958 resultados para Teachers – Continuous Formation


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The increasing demand for high capacity data storage requires decreasing the head-to-tape gap and reducing the track width. A problem very often encountered is the development of adhesive debris on the heads at low humidity and high temperatures that can lead to an increase of space between the head and media, and thus a decrease in the playback signal. The influence of stains on the playback signal of reading heads is studied using RAW (Read After Write) tests and their influence on the wear of the heads by using indentation technique. The playback signal has been found to vary and the errors to increase as stains form a patchy pattern and grow in size to form a continuous layer. The indentation technique shows that stains reduce the wear rate of the heads. In addition, the wear tends to be more pronounced at the leading edge of the head compared to the trailing one. Chemical analysis of the stains using ferrite samples in conjunction with MP (metal particulate) tapes shows that stains contain iron particles and polymeric binder transferred from the MP tape. The chemical anchors in the binder used to grip the iron particles now react with the ferrite surface to create strong chemical bonds. At high humidity, a thin layer of iron oxyhydroxide forms on the surface of the ferrite. This soft material increases the wear rate and so reduces the amount of stain present on the heads. The stability of the binder under high humidity and under high temperature as well as the chemical reactions that might occur on the ferrite poles of the heads influences the dynamic behaviour of stains. A model of stain formation taking into account the channels of binder degradation and evolution upon different environmental conditions is proposed.


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The effect of organically modified clay on the morphology, rheology and mechanical properties of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and polyamide 6 (PA6) blends (HDPE/PA6 = 75/25 parts) is studied. Virgin and filled blends were prepared by melt compounding the constituents using a twin-screw extruder. The influence of the organoclay on the morphology of the hybrid was deeply investigated by means of wide-angle X-ray diffractometry, transmission and scanning electron microscopies and quantitative extraction experiments. It has been found that the organoclay exclusively places inside the more hydrophilic polyamide phase during the melt compounding. The extrusion process promotes the formation of highly elongated and separated organoclay-rich PA6 domains. Despite its low volume fraction, the filled minor phase eventually merges once the extruded pellets are melted again, giving rise to a co-continuous microstructure. Remarkably, such a morphology persists for long time in the melt state. A possible compatibilizing action related to the organoclay has been investigated by comparing the morphology of the hybrid blend with that of a blend compatibilized using an ethyleneacrylic acid (EAA) copolymer as a compatibilizer precursor. The former remains phase separated, indicating that the filler does not promote the enhancement of the interfacial adhesion. The macroscopic properties of the hybrid blend were interpreted in the light of its morphology. The melt state dynamics of the materials were probed by means of linear viscoelastic measurements. Many peculiar rheological features of polymer-layered silicate nanocomposites based on single polymer matrix were detected for the hybrid blend. The results have been interpreted proposing the existence of two distinct populations of dynamical species: HDPE not interacting with the filler, and a slower species, constituted by the organoclay-rich polyamide phase, which slackened dynamics stabilize the morphology in the melt state. In the solid state, both the reinforcement effect of the filler and the co-continuous microstructure promote the enhancement of the tensile modulus. Our results demonstrate that adding nanoparticles to polymer blends allows tailoring the final properties of the hybrid, potentially leading to high-performance materials which combine the advantages of polymer blends and the merits of polymer nanocomposites.


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An approach to transfer a high-quality Si layer for the fabrication of silicon-on-insulator wafers has been proposed based on the investigation of platelet and crack formation in hydrogenated epitaxialSi/Si0.98B0.02/Si structures grown by molecular-beam epitaxy. H-related defect formation during hydrogenation was found to be very sensitive to the thickness of the buried Si0.98B0.02 layer. For hydrogenated Si containing a 130nm thick Si0.98B0.02 layer, no platelets or cracking were observed in the B-doped region. Upon reducing the thickness of the buried Si0.98B0.02 layer to 3nm, localized continuous cracking was observed along the interface between the Si and the B-doped layers. In the latter case, the strains at the interface are believed to facilitate the (100)-oriented platelet formation and (100)-oriented crack propagation.


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We propose a fibre-based approach for generation of optical frequency combs (OFCs) with the aim of calibration of astronomical spectrographs in the low and medium-resolution range. This approach includes two steps: in the first step, an appropriate state of optical pulses is generated and subsequently moulded in the second step delivering the desired OFC. More precisely, the first step is realised by injection of two continuous-wave (CW) lasers into a conventional single-mode fibre, whereas the second step generates a broad OFC by using the optical solitons generated in step one as initial condition. We investigate the conversion of a bichromatic input wave produced by two initial CW lasers into a train of optical solitons, which happens in the fibre used as step one. Especially, we are interested in the soliton content of the pulses created in this fibre. For that, we study different initial conditions (a single cosine-hump, an Akhmediev breather, and a deeply modulated bichromatic wave) by means of soliton radiation beat analysis and compare the results to draw conclusion about the soliton content of the state generated in the first step. In case of a deeply modulated bichromatic wave, we observed the formation of a collective soliton crystal for low input powers and the appearance of separated solitons for high input powers. An intermediate state showing the features of both, the soliton crystal and the separated solitons, turned out to be most suitable for the generation of OFC for the purpose of calibration of astronomical spectrographs.


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Five long piston cores collected from different subbasins of the Aegean Sea constitute the primary source of data for this PhD thesis. This study is the first to document a continuous paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic record of the Aegean Sea since the last interglacial. The chronostratigraphic reconstructions of the cored sediments based on organic carbon contents, stratigraphic position of known ash layers and oxygen isotopic curve matching collectively demonstrate the presence of sapropel S1 and MISS sapropels S3, S4 and S5 in the Aegean Sea subbasins. Generally, the organic carbon (TOC wt%) contents in sapropels range between 0.8% and 2% with highest concentrations of 9-13% in sapropels S4 and S5. Average sedimentation rates range between 4.7 and 11.8 cmlka with highest rates being observed in Euboea and North Ikaria basins (9.8 and 11.8 cm lka, respectively). The timing of the onset of sapropels S4 and S5 mostly predate those in the eastern Mediterranean with ages ranging from 106.4-105.6 and 128.6-128.4 ka BP, respectively. On the other hand, the initiation of the onset of sapropel S3 (i.e., 83.2-80.4 ka BP) seems to agree with its Mediterranean counterparts, which highlights the heterogeneity of the Aegean Sea subbasins in terms of rapid vs. lagged response to changing climatic conditions. The sapropel initiations appear to be synchronous across the Aegean Sea; whereas, the terminations display a wider temporal variability implying that the cessation of sapropels is controlled both by the amplitude of paleoclimatic changes and the physiography/location ofthe subbasins. Quantitative variations in the planktonic faunal assemblages exhibit a sequence of bioevents during the last -130,000 years which allow identification of four major biozones. The distributional patterns of the most significant taxa demonstrate similar trends among all core localities suggesting that the major changes in the planktonic foraminifera assemblages have taken place rather synchronously in the Aegean Sea. Sapropels S3, S4 and S5 were deposited under similar hydrographic conditions during which a distinct deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) layer was established. This situation points to a stratified water column and increased export productivity during times of sapropel formation. On the other hand, the faunal contrast between Sl and older sapropels indicates that the former was developed in the absence of a DCM layer, lacking a deep phytoplankton assemblage. Under such conditions, oxygen advection via intermediate water flow must have been significantly reduced which implies significant stagnation. Sapropels are interpreted to have been deposited under normal marine conditions with temporary establishment of semi-euxinic bottom water conditions. Both marine and terrestrial organic matter contributed equally to MISS sapropels. In addition, organic carbon isotopic values across sapropels are more depleted than those in the eastern Mediterranean which, in tum, suggests enhanced riverine input during their deposition. Primary productivity calculations show that, particularly for sapropels with very high TOC values, both preservation and increased productivity are imperative in order to deposit sapropels with very high organic carbon contents (i.e., up to 13%).


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The early stages of nanoporous layer formation, under anodic conditions in the absence of light, were investigated for n-type InP with a carrier concentration of ∼3× 1018 cm-3 in 5 mol dm-3 KOH and a mechanism for the process is proposed. At potentials less than ∼0.35 V, spectroscopic ellipsometry and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed a thin oxide film on the surface. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) of electrode surfaces showed no pitting below ∼0.35 V but clearly showed etch pit formation in the range 0.4-0.53 V. The density of surface pits increased with time in both linear potential sweep and constant potential reaching a constant value at a time corresponding approximately to the current peak in linear sweep voltammograms and current-time curves at constant potential. TEM clearly showed individual nanoporous domains separated from the surface by a dense ∼40 nm InP layer. It is concluded that each domain develops as a result of directionally preferential pore propagation from an individual surface pit which forms a channel through this near-surface layer. As they grow larger, domains meet, and the merging of multiple domains eventually leads to a continuous nanoporous sub-surface region.


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Porous layers can be formed electrochemically on (100) oriented n-InP substrates in aqueous KOH. A nanoporous layer is obtained underneath a dense near-surface layer and the pores appear to propagate from holes through the near-surface layer. In the early stages of the anodization transmission electron microscopy (TEM) clearly shows individual porous domains that appear to have a square-based pyramidal shape. Each domain appears to develop from an individual surface pit which forms a channel through this near-surface layer. We suggest that the pyramidal structure arises as a result of preferential pore propagation along the <100> directions. AFM measurements show that the density of surface pits increases with time. Each of these pits acts as a source for a pyramidal porous domain. When the domains grow, the current density increases correspondingly. Eventually the domains meet, forming a continuous porous layer, the interface between the porous and bulk InP becomes relatively flat and its total effective surface area decreases resulting in a decrease in the current density. Current-time curves at constant potential exhibit a peak and porous layers are observed to form beneath the electrode surface. The density of pits formed on the surface increases with time and approaches a plateau value. Porous layers are also observed in highly doped InP but are not observed in wafers with doping densities below ~5 × 1017 cm-3. Numerical models of this process have been developed invoking a mechanism of directional selectivity of pore growth preferentially along the <100> lattice directions. Manipulation of the parameters controlling these curves shows that the fall-off in current is controlled by the rate of diffusion of electrolyte through the pore structure with the final decline in current being caused by the termination of growth at the pore tips through the formation of passivating films or some other irreversible modification of the pore tips.


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In this paper, the research focus is how to entangle magnetic dipoles to control/engineer magnetic properties of different devices at a submicron/nano scale. Here, we report the generation of synthetic arrays of tunable magnetic dipoles in a nanomodulated continuous ferromagnetic film. In-plane magnetic field rotations in modulated Ni 45Fe 55 revealed various rotational symmetries of magnetic anisotropy due to dipolar interaction with a crossover from lower to higher fold as a function of modulation geometry. Additionally, the effect of aspect ratio on symmetry shows a novel phase shift of anisotropy, which could be critical to manipulate the overall magnetic properties of the patterned film. The tendency to form vortex is in fact found to be very small, which highlights that the strong coupling between metastable dipoles is more favorable than vortex formation to minimize energy in this nanomodulated structure. This has further been corroborated by the observation of step hysteresis, magnetic force microscopy images of tunable magnetic dipoles, and quantitative micromagnetic simulations. An analytical expression has been derived to estimate the overall anisotropy accurately for nanomodulated film having low magnetocrystaline anisotropy. Derived mathematical expressions based on magnetic dipolar interaction are found to be in good agreement with our results.


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Afin d’étudier l’historique de formation stellaire et d’enrichissement chimique des galaxies spirales barrées, j’ai simulé l’évolution de 27 galaxies spirales, barrées et non barrées, de diverses masses stellaires et fractions de gaz. Alors que les galaxies non barrées présentent une évolution lente et continue sur les deux milliards d’années que durent nos simulations, les galaxies barrées ont une évolution bien plus explosive, et ce particulièrement pour les galaxies les plus massives. Dans un premier temps, je montre que la présence de la barre entraine un flot important de gaz des régions périphériques vers le centre de la galaxie barrée, causant un sursaut de formation stellaire et une croissance importante de l’abondance chimique centrale, et que l’amplitude et la vitesse à laquelle ce sursaut arrive augmentent avec la masse de la galaxie. Cet épisode de sursaut stellaire entraine alors une diminution importante de la masse de gaz, entrainant à son tour une décroissance de la formation stellaire et une stagnation de l’enrichissement chimique pour le reste de l’évolution de la galaxie. Dans un deuxième temps, je montre qu’à cause de la dynamique en deux périodes très différentes des galaxies barrées, deux galaxies de masse très semblable peuvent avoir des taux de formation stellaire et des métallicités complètement différentes en fonction de leur stade évolutif, stade qu’on ne peut déterminer aisément. Cette difficulté est tout aussi importante lorsqu’on compare le coeur des galaxies barrées et non barrées entre elles, étant donné que des coeurs comparables sont situés dans les galaxies très différentes, et que des galaxies semblables ont des coeurs très différents.


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Introdução: A cárie dentária é uma doença multifatorial, infeciosa, transmissível e dependente da dieta, que provoca a desmineralização das estruturas dentárias. Devido a esta natureza etiológica multifatorial é fundamental o aumento da sensibilização e educação das crianças e pais, quer por profissionais de saúde, quer pelos professores em ambiente escolar. A aquisição de hábitos de higiene oral e nutricionais adequados pela criança é um fator imperativo para a manutenção de uma boa saúde oral. Objetivos: Avaliação da Saúde Oral e cuidados primários num grupo de crianças e adolescentes pertencentes ao Agrupamento de Escolas de Alijó. Método: A amostra é constituída por 216 alunos do Agrupamento de Escolas de Alijó, agrupados em três escalões etários: 6-9 anos, 10-14 anos e 15-16 anos. Foi realizada uma observação oral com base no índice de higiene oral simplificado e no índice de cárie (CPOd/cpod- Dentes Cariados, Perdidos e Obturados). Após esta observação foi aplicado um questionário escrito sobre diversos temas relacionados com a saúde oral. Resultados: A percentagem de crianças livres de lesões cariosas aos 6, 12 e 15 anos foi de 33,3%, 28,4% e 16,2%, respetivamente. Os valores da média de número de escovagens diárias aumentam de acordo com a faixa etária. O número de escovagens médias aos 6-9anos, 10-14anos e 15-16anos foi 1,37; 1,48 e 1,55 no sexo masculino, no caso de sexo feminino estes valores passam para 1,58; 1,80 e 1,89 respetivamente. Discussão: Os números registados no presente estudo são semelhantes aos do I Estudo Nacional de Prevalência da Cárie Dentária, onde se verificou percentagens de 33%, 27% e 18,9% para os escalões referentes aos 6 anos, 9 anos e 15 anos. Existe uma melhoria significativa em cada um destes escalões nos dois estudos seguintes realizados pela DGS. Em 2008 estas percentagens foram de 51%, 44% e 28%, respetivamente para cada um dos escalões. Em 2015 existiu apenas um pequeno acréscimo, com percentagens registadas de 54,8%, 53% e 32,4%, respetivamente. A última percentagem, de 32,4%, refere-se neste caso ao escalão dos 18 anos, uma vez que a DGS substituiu o escalão de estudo dos 15 anos de idade. Quando nos referimos ao número de escovagens médio, os números registados neste estudo têm uma evolução semelhante aos encontrados no III Estudo Nacional de Prevalência da Cárie Dentária, publicado em 2015 pela DGS, que refere que aos 6 anos 53% dos inquiridos escova duas vezes ao dia e 25,7% apenas uma vez, enquanto que aos 12 anos nos deparamos com uma descida para 19,9% dos que escovam 1x por dia e um aumento para 69,9% dos que escovam duas vezes. O mesmo estudo afirma ainda que as jovens escovam mais vezes os dentes, tal como no presente estudo. Conclusão: Os últimos anos têm-se revelado determinantes na melhoria da Saúde Oral dos portugueses e a aposta na prevenção, nomeadamente nos Cuidados Primários de Saúde Oral tem apresentado uma mais-valia inquestionável. Como em todos os percursos que se iniciam, a monitorização dos resultados e a sua melhoria contínua podem conduzir à otimização das estratégias e no seu conjunto contribuir para fazer ainda mais e melhor. Este estudo permitiu aferir, que a realidade, em contextos de Saúde Oral, no Concelho de Alijó é preocupante sugerindo que existem assimetrias em Portugal e cabe a todos os intervenientes em Saúde Oral diminuí-las. O envolvimento de cada Médico Dentista neste processo é fundamental.


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The modeling technique of Mackay et al. is applied to simulate the coronal magnetic field of NOAA active region AR10977 over a seven day period (2007 December 2-10). The simulation is driven with a sequence of line-of-sight component magnetograms from SOHO/MDI and evolves the coronal magnetic field though a continuous series of non-linear force-free states. Upon comparison with Hinode/XRT observations, results show that the simulation reproduces many features of the active region's evolution. In particular, it describes the formation of a flux rope across the polarity inversion line during flux cancellation. The flux rope forms at the same location as an observed X-ray sigmoid. After five days of evolution, the free magnetic energy contained within the flux rope was found to be 3.9 × 1030 erg. This value is more than sufficient to account for the B1.4 GOES flare observed from the active region on 2007 December 7. At the time of the observed eruption, the flux rope was found to contain 20% of the active region flux. We conclude that the modeling technique proposed in Mackay et al.—which directly uses observed magnetograms to energize the coronal field—is a viable method to simulate the evolution of the coronal magnetic field.


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Méthodologie: Entretiens semi-dirigés


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Recent realistic high resolution modeling studies show a net increase of submesoscale activity in fall and winter when the mixed layer depth is at its maximum. This submesoscale activity increase is associated with a reduced deepening of the mixed layer. Both phenomena can be related to the development of mixed layer instabilities, which convert available potential energy into submesoscale eddy kinetic energy and contribute to a fast restratification by slumping the horizontal density gradient in the mixed layer. In the present work, the mixed layer formation and restratification was studied by uniformly cooling a fully turbulent zonal jet in a periodic channel at different resolutions, from eddy resolving (10 km) to submesoscale permitting (2 km). The effect of the submesoscale activity, highlighted by these different horizontal resolutions, was quantified in terms of mixed layer depth, restratification rate and buoyancy fluxes. Contrary to many idealized studies focusing on the restratification phase only, this study addresses a continuous event of mixed layer formation followed by its complete restratification. The robustness of the present results was established by ensemble simulations. The results show that, at higher resolution, when submesoscale starts to be resolved, the mixed layer formed during the surface cooling is significantly shallower and the total restratification almost three times faster. Such differences between coarse and fine resolution models are consistent with the submesoscale upward buoyancy flux, which balances the convection during the formation phase and accelerates the restratification once the surface cooling is stopped. This submesoscale buoyancy flux is active even below the mixed layer. Our simulations show that mesoscale dynamics also cause restratification, but on longer time scales. Finally, the spatial distribution of the mixed layer depth is highly heterogeneous in the presence of submesoscale activity, prompting the question of whether it is possible to parameterize submesoscale effects and their effects on the marine biology as a function of a spatially-averaged mixed layer depth.