963 resultados para TAI-CHI
Quality of services (QoS) support is critical for dedicated short range communications (DSRC) vehicle networks based collaborative road safety applications. In this paper we propose an adaptive power and message rate control method for DSRC vehicle networks at road intersections. The design objective is to provide high availability and low latency channels for high priority emergency safety applications while maximizing channel utilization for low priority routine safety applications. In this method an offline simulation based approach is used to find out the best possible configurations of transmit power and message rate for given numbers of vehicles in the network. The identified best configurations are then used online by roadside access points (AP) according to estimated number of vehicles. Simulation results show that this adaptive method significantly outperforms a fixed control method. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.
The Implicit Association Test (IAT) has succeeded in accessing mental phenomena hardly exposed through self-report and explicit measures well known in the traditional studies on psychology. Although this measurement technique is among the most consistent in international publications, the few articles in Brazil have not deepened on theoretical issues that underlie the practice. This created a gap between the spread of this measure in the country and the production seen in international laboratories, both at quantitative and qualitative terms. In this context, the online labs implemented in several countries, including Brazil, created unique opportunities to overcome these disparities. Our work sought theoretical and conceptual clarification, contextualized to the historical development of the IAT and its online version, displaying affordably an unprecedented presentation of the virtual tool adapted to the Brazilian public. In a second step, we investigated empirically the data obtained by the Brazilian electronic portal "Countries", analyzing the degree of implicit and explicit nationalism of 2271 Brazilian subjects collected from early 2009 to late 2014. Our goal was to determine whether the data results obtained in a time of major sporting confrontation (FIFA World Cup 2010 and 2014) differ from periods when the tournament did not happen. Analyzes showed differences on the eve of the sporting confrontation, when the increase in the implicit nationalism was clearly superior, even with no effect by self-reports. In an independent analysis of a cultural context, there is an oscillation of explicit nationalism over the years, but not for the implicit action. In addition, it was found in women greater degree of implicit and explicit nationalism than in men, with both sexes presenting their preferences towards Brazil. In an end section, we suggest that nationalism may be a by-product of universal mental mechanisms that evolved to identify of the belonging group categorization, corroborating with the group favoritism. We propose that the intensification of the group preference on the eve of the competition has as its ancestral function strengthen the cohesion of the group in preparation to confrontational situations. We pointed out the need for studies on the differences between the sexes in matters relating to group membership belonging. It was expected largest nationalist attitudes in men reflecting the maintenance of cohesive groups in ancient societies. Thus, it appears a singular importance impart the traditional TAI studies with its online version for future investigations of human behavior in various areas of knowledge.
The Implicit Association Test (IAT) has succeeded in accessing mental phenomena hardly exposed through self-report and explicit measures well known in the traditional studies on psychology. Although this measurement technique is among the most consistent in international publications, the few articles in Brazil have not deepened on theoretical issues that underlie the practice. This created a gap between the spread of this measure in the country and the production seen in international laboratories, both at quantitative and qualitative terms. In this context, the online labs implemented in several countries, including Brazil, created unique opportunities to overcome these disparities. Our work sought theoretical and conceptual clarification, contextualized to the historical development of the IAT and its online version, displaying affordably an unprecedented presentation of the virtual tool adapted to the Brazilian public. In a second step, we investigated empirically the data obtained by the Brazilian electronic portal "Countries", analyzing the degree of implicit and explicit nationalism of 2271 Brazilian subjects collected from early 2009 to late 2014. Our goal was to determine whether the data results obtained in a time of major sporting confrontation (FIFA World Cup 2010 and 2014) differ from periods when the tournament did not happen. Analyzes showed differences on the eve of the sporting confrontation, when the increase in the implicit nationalism was clearly superior, even with no effect by self-reports. In an independent analysis of a cultural context, there is an oscillation of explicit nationalism over the years, but not for the implicit action. In addition, it was found in women greater degree of implicit and explicit nationalism than in men, with both sexes presenting their preferences towards Brazil. In an end section, we suggest that nationalism may be a by-product of universal mental mechanisms that evolved to identify of the belonging group categorization, corroborating with the group favoritism. We propose that the intensification of the group preference on the eve of the competition has as its ancestral function strengthen the cohesion of the group in preparation to confrontational situations. We pointed out the need for studies on the differences between the sexes in matters relating to group membership belonging. It was expected largest nationalist attitudes in men reflecting the maintenance of cohesive groups in ancient societies. Thus, it appears a singular importance impart the traditional TAI studies with its online version for future investigations of human behavior in various areas of knowledge.
Climate change is expected to have wide-ranging impacts on urban areas and creates additional challenges for sustainable development. Urban areas are inextricably linked with climate change, as they are major contributors to it, while also being particularly vulnerable to its impacts. Climate change presents a new challenge to urban areas, not only because of the expected rises in temperature and sea-level, but also the current context of failure to fully address the institutional barriers preventing action to prepare for climate change, or feedbacks between urban systems and agents. Despite the importance of climate change, there are few cities in developing countries that are attempting to address these issues systematically as part of their governance and planning processes. While there is a growing literature on the risks and vulnerabilities related to climate change, as yet there is limited research on the development of institutional responses, the dissemination of relevant knowledge and evaluation of tools for practical planning responses by decision makers at the city level. This thesis questions the dominant assumptions about the capacity of institutions and potential of adaptive planning. It argues that achieving a balance between climate change impacts and local government decision-making capacity is a vital for successful adaptation to the impacts of climate change. Urban spatial planning and wider environmental planning not only play a major role in reducing/mitigating risks but also have a key role in adapting to uncertainty in over future risk. The research focuses on a single province - the biggest city in Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City - as the principal case study to explore this argument, by examining the linkages between urban planning systems, the structures of governance, and climate change adaptation planning. In conclusion it proposes a specific framework to offer insights into some of the more practical considerations, and the approach emphasises the importance of vertical and horizontal coordination in governance and urban planning.
A chi appartieni quando sai di essere diverso? Quando percorri un sentiero altro dalle battute strade dei tuoi? Quando t’imbarchi o nasci altrove ma sai di non potervi restare per sempre? Vogliamo tutti appartenere o meglio essere parte di qualcosa. Dei nostri supereroi, dei nostri artisti preferiti, di un partito politico, di una famiglia. Appartenere è percorrere un cammino comune, sentire di non essere soli. Gli uomini chiamano “radici” questa filiazione, un sentimento profondo che è un punto di contatto tra l’eterno andare e ritornare a conoscere se stessi. Avere delle radici è fondamentale per non sentirsi persi, per avere un porto sicuro da cui andare e partire. Come per le piante, le radici sono il punto di contatto con il terreno e le origini, ma soprattutto la vera base che permette al tronco e ai rami, quindi a una vita tutta nuova, di crescere sana e forte. Le radici sono l’inizio e la fine del viaggio al centro di se stessi.Ogni parte di questo percorso ha come tema principale una delle domande del libro e cerca di tracciarne possibili risposte, suggestioni, suggerimenti con spunti dall’opera omnia di questo artista e di autori che si sono interessati all’argomento con un approccio letterario o analitico. Le linee guida del primo capitolo saranno le domande “chi siete?” e “da dove venite?”; cercherò di trovare risposte grazie ai saggi echi del mare e di chi ne ha scritto e grazie alle pagine di Tefteri, Non si muore tutte le mattine e Il paese dei coppoloni, nonché le nuove Canzoni della Cupa del cantautore errante. Il secondo e ultimo capitolo invece si sposta dalla grandezza del mare alla quella della montagna, concentrandosi sulle domande “cosa andate cercando?” e “a chi appartenete?”; andrò indagando nell’entroterra delle appartenenze grazie ad altre preziose pagine e mi interrogherò sul valore che possono avere le voci antiche e nuove per una tale ricerca.
Concert program for Jazz Innovations II, February 18, 2016
Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman aiheena on minäkertojan kirjailijaidentiteetin rakentuminen norjalaiskirjailija Karl Ove Knausgårdin Taisteluni-romaanisarjan viidennessä osassa eli Viidennessä kirjassa (2015). Tutkielma tarjoaa poikkeuksellisen tulokulman paitsi vähän tutkituun ja yhteiskunnallisesti merkittävään kirjalliseen ilmiöön, myös sosiologiseen identiteettitutkimukseen. Sen tarkastelun kohteena on, miten kirjailijaidentiteettiä kerrotaan Knausgårdin kaunokirjallista romaania ja omaelämäkertaa yhdistävässä teoksessa. Tutkielma asemoituu kirjallisuussosiologian kentälle ja hyödyntää narratiivisen identiteettitutkimuksen periaatteita. Elina Jokisen teoksessaan Vallan kirjailijat (2010) jäsentämät kirjailijaidentiteettityypit (viimeiset romantikot, moderni kirjailijatyyppi ja postmodernit ammattikirjoittajat) ovat sen keskeisin teoreettinen viitekehys. Tutkielman metodi on narratiivinen tekstianalyysi. Siihen kiinnittyy dialoginen eli aineiston kanssa vuoropuhelua käyvä lukutapa, jonka apuvälineitä ovat kerronnan performatiivisia toistoja etsivä lukutapa sekä fokalisaation eli kertojanäänen käsite. Tutkielmassa hahmottuu minäkertoja, jonka kirjailijaidentiteettiprojekti perustuu kirjoittamisen sisäsyntyiselle pakolle eli romanttiselle kirjailijan kutsumukselle. Minäkertoja esittää kirjailijaidentiteettinsä kehityksen selviytymistarinana, jota läpivalaisevat kaunokirjalliset metaforat. Tutkielmasta voi samailla havaita, että Knausgårdin kerronnassa kirjailijuuden saavuttaminen edellyttää äärikokemuksia ja -ajatuksia. Tutkielmassa kuvataan minäkertojan kokemaa epävarmuutta ja ulkopuolisuutta narratiivissa esiintyviin toisiin nähden, mistä voi vapautua vain kirjoittamisen avulla. Kuitenkin tutkielmassa hahmottuu myös saavutetun kirjailijuuden problematisoiva vaikutus minäkertojan ammatti-identiteettiin. Tämä ilmenee kerronnassa moninaisina julkisen ja yksityisen elämän kipupisteinä. Tutkielman tuloksia on mahdollista hyödyntää paitsi Knausgårdin romaanisarjaa koskevassa jatkotutkimuksessa, myös tämän autofiktiivistä minää ja julkista minää koskeviin erontekoihin. Tutkielma tarjoaa myös poikkitieteellisesti jäsentyneen kirjailijaidentiteettinarratiivin mallin, jossa otetaan huomioon kaunokirjallisuuden omalakisuus. Siten se on yksi avauksista ymmärtävämpään kirjallisuussosiologiseen kirjailijaidentiteetti- ja omaelämäkertatutkimukseen.
Wydział Nauk Społecznych: Instytut Socjologii
Confidential "Gunji gokuhi" printed.
This paper explores the expertise in industrial (product) design and contribution of knowledge generated trough the design research. Within this approach the research is situated within the social structure that constitutes people, activity, context and culture where an artifact is seen to be a mediator for the generation of new knowledge and its application. The paper concludes about the importance of research and practice integration and points out that situating the research around the artifacts, as mediators of knowledge, is transferable to Human-Computer Interaction field and any other area of the design research