984 resultados para Taide - politiikka - käsitykset - 1980-luku
Abstract: Deliniated politics - Itse valtiaat and political humour
Als darrers 150 anys, les grans infraestructures hidràuliques, per acció o per omissió, han jugat un paper destacat però força desconegut a les conques hidrogràfiques gironines de la Muga i del Fluvià. Així, s’efectua, a continuació, una reconstrucció retrospectiva i comparada de les propostes de gran obra hidràulica (embassaments, canals complementaris...) que, en aquest període, han estat ideades i en el seu cas executades, a ambdues conques. S’atorgarà una atenció especial a les justificacions, finalitats, discursos i agents socials que han inspirat la seva concepció i les causes que han conduït al seu èxit o al seu fracàs. Tot plegat es contextualitza dins dels plans, les polítiques i la legislació hidràulica estatals. Aquí s’afegirà la influència del proper riu Ter, a partir de la dècada de 1950-59, des del moment en què es decideix l’abastament parcial amb els seus cabals a Barcelona i a la seva zona d’influència
Abstract: Politics of memory: Bloody Sunday in Londonderry
Upward trends in mortality from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) were recently reported in the United States and Japan. Comprehensive analyses of most recent data for European countries are not available. Age-standardized (world standard) HCC rates per 100,000 (at all ages, at age 20-44, and age 45-59 years) were computed for 23 European countries over the period 1980-2004 using data from the World Health Organization. Joinpoint regression analysis was used to identify significant changes in trends, and annual percent change were computed. Male overall mortality from HCC increased in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and other western countries, while it significantly decreased over recent years in countries such as France and Italy, which had large upward trends until the mid-1990s. In the early 2000s, among countries allowing distinction between HCC and other liver cancers, the highest HCC rates in men were in France (6.8/100,000), Italy (6.7), and Switzerland (5.9), whereas the lowest ones were in Norway (1.0), Ireland (0.8), and Sweden (0.7). In women, a slight increase in overall HCC mortality was observed in Spain and Switzerland, while mortality decreased in several other European countries, particularly since the mid-1990s. In the early 2000s, female HCC mortality rates were highest in Italy (1.9/100,000), Switzerland (1.8), and Spain (1.5) and lowest in Greece, Ireland, and Sweden (0.3). In most countries, trends at age 45-59 years were consistent with overall ones, whereas they were more favorable at age 20-44 years in both sexes. CONCLUSION: HCC mortality remains largely variable across Europe. Favorable trends were observed in several European countries mainly over the last decade, particularly in women and in young adults.
This summary of legislation enacted by the General Assembly has been prepared for the use of legislators and other interested parties. The summary of each legislative enactment has been assigned to a major subject category. This compilation provides interested persons with quick reference to legislation enacted in specific areas and generally informs persons of the contents and effective date of the legislation. NOTE: This is a large file and may take a few minutes to load.
Abstract: The politics of public space : the Senate Square in Helsinki as a form of structural, symbolic and aesthetic power
Iowa population projections are made for 1980-2000.
Collection : Les Collections de l'INSEE ; 417, 50
Collection : Les Collections de l'INSEE n ° 490. Série R, régions ; 58
The objectives were to determine the feasibility and performance of this type of construction and to determine if the macadam base is effective in reducin9or eliminating D-cracking deterioration.