939 resultados para TRIPLE ANTIBIOTIC PASTE
Motile aeromonads isolated from the intestines of farm-raised freshwater fish such as Catla catla, Labeo rohita and Ctenopharyngodon idella have been characterized to species level. Morphological and physiological grouping revealed 61% Aeromonas hydrophila, 30% Aeromonas caviae, 7% Aeromonas sobria and 2% which remained unidentified. Hemolytic activity was detected mostly in A. hydrophila, while only half of the A. sobria and A. caviae showed this activity. Antibiotic resistance patterns of the strains revealed that they had acquired a relatively higher resistance to oxytetracycline, amoxycillin, ampicillin, novobiocin and polymixin-B, implicating possible use of these antibiotics in the aquaculture systems.
Prevalence and antibiotic resistance of Escherichia coli in the water and sediment samples of brackish water aquaculture ponds adjacent to Cochin backwaters was analysed. More than 50% of the water samples and more than 80% of sediment samples from all the sampling stations were tested positive for £. coli. Risk assessment of the E. coli strains was carried out using multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) indexing. Majority of the strains were found to be multiple antibiotic resistant suggesting their origin from high risk sources of contamination such as human where antibiotics are frequently used. While none of the £. coli strains were resistant against amikacin, chloramphenicol, streptomycin and trimethoprim, considerable levels of resistance was encountered against ampicillin, erythromycin, penicillin G and vancomycin. High prevalence of £. coli in the water and sediment samples of this extensive brackish water ponds indicates high degree of faecal pollution of this environment. The high risk nature of the strains warrants efficient post harvest and processing measures to avoid health risk to consumers
The incidence of salmonella and escherichia coli in chicken retail outlets in a residential area of coimbatore, Tamilnadu India was studied with the view that accessories may be a source of cross contamination.Accessories like cages,knives ,chopping boards weighing balance trays and the hands of butcher were examined.A toatal of 14 salmonella as well as 31 E.coli were isolated from different sources. The incidence of E.coli was higher than that of Salmonella.The highest incidence of Salmonella was found in chopping boards and the maximum level of E.Coli was detected in cages.
A total of 319 strains of Aeromonas hydrophila were isolated from 536 fish and 278 prawns for a 2-year period. All the strains were tested for resistance to 15 antibiotics and 100% of the strains was resistant to methicillin and rifampicin followed by bacitracin and novobiocin (99%). Only 3% of the strains exhibited resistance against chloramphenicol. The multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) indexing of A. hydrophila strains showed that all of them originated from high-risk sources
Aeromonas spp. are ubiquitous aquatic organisms, associated with multitude of diseases in several species of animals, including fishes and humans. In the present study, water samples from two ornamental fish culture systems were analyzed for the presence of Aeromonas. Nutrient agar was used for Aeromonas isolation, and colonies (60 No) were identified through biochemical characterization. Seven clusters could be generated based on phenotypic characters, analyzed by the programme NTSYSpc, Version 2.02i, and identified as: Aeromonas caviae (33.3%), A. jandaei (38.3%) and A. veronii biovar sobria (28.3%). The strains isolated produced highly active hydrolytic enzymes, haemolytic activity and slime formation in varying proportions. The isolates were also tested for the enterotoxin genes (act, alt and ast), haemolytic toxins (hlyA and aerA), involved in type 3 secretion system (TTSS: ascV, aexT, aopP, aopO, ascF–ascG, and aopH), and glycerophospholipid-cholesterol acyltransferase (gcat). All isolates were found to be associated with at least one virulent gene. Moreover, they were resistant to frequently used antibiotics for human infections. The study demonstrates the pathogenic potential of Aeromonas, associated with ornamental fish culture systems suggesting the emerging threat to public health
We propose antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) as an alternative strategy to reduce the use of antibiotics in shrimp larviculture systems. The growth of a multiple antibiotic resistant Vibrio harveyi strain was effectively controlled by treating the cells with Rose Bengal and photosensitizing for 30 min using a halogen lamp. This resulted in the death of > 50% of the cells within the first 10 min of exposure and the 50% reduction in the cell wall integrity after 30 min could be attributed to the destruction of outer membrane protein of V. harveyi by reactive oxygen intermediates produced during the photosensitization. Further, mesocosm experiments with V. harveyi and Artemia nauplii demonstrated that in 30 min, the aPDT could kill 78.9% and 91.2% of heterotrophic bacterial and Vibrio population respectively. In conclusion, the study demonstrated that aPDT with its rapid action and as yet unreported resistance development possibilities could be a propitious strategy to reduce the use of antibiotics in shrimp larviculture systems and thereby, avoid their hazardous effects on human health and the ecosystem at large.
An experiment was designed to assess the occurrence of multiple antibiotic resistances in Vibrio sp from different (brackish and marine) environments. Water samples from nine marine landing sites and two coastal inland aquaculture farms were screened for the Vibrio spp and assessed their resistance to twenty-two different antibiotics, which are commonly encountered in the aquatic ecosystem. Tissue samples (shrimp, mussel and sepia) were tested from the sampling site with highest antibiotic resistance. Of the total 119 Vibrio isolates, 16. 8% were susceptible to all antibiotics. Of the resistant (83.19%) Vibrio strains, 30.3% were resistant against three antibiotics, 55.5% were resistant against 4-10 antibiotics, 14.14% were resistant against more than 10 antibiotics and 54% have shown multiple antibiotics resistance (MAR). Antibiotic resistance index was higher in Coastal 3, 6, Aqua farm 2 in isolates from water samples and all the tissues tested. Interestingly, incidence of antibiotic resistance in isolates from water samples was comparatively lower in aquaculture farms than that observed in coastal areas. Highest incidence of antibiotic resistance was evident against Amoxycillin, Ampicillin, Carbencillin and Cefuroxime followed by Rifampicin and Streptomycin and lowest against Chloramphenicol, Tetracycline, Chlortetracycline, Furazolidone, Nalidixic acid, Gentamycin Sulphafurazole, Trimethoprirn, Neomycin and Amikacin irrespective of the sampling sites. Results from various tissue samples collected from the sites of highest antibiotic resistance indicated that antibiotic resistance Vibrio spp collected from fish and tissue samples were higher than that of water samples. Overall results indicated that persistent use of antibiotics against diseases in human beings and other life forms may pollute the aquatic system and their impact on developing antibiotic resistant Vibrio sp may be a serious threat in addition to the use of antibiotics in aquaculture farms.
The study was carried out to understand the effect of silver-silica nanocomposite (Ag-SiO2NC) on the cell wall integrity, metabolism and genetic stability of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a multiple drugresistant bacterium. Bacterial sensitivity towards antibiotics and Ag-SiO2NC was studied using standard disc diffusion and death rate assay, respectively. The effect of Ag-SiO2NC on cell wall integrity was monitored using SDS assay and fatty acid profile analysis while the effect on metabolism and genetic stability was assayed microscopically, using CTC viability staining and comet assay, respectively. P. aeruginosa was found to be resistant to β-lactamase, glycopeptidase, sulfonamide, quinolones, nitrofurantoin and macrolides classes of antibiotics. Complete mortality of the bacterium was achieved with 80 μgml-1 concentration of Ag-SiO2NC. The cell wall integrity reduced with increasing time and reached a plateau of 70 % in 110 min. Changes were also noticed in the proportion of fatty acids after the treatment. Inside the cytoplasm, a complete inhibition of electron transport system was achieved with 100 μgml-1 Ag-SiO2NC, followed by DNA breakage. The study thus demonstrates that Ag-SiO2NC invades the cytoplasm of the multiple drug-resistant P. aeruginosa by impinging upon the cell wall integrity and kills the cells by interfering with electron transport chain and the genetic stability
This work presents a triple-mode sigma-delta modulator for three wireless standards namely GSM/WCDMA and Bluetooth. A reconfigurable ADC has been used to meet the wide bandwidth and high dynamic range requirements of the multi-standard receivers with less power consumption. A highly linear sigma-delta ADC which has reduced sensitivity to circuit imperfections has been chosen in our design. This is particularly suitable for wide band applications where the oversampling ratio is low. Simulation results indicate that the modulator achieves a peak SNDR of 84/68/68 dB over a bandwidth of 0.2/3.84/1.5 MHz with an oversampling ratio 128/8/8 in GSM/WCDMA/Bluetooth modes respectively
This paper presents a cascaded 2-2-2 reconfigurable sigma-delta modulator that can handle GSM, WCDMA and WLAN standards. The modulator makes use of a low-distortion swing suppression topology which is highly suitable for wide band applications. In GSM mode, only the first stage (2nd order Σ-Δ ADC) is turned on to achieve 88dB dynamic range with oversampling ratio of 160 for a bandwidth of 200KHz; in WCDMA mode a 2-2 cascaded structure (4th order) is turned on with 1-bit in the first stage and 2-bit in the second stage to achieve 74 dB dynamic range with oversampling ratio of 16 for a bandwidth of 2MHz and a 2-2-2 cascaded MASH architecture with a 4-bit in the last stage to achieve a dynamic range of 58dB for a bandwidth of 20MHz. The novelty lies in the fact that unused blocks of second and third stages can be switched off taking into considerations like power consumption. The modulator is designed in TSMC 0.18um CMOS technology and operates at 1.8 supply voltage.
Begleitpersonen in der stationären Kinderrehabilitation: Bedarf für psychologische Interventionen und Evaluation eines Betreuungsmodells (am Beispiel „Triple-P-Programm”) Chronisch erkrankte Kinder im Vorschulalter, die eine stationäre Reha-Maßnahme absolvieren, werden üblicherweise von einer Bezugsperson (Elternteil oder nahe Verwandte) begleitet. Da diese sog. Begleitpersonen normalerweise nicht krank sind, sind psychologische Interventionen nicht vorgesehen. Dennoch hebt der VDR in seinem Rahmenkonzept hervor, dass Eltern sowohl über die Behandlung der Erkrankung ihres Kindes als auch über konsequente Erziehung informiert werden sollten. Diese Studie untersucht, ob psychologische Interventionen für Begleitpersonen sinnvoll und effektiv sind. Sie wurde in der Fachklinik Satteldüne der DRV Nord durchgeführt. Die Kinder, die in dieser Einrichtung behandelt werden, leiden an chronischen Erkrankungen wie Asthma, atopischer Dermatitis, Allergien und Infektanfälligkeit. 134 Begleitpersonen (127 Mütter und 7 Väter) nahmen an einer quasiexperimentellen Feldstudie teil. Zu Beginn der Reha-Maßnahme (t1) füllten sie Fragebögen zu ihrer psychischen Belastung und ihrem Erziehungsverhalten sowie zu Problemverhalten ihrer Kinder aus. Vier Wochen später zum Ende der Reha-Maßnahme (t2) beurteilten die Begleitpersonen und das Reha-Team den Reha-Erfolg der Kinder. Zu t1 zeigte diese Stichprobe ein überdurchschnittliches Ausmaß an psychischer Belastung, welches bei einem Drittel der Befragten ein klinisch relevantes Ausmaß erreichte. Die psychische Belastung zu t1 korrelierte negativ mit dem Reha-Erfolg der Kinder zum Ende der Behandlung (in der Einschätzung durch Begleitpersonen und Stationsärzte). Dysfunktionales Erziehungsverhalten zeigten 20 % der Begleitpersonen. Dieses korrelierte negativ mit dem Reha-Erfolg der Kinder (in der Einschätzung durch das Pflegepersonal). Es wurden positive Korrelationen zwischen dysfunktionalem Erziehungsverhalten sowie psychischer Belastung der Begleitpersonen und Verhaltensauffälligkeiten der Kinder gefunden. Das Ausmaß der Verhaltensauffälligkeiten lag bei Kleinkindern (bis drei Jahre, n=29) im durchschnittlichen – und bei Vorschulkindern (4-7 Jahre, n=94) im überdurchschnittlichen Bereich. Es zeigte sich ein starkes Interesse der Befragten, während der Reha-Maßnahme an psychologischen Interventionen teilzunehmen. Für das Entspannungstraining interessierte sich jede zweite Begleitperson und ein Drittel der Befragten hatte Interesse die Erziehungsberatung wahrzunehmen. Dennoch nahm nur ein geringer Anteil der anfänglich Interessierten tatsächlich an diesen Interventionen teil (Entspannungstraining: 23 %, Erziehungsberatung: 16 %, psychologische Einzelgespräche: 11,4 %). Es fanden sich signifikante positive Korrelationen zwischen der Zufriedenheit der Begleitpersonen mit der Reha-Maßnahme und a) dem Ausmaß der Erfüllung der Erwartungen der Begleitperson an die Reha-Maßnahme und b) dem Reha-Erfolg des Kindes (eingeschätzt durch die Begleitperson). Zudem zeigten Begleitpersonen, deren psychische Belastung während der Reha-Maßnahme anstieg, eine geringere Zufriedenheit mit der Reha-Maßnahme als diejenigen, deren psychische Belastung sich verringerte. Darüber hinaus wurden die Effekte von verschiedenen psychologischen Betreuungsmodellen für Begleitpersonen untersucht. In einer quasiexperimentellen Studie wurden 64 Begleitpersonen (63 Mütter, 1 Vater) auf zwei Gruppen aufgeteilt. Beide Gruppen konnten auf freiwilliger Basis am Psychologischen Standardprogramm für Begleitpersonen teilnehmen (Erziehungsberatung, psychologische Einzelgespräche, Entspannungstraining). Die 32 Begleitpersonen der EG nahmen zusätzlich an einer Triple-P-Gruppenintervention teil. Zu Beginn (t1) und zum Ende der vierwöchigen Behandlung (t2) sowie sechs Monate nach der Reha-Maßnahme (t3) wurden die Merkmale psychische Belastung und Erziehungsverhalten der Begleitpersonen sowie Problemverhalten der Kinder erhoben. An der Intervention Triple-P nahmen 64 % der Begleitpersonen teil; am Psychologischen Standardprogramm nur 22,7 %. Die Ergebnisse zu t2 zeigen positive Effekte der Behandlung: beide Gruppen verbesserten ihr Erziehungsverhalten, die psychische Belastung der Begleitpersonen und Verhaltensauffälligkeiten der Kinder verringerten sich. Die Verbesserung des Erziehungsverhaltens fiel zu t2 bei der EG signifikant stärker aus als bei der KG. Die Effekte auf das Erziehungsverhalten der Eltern und auf Verhaltensauffälligkeiten der Kinder hielten ein halbes Jahr an, da sie zu t3 erneut vorgefunden wurden. Ein nachhaltiger Effekt auf die psychische Belastung der Begleitpersonen lag nicht vor. Zu t3 wurden keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen EG und KG gefunden. Zusammenfassend betrachtet zeigt diese Studie, dass der Bedarf für psychologische Interventionen für Begleitpersonen in der stationären Kinderrehabilitation gerechtfertigt ist und eine Reduktion von psychischer Belastung und dysfunktionalem Erziehungsverhalten der Begleitperson den Reha-Erfolg des Kindes erhöhen kann. In Zukunft sind weitere Anstrengungen nötig, um die psychische Belastung von Begleitpersonen zu verringern, z.B. über eine stärkere Verpflichtung zur Teilnahme an den psychologischen Interventionen, eine bessere Verzahnung von ambulanten und stationären Interventionen und die kontinuierliche Evaluation von neuen psychologischen Interventionen.
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On May 25, 1973, Peronism returned to govern Argentina after about two decades of prohibition and political persecution. After its establishment, certain crimes began to be signed with “AAA”. The Triple A adopted the particularity of disappearing with the coup on March 24 1976. Why could this organization only exist in a democracy erected in the middle of two military dictatorships? Why did it exist during the very wished Peronist government? The article offers an approach to the Triple A, that is, from the perspectives of history, sociology and politics. It seeks to unravel the socio-historical conditions of the Triple A by analyzing the international, ideological, utilitarian and strategic factors. Our hypothesis is that this illegal group failed in trying a strategy of non-state conducted repression, which ended up legitimizing the coup option crowned on March 24, 1976.
Esta monografía analiza la influencia del Crimen Organizado Transnacional en la Triple Frontera compartida por Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay y sus decisiones en Política Exterior durante 1996 y 2006. Se explica cómo el Crimen Organizado Transnacional y sus efectos en la gobernabilidad de los Estados pueden ser un motivo para el análisis de la situación como un Complejo de Seguridad Regional. A partir de la conceptualización de Seguridad Regional de Barry Buzan y Ole Waever y de Robert Stewart y Derrick Frazier, se avanza hacia el resultado de la investigación que permite exponer los factores que conllevaron a el surgimiento de un Complejo de Seguridad Regional entre Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay para diezmar los efectos del Crimen Organizado Transnacional en la Triple Frontera.