983 resultados para Testicular main ducts


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PURPOSE: To assess the effects of a soy dietary supplement on the main biomarkers of cardiovascular health in postmenopausal women compared with the effects of low-dose hormone therapy (HT) and placebo.METHODS: Double-blind, randomized and controlled intention-to-treat trial. Sixty healthy postmenopausal women, aged 40-60 years, 4.1 years mean time since menopause were recruited and randomly assigned to 3 groups: a soy dietary supplement group (isoflavone 90mg), a low-dose HT group (estradiol 1 mg plus noretisterone 0.5 mg) and a placebo group. Lipid profile, glucose level, body mass index, blood pressure and abdominal/hip ratio were evaluated in all the participants at baseline and after 16 weeks. Statistical analyses were performed using the χ2 test, Fisher's exact test, Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), paired Student's t-test and Wilcoxon test.RESULTS: After a 16-week intervention period, total cholesterol decreased 11.3% and LDL-cholesterol decreased 18.6% in the HT group, but both did not change in the soy dietary supplement and placebo groups. Values for triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, glucose level, body mass index, blood pressure and abdominal/hip ratio did not change over time in any of the three groups.CONCLUSION: The use of dietary soy supplement did not show any significant favorable effect on cardiovascular health biomarkers compared with HT. Clinical Trial Registry: The trial is registered at the Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry (Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos - ReBEC), number RBR-76mm75.


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Argentina's central region includes an important area covered by shallow pampean lakes and dams. In these environments, fishing of pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis Valenciennes, 1835 (Pisces, Atherinopsidae), the most important fresh-water fish of the country, is a relevant social activity and also a considerable economic resource. The main diseases found in this species were studied from 1992 to 2003 in the provinces of Córdoba, La Rioja and Santa Fe (30º and 35º S, 61º and 67º W). Most cases were registered in high temperature months. Lernaea sp and Aeromonas hydrophila were the etiological agents most frequently found. The trophic characteristics of the aquatic environments enhanced disease processes and caused massive death of O. bonariensis, due to complex hydrochemical interactions.


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Quatro ovinos machos, com cerca de 12 meses de idade (Ovinos 1-4), foram infectados por via intravenosa com aproximadamente 1,25x10(5) tripomastigotas de Trypanosoma vivax, outros quatro ovinos (Ovinos 5-8) destinaram-se ao grupo controle. Após a infecção, exames clínicos visando avaliar temperatura retal, freqüências cardíaca e respiratória e parasitemia foram realizados diariamente por 30 dias, tempo estabelecido para o término do experimento. A avaliação do hematócrito foi realizada a cada cinco dias. Ao final do período experimental, os animais foram castrados e os testículos e epidídimos submetidos ao exame anatomopatológico. Amostras destes órgãos dos Ovinos 1, 4 e 5 foram tomadas para a realização da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR). Os parâmetros clínicos (hipertermia, aumento das freqüências cardíaca e respiratória, aumento de volume dos linfonodos e palidez das mucosas) mantiveram-se para o grupo infectado acima dos valores mostrados pelo grupo controle durante todo o período experimental. A parasitemia foi observada a partir do 3º dia pós-infecção (dpi) com picos nos 6-10os dpi e nos 15-18os dpi. Os Ovinos 1 e 4 apresentaram, a partir do 25º dpi, anemia acentuada. Macroscopicamente, todos os testículos dos animais do grupo infectado apresentaram-se flácidos e com coloração pálida. Microscopicamente, observaram-se degeneração testicular moderada a acentuada, epididimite multifocal e hiperplasia do epitélio epididimário. A análise por PCR de T. vivax nos tecidos testicular e epididimário resultou em 100% de positividade para ovinos infectados experimentalmente. As lesões epididimárias e testiculares associadas à presença do parasita nesses órgãos, detectada por PCR, sugerem a participação do parasita no mecanismo etiopatogênico de danos reprodutivos.


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The influence of the scrotal bipartition and of the year period on the scrotal-testicular thermal regulation was evaluated in male goats raised in Piaui State, Brazil. Eighteen male goats at mating age were accomplished in this study and arranged into three Groups (6 animals each) obeying the classification as goats presenting no scrotal bipartition (Group I), goats showing scrotal bipartition at 50% of the testicular length (Group II), and goats with more than 50% of scrotal bipartition (Group III). The scrotal, testicular and spermatic funiculi temperatures were evaluated invasively with the aid of a digital thermometer and non-invasive with a pyrometer in the proximal, medial and distal portion. The data were acquired during the dry (October-November) and rainy (February-March) period of the year, measured in two shifts: morning (6h00-7h00) and afternoon (14h00-15h00). The results were submitted to variance analysis (ANOVA) following the SNK test for average comparison (p<0.05). The year period interfered on the scrotal-testicular thermal regulation, due to increased temperatures of the scrotal, testicular and spermatic funiculi during the dry period in comparison with the rainy period. The bipartition level was also a factor which contributed to the influence of scrotal-testicular temperature regulation, due to lower average scrotal-testicular temperature rates observed during both periods in the goats with higher levels of scrotal bipartition (>50%). It is possible to conclude that with the experimental conditions applied on this study, the level of scrotal bipartition and the climatic conditions interfere with the scrotal-testicular thermal regulation in goats.


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The aim of the present experiment was to investigate the effect of corticosteroids (exogen) on in vitro testosterone secretion after stress by transportation (40 minutes). Feline testes (Felis silvestris catus) were incubated in the following media: TCM 199; TCM 199 + hCG 10_7M; TCM 199 + hydrocortisone 10_7M, or TCM 199 + hCG + hydrocortisone. The animals (n=21) were allocated into three groups: (S) that arrived at 3 h prior to surgery, (A) that remained in the laboratory for 36 h before being submitted to surgical procedure, and (C) that were also allowed to remain for 36 hours in the laboratory before the surgical procedure, but whose testes had been incubated with hydrocortisone prior to incubation in the referred media. The results showed that group S secreted higher levels of testosterone, regardless of the culture media. It is noteworthy that the suppressing action of hydrocortisone sodium succinate led to a reduction in the testosterone concentration, despite the presence of hCG.


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A case-control study was carried out in litters of 1 to 7-day-old piglets to identify the main infectious agents involved with neonatal diarrhea in pigs. Fecal samples (n=276) from piglets were collected on pig farms in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from May to September 2007. Litters with diarrhea were considered cases (n=129) and normal litters (n=147) controls. The samples were examined by latex agglutination test, PAGE, conventional isolating techniques, ELISA, PCR, and microscopic methods in order to detect rotavirus, bacterial pathogens (Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens type A and C, and Clostridium difficile), and parasites (Coccidian and Cryptosporidium spp.). Outbreaks of diarrhea were not observed during sampling. At least one agent was detected in fecal samples on 25 out of 28 farms (89.3%) and in 16 farms (57.1%) more than one agent was found. The main agents diagnosed were Coccidia (42.86%) and rotavirus (39.29%). The main agents identified in litters with diarrhea were Clostridium difficile (10.6%), Clostridium perfringens type A (8.8%) and rotavirus (7.5%); in control litters, Clostridium difficile (16.6%) and Coccidian (8.5%). Beta hemolytic Escherichia coli and Clostridium perfringens type C were not detected. When compared with controls, no agent was significantly associated with diarrhea in case litters. These findings stress the need for caution in the interpretation of laboratorial diagnosis of mild diarrhea in neonatal pigs, as the sole detection of an agent does not necessarily indicate that it is the cause of the problem.


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The scrotal-testicular biometry was evaluated in goats raised in Piaui state, Brazil, presenting different levels of scrotal division, in rainy and dry periods of the year. For this study, eighteen male goats at mating age were accomplished and arranged into three groups (6 animals each), obeying the classification as goats with no scrotal bipartition (GI), goats showing scrotal bipartition up to 50% of testicular length (GII), and goats with more than 50% of scrotal bipartition (GIII). The biometry of the scrotal-testicular was made evaluating the scrotal length (SL), scrotal circumference (SC), testicular length (TL) and testicular volume (TV). The results were evaluated following the variance analysis (ANOVA) and the SNK test applied on the average comparisons. The analysis of the data demonstrated high values, in dry and rainy periods, of SC (24.63cm/ 26.97cm), SL (16.61cm/ 18.24cm), TL (5.32cm/ 5.93cm), TV (173.81cm³/ 203.01cm³). This supports the hypothesis of the influence of the period of the year and of the scrotal bipartition on the scrotal-testicular biometry in goat.


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Codornas do tipo carne e tipo ovos foram analisadas para determinar o desenvolvimento reprodutivo, a puberdade e o início da senilidade. Para tal, 288 codornas (144 codornas de corte e 144 de postura) foram acompanhadas desde a eclosão até os 360 dias de idade. As aves foram distribuídas por idade em 18 grupos, sendo 8 codornas/grupo/tipo de codorna. Após 35 dias as codornas foram mantidas em condições de fotoperíodo de dias longos (17luz: 7escuro). O peso vivo e os valores morfométricos e histológicos testiculares foram determinados em cada período. Os dados obtidos foram analisados para determinar a curva de crescimento e o comportamento dos parâmetros analisados. O modelo que mais se adequou aos dados foi o modelo não linear de Gompertz (Y=A exp [-B e (-kt)]). O peso vivo e as características testiculares macro e microscópicas apresentaram comportamento alométrico entre si, sendo que, aproximadamente aos 60 dias os machos apresentaram-se sexualmente desenvolvidos, e estabilizaram o peso corporal por volta dos 100 dias. O testículo direito é mais cranial que o esquerdo e diferem em relação a comprimento e largura, porém não foi observada diferenças (P>0,05) para peso testicular. As codornas de corte apresentaram peso corporal e peso testicular maiores que as codornas de postura, porém as codornas de postura apresentaram peso relativo testicular maior. Durante todo o período analisado os machos puderam ser considerados sexualmente aptos. Os reprodutores apresentaram características sexuais ativas até os 360 dias de idade, representadas pelo tamanho testicular e pela atividade celular nos túbulos seminíferos.


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This paper describes an outbreak of chronic Senecio spp. poisoning in grazing sheep in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, causing the death of 10 out of 860 adult sheep. Eight sick ewes were euthanized and necropsied. Cattle from this farm were also affected. Clinical signs included progressive weight loss, apathy and photosensitization. Four out of seven tested sheep had increased gamma-glutamyl transferase serum activity and two of them presented serum elevation of alkaline phosphatase. At necropsy, three out of eight ewes presented slightly irregular toughened livers with multifocal nodules, two out of eight ewes had a whitish liver with thickened fibrotic Glisson's capsule partially adhered to the diaphragm, and three out of eight ewes had smooth and grossly normal livers. Necropsy findings attributed to liver failure included hydropericardium (7/8), ascites (5/8), icterus (2/8), hydrothorax (1/8), and edema of mesentery (1/8). The main hepatic histological findings that allowed the establishment of the diagnosis were megalocytosis, proliferation of bile ducts and fibrosis. Spongy degeneration was observed in the brains of all eight necropsied sheep and was more severe at the cerebellar peduncles, mesencephalon, thalamus, and pons. These are suggested as the portions of election to investigate microscopic lesions of hepatic encephalopathy in sheep with chronic seneciosis. The diagnosis of Senecio spp. poisoning was based on epidemiology, clinical signs, laboratory data, necropsy and histological findings.


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A ultrassonografia é um método de diagnóstico por imagem que permite a avaliação de diferentes órgãos e estruturas corpóreas de maneira não invasiva. No entanto, a avaliação subjetiva das imagens caracteriza um dos grandes entraves na utilização desta técnica de diagnóstico, havendo necessidade de mecanismos que minimizem a subjetividade do exame e a divergência na interpretação dos achados ultrassonográficos. Desta forma este trabalho objetivou caracterizar a ecogenicidade do parênquima e mediastino testicular de ovinos utilizando a técnica do histograma escala-cinza. Foram utilizados 30 animais divididos em três grupos de acordo com a faixa etária (FE): de três a seis meses (FE1), sete a 12 meses (FE2), 13 a 18 meses (FE3) e realizadas varreduras testiculares nos planos frontal, sagital e transversal, elaborando ao final um histograma a partir das imagens ultrassonográficas. Observou-se que tanto a ecogenicidade do parênquima quanto a do mediastino testicular aumentaram gradativamente com a progressão das idades dos animais, com média e desvio-padrão de 95,00±19,05 e 94,35±18,82 para a ecogenicidade do parênquima do antímero direito e esquerdo, respectivamente, e 127,95±12,97 para o mediastino direito e 126,59±11,78 para o esquerdo. A técnica do histograma escala-cinza demonstrou ser um método eficiente na determinação da ecogenicidade testicular, possibilitando o estabelecimento de padrões de normalidade que venham a auxiliar pesquisas futuras no monitoramento do desenvolvimento testicular bem como na detecção de patologias. Para a regimes exclusivos de criação extensiva, como na baixada maranhense, representa ferramenta valiosa para sua utilização em projetos sociais do Estado que atendem a agricultura familiar.


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RESUMO: Objetivou-se avaliar a influência da estação do ano sobre a estrutura testicular de ovinos SRD. Foram utilizados 10 animais com idade entre dois e três anos. Os testículos foram seccionados e fixados em solução de Bouin por 24h. Os fragmentos foram submetidos ao processamento histológico, emblocados em parafina e corados com hematoxilina eosina. Foram avaliadas a proporção volumétrica dos compartimentos testiculares, o diâmetro dos túbulos seminíferos, altura do epitélio seminífero e frequências dos estágios do ciclo do epitélio seminíferos. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância a 5% de probabilidade, do programa estatístico SAS 9.0. Os resultados revelaram todos os valores pesquisados sofreram influência da estação do ano. O valor do diâmetro tubular foi de 143,98±17,83 e 170,37±26,64μm, a altura do epitélio seminífero foi de 44,92±9,23 e 50,06±13,61μm e a proporção volumétrica foi de 78,32±13,68 e 80,13±15,14% nos períodos seco e chuvoso, respectivamente. A quantificação das células germinativas e de Sertoli mostrou todos os valores foram maiores no período chuvoso quando comparados com o seco. Concluiu-se que a estação do ano interferiu na estrutura testicular, tendo em vista que todos os valores da proporção volumétrica dos componentes testiculares mostraram diferença significativa entre as estações do ano, pois os valores foram mais acentuados no período chuvoso.


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Male germ cell differentiation, spermatogenesis is an exceptional developmental process that produces a massive amount of genetically unique spermatozoa. The complexity of this process along with the technical limitations in the germline research has left many aspects of spermatogenesis poorly understood. Post-meiotic haploid round spermatids possess the most complex transcriptomes of the whole body. Correspondingly, efficient and accurate control mechanisms are necessary to deal with the huge diversity of transcribed RNAs in these cells. The high transcriptional activity in round spermatids is accompanied by the presence of an uncommonly large cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein granule, called the chromatoid body (CB) that is conjectured to participate in the RNA post-transcriptional regulation. However, very little is known about the possible mechanisms of the CB function. The development of a procedure to isolate CBs from mouse testes was this study’s objective. Anti-MVH immunoprecipitation of cross-linked CBs from a fractionated testicular cell lysate was optimized to yield considerable quantities of pure and intact CBs from mice testes. This protocol produced reliable and reproducible data from the subsequent analysis of CB’s protein and RNA components. We found that the majority of the CB’s proteome consists of RNA-binding proteins that associate functionally with different pathways. We also demonstrated notable localization patterns of one of the CB transient components, SAM68 and showed that its ablation does not change the general composition or structure of the CB. CB-associated RNA analysis revealed a strong accumulation of PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs), mRNAs and long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in the CB. When the CB transcriptome and proteome analysis results were combined, the most pronounced molecular functions in the CB were related to piRNA pathway, RNA post-transcriptional processing and CB structural scaffolding. In addition, we demonstrated that the CB is a target for the main RNA flux from the nucleus throughout all steps of round spermatid development. Moreover, we provided preliminary evidence that those isolated CBs slice target RNAs in vitro in an ATPdependent manner. Altogether, these results make a strong suggestion that the CB functions involve RNA-related and RNA-mediated mechanisms. All the existing data supports the hypothesis that the CB coordinates the highly complex haploid transcriptome during the preparation of the male gametes for fertilization. Thereby, this study provides a fundamental basis for the future functional analyses of ribonucleoprotein granules and offers also important insights into the mechanisms governing male fertility.


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A study on the spatial distribution of the major weeds in maize was carried out in 2007 and 2008 in a field located in Golegã (Ribatejo region, Portugal). The geo-referenced sampling focused on 150 points of a 10 x 10 m mesh covering an area of 1.5 ha, before herbicide application and before harvest. In the first year, 40 species (21 botanical families) were identified at seedling stage and only 22 during the last observation. The difference in species richness can be attributed to maize monoculture favouring reduction in species number. Three of the most representative species were selected for the spatial distribution analysis: Solanum nigrum, Chenopodium album and Echinochloa crus-galli. The three species showed an aggregated spatial pattern and spatial stability over both years, although the herbicide effect is evident in the distribution of some of them in the space. These results could be taken into account when planning site-specific treatments in maize.


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(Diameter and height distributions in a gallery forest tree community and some of its main species in central Brazil over a six-year period (1985-1991)). The diameter and height structure were studied over six years in approximately 64 ha of the Gama gallery forest in Brasília, DF. Trees from 10 cm dbh were measured every three years from 1985 in 151 (10 x 20 m) permanent plots. Natural regeneration (individuals under 10 cm dbh) was measured in subplots within the 200 m² plots. Most individuals and species were under 45 cm diameter and 20 m high while the maximum diameter for individual species ranged from 30 to 95 cm. The diameter structure was typical of a mixed tropical forest with the number of individuals decreasing with increasing size classes and showing little change over the six years. The most abundant species occupy different positions in the canopy and have different size structures.