bi-O-Si. The physical chemistry and optical performance of Bi2O3-B2O3 glass were greatly improved by addition of SiO2.


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We obtain Au and Ag nanoparticles precipitated in glasses by irradiation of focused femtosecond pulses, and investigate the nonlinear absorptions of the glasses by using Z-scan technique with ns pulses at 532 nm. We observe the saturable absorption behavior for An nanoparticles precipitated glasses and the reverse saturable ones for Ag ones. We also obtain, by fitting to the experimental results in the light of the local field effect near and away from the surface plasmon resonance, chi(m)((3)) = 4.5 x 10(-7) and 5.9 x 10(-8) esu for m the imaginary parts of the third-order susceptibilities for Au and Ag nanoparticles, respectively. The nonlinear response of Au nanoparticles in the glass samples arises mainly from the hot-electron contribution and the saturation of the interband transitions near the surface plasmon resonance, whereas that of Ag nanoparticles in the glass samples from the interband transitions. These show that the obtained glasses can be used as optoelectronic devices suiting for different demands. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A identificação de danos estruturais é uma questão de fundamental importância na engenharia, visto que uma estrutura está sujeita a processos de deterioração e a ocorrência de danos durante a sua vida útil. A presença de danos compromete o desempenho e a integridade estrutural, podendo colocar vidas humanas em risco e resultam em perdas econômicas consideráveis. Técnicas de identificação de danos estruturais e monitoramento de estruturas fundamentadas no ajuste de um Modelo de Elementos Finitos (MEF) são constantes na literatura especializada. No entanto, a obtenção de um problema geralmente mal posto e o elevado custo computacional, inerente a essas técnicas, limitam ou até mesmo inviabilizam a sua aplicabilidade em estruturas que demandam um modelo de ordem elevada. Para contornar essas dificuldades, na formulação do problema de identificação de danos, pode-se utilizar o Modelo de Superfície de Reposta (MSR) em substituição a um MEF da estrutura. No presente trabalho, a identificação de danos estruturais considera o ajuste de um MSR da estrutura, objetivando-se a minimização de uma função de erro definida a partir das frequências naturais experimentais e das correspondentes frequências previstas pelo MSR. Estuda-se o problema de identificação de danos estruturais em uma viga de Euler-Bernoulli simplesmente apoiada, considerando as frequências naturais na formulação do problema inverso. O comportamento de uma viga de Euler-Bernoulli simplesmente apoiada na presença de danos é analisado, com intuito de se verificar as regiões onde a identificação dos mesmos pode apresentar maior dificuldade. No processo de identificação de danos, do presente trabalho, são avaliados os tipos de superfícies de resposta, após uma escolha apropriada do tipo de superfície de resposta a ser utilizado, determina-se a superfície de resposta considerando os dados experimentais selecionados a partir do projeto ótimo de experimentos. A utilização do método Evolução Diferencial (ED) no problema inverso de identificação de danos é considerado inerente aos resultados numéricos obtidos, a estratégia adotada mostrou-se capaz de localizar e quantificar os danos com elevada acurácia, mostrando a potencialidade do modelo de identificação de danos proposto.