377 resultados para Thesaurus
Accompanied by "Supplementum 1911-1940 [di] R. Ciferri." (4 v. 25 cm.) Published: Papia, Cortina, 1957-60.
The Everglades Online Thesaurus is a structured vocabulary of concepts and terms relating to the south Florida environment. Designed as an information management tool for both researchers and metadata creators, the Thesaurus is intended to improve information retrieval across the many disparate information systems, databases, and web sites that provide Everglades-related information. The vocabulary provided by the Everglades Online Thesaurus expresses each relevant concept using a single ‘preferred term’, whereas in natural language many terms may exist to express that same concept. In this way, the Thesaurus offers the possibility of standardizing the terminology used to describe Everglades-related information — an important factor in predictable and successful resource discovery.
This paper investigates how far it is possible to assess the degree of penetration of French-origin lexis into Middle English by means of the structures and data of the Bilingual Thesaurus of Medieval England. It begins with an outline of the aim and scope of the project, describing some of the methodological decisions behind the creation of the Bilingual Thesaurus, such as the use of the Middle English Dictionary and the Anglo Norman Dictionary as sources. Some provisional findings relating to Middle English words of French-origin in the semantic domains of Manufacture, in particular the sub-domains of Metal-working and Woodworking, and Travel by Water are then presented.
D. Marco Marino Brixiano Can. Reg. D. Salvatoris Auctore
This thesis demonstrates a new methodology for the linguistic analysis of literature drawing on the data within The Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary (2009). Developing ideas laid out by Carol McGuirk in her book Robert Burns and the Sentimental Era (1985), this study offers a novel approach to the cultural connections present in the sentimental literature of the eighteenth century, with specific reference to Robert Burns. In doing so, it responds to the need to “stop reading Burns through glossaries and start reading him through dictionaries, thesauruses and histories”, as called for by Murray Pittock (2012). Beginning by situating the methodology in linguistic theory, this thesis goes on firstly to illustrate the ways in which such an approach can be deployed to assess existing literary critical ideas. The first chapter does this testing by examining McGuirk’s book, while simultaneously grounding the study in the necessary contextual background. Secondly, this study investigates, in detail, two aspects of Burns’s sentimental persona construction. Beginning with his open letter ‘The Address of the Scotch Distillers’ and its sentimental use of the language of the Enlightenment, and moving on to one of Burns’s personas in his letters to George Thomson, this section illustrates the importance of persona construction in Burns’s sentimental ethos. Finally, a comprehensive, evidence-based, comparison of linguistic trends examines the extent to which similar sentimental language is used by Burns and Henry Mackenzie, Laurence Sterne, William Shenstone and Samuel Richardson. This thesis shows how this new methodology is a valuable new tool for those involved in literary scholarship. For the first time in any comprehensive way the Historical Thesaurus can be harnessed to make new arguments in literary criticism.
2003 Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Proceedings appear in both print and online form. In order to aid search and retrieval of this growing body of research a researchers at the University of Washington and Siderean Software have started a metadata thesaurus. This poster reports on those efforts.
This paper presents the results from a study of information behaviors in the context of people's everyday lives undertaken in order to develop an integrated model of information behavior (IB). 34 participants from across 6 countries maintained a daily information journal or diary – mainly through a secure web log – for two weeks, to an aggregate of 468 participant days over five months. The text-rich diary data was analyzed using a multi-method qualitative-quantitative analysis in the following order: Grounded Theory analysis with manual coding, automated concept analysis using thesaurus-based visualization, and finally a statistical analysis of the coding data. The findings indicate that people engage in several information behaviors simultaneously throughout their everyday lives (including home and work life) and that sense-making is entangled in all aspects of them. Participants engaged in many of the information behaviors in a parallel, distributed, and concurrent fashion: many information behaviors for one information problem, one information behavior across many information problems, and many information behaviors concurrently across many information problems. Findings indicate also that information avoidance – both active and passive avoidance – is a common phenomenon and that information organizing behaviors or the lack thereof caused the most problems for participants. An integrated model of information behaviors is presented based on the findings.
Measures of semantic similarity between medical concepts are central to a number of techniques in medical informatics, including query expansion in medical information retrieval. Previous work has mainly considered thesaurus-based path measures of semantic similarity and has not compared different corpus-driven approaches in depth. We evaluate the effectiveness of eight common corpus-driven measures in capturing semantic relatedness and compare these against human judged concept pairs assessed by medical professionals. Our results show that certain corpus-driven measures correlate strongly (approx 0.8) with human judgements. An important finding is that performance was significantly affected by the choice of corpus used in priming the measure, i.e., used as evidence from which corpus-driven similarities are drawn. This paper provides guidelines for the implementation of semantic similarity measures for medical informatics and concludes with implications for medical information retrieval.
Tutkielma käsittelee cubiculum-nimistä huonetilaa roomalaisessa kirjallisuudessa. Cubiculum-termin määrittelyn pohjana on antiikin latinankielinen kirjallisuus ja työn tarkoituksena on selvittää perinpohjaisesti cubiculum-huoneen olemus sellaisena kuin se voidaan teksteissä nähdä. Tekstikohdat on valittu pääasiallisesti Thesaurus linguae Latinae -hakuteosta käyttäen. Tekstien perusteella on tarkoitus selvittää huoneen fyysinen olemus sekä sen erilaiset käyttötavat. Tarkastelun kohteena on myös cubiculum-nimityksen käyttö arkeologisissa kohteissa, eli voiko tätä nimitystä käyttää mm. pompejilaistalojen keskushallin tai peristyylin sivustalla sijaitsevista huoneista. Oman käsittelynsä saavat myös huoneeseen suuntautuneen liikkeen kuvaus sekä huoneen käyttäjien selvittäminen. Työ liittyy laajemmin roomalaisten yksityistalojen (domus) tutkimukseen, jonka taustalla on ajatus siitä, että tilankäyttö kertoo yhteisöjen arvoista ja rakenteista. Roomalaistaloissa nähtävissä oleva huonetilojen kaavamainen asettelu heijastaa yhteisön ajatusmaailmaa. Käsitellyt tekstit paljastavat, että cubiculum on joustava tilanimitys, jota voidaan käyttää paitsi eliitin edustajien yksityistalojen, myös huviloiden, keisarillisten asumusten ja vaatimattomampien talojen makuutiloista. Nukkuminen on tilan keskeinen funktio ja tämä merkitys sanalla esiintyy vielä keskiaikaisissa ja moderneissakin teksteissä. Myöhäisantiikin tekstit antavat sanalle myös kuvaannollisia merkityksiä. Tekstien perusteella cubiculum on selkeästi rauhallinen, pimeä ja suljettava tila, joka antoi mahdollisuuden yksityisyyteen. Cubiculum todisti useita funktioita, joita tunnetaan osin jo varhaisemmasta tutkimuksesta: tilassa mm. viihdytettiin ystäviä ja hoidettiin yksityisasioita. Huoneeseen suuntautuneen liikkeen kuvaus paljastaa, että varsin usein tilaan pääsy vaati kutsun. Kutsumattomat vieraat pääsivät sisään usein lähinnä voimaa käyttäen. Cubiculum-huoneen käyttäjät olivat pääasiassa vapaita, aikuisia roomalaisia, niin miehiä kuin naisiakin. Lapset mainitaan cubiculum-huoneen yhteydessä harvoin, eikä sanaa käytetä palveluskunnan makuutiloista, vaan palvelijat kuvataan usein nukkumassa cubiculum-huoneen ulkopuolella. Tekstit antavat vain viitteitä huoneen sijoittelusta yksityistaloissa, joten arkeologinen jatkotutkimus onkin välttämätöntä pompejilaistalojen makuuhuonejärjestelyiden selvittämiseksi.
DEVELOPING A TEXTILE ONTOLOGY FOR THE SEMANTIC WEB AND CONNECTING IT TO MUSEUM CATALOGING DATA The goal of the Semantic Web is to share concept-based information in a versatile way on the Internet. This is achievable using formal data structures called ontologies. The goal of this re-search is to increase the usability of museum cataloging data in information retrieval. The work is interdisciplinary, involving craft science, terminology science, computer science, and museology. In the first part of the dissertation an ontology of concepts of textiles, garments, and accessories is developed for museum cataloging work. The ontology work was done with the help of thesauri, vocabularies, research reports, and standards. The basis of the ontology development was the Museoalan asiasanasto MASA, a thesaurus for museum cataloging work which has been enriched by other vocabularies. Concepts and terms concerning the research object, as well as the material names of textiles, costumes, and accessories, were focused on. The research method was terminological concept analysis complemented by an ontological view of the Semantic Web. The concept structure was based on the hierarchical generic relation. Attention was also paid to other relations between terms and concepts, and between concepts themselves. Altogether 977 concept classes were created. Issues including how to choose and name concepts for the ontology hierarchy and how deep and broad the hierarchy could be are discussed from the viewpoint of the ontology developer and museum cataloger. The second part of the dissertation analyzes why some of the cataloged terms did not match with the developed textile ontology. This problem is significant because it prevents automatic ontological content integration of the cataloged data on the Semantic Web. The research datasets, i.e. the cataloged museum data on textile collections, came from three museums: Espoo City Museum, Lahti City Museum and The National Museum of Finland. The data included 1803 textile, costume, and accessory objects. Unmatched object and textile material names were analyzed. In the case of the object names six categories (475 cases), and of the material names eight categories (423 cases), were found where automatic annotation was not possible. The most common explanation was that the cataloged field was filled with a long sentence comprised of many terms. Sometimes in the compound term, the object name and material, or the name and the way of usage, were combined. As well, numeric values in the material name cataloging field prevented annotation and so did the absence of a corresponding concept in the ontology. Ready-made drop-down lists of materials used in one cataloging system facilitated the annotation. In the case of naming objects and materials, one should use terms in basic form without attributes. The developed textile ontology has been applied in two cultural portals, MuseumFinland and Culturesampo, where one can search for and browse information based on cataloged data using integrated ontologies in an interoperable way. The textile ontology is also part of the national FinnONTO ontology infrastructure. Keywords: annotation, concept, concept analysis, cataloging, museum collection, ontology, Semantic Web, textile collection, textile material
Chamber music repertoire featuring the piano blossomed from the mid-nineteenth through the early twentieth century. The quantity of works increased greatly during this time and the quality of these works reached the highest level. Among the many symbolic works that were composed were sonatas for a single string instrument with piano, piano trios, quartets: and quintets as well as two-piano works and four-hand duets. Being able to study and perform many of these iconic works before I graduated was one of the major goals I set for myself as a collaborative pianist. The abundance of repertoire has made it easy to choose works considered "iconic" for my dissertation's three recitals. Iconic is defined as "very famous or popular, especially being considered to represent particular opinions or a particular time" in the online Cambridge Advanced Leamer's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University. The compositions featured in the recitals were composed from 1842 through 1941, including works by Schumann, Brahms, Faure, Rachmaninoff, Ravel, and Lutoslawski. Choosing the repertoire with my fellow performers in mind was an important part of this dissertation. In addition to trying to make balanced programs which include variety, working with different instruments and performers is one of the most fulfilling parts of the musical experience for me as a collaborative pianist. Joining me for the concerts were members of the Aeolus String Quartet (violinist Nicholas Tavani, violinist Rachel Shapiro, violist Greg Luce, and cellist Alan Richardson), pianist Hsiao-Ying Lin (a doctoral student from the Peabody Conservatory), and my colleagues from the Peabody Institute Preparatory Division (faculty violinist Dr. Christian Tremblay and cellist Alicia Ward), and Derek Smith, Associate Principal violist of the Annapolis Symphony Orchestras). The three recitals were performed in the Gildenhom and Ulrich Recital Halls at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. They are recorded on CD and available on compact discs, which can be found in the Digital Repository at the University of Maryland (DRUM).
Se analizan y describen las principales líneas de trabajo de la Web Semántica en el ámbito de los archivos de televisión. Para ello, se analiza y contextualiza la web semántica desde una perspectiva general para posteriormente analizar las principales iniciativas que trabajan con lo audiovisual: Proyecto MuNCH, Proyecto S5T, Semantic Television y VideoActive.
In this study, we introduce an original distance definition for graphs, called the Markov-inverse-F measure (MiF). This measure enables the integration of classical graph theory indices with new knowledge pertaining to structural feature extraction from semantic networks. MiF improves the conventional Jaccard and/or Simpson indices, and reconciles both the geodesic information (random walk) and co-occurrence adjustment (degree balance and distribution). We measure the effectiveness of graph-based coefficients through the application of linguistic graph information for a neural activity recorded during conceptual processing in the human brain. Specifically, the MiF distance is computed between each of the nouns used in a previous neural experiment and each of the in-between words in a subgraph derived from the Edinburgh Word Association Thesaurus of English. From the MiF-based information matrix, a machine learning model can accurately obtain a scalar parameter that specifies the degree to which each voxel in (the MRI image of) the brain is activated by each word or each principal component of the intermediate semantic features. Furthermore, correlating the voxel information with the MiF-based principal components, a new computational neurolinguistics model with a network connectivity paradigm is created. This allows two dimensions of context space to be incorporated with both semantic and neural distributional representations.
Automatic classification of scientific records using the German Subject Heading Authority File (SWD)
The following paper deals with an automatic text classification method which does not require training documents. For this method the German Subject Heading Authority File (SWD), provided by the linked data service of the German National Library is used. Recently the SWD was enriched with notations of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC). In consequence it became possible to utilize the subject headings as textual representations for the notations of the DDC. Basically, we we derive the classification of a text from the classification of the words in the text given by the thesaurus. The method was tested by classifying 3826 OAI-Records from 7 different repositories. Mean reciprocal rank and recall were chosen as evaluation measure. Direct comparison to a machine learning method has shown that this method is definitely competitive. Thus we can conclude that the enriched version of the SWD provides high quality information with a broad coverage for classification of German scientific articles.
In the context of monolingual and bilingual retrieval, Simple Knowledge Organisation System (SKOS) datasets can play a dual role as knowledge bases for semantic annotations and as language-independent resources for translation. With no existing track of formal evaluations of these aspects for datasets in SKOS format, we describe a case study on the usage of the Thesaurus for the Social Sciences in SKOS format for a retrieval setup based on the CLEF 2004-2006 Domain-Specific Track topics, documents and relevance assessments. Results showed a mixed picture with significant system-level improvements in terms of mean average precision in the bilingual runs. Our experiments set a new and improved baseline for using SKOS-based datasets with the GIRT collection and are an example of component-based evaluation.