1000 resultados para Telecom industry
The Iowa livestock industry generates large quantities of manure and other organic residues; composed of feces, urine, bedding material, waste feed, dilution water, and mortalities. Often viewed as a waste material, little has been done to characterize and determine the usefulness of this resource. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources initiated the process to assess in detail the manure resource and the potential utilization of this resource through anaerobic digestion coupled with energy recovery. Many of the pieces required to assess the manure resource already exist, albeit in disparate forms and locations. This study began by interpreting and integrating existing Federal, State, ISU studies, and other sources of livestock numbers, housing, and management information. With these data, models were analyzed to determine energy production and economic feasibility of energy recovery using anaerobic digestion facilities on livestock faxms. Having these data individual facilities and clusters that appear economically feasible can be identified specifically through the use of a GIs system for further investigation. Also livestock facilities and clusters of facilities with high methane recovery potential can be the focus of targeted educational programs through Cooperative Extension network and other outreach networks, providing a more intensive counterpoint to broadly based educational efforts.
O fenómeno da Corporate Governance tem vindo a ocupar um lugar importante na literatura moderna dada a sua importância no mercado global e competitivo em que vivemos. A partir do final dos anos 80, esta matéria ganhou um grande relevo devido ao aumento da participação activa dos investidores institucionais e pequenos investidores individuais nos mercados de capitais e sua crescente exigência por uma gestão mais rigorosa, transparente e que defende os interesses dos accionistas ou shareholders. Os grandes escândalos financeiros, envolvendo diversas empresas nos EUA e na Europa, que causaram prejuízos incomensuráveis ao mercado, despertaram a atenção do mundo para a relevância das boas práticas de Corporate Governance. O maior destaque para este tema aconteceu em 2002, após a ocorrência os escândalos com as multinacionais Enron, WorldCom, Parmalat, entre outros. Naturalmente, para os países em desenvolvimento, a qualidade da Corporate Governance local é de fundamental importância para o crescimento económico duradouro. Essa visão global e transversal da Corporate Governance veio acentuar a procura de soluções para o alinhamento dos interesses entre gestores e accionistas. A solução para os conflitos de agência e a melhoria dos mecanismos de gestão estão no cerne do debate sobre o tema. Este estudo faz uma análise das teorias da Corporate Governance, a sua evolução e importância e o papel das demonstrações financeiras como um dos elementos que suportam a boa Corporate Governance, aplicada na gestão de uma empresa cabo-verdiana – A CVTelecom. Pretende-se, assim, identificar os benefícios advindos da aplicação das boas práticas de Corporate Governace para a gestão da empresa e para a sociedade como um todo. A escolha da CVTelecom, operadora de telecomunicações, prende-se com dois aspectos fundamentais: i) ser a empresa privada que exerce maior impacto sobre a economia cabo-verdiana, empregando cerca de 1,3% do total dos trabalhadores do sector privado no País; ii) o crescimento da economia cabo-verdiana estar suportado, mais do que nunca, nas TIC, constituindo, por essa razão, num dos principais desafios do País. Concluiu-se que a CVTelecom, embora esteja localizada num país onde ainda não existe uma entidade com a responsabilidade de fazer a avaliação da gestão das empresas no quadro das normas que enformam a Corporate Governance, encontra-se bem encaminhada ao nível da implementação de normas e procedimentos que favoreçam uma boa Corporate Governance.
The aim of this paper is to analyse the impact of university knowledge and technology transfer activities on academic research output. Specifically, we study whether researchers with collaborative links with the private sector publish less than their peers without such links, once controlling for other sources of heterogeneity. We report findings from a longitudinal dataset on researchers from two engineering departments in the UK between 1985 until 2006. Our results indicate that researchers with industrial links publish significantly more than their peers. Academic productivity, though, is higher for low levels of industry involvement as compared to high levels.
A pesquisa tem por objectivo avaliar a implementação do sistema de gestão da qualidade na Cabo Verde Telecom. O tema escolhido justifica-se pela importância do sector das telecomunicações na geração de empregos e rendimentos em Cabo Verde. Tal facto exige que resultados positivos relacionados à melhoria da qualidade sejam alcançados de modo a responder ao ritmo de constante incerteza, actualização no padrão de consumo e busca permanente de melhoria dos serviços prestados. No que se refere à revisão da literatura, faz-se uma resenha histórica da gestão da qualidade, aborda-se as diferentes dimensões da qualidade, a qualidade total, os principais autores, o modelo da EFQM, as normas ISO 9000, a qualidade em serviços e, porque os recursos humanos constituem um factor crítico de sucesso de qualquer sistema de gestão da qualidade, faz-se uma breve referência à gestão da mudança organizacional. O método utilizado é o estudo de caso. A recolha de dados é feita através da observação, da aplicação de questionários e entrevistas semi-estruturadas e do recurso a fontes secundárias – análise documental. A metodologia de análise é descritivo-quantitativa. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que a implementação do sistema de gestão da qualidade na empresa assenta nos princípios que norteiam a cultura da gestão da qualidade subjacentes às normas ISO 9000:2000. Quanto ao grau de aplicação e adesão aos princípios referidos, pode-se concluir que se verifica uma evolução positiva, mas não na dimensão desejada.
We analyze the linkage between protectionism and invasive species (IS) hazard in the context of two-way trade and multilateral trade integration, two major features of real-world agricultural trade. Multilateral integration includes the joint reduction of tariffs and trade costs among trading partners. Multilateral trade integration is more likely to increase damages from IS than predicted by unilateral trade opening under the classic Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson (HOS) framework because domestic production (the base susceptible to damages) is likely to increase with expanding export markets. A country integrating its trade with a partner characterized by relatively higher tariff and trade costs is also more likely to experience increased IS damages via expanded domestic production for the same reason. We illustrate our analytical results with a stylized model of the world wheat market.
Michigan State University
No presente trabalho, pretende-se analisar o desempenho histórico da empresa e estimar o seu valor utilizando o fluxo de caixa descontado. Todavia, esta análise visa fornecer informações aos actuais e futuros investidores para reflexão sobre eventuais tomadas de decisão de investimento. A avaliação baseada no fluxo de caixa descontado é considerada, por diversos autores, como uma das ferramentas mais eficazes para a mensuração do valor de uma empresa, por trazer o valor presente de expectativas futuras a uma taxa de desconto condizente com a realidade económica em que a empresa esta inserida. Para este estudo, utilizou-se a empresa CVTelecom com o propósito de analisar o seu desempenho a partir de 1996 até o ano de 2008 com a privatização e separação dos ex – CTT (Correios Telefone e Telegramas), bem como avaliar o seu valor de mercado. Como opções metodológicas, fez-se a pesquisa bibliográfica e recolha de informações económicas e financeiras nos relatórios de contas nomeadamente Balanço e Demonstração de Resultado enquadrando-os no novo normativo contabilístico, de modo a facilitar a realização desta investigação. Utilizou-se também a regressão linear para analisar o EVA (Valor Económico Agregado) e outros indicadores em forma de rácios com o intuito de verificar o crescimento da CVTelecom e projectar o fluxo de caixa.
The biodiesel industry in the United States has realized significant growth over the past decade through large increases in annual production and production capacity and a transition from smaller batch plants to larger-scale continuous producers. The larger, continuous-flow plants provide operating cost advantages over the smaller batch plants through their ability to capture co-products and reuse certain components in the production process. This paper uses a simple capital budgeting model developed by the authors along with production data supplied by industry sources to estimate production costs, return-on-investment levels, and break-even conditions for two common plant sizes (30 and 60 million gallon annual capacities) over a range of biodiesel and feedstock price levels. The analysis shows that the larger plant realizes returns to scale in both labor and capital costs, enabling the larger plant to pay up to $0.015 more per pound for the feedstock to achieve equivalent return levels as the smaller plant under the same conditions. The paper contributes to the growing literature on the biodiesel industry by using the most current conversion rates for the production technology and current price levels to estimate biodiesel production costs and potential plant performance, providing a useful follow-up to previous studies.
Before the Civil War (1936-1939), Spain had seen the emergence offirms of complex organizational forms. However, the conflict andthe postwar years changed this pattern. The argument put forwardin this paper is based on historical experience, the efforts willbe addressed to explain the development of Spanish entrepreneurshipduring the second half of the twentieth century. To illustrate thechange in entrepreneurship and organizational patterns among theSpanish firms during the Francoist regime we will turn to the caseof the motor vehicle industry.
We explain why European trucking carriers are much smaller and rely more heavily on owner-operators(as opposed to employee drivers) than their US counterparts. Our analysis begins by ruling outdifferences in technology as the source of those disparities and confirms that standard hypothesesin organizational economics, which have been shown to explain the choice of organizational form inUS industry, also apply in Europe. We then argue that the preference for subcontracting oververtical integration in Europe is the result of European institutions particularly, labor regulationand tax laws that increase the costs of vertical integration.
There is a substancial literature on the accounting procedures needed to trackdown the costs of quality control and quality failure. In a drive for improved quality the changes in the process of production or service delivery will also give rise to new accounting needs. In this article we take one example of an industry, wine production, where in most countries there has been a movement towards expanding higher quality production. We report on interviews with wine producers in the US, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Spain, and identify avariety of ways in which a more sophisticated approach to accounting has become necessary as a result of the drive for quality.
In this paper we estimate wage equations for the Spanish industryusing time series data on 85 industrial sectors, which allows us todistinguish between aggregate and sector specific effects in wagedetermination. Industry wages respond mainly to economy wide labourmarket conditions and to a much lesser extent to sector specificproductivity gains. The size of the insider effect has not remainedstable through the sample period. The estimated equations show a strongtransitory effect of unemployment on wages, which is in accordancewith the non--stationarity of the Spanish unemployment rate. Thishysteresis effect seems well accounted for by the sharp rise in theproportion of long term unemployment.
The present paper proposes a model for the persistence of abnormal returnsboth at firm and industry levels, when longitudinal data for the profitsof firms classiffied as industries are available. The model produces a two-way variance decomposition of abnormal returns: (a) at firm versus industrylevels, and (b) for permanent versus transitory components. This variancedecomposition supplies information on the relative importance of thefundamental components of abnormal returns that have been discussed in theliterature. The model is applied to a Spanish sample of firms, obtainingresults such as: (a) there are significant and permanent differences betweenprofit rates both at industry and firm levels; (b) variation of abnormal returnsat firm level is greater than at industry level; and (c) firm and industry levelsdo not differ significantly regarding rates of convergence of abnormal returns.
This paper examines changes in the organization of the Spanish cotton industry from 1720 to 1860 in its core region of Catalonia. As the Spanish cotton industry adopted the most modern technology and experienced the transition to the factory system, cotton spinning and weaving mills became increasingly vertically integrated. Asset specificity more than other factors explained this tendency towards vertical integration. The probability for a firm of being vertically integrated was higher among firms located in districts with high concentration ratios and rose with size and the use of modern machinery. Simultaneously, subcontracting predominated in other phases of production and distribution where transaction costs appears to be less important.