822 resultados para Sustainable Business Models
Renewable based power generation has significantly increased over the last years. However, this process has evolved separately from electricity markets, leading to an inadequacy of the present market models to cope with huge quantities of renewable energy resources, and to take full advantage of the presently existing and the increasing envisaged renewable based and distributed energy resources. This paper proposes the modelling of electricity markets at several levels (continental, regional and micro), taking into account the specific characteristics of the players and resources involved in each level and ensuring that the proposed models accommodate adequate business models able to support the contribution of all the resources in the system, from the largest to the smaller ones. The proposed market models are integrated in MASCEM (Multi- Agent Simulator of Competitive Electricity Markets), using the multi agent approach advantages for overcoming the current inadequacy and significant limitations of the presently existing electricity market simulators to deal with the complex electricity market models that must be adopted.
The emergence of new business models, namely, the establishment of partnerships between organizations, the chance that companies have of adding existing data on the web, especially in the semantic web, to their information, led to the emphasis on some problems existing in databases, particularly related to data quality. Poor data can result in loss of competitiveness of the organizations holding these data, and may even lead to their disappearance, since many of their decision-making processes are based on these data. For this reason, data cleaning is essential. Current approaches to solve these problems are closely linked to database schemas and specific domains. In order that data cleaning can be used in different repositories, it is necessary for computer systems to understand these data, i.e., an associated semantic is needed. The solution presented in this paper includes the use of ontologies: (i) for the specification of data cleaning operations and, (ii) as a way of solving the semantic heterogeneity problems of data stored in different sources. With data cleaning operations defined at a conceptual level and existing mappings between domain ontologies and an ontology that results from a database, they may be instantiated and proposed to the expert/specialist to be executed over that database, thus enabling their interoperability.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Supeior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob a orientação da Doutora Sandrina Francisca Teixeira
A saúde em Portugal vive hoje mudanças significativas. A criação de modelos de Gestão Empresarial em instituições públicas visa a melhor qualidade ao menor custo. A aquisição de equipamento médico, cada vez mais sofisticado, exige das instituições esforços redobrados. A necessidade de redução dos custos acoplada à necessidade de aquisição de tecnologias cada vez mais avançadas exige que as instituições tomem mediadas mais rigorosas para melhorar o processo de aquisição. É importante estabelecer desde o início de um processo de aquisição, as exatas necessidades da instituição, com um conjunto de especificações bem detalhado do produto a adquirir bem como um conjunto exigências que devem ser feitas perante os fornecedores que salvaguardem a instituição. O conhecimento do equipamento a adquirir facilita todo o processo. Assim é de extrema importância garantir o estudo bastante alargado do equipamento, permitindo à instituição uma melhor avaliação do equipamento, aquando da seleção do mesmo. A garantia da confiabilidade metrológica é outro ponto muito importante a ter em conta no processo, uma vez que o sucesso dos cuidados de saúde parte da confiança e segurança que transmitem aos seus utentes. O objetivo deste trabalho é o estudo de Ventiladores Pulmonares (VP) focando essencialmente na seleção e aquisição destes equipamentos. Neste estudo faz-se também um estudo dos procedimentos de avaliação da confiabilidade metrológica dos VP, tendo em vista a definição dos testes de verificação a serem efetuados ao longo do processo de aquisição. É normalizado o Caderno de Encargos (CE) e respetivas especificações/requisitos técnicos, tentando comprar de acordo com as reais necessidades da instituição, visando o menor desperdício e garantido a melhor qualidade.
Demand response has gained increasing importance in the context of competitive electricity markets and smart grid environments. In addition to the importance that has been given to the development of business models for integrating demand response, several methods have been developed to evaluate the consumers’ performance after the participation in a demand response event. The present paper uses those performance evaluation methods, namely customer baseline load calculation methods, to determine the expected consumption in each period of the consumer historic data. In the cases in which there is a certain difference between the actual consumption and the estimated consumption, the consumer is identified as a potential cause of non-technical losses. A case study demonstrates the application of the proposed method to real consumption data.
The smart grid concept is a key issue in the future power systems, namely at the distribution level, with deep concerns in the operation and planning of these systems. Several advantages and benefits for both technical and economic operation of the power system and of the electricity markets are recognized. The increasing integration of demand response and distributed generation resources, all of them mostly with small scale distributed characteristics, leads to the need of aggregating entities such as Virtual Power Players. The operation business models become more complex in the context of smart grid operation. Computational intelligence methods can be used to give a suitable solution for the resources scheduling problem considering the time constraints. This paper proposes a methodology for a joint dispatch of demand response and distributed generation to provide energy and reserve by a virtual power player that operates a distribution network. The optimal schedule minimizes the operation costs and it is obtained using a particle swarm optimization approach, which is compared with a deterministic approach used as reference methodology. The proposed method is applied to a 33-bus distribution network with 32 medium voltage consumers and 66 distributed generation units.
Demand response has gain increasing importance in the context of competitive electricity markets environment. The use of demand resources is also advantageous in the context of smart grid operation. In addition to the need of new business models for integrating demand response, adequate methods are necessary for an accurate determination of the consumers’ performance evaluation after the participation in a demand response event. The present paper makes a comparison between some of the existing baseline methods related to the consumers’ performance evaluation, comparing the results obtained with these methods and also with a method proposed by the authors of the paper. A case study demonstrates the application of the referred methods to real consumption data belonging to a consumer connected to a distribution network.
Power systems have been through deep changes in recent years, namely due to the operation of competitive electricity markets in the scope the increasingly intensive use of renewable energy sources and distributed generation. This requires new business models able to cope with the new opportunities that have emerged. Virtual Power Players (VPPs) are a new type of player that allows aggregating a diversity of players (Distributed Generation (DG), Storage Agents (SA), Electrical Vehicles (V2G) and consumers) to facilitate their participation in the electricity markets and to provide a set of new services promoting generation and consumption efficiency, while improving players’ benefits. A major task of VPPs is the remuneration of generation and services (maintenance, market operation costs and energy reserves), as well as charging energy consumption. This paper proposes a model to implement fair and strategic remuneration and tariff methodologies, able to allow efficient VPP operation and VPP goals accomplishment in the scope of electricity markets.
Demand response is an energy resource that has gained increasing importance in the context of competitive electricity markets and of smart grids. New business models and methods designed to integrate demand response in electricity markets and of smart grids have been published, reporting the need of additional work in this field. In order to adequately remunerate the participation of the consumers in demand response programs, improved consumers’ performance evaluation methods are needed. The methodology proposed in the present paper determines the characterization of the baseline approach that better fits the consumer historic consumption, in order to determine the expected consumption in absent of participation in a demand response event and then determine the actual consumption reduction. The defined baseline can then be used to better determine the remuneration of the consumer. The paper includes a case study with real data to illustrate the application of the proposed methodology.
Atualmente, o contexto de atuação das empresas tem sido cada vez mais desafiante dado o binómio de competitividade e crise financeira. Desta forma, a exploração de novas soluções e identificação de lacunas ou desequilíbrios no mercado torna-se imperial para o desenvolvimento das novas entidades. É com base nesta premissa que emerge o conceito de Start-Up, sendo o seu propósito o desenvolvimento de novos produtos e modelos de negócios inovadores. Como resultado, estas empresas tornam-se num elemento revitalizador do tecido económico dos países em que estão inseridas. De forma a possibilitar a potenciação das atividades desenvolvidas por estas entidades é crucial a identificação das diversas fontes de recursos financeiros e as consequentes contrapartidas exigidas. No entanto, dado o seu caráter inovador obviamente que vários são os riscos lhes estão associados, pelo que estas empresas deparam-se com mais dificuldades no momento de acesso aos recursos financeiros que pretendem. Desta forma, a presente dissertação analisa as tendências de financiamento das Start-Up tendo como motivação o facto desta temática ainda não se encontrar devidamente explorada e dado o desconhecimento desta realidade em Portugal. Neste sentido, e aliando a problemática existente com a motivação para a concretização da presente dissertação foram realizados um conjunto de inquéritos os quais foram aliados com o desenvolvimento de modelos empíricos multivariados aplicados aos dados seccionais e em painel. Os resultados alcançados com a investigação empírica permitiram concluir a influência de um conjunto de variáveis bem como justificar a orientação e estrutura de financiamento das Start-Up portuguesas. Das variáveis investigadas de ressalvar a influência significativa da Dimensão da Empresa, Estrutura de Ativos e Forma Legal no financiamento das Start-Up nacionais.
Towards a holistic perspective of CRM, this project aims to diagnose and propose a strategy and market segmentation for Siemens Healthcare. The main underlying principle is to apply a full customer-centric outlook taking own business properties into consideration while preserving Siemens Healthcare’s culture and vision. Mainly focused on market segmentation, this project goes beyond established boundaries by employing an unbiased perspective of CRM while challenging current strategy, goals, processes, tools, initiatives and KPIs. In order to promote a sustainable business excellence strategy, this project aspires to streamline CRM strategic importance and driving the company one step forward.
This work project presents a road map for making deals under the umbrella support of a private equity investor. Fundraising, investment analysis, asset monitoring, and divestment are stages in the process that are covered in-depth and clarified in terms of action plan and procedures. Moreover, private equity brings tangible and intangible efficiency to the economy and companies, not only by providing finance to grow and expand but also by forcing superior organizational organics that foster sustainable business positions. In a world domain, Europe as been a second liner as compared to US in terms of size within the private equity sector, but it is quickly maturing and converging to US numbers. In this sense, Portugal has been improving in both numbers and regulations in order to leverage on its strategic location and position itself as a key player to address future business challenges coming from emerging markets such as Africa and Latin America.
This dissertation analyses the growing pool of copyrighted works, which are offered to the public using Creative Commons licensing. The study consist of analysis of the novel licensing system, the licensors, and the changes of the "all rights reserved" —paradigm of copyright law. Copyright law reserves all rights to the creator until seventy years have passed since her demise. Many claim that this endangers communal interests. Quite often the creators are willing to release some rights. This, however, is very difficult to do and needs help of specialized lawyers. The study finds that the innovative Creative Commons licensing scheme is well suited for low value - high volume licensing. It helps to reduce transaction costs on several le¬vels. However, CC licensing is not a "silver bullet". Privacy, moral rights, the problems of license interpretation and license compatibility with other open licenses and collecting societies remain unsolved. The study consists of seven chapters. The first chapter introduces the research topic and research questions. The second and third chapters inspect the Creative Commons licensing scheme's technical, economic and legal aspects. The fourth and fifth chapters examine the incentives of the licensors who use open licenses and describe certain open business models. The sixth chapter studies the role of collecting societies and whether two institutions, Creative Commons and collecting societies can coexist. The final chapter summarizes the findings. The dissertation contributes to the existing literature in several ways. There is a wide range of prior research on open source licensing. However, there is an urgent need for an extensive study of the Creative Commons licensing and its actual and potential impact on the creative ecosystem.
Value chain collaboration has been a prevailing topic for research, and there is a constantly growing interest in developing collaborative models for improved efficiency in logistics. One area of collaboration is demand information management, which enables improved visibility and decrease of inventories in the value chain. Outsourcing of non-core competencies has changed the nature of collaboration from intra-enterprise to cross-enterprise activity, and this together with increasing competition in the globalizing markets have created a need for methods and tools for collaborative work. The retailer part in the value chain of consumer packaged goods (CPG) has been studied relatively widely, proven models have been defined, and there exist several best practice collaboration cases. The information and communications technology has developed rapidly, offering efficient solutions and applications to exchange information between value chain partners. However, the majority of CPG industry still works with traditional business models and practices. This concerns especially companies operating in the upstream of the CPG value chain. Demand information for consumer packaged goods originates at retailers' counters, based on consumers' buying decisions. As this information does not get transferred along the value chain towards the upstream parties, each player needs to optimize their part, causing safety margins for inventories and speculation in purchasing decisions. The safety margins increase with each player, resulting in a phenomenon known as the bullwhip effect. The further the company is from the original demand information source, the more distorted the information is. This thesis concentrates on the upstream parts of the value chain of consumer packaged goods, and more precisely the packaging value chain. Packaging is becoming a part of the product with informative and interactive features, and therefore is not just a cost item needed to protect the product. The upstream part of the CPG value chain is distinctive, as the product changes after each involved party, and therefore the original demand information from the retailers cannot be utilized as such – even if it were transferred seamlessly. The objective of this thesis is to examine the main drivers for collaboration, and barriers causing the moderate adaptation level of collaborative models. Another objective is to define a collaborative demand information management model and test it in a pilot business situation in order to see if the barriers can be eliminated. The empirical part of this thesis contains three parts, all related to the research objective, but involving different target groups, viewpoints and research approaches. The study shows evidence that the main barriers for collaboration are very similar to the barriers in the lower part of the same value chain; lack of trust, lack of business case and lack of senior management commitment. Eliminating one of them – the lack of business case – is not enough to eliminate the two other barriers, as the operational model in this thesis shows. The uncertainty of the future, fear of losing an independent position in purchasing decision making and lack of commitment remain strong enough barriers to prevent the implementation of the proposed collaborative business model. The study proposes a new way of defining the value chain processes: it divides the contracting and planning process into two processes, one managing the commercial parts and the other managing the quantity and specification related issues. This model can reduce the resistance to collaboration, as the commercial part of the contracting process would remain the same as in the traditional model. The quantity/specification-related issues would be managed by the parties with the best capabilities and resources, as well as access to the original demand information. The parties in between would be involved in the planning process as well, as their impact for the next party upstream is significant. The study also highlights the future challenges for companies operating in the CPG value chain. The markets are becoming global, with toughening competition. Also, the technology development will most likely continue with a speed exceeding the adaptation capabilities of the industry. Value chains are also becoming increasingly dynamic, which means shorter and more agile business relationships, and at the same time the predictability of consumer demand is getting more difficult due to shorter product life cycles and trends. These changes will certainly have an effect on companies' operational models, but it is very difficult to estimate when and how the proven methods will gain wide enough adaptation to become standards.
Zusammenfassung Mobile Telekommunikationstechnologien verändern den Alltag, ihre Benutzer und die Geschäftswelt. Im Zuge der Mobilität haben die Nutzer von mobilen Übertragungstechnologien ein hohes Kommunikationsbedürfnis in jeglicher Situation entwickelt: Sie wollen überall und jederzeit kommunizieren und informiert sein. Dies ist auch darauf zurückzuführen, dass ein Wandel der Individualisierung – von der Person zur Situation – stattgefunden hat. Im Rahmen der Untersuchung gehen wir auf diese entscheidenden Veränderung ein und analysieren die Potenziale des Kontextmarketing im mobilen Customer Relationship Management anhand der Erringung von Wettbewerbsvorteilen durch Situationsfaktoren. Daneben zeigen wir mögliche Geschäftsmodelle und Wertschöpfungsketten auf. Abgerundet wird die Arbeit durch die Darstellung möglicher personenbezogener, technischer und rechtlicher Restriktionen.