1000 resultados para TD Tecnología Ambiental, Ingeniería Sanitaria
In the contemporary world to the deterioration of semi-arid areas of the planet has been the focus of media attention and the scientific community. Brazil has a semiarid, considered the most problematic of the world, either by pressure from physical factors, whether as a result of misguided public policies, has over time been suffering from the consequences of a deterioration that expands over the years. Methodologies, that amidst the problems of semi-arid, come against the deteriorating local, have a good chance to be reapplied in other contexts around the world. This research, based on methodological model for analyzing environmental deterioration, introduced and examined the applicability of the methodology in the semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte - Brazil. Although the results provide guidelines for the introduction of underground dams, the application of the methodology was ineffective, given the high rates of forest cover that gave low values for the physical diagnosis conservationist
The study that resulted in this dissertation was developed at OU RNCE PETROBRAS, in Natal, which implemented a project of rational use and reuse of water, including use of wastewater from a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) already in place, diluted with water from own wells for irrigation of green area of the building complex corporate enterprise. Establish a methodology that can serve as guidelines for future projects controlled reuse of water like this was the objective of this research. Been proposed, implemented and evaluated three instruments of sanitary and environmental control: 1) adaptation of sewage treatment plant and quality control of the treated effluent 2) analysis of soil-nutrient interaction in the irrigated area, 3) knowledge of the local hydrogeology, especially with regard to the direction of flow of the aquifer and location of collection wells of Companhia de Águas e Esgotos do Rio Grande do Norte (CAERN) situated in the surroundings. These instruments have proven sufficient and appropriate to ensure the levels of sanitary and environmental control proposed and studied, which were: a) control of water quality off the STP and the output of the irrigation reservoir, b) control of water quality sub surface soil and assessment of progress on soil composition, c) assessment of water quality in the aquifer. For this, we must: 1) establishing the monitoring plan of the STP and its effluent quality sampling points and defining the parameters of analysis, improve the functioning of that identifying the adequacy of flow and screening as the main factors of operational control, and increase the efficiency of the station to a relatively low cost, using additional filters, 2) propose, implement and adapt simple collectors to assess the quality of water percolating into the soil of the irrigated area, 3) determine the direction of groundwater flow in the area study and select the wells for monitoring of the aquifer.
One of the most important natural resources for sustaining human life, water, has been losing the basic requirements of quality and quantity sufficient enough to attend the population due to water contamination'problems, often caused by human beings themselves. Because of this, the sources of this resource are often located in remote places of the natural environment to ensure the quality of the water. However, when urban expansion began to occupy these areas, which were once regarded as distant, environmental pollution problems began to occur due to occupation of the land without planning. Based on this occurrence, this study aims to propose environmental zoning for the Maxaranguape river watershed in order to protect its water resources. This is important because this river can serve as a source of supply for the metropolitan area of Natal, the capital of Rio Grande do Norte. In accordance to this proposition, the model of natural soil loss vulnerability (CREPANI et al., 2001), the model of aquifer pollution vulnerability (FOSTER et al., 2006), and the legal incompatibility map (CREPANI et al., 2001) were used to delimit the zones. All this was done with Geographic Information System (GIS) and also created a geographic database update of the basin. The results of the first model mentioned indicated that 63.67% of the basin was classified as moderately stable / vulnerable, 35.66% as moderately vulnerable, and 0.67% as vulnerable. The areas with high vulnerability degree correspond with sand dunes and river channels areas. The second model indicated that 2.84% of the basin has low vulnerability, 70.27%) has median vulnerability, and 26.76% and 0.13% has high vulnerability and extreme vulnerability, respectively. The areas with the highest vulnerability values also refer to part of the sand dunes and river channels besides other areas such as Pureza urban area. The legal incompatibility map indicated that the basin has 85.02 km2 of Permanent Protection Area (PPA) and 14.62% of this area has some incongruity of use. Based on these results it was possible to draw three main zones: Protection and Sustainable Use Zone (PSUZ), Protection and Environmental Restoration Zone (PERZ) and Environmental Control Zone, which are divided into A, B and C. The PSUZ refer to the coastal areas of the basin, where the sand dunes are located. These sites should be areas of environmental protection and of sustainable urban expansion. The ZPRA refer to river channels, which are in high need of rehabilitation. The third zone corresponds to the rest of the basin which should have, in general, the mapping of possible sources of contamination for further control on the use and occupation of the river
Instrumento de política pública ligado ao licenciamento ambiental prévio de projetos de empreendimentos potencialmente degradadores do ambiente, a Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental (AIA), atualmente, apresenta algumas inconsistências. Dentre elas, autores registram a disparidade no que se refere à indicação e à efetiva implantação das medidas de controle ambiental estabelecidas nos EIA/RIMAs. Diante disso, o presente trabalho analisa a implantação das medidas mitigadoras estabelecidas para empreendimentos minerais licenciados pela Fundação Estadual do Meio Ambiente (FEAM) do Estado de Minas Gerais, para a região do Quadrilátero Ferrífero. No estudo, constata-se que intervenções ambientais são hoje partes integrantes dos projetos minerais; porém, como na mineração a operação impõe certo dinamismo ao empreendimento, verifica-se que parte das medidas mitigadoras apontadas no EIA acaba não sendo executada, como o previsto e o aprovado na fase da Licença Prévia (LP), enquanto outras apenas ficam listadas como propostas de mitigação de impactos, deixando de ser efetivamente executadas.
Este estudo avalia sistemas de reciclagem e de disposição de resíduos sólidos domésticos que possuem incentivos fiscais definidos pela Lei Estadual nº 13.803/2000 de Minas Gerais. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida por análise de documentação de licenciamento ambiental de aterros sanitários e usinas de reciclagem e compostagem de resíduos financiados pela referida Lei e por visitas às unidades sanitárias, sendo usados os instrumentos metodológicos da agência ambiental do Estado de São Paulo (CETESB) que avaliam as condições de instalação e operação desses tipos de empreendimentos. do estudo, constatou-se que o incentivo de Minas Gerais, definido pela Lei do ICMS Ecológico, traz importantes benefícios ambientais aos municípios, embora ainda seja reduzido o número dos contemplados por esse fomento à gestão dos resíduos sólidos urbanos. Conclui-se, também, que algumas das unidades estudadas apresentam problemas de natureza ambiental e operacional.
The management of the São Paulo Metropolitan Area has as one of the challenges to bring a sustainable solution for land use in watershed protection areas, aiming at regional water resources protection. This paper has the objective to contribute to the discussion about Sustainable Development Strategy Assessment, from an analisys with focus at the environmental policies of the Santo André City - SP Brazil, in the context of water resources protection. For this, the proposal is to verify, based on the Bellagio Principles, the use of systemic approach, transparency, participatory process and social engagement in its policy formulation and implementation process. It was observed coherence within the policies, programmes and actions analysed, nevertheless, gaps were identified, which, within a strategic approach, means weakness for the construction of the local sustainability, as the lack of a consolidated sustainability indicators system.
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Este documento, compilado por Gilberto C. Gallopín, Asesor Regional en Política Ambiental para América Latina y el Caribe, contiene los resultados de las reflexiones del Taller Regional Latinoamericano y Caribeño sobre Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo Sostenible. Su objetivo fue discutir los desafíos prácticos, teóricos y organizativos que la búsqueda del desarrollo sostenible plantea a la Ciencia y la Tecnología. El aumento de la complejidad y conectividad característico de nuestra era hace que los componentes de los problemas sean mucho menos separables que antes y fuerza la necesidad de enfocar los problemas del desarrollo y el medio ambiente no sólo como problemas complejos en sí mismos, sino además como inseparables y mutuamente determinados. Por lo tanto, esto plantea desafíos inéditos a la Ciencia y Tecnología (CyT), particularmente a los enfoques analíticos compartimentalizados en disciplinas, que representan la masa principal de las actividades y prioridades de los sistemas CyT actuales, tanto en el norte como en el sur. El taller buscó explicitar una visión desde América Latina y el Caribe a la búsqueda de formas más efectivas de generación y aplicación de la CyT a los problemas y oportunidades de la región.
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