925 resultados para TRACE validation
BACKGROUND: Anterior shoulder stabilization surgery with the arthroscopic Bankart procedure can have a high recurrence rate in certain patients. Identifying these patients to modify outcomes has become a focal point of research. PURPOSE: The Instability Shoulder Index Score (ISIS) was developed to predict the success of arthroscopic Bankart repair. Scores range from 0 to 10, with higher scores predicting a higher risk of recurrence after stabilization. The interobserver reliability of the score is not known. STUDY DESIGN: Cohort study (diagnosis); Level of evidence, 2. METHODS: This is a prospective multicenter (North America and Europe) study of patients suffering from shoulder instability and waiting for stabilization surgery. Five pairs of independent evaluators were asked to score patient instability severity with the ISIS. Patients also completed functional scores (Western Ontario Shoulder Instability Index [WOSI], Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand-short version [QuickDASH], and Walch-Duplay test). Data on age, sex, number of dislocations, and type of surgery were collected. The test-retest method and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC: >0.75 = good, >0.85 = very good, and >0.9 = excellent) were used for analysis. RESULTS: A total of 114 patients with anterior shoulder instability were included, of whom 89 (78%) were men. The mean age was 28 years. The ISIS was very reliable, with an ICC of 0.933. The mean number of dislocations per patient was higher in patients who had an ISIS of ≥6 (25 vs 14; P = .05). Patients who underwent more complex arthroscopic procedures such as Hill-Sachs remplissage or open Latarjet had higher preoperative ISIS outcomes, with a mean score of 4.8 versus 3.4, respectively (P = .002). There was no correlation between the ISIS and the quality-of-life questionnaires, with Pearson correlations all >0.05 (WOSI = 0.39; QuickDASH = 0.97; Walch-Duplay = 0.08). CONCLUSION: Our results show that the ISIS is reliable when used in a multicenter study with anterior traumatic instability populations. There was no correlation between the ISIS and the quality-of-life questionnaires, but surgical decisions reflected its increased use.
Background: Partner violence against women is a major public health problem. Although there are currently a number of validated screening and diagnostic tools that can be used to evaluate this type of violence, such tools are not available in Spain. The aim of this study is to analyze the validity and reliability of the Spanish version of the Index of Spouse Abuse (ISA). Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 2005 in two health centers in Granada, Spain, in 390 women between 18 and 70 years old. Analyses of the factorial structure, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and construct validity were conducted. Cutoff points for each subscale were also defined. For the construct validity analysis, the SF-36 perceived general health dimension, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and the Goldberg 12-item General Health Questionnaire were included. Results: The psychometric analysis shows that the instrument has good internal consistency, reproducibility, and construct validity. Conclusions: The scale is useful for the analysis of partner violence against women in both a research setting and a healthcare setting
BACKGROUND: The Multiple Sclerosis International Quality Of Life (MusiQoL) questionnaire, a 31-item, multidimensional, self-administrated questionnaire that is available in 14 languages including Spanish, has been validated using a large international sample. We investigated the validity and reliability of the Spanish version of MusiQoL in Spain. METHODS: Consecutive patients with different types and severities of multiple sclerosis (MS) were recruited from 22 centres across Spain. All patients completed the MusiQoL questionnaire, the 36-Item Short Form (SF-36) health survey, and a symptoms checklist at baseline and 21 days later. External validity, internal consistency, reliability and reproducibility were tested. RESULTS: A total of 224 Spanish patients were evaluated. Dimensions of MusiQoL generally demonstrated a high internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha: 0.70-0.92 for all but two MusiQoL domain scores). External validity testing revealed that the MusiQoL index score correlated significantly with all SF-36 dimension scores (Pearson's correlation: 0.46-0.76), reproducibility was satisfactory (intraclass correlation coefficient: 0.60-0.91), acceptability was high, and the time taken to complete the 31-item questionnaire was reasonable (mean [standard deviation]: 9.8 [11.8] minutes). CONCLUSIONS: The Spanish version of the MusiQoL questionnaire appears to be a valid and reliable instrument for measuring quality of life in patients with MS in Spain and constitutes a useful instrument to measure health-related quality of life in the clinical setting.
Toxoplasma gondii causes posterior uveitis and the specific diagnosis is based on clinical criteria. The presence of anti-T. gondii secretory IgA (sIgA) antibodies in patients' tears has been reported and an association was found between ocular toxoplasmosis and the anti-T. gondii sIgA isotype in Brazilian patients. The purpose of this study was to provide an objective validation of the published ELISA test for determining the presence of anti-T. gondii sIgA in the tears of individuals with ocular toxoplasmosis. Tears from 156 patients with active posterior uveitis were analysed; 82 of them presented characteristics of ocular toxoplasmosis (standard lesion) and 74 patients presented uveitis due to other aetiologies. Cases of active posterior uveitis were considered standard when a new inflammatory focus satellite to old retinochoroidal scars was observed. The determination of anti-T. gondii sIgA was made using an ELISA test with crude tachyzoite antigenic extracts. Tears were collected without previous stimulation. Detection of sIgA showed 65.9% sensitivity (95% CI = 54.5-74.4), 71.6% specificity (95% CI = 59.8-81.2), a positive predictive value of 72% (95% CI = 60.3-81.5) and a negative predictive value of 65.4% (95% CI = 54.0-75.4). sIgA reactivity was higher in the tears of patients with active posterior uveitis due to T. gondii (p < 0.05). The test is useful for differentiating active posterior uveitis due to toxoplasmosis from uveitis caused by other diseases.
The aim of our study was to provide an innovative headspace-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-GC-MS) method applicable for the routine determination of blood CO concentration in forensic toxicology laboratories. The main drawback of the GC/MS methods discussed in literature for CO measurement is the absence of a specific CO internal standard necessary for performing quantification. Even if stable isotope of CO is commercially available in the gaseous state, it is essential to develop a safer method to limit the manipulation of gaseous CO and to precisely control the injected amount of CO for spiking and calibration. To avoid the manipulation of a stable isotope-labeled gas, we have chosen to generate in a vial in situ, an internal labeled standard gas ((13)CO) formed by the reaction of labeled formic acid formic acid (H(13)COOH) with sulfuric acid. As sulfuric acid can also be employed to liberate the CO reagent from whole blood, the procedure allows for the liberation of CO simultaneously with the generation of (13)CO. This method allows for precise measurement of blood CO concentrations from a small amount of blood (10 μL). Finally, this method was applied to measure the CO concentration of intoxicated human blood samples from autopsies.
Highly evolved rhyolite glass plus near-solidus mineral assemblages in voluminous, dacitic, crystal-rich ignimbrites provide an opportunity to evaluate the late magmatic evolution of granodiorite batholiths. This study reports laser-ablation ICP-MS analyses of trace element concentrations in feldspars, hornblende, biotite, titanite, zircon, magnetite, and interstitial glass of the crystal-rich Fish Canyon Tuff. The high-silica rhyolite glass is characterized by relatively high concentrations of feldspar-compatible elements (e.g., 100 ppm Sr and 500 ppm Ba) and low concentrations of Y (< 7 ppm) and HREE (&SIM; 1 ppm Yb), hence high LREE/HREE (Ce/Yb > 40) compared to many well-studied high-silica rhyolite glasses and whole-rock compositions. Most minerals record some trace element heterogeneities, with, in particular, one large hornblende phenocryst showing four- to six-fold core-to-rim increases in Sr and Ba coupled with a decrease in Sc. The depletions of Y and HREE in the Fish Canyon glass relative to the whole-rock composition (concentrations in glass &SIM; 30% of those in whole rocks) reflect late crystallization of phases wherein these elements were compatible. As garnet is not stable at the low-P conditions at which the Fish Canyon magma crystallized, we show that a combination of modally abundant hornblende (&SIM; 4%) + titanite (&SIM; 0.5-1%) and the highly polymerized nature of the rhyolitic liquid led to Y and HREE depletions in melt. Relatively high Sr and Ba contents in glass and rimward Sr and Ba increases in euhedral, concentrically zoned hornblende suggest partial feldspar dissolution and a late release of these elements to the melt as hornblende was crystallizing, in agreement with textural evidence for feldspar (and quartz) resorption. Both observations are consistent with thermal rejuvenation of the magma body prior to eruption, during which the proportion of melt increased via feldspar and quartz dissolution, even as hydrous and accessory phases were crystallizing. Sr/Y in Fish Canyon glass (13-18) is lower than the typical ``adakitic'' value (> 40), confirming that high Sr/Y is a reliable indicator of high-pressure magma generation and/or differentiation wherein garnet is implicated.
Usually, psychometricians apply classical factorial analysis to evaluate construct validity of order rankscales. Nevertheless, these scales have particular characteristics that must be taken into account: totalscores and rank are highly relevant
The aim of this validation study was to assess the measurement properties of the CECA (Spanish acronym for the Specific Questionnaire for Condylomata Acuminata) in patients with anogenital condylomas. A total of 247 patients aged > 18 years completed the questionnaire on 2 occasions as well as the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI). The CECA questionnaire showed good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha values of 0.86 and 0.91 in the emotional and sexual activity dimensions) and good testretest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient 0.76 emotional dimension, 0.82 sexual activity dimension). Patients with de novo lesions and those with more extensive lesions and larger number of warts showed poorer health-related quality of life. CECA and DLQI scores correlated moderately. Patients whose lesions cleared at follow-up or with a reduction of >or= 50% showed a better improvement of health-related quality of life. The CECA questionnaire is a valid, reliable and sensitive tool for the assessment of health-related quality of life in patients with anogenital warts.
Résumé Objectif: l'observation des variations de volume de la matière grise (MG), de la matière blanche (MB), et du liquide céphalo-rachidien (LCR) est particulièrement utile dans l'étude de nombreux processus physiopathologiques, la mesure quantitative 'in vivo' de ces volumes présente un intérêt considérable tant en recherche qu'en pratique clinique. Cette étude présente et valide une méthode de segmentation automatique du cerveau avec mesure des volumes de MG et MB sur des images de résonance magnétique. Matériel et Méthode: nous utilisons un algorithme génétique automatique pour segmenter le cerveau en MG, MB et LCR à partir d'images tri-dimensionnelles de résonance magnétique en pondération Ti. Une étude morphométrique a été conduite sur 136 sujets hommes et femmes de 15 à 74 ans. L'algorithme a ensuite été validé par 5 approches différentes: I. Comparaison de mesures de volume sur un cerveau de cadavre par méthode automatique et par mesure de déplacement d'eau selon la méthode d'Archimède. 2. Comparaison de mesures surfaces sur des images bidimensionnelles segmentées soit par un traçage manuel soit par la méthode automatique. 3. Evaluation de la fiabilité de la segmentation par acquisitions et segmentations itératives du même cerveau. 4. Les volumes de MG, MB et LCR ont été utilisés pour une étude du vieillissement normal de la population. 5. Comparaison avec les données existantes de la littérature. Résultats: nous avons pu observer une variation de la mesure de 4.17% supplémentaire entre le volume d'un cerveau de cadavre mesuré par la méthode d'Archimède, en majeure partie due à la persistance de tissus après dissection_ La comparaison des méthodes de comptage manuel de surface avec la méthode automatique n'a pas montré de variation significative. L'épreuve du repositionnement du même sujet à diverses reprises montre une très bonne fiabilité avec une déviation standard de 0.46% pour la MG, 1.02% pour la MB et 3.59% pour le LCR, soit 0.19% pour le volume intracrânien total (VICT). L'étude morphométrique corrobore les résultats des études anatomiques et radiologiques existantes. Conclusion: la segmentation du cerveau par un algorithme génétique permet une mesure 100% automatique, fiable et rapide des volumes cérébraux in vivo chez l'individu normal.
OBJECTIVE: The principal aim of this study was to develop a Swiss Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) for the elderly population for use in a study to investigate the influence of nutritional factors on bone health. The secondary aim was to assess its validity and both short-term and long-term reproducibility. DESIGN: A 4-day weighed record (4 d WR) was applied to 51 randomly selected women of a mean age of 80.3 years. Subsequently, a detailed FFQ was developed, cross-validated against a further 44 4-d WR, and the short- (1 month, n = 15) and long-term (12 months, n = 14) reproducibility examined. SETTING: French speaking part of Switzerland. SUBJECTS: The subjects were randomly selected women recruited from the Swiss Evaluation of the Methods of Measurement of Osteoporotic Fracture cohort study. RESULTS: Mean energy intakes by 4-d WR and FFQ showed no significant difference [1564.9 kcal (SD 351.1); 1641.3 kcal (SD 523.2) respectively]. Mean crude nutrient intakes were also similar (with nonsignifcant P-values examining the differences in intake) and ranged from 0.13 (potassium) to 0.48 (magnesium). Similar results were found in the reproducibility studies. CONCLUSION: These findings provide evidence that this FFQ adequately estimates nutrient intakes and can be used to rank individuals within distributions of intake in specific populations.
L'objectif de cette étude est de valider une nouvelle grille de codage pour le Lab-TAB (Goldsmith et Rothbart, 1999). Cette grille mesure l'intensité émotionnelle et les comportements de régulation chez l'enfant âgé de six mois. L'accord interjuge se révèle satisfaisant. Les analyses factorielles ont mis en évidence trois facteurs - attention, niveau d'activité et détournement actif - retrouvés dans la littérature comme stratégies de régulation émotionnelle. Les analyses de consistance interne démontrent une bonne homogénéité de ces facteurs. La validité externe se révèle satisfaisante aux niveaux concourant et prédictif. Enfin, cet outil de codage permet de distinguer les prématurés et les nés à terme. L'ensemble de ces résultats indiquent que l'outil élaboré présente de bonnes qualités psychométriques.